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Interaction of class libraries and widgetsets in Lazarus and Free Pascal

Widgetsets support platform-sensitive development with the Lazarus IDE system. They act as adapter libraries that provide an interface between a platform-inpedentent sourcecode written in Free Pascal and platform-specific system functions. Thus they allow for development of platform-native software without requiring to provide specific source code for different target platforms.

Widgetsets act as basis for the Lazarus Component Library (LCL).

Available widgetsets[]

Currently (June 2020), the development status of widget toolkit interfaces is roughly as follows:[1]

Widget set Supported operating systems Status
Windows API, GDI Windows Mainstream use
Windows CE API, GDI Windows CE Mainstream use
GTK+ 1.2.x Linux (via X11) Deprecated
GTK+ 2.8+ Linux (X11 and framebuffer), Windows, and Mac OS X (via X11) Mainstream use
GTK+ 3.x As Gtk2 Alpha
Qt 4.5+, 5.6+[2] Linux (X11 and framebuffer), Windows, Mac OS X Mainstream use. Works in Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Maemo, etc
Cocoa Mac OS X In progress
Carbon Mac OS X Mainstream use
fpGUI Windows, Windows CE, Linux (via X11) Initial stage
Lazarus Custom Drawn Controls Android, Windows, Linux (via X11), Mac OS X Initial stage


Further reading[]

  • Michaël van Canneyt; Florian Klämpfl (2012), Free Pascal (Free Pascal 2 ed.), Computer & Literatur Verlag GmbH, ISBN 978-3936546729, OL 25421359M, 393654672X
  • Michaël van Canneyt; Mattias Gärtner; Swen Heinig; Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho; Inoussa Ouedraogo; Jörg Braun (2011), Lazarus, Böblingen, Germany: Computer & Literatur Verlag GmbH, OL 25426539M
  • Michaël van Canneyt; Mathias Gärtner; Swen Heinig; Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho; Inoussa Ouedraogo (2011), Lazarus - the complete guide, Blaise Pascal Magazine, OL 25427992M
  • Roderick Person (2013), Getting Started with Lazarus IDE, Packt Publishing, ISBN 978-1782163404, OL 25426631M, 1782163409
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