Yaaqov Medan

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Official picture of Rabbi Yaaqov Medan

Yaaqov Medan (sometimes spelled, Ya'acov Medan) (Hebrew: יעקב מדן‎) (born 1950) is an Israeli Orthodox rabbi, co-Rosh yeshiva of Yeshivat Har Etzion[1] in Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem, and a lecturer in Tanakh, Gemara, and Jewish philosophy.


Yaakov Medan was a member of the first class at Yeshivat Har Etzion, and has lived in Gush Etzion since 1968.

He served in the Airborne Nahal Infantry unit during his Hesder army service. During the Yom Kippur War, he fought in the Golan Heights as a liaison officer in the Yiftach Brigade.[2]

Medan holds a B.Ed degree from Michlalah Jerusalem College, and an MA degree from Touro College.[3]

Rabbinic career[]

Together with Rabbi Baruch Gigi, Rabbi Medan joined Rabbi Yehuda Amital and Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein as a Rosh Yeshiva on January 4, 2006.

His Biblical analysis does not shy away from nuanced analysis of the patriarchs and other Biblical figures in innovative commentaries on Tanakh, which combine lucid textual analysis with intimate knowledge of geographical and historical realia, and of a vast body of Jewish tradition. He has published book-length studies on Daniel, Ruth, and the Batsheva story. A much wider variety of lectures which he has given at Yeshivat Har Etzion have not yet been published in written form.

He was a partner in drafting the Gavison-Medan Covenant,[4][5] a proposed constitution for the State of Israel which is intended to benefit Israel's religious and secular communities simultaneously (despite their disagreement on a number of issues).


  1. ^ Torah, Chovevei Torah Yeshivat Chovevei (July 2006). Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Tanakh Companion: The Book of Samuel. Ben Yehuda Press. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-9769862-4-9. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  2. ^ "Faith Under Fire". Segula Magazine.
  3. ^ "VBM Teachers - Harav Yaakov Medan". Virtual Beit Midrash.
  4. ^ Brugger, Winfried; Karayanni, Michael (2007). Religion in the public sphere: a comparative analysis of German, Israeli, American, and international law. Springer. pp. 398-. ISBN 978-3-540-73355-3. Retrieved 3 April 2011.
  5. ^ Gavison Medan FAQ

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