1999 in Romania

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This is a list of 1999 events that occurred in Romania.




  • 4 January – Start of the January 1999 Mineriad. Nearly 15,000 miners from National Coal Company in Jiu Valley start a strike to get higher salaries and renunciation to the program of closure of unprofitable mines, threatening to come to Bucharest if their demands are not met. The government refuses to negotiate.
  • 15 January – January 1999 Mineriad: The Mineriad is declared illegal.
  • 18 January – Over 10,000 miners begin a march to Bucharest.
  • 20 January – January 1999 Mineriad: President convokes the Parliament in extraordinary session. The government is ready to negotiate, as long as the miners stop. They are ready to talk, but only with the Prime Minister. At around 18 o'clock, those 10,000 miners reach Horezu where they stay overnight.
  • 21 January – January 1999 Mineriad: In Bucharest takes place a joint press conference of Group for Social Dialogue, Civic Alliance, Association of Former Political Prisoners in Romania, League for the Defence of Human Rights and Association of Victims of the Mineriads, during which is publicized the decision to organize a protest march against the miners manifestations, on 22 January. In Timișoara, over a thousand representatives of civil society organize a protest rally. At 15 o'clock, miners force the Costești barrage, which after an hour break it.
  • 22 January – January 1999 Mineriad – "Peace of Cozia": Start negotiations between the commission headed by Prime Minister Radu Vasile and miners' leader Miron Cozma. At 18:30, negotiations end, Prime Minister saying: No part won, instead the country won.
  • 23 January – January 1999 Mineriad – Miron Cozma and Romeo Beja, miners' leaders, convince the Prime Minister Radu Vasile to reopen Dâlja and Bărbăteni mines and to promise a salary increase for miners by 30–35%. Miners return in Jiu Valley.


  • 17 February – February 1999 Mineriad: In Stoenești, Olt County, a new Mineriad occurs with violent clashes between police and groups of miners moving toward the capital. Unofficial sources indicate 15 deaths, the highest death toll during all six mineriads.


  • 1 October – After a resounding corruption scandal that revealed the robbing of the bank, the government liquidates the bankrupt Bancorex.
  • 21 October – Appears in Bucharest the first issue of Playboy magazine.
  • 25 October – The first heart transplant in Romania is performed at the Floreasca Emergency Hospital by a team of doctors led by Prof. Dr. Șerban Brădișteanu.


Maria Banuș
Silvia Dumitrescu-Timică
  • 18 January – , literary critic, essayist and translator (b. 1948)
  • 4 March – , writer and humorist (b. 1922)
  • 22 March – , literary critic (b. 1937)
  • 20 June – Iulian Mihu, director (b. 1926)
  • 5 July – , critic, literary historian and essayist (b. 1941)
  • 12 July – Mircea Nedelciu, writer (b. 1950)
  • 14 July
    • , literary critic and historian (b. 1919)
    • Maria Banuș, poet, translator and essayist (b. 1914)
  • 16 July – , member of the humorous group Vacanța Mare (b. 1966)
  • 1 August – , theater and film actress (b. 1902)
  • 6 August – Mihai C. Băcescu, zoologist, oceanologist, museologist and member of the Romanian Academy (b. 1908)
  • 19 August – Mircea Sântimbreanu, writer of children's literature, publicist, screenwriter and film producer (b. 1926)
  • 5 November – , literary critic, essayist and literary chronicler (b. 1954)
  • 21 November – Ioan Chirilă, sports journalist and writer (b. 1925)
  • 25 November – , one of the most important historians and geographers of the Canary Islands (b. 1911)
  • 20 December – Valeriu Munteanu, linguist and translator (b. 1921)
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