201 is an HTTP status code indicating a new resource was successfully created in response to the request, with the textual part of the response line indicating the URL of the newly created document.
In astronomy[]
201 is a Saros cycle; the next solar eclipse in this cycle is predicted to take place in AD 3223.[1].
The New General Catalogue object is a magnitude 15 spiral galaxy in the constellation Cetus[2].
201 Penelope is a large Main beltasteroid discovered in 1879.
In other fields[]
A 201 file is a set of documents maintained by the US government for members of the Armed Forces. It is also referred to as the Official Military Personnel File.
201 in binary (11001001) is the title of an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Area code 201 is the area code assigned to northern New Jersey in the United States.
201 is the course number of basic or entry-level courses at some Canadian universities (such as the University of Calgary and Athabasca University), especially if the number 101 is allocated to remedial courses.
201 is also short for 201 Poplar, the jail in Memphis, Tennessee, and alluded to in many rap songs from Memphis artists.
in Philippine employment, a 201 file is a file detailing an employee's history and records with a particular employer
The 201 Class diesel locomotive used by Iarnród Éireann and NI Railways.