20th Parliament of Turkey

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This is a list of the 550 Members of Parliament elected in the 1995 general election held in Turkey. The MPs are listed by province. Turkey uses a D'Hondt proportional representative system to elect Members of Parliament. These MPs formed the 20th Parliament of Turkey. An overview of the parliamentary composition is shown in the table below.

Party Members Change Proportion Parliament Provinces
Welfare Party 158 Increase96 28.7% TBMM1995.svg

Turkish general election 1995.png

True Path Party 135 Decrease43 24.5%
Motherland Party 132 Increase17 24.0%
Democratic Left Party 76 Increase69 13.8%
Republican People's Party 49 Decrease39 8.9%
Total 550 100%
Members elected in 1999 (21st Parliament) →


Members Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
İmren Aykut Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
Erol Çevikçe Republican People's Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Halil İbrahim Özsoy Motherland Party
True Path Party
Kubilay Uygun Democratic Left Party
True Path Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Mehmet Altınsoy Welfare Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
Republican People's Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Democratic Left Party
Cemil Çiçek Motherland Party
Ali Dinçer Republican People's Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
Republican People's Party
Ünal Erkan True Path Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Republican People's Party
Motherland Party
Önder Sav Republican People's Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party
Hikmet Uluğbay Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Emre Gönensay True Path Party
Metin Şahin Democratic Left Party
Deniz Baykal Republican People's Party
Republican People's Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Saffet Kaya True Path Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Nahit Menteşe True Path Party
İsmet Sezgin True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Safa Giray Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Mustafa Güven Karahan Democratic Left Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
Köksal Toptan True Path Party
Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
Democratic Left Party
True Path Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Mahmut Sönmez Welfare Party


Members Party
Zeki Ergezen Welfare Party
True Path Party
Kamran İnan Motherland Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Avni Akyol Motherland Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Yusuf Ekinci Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
True Path Party
Cavit Çağlar True Path Party
Welfare Party
İlhan Kesici Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Republican People's Party
Turhan Tayan True Path Party
Ertuğrul Yalçınbayır Welfare Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
Democratic Left Party
Motherland Party
Republican People's Party
True Path Party
True Path Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
True Path Party
Republican People's Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Abdülkadir Aksu Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party


Members Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Mehmet Kemal Ağar True Path Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Tevhit Karakaya Welfare Party
Republican People's Party
Welfare Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
İsmail Köse True Path Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Democratic Left Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
Hikmet Çetin Republican People's Party
Welfare Party
Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Mahmut Oltan Sungurlu Motherland Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Republican People's Party
Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party
Republican People's Party
Motherland Party
Republican People's Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
Democratic Left Party
Şamil Ayrım True Path Party


Members Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Erkan Mumcu Motherland Party
True Path Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
İsmail Kahraman Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Aydın Menderes Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Mehmet Ali Şahin Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Ali Coşkun Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Korkut Özal Motherland Party
Ali Talip Özdemir Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Güneş Taner Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Meral Akşener True Path Party
Yıldırım Aktuna True Path Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Tansu Çiller True Path Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Hayri Kozakçıoğlu True Path Party
Necdet Menzir True Path Party
True Path Party
Namık Kemal Zeybek True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Mehmet Aydın Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Bülent Ecevit Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Erdoğan Toprak Democratic Left Party
Hüsamettin Özkan Democratic Left Party
Republican People's Party
Republican People's Party
Republican People's Party
Republican People's Party
Altan Öymen Republican People's Party
Republican People's Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Kaya Erdem Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Gencay Gürün True Path Party
True Path Party
Işılay Saygın True Path Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Şükrü Sina Gürel Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Ahmet Piriştina Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Republican People's Party
Republican People's Party
Aydın Güven Gürkan Republican People's Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Mustafa Kamalak Welfare Party
True Path Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Murat Başesgioğlu Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party
True Path Party
True Path Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
İsmail Cem Democratic Left Party
True Path Party
Ayvaz Gökdemir True Path Party
Abdullah Gül Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
İbrahim Yılmaz Motherland Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
İrfan Gürpınar Republican People's Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Doğan Güreş True Path Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Osman Pepe Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Onur Kumbaracıbaşı Republican People's Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Necmettin Erbakan Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Mustafa Kalemli Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
Oğuzhan Asiltürk Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Republican People's Party
Welfare Party
Mehmet Recai Kutan Welfare Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Bülent Arınç Welfare Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Oya Araslı Republican People's Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party
True Path Party
Republican People's Party
Democratic Left Party
Ayfer Yılmaz True Path Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Lale Aytaman Motherland Party
Republican People's Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
Mehmet Elkatmış Welfare Party
True Path Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Democratic Left Party
Motherland Party
Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Ahmet Mesut Yılmaz Motherland Party
Welfare Party


Members Party
Democratic Left Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party


İsim Parti
Ahmet Demircan Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
Murat Karayalçın Republican People's Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
True Path Party
Yaşar Topçu Motherland Party
Metin Bostancıoğlu Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party
Republican People's Party
Temel Karamollaoğlu Welfare Party
Abdüllatif Şener Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Motherland Party


Members Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
True Path Party


Members Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
Democratic Left Party
Democratic Left Party
True Path Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Motherland Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Eyüp Aşık Motherland Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Hikmet Sami Türk Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Kamer Genç True Path Party
Republican People's Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party


Members Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Welfare Party
Lütfullah Kayalar Motherland Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party


Members Party
Welfare Party
Motherland Party
True Path Party
Democratic Left Party
Hasan Gemici Democratic Left Party
Mümtaz Soysal Democratic Left Party


Retrieved from ""