BBCH-scale (rice)

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The BBCH-scale (rice) identifies the phenological development stages of rice Oryza sativa. It is a plant species specific version of the BBCH-scale.

Growth stage Code Description
0: Germination 00 Dry seed (caryopsis)
01 Beginning of seed imbibition
03 Seed imbibition complete (pigeon breast)
05 Radicle emerged from caryopsis
06 Radicle elongated, root hairs and/or side roots visible
07 Coleoptile emerged from caryopsis (in water-rice this stage occurs before stage 05)
09 Imperfect leaf emerges (still rolled) at the tip of the coleoptile
1: Leaf development1, 2 10 Imperfect leaf unrolled, tip of first true leaf visible
11 First leaf unfolded
12 2 leaves unfolded
13 3 leaves unfolded
1 . Stages continuous till ...
19 9 or more leaves unfolded
2: Tillering3 21 Beginning of tillering: first tiller detectable
22 2 tillers detectable
23 3 tillers detectable
2 . Stages continuous till ...
29 Maximum number of tillers detectable
3: Stem elongation3 30 Panicle initiation or green ring stage: chlorophyll accumulates in the stem tissue, forming a green ring
32 Panicle formation: panicle 1–2 mm in length
34 Internode elongation or jointing stage: internodes begin to elongate, panicle more than 2 mm long (variety-dependent)
37 Flag leaf just visible, still rolled, panicle moving upwards
39 Flag leaf stage: flag leaf unfolded, collar regions (auricle and ligule) of flag leaf and penultimate leaf aligned (pre-boot stage)
4: Booting 41 Early boot stage: upper part of stem slightly thickened, sheath of flag leaf about 5 cm out of penultimate leaf sheath
43 Mid boot stage: sheath of flag leaf 5–10 cm out of the penultimate leaf sheath
45 Late boot stage: flag leaf sheath swollen, sheath of flag leaf more than 10 cm out of penultimate leaf sheath
47 Flag leaf sheath opening
49 Flag leaf sheath open
5: Inflorescence emergence, heading4 51 Beginning of panicle emergence: tip of inflorescence emerged from sheath
52 20% of panicle emerged
53 30% of panicle emerged
54 40% of panicle emerged
55 Middle of panicle emergence: neck node still in sheath
56 60% of panicle emerged
57 70% of panicle emerged
58 80% of panicle emerged
59 End of panicle emergence: neck node level with the flag leaf auricle, anthers not yet visible
6: Flowering, anthesis 61 Beginning of flowering: anthers visible at top of panicle
65 Full flowering: anthers visible on most spikelets
69 End of flowering: all spikelets have completed flowering but some dehydrated anthers may remain
7: Development of fruit 71 Watery ripe: first grains have reached half their final size
73 Early milk
75 Medium milk: grain content milky
77 Late milk
8: Ripening 83 Early dough
85 Soft dough: grain content soft but dry, fingernail impression not held, grains and glumes still green
87 Hard dough: grain content solid, fingernail impression held
89 Fully ripe: grain hard, difficult to divide with thumbnail
9: Senescence 92 Over-ripe: grain very hard, cannot be dented by thumbnail
97 Plant dead and collapsing
99 Harvested product

1 A leaf is unfolded when its ligule is visible or the tip of the next leaf is visible
2 Tillering or stem elongation may occur earlier than stage 13; in this case continue with stages 21 or 30
3 If stem elongation begins before the end of tillering continue with stage 30
4 Flowering usually starts before stage 55; continue with principal stage 6


  • Lancashire, P.D.; H. Bleiholder; P. Langeluddecke; R. Stauss; T. van den Boom; E. Weber; A. Witzen-Berger (1991). "A uniform decimal code for growth stages of crops and weeds". Ann. Appl. Biol. 119 (3): 561–601. doi:10.1111/j.1744-7348.1991.tb04895.x.

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