BattleTech (fictional setting)

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A detailed timeline of the BattleTech fictional setting stretching from the late 20th century to the mid-32nd describes humanity's technological, social and political development and spread through space both in broad historical terms and through accounts of the lives of individuals who experienced and shaped that history,[1] with an emphasis on (initially) the year 3025 and creating an ongoing storyline from there. Generally, BattleTech assumes that its history is identical to real-world history up until approximately 1984, when the reported histories begin to diverge; in particular, the game designers did not foresee the fall of the Soviet Union, which plays a major role past 1990 in the fictional BattleTech history. Individual lifestyles remain largely unchanged from those of modern times, due in part to stretches of protracted interplanetary warfare during which technological progress slowed or even reversed. Cultural, political and social conventions vary considerably between worlds, but feudalism is widespread, with many states ruled by hereditary lords and other nobility, below which are numerous social classes.

A key feature of the BattleTech universe is the absence of non-human intelligent life. Despite one or two isolated encounters in novels, mankind is the only sentient species.

Above all, the central theme of BattleTech is conflict, consistent with the franchise's wargaming core.[2] Interstellar and civil wars, planetary battles, factionalization and infighting, as well as institutionalized combat in the shape of arena contests and duelling, form the grist of both novelized fiction and game backstories.

BattleTech's fictional history covers the approximately 1,150 years from the end of the 20th century to the middle of the 32nd. Most works in the series are set during the early to middle decades of the 31st century, though a few publications concern earlier ages.[3] MechWarrior: Dark Ages and its related novels take place in the mid 3100s.[4]


The level of technology evident in BattleTech is an unusual blend of the highly futuristic and the nearly modern. The universe is largely based in hard science fiction concepts — much of the technology used is either similar in advancement to that of the present day, or based on technology considered plausible in the near-future, such as the railgun. A handful of exceptions, notably faster-than-light interstellar travel and superluminal communication, depend on purely fictional or speculative principles. Radically advanced tech mixes with seemingly anachronistic technologies such as internal combustion engines and projectile weapons. Artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, androids, and many other staples of future fiction are generally absent or downplayed. Incessant warfare is generally blamed for the uneven advancement, the destruction of industry and institutes of learning over the centuries of warfare having resulted in the loss of much technology and knowledge. As rivalries and conflicts have dragged on, advanced technologies are redeveloped for the battlefield.[5][6]

One of the earliest and most significant events in BattleTech technology was the advent of faster-than-light travel. Scientists first successfully tested an FTL engine in 2107, and late in the following year mounted the first long-range manned voyage, a 12-light year jump to the Tau Ceti star system. However, faster-than-light communication would not be developed until 2630.[7] Technological advancements continued slowly but steadily through the third millennium, notably including the development of the first BattleMech in 2439.[8] This advancement reached its zenith during the latter years of the Star League with computing, communications, sensors, power and motor systems, medical sciences, and other technologies reaching high levels of refinement.[9]

Following the collapse of the Star League in 2781, its constituent states fell into a protracted struggle for supremacy known as The Succession Wars. The conflict saw the common use of weapons of mass destruction and the widespread destruction of factories, shipyards, and research facilities, resulting in a slow but steady degradation of scientific and technological expertise. By the dawn of the fourth millennium, few sites in the Inner Sphere retained the ability to construct or even repair the more sophisticated Star League-era devices, and lost or hidden caches of such "lostech" became highly sought after. A mercenary unit, the Gray Death Legion, discovered one such cache, including a Star League memory core, on the planet Helm in 3026, a discovery that sparked a major technological renaissance.[9]

The exodus of much of the Star League Defense Force after the League's collapse was also a significant blow to technological development in the Inner Sphere since it included many of the most advanced vessels and pieces of hardware. Later to become known as the Clans, these forces, unlike those in the Inner Sphere, retained their technology and made refinements and enhancements that set them ahead of their Successor States counterparts. The return of the Clans to the Inner Sphere in 3048 prompted a flurry of technological development.[10][11]

In August 3132, a mysterious calamity collapsed the Hyperpulse Generator network, inhibiting interstellar communication and heralding a slow-down of technological development.[citation needed]

Space travel[]

Faster-than-light travel across interstellar distances is common in the BattleTech universe and depends on an advanced space-warping technology known as the Kearny-Fuchida Drive. In a K-F jump, an initiator produces a hyperspace field which is then magnified and focused by a large, superconductive mass of titanium/germanium. The amplified field envelopes the ship and pushes it through a hole in normal space called a "jump point," through which it enters hyperspace. Depending on the distance to be traversed, the ship spends up to 15 seconds in hyperspace before reemerging into normal space through another jump point at the destination. The opening and closing of jump points destroys large numbers of subatomic particles and produces a pulse of electromagnetic energy that can be detected at considerable range.[12]

Jumps are normally made to and from points far above a solar system's ecliptic, usually where the gravitational influence in the system is most stable; however, so-called "pirate points" exist where local gravitational pull is stable enough to use; though quicker, using such points is also more dangerous due to the random appearance of so-called "Lagrange points".[13] Jumping requires copious amounts of energy, usually gathered from the nearby star over the course of approximately a week by large solar collectors similar to solar sails and stored in giant capacitors. A quicker but less common technique is to draw the energy from a fusion reactor, or to take advantage of recharge stations in the vicinity of major jump points.[13] Jump failures can result from charging the drive too quickly, poor drive maintenance, or spatial anomalies.

Interplanetary and orbital space travel is also common practice, generally conducted by fusion-powered dropships and various smaller aerospace craft.


BattleTech spacecraft range considerably in size and function, but generally fall into three broad categories – jumpships, dropships, and small craft.

Vessels equipped with K-F drives are known as jumpships and range in mass up to 500,000 tons, though warships, a subclass of jumpship hardened against attack and fitted with naval weapons, may mass up to 2.5 million tons. The size and delicacy of a jumpship's K-F drive and the danger of jumping while in a gravitational well limits such vessels to deep space and precludes planetary landings. Jumpships often use sail-like collectors to gather solar energy and fusion engines for sub-light maneuvers, and normally travel with a small retinue of dropships.

Dropships are fusion-powered craft built to transport people and cargo between space-bound jumpships and planetary surfaces, or between jumpships. Dropships lack faster-than-light engines and instead use fusion motors for covering short interplanetary distances, for orbital and atmospheric maneuvers, and for takeoffs and landings. They mass anywhere between 400 and 100,000 tons, and are usually of either aerodyne (aerodynamic) or spheroidal configuration. Dropships are used for both military and civilian/commercial transportation.

The smallest vessels capable of space travel are known simply as "small craft," or as aerospace craft if capable of planetary landings. They may serve military functions (as fighters or bombers) or civilian purposes (e.g., transportation).


HyperPulse Generator (HPG) arrays serve as the primary means of interstellar communication in the BattleTech universe and operate on worlds throughout inhabited space.

HPGs operate on a similar principle as the Kearny-Fuchida jump drive, sending a directional radio transmission instantaneously from one station to another over a distance of up to 50 light years.[7] Though the nature of the technology allows only unidirectional broadcasts, paired HPGs can provide simultaneous bidirectional communication. Given the demand and expense of hyperpulse communication, messages are frequently bundled into batches of hundreds, sent simultaneously. While the transmission itself is nearly instantaneous, it may be days, weeks, or months before a message is sent, though one can pay a higher fee for "priority service." A message can reach any station in the Inner Sphere in approximately six months, with transit times of as little as a few days possible at great expense.[14]

The first successful hyperpulse broadcast occurred on New Year's Day, 2630.[7] Over the next 150 years, the Star League constructed a network of generators that extended hyperpulse communications to numerous worlds throughout the Inner Sphere. During the Succession Wars, ComStar assumed the operation and maintenance of the network, shrouding the system's operation in mystical trappings. Ostensibly neutral, ComStar leveraged its communications monopoly for political purposes, occasionally imposing "interdictions" (denials of service) on the Great Houses, which crippled their victims by preventing them from coordinating a defense of their realm. Following the fracturing of ComStar after the battle of Tukayyid in 3052, hyperpulse technology slowly began to disseminate to the states of the Inner Sphere. A mysterious calamity collapsed the Hyperpulse Generator network in August 3132, effectively ending practical interstellar communication over much of inhabited space. In the wake of the collapse, jumpships served as a kind of "pony express," ferrying messages from world to world.


The most visible and distinctive machinery in the BattleTech franchise are the mecha known as 'Mechs. Those tailored for combat are known as BattleMechs and, with other less common forms such as WorkMechs and ProtoMechs, are central to BattleTech wargaming and feature prominently in most spinoffs and related fiction.


Neural engineering, particularly in the form brain–computer interfaces, is not uncommon in the BattleTech universe. Its principal application is the "neurohelmet," a device used in nearly all BattleMechs that gives the 'Mech's pilot the ability to control some aspects of the machine's behavior simply by thought. The neurohelmet provides balance information to the 'Mech to assist in walking and maneuvering. It also acts as a security device, limiting access to authorized users via alpha brain wave pattern recognition (many BattleMechs mentioned in the novels also incorporate more conventional security measures such as voice-recognition and personalised codes).

Other applications of bionics range from prosthetic limbs to elective implants intended to improve strength or enhance the senses.[15]

Environmental engineering[]

During prosperous eras of colonization, entrepreneurs employed jumpships to transport ice bergs from water-rich planets to arid colony worlds. Colonies dependent on this ice trade prospered while it continued, but little true terraforming was accomplished in this way and the colonies tended to wither when the trade was interrupted by wars. The practice was largely abandoned in the 27th century due to advances in water purification.[8]

Terraforming, the process of adapting an inhospitable planetary environment into one suitable for human occupation, occurs with varying degrees of success through history. Terran engineers mounted repeated attempts over the course of centuries to moderate the dense and acidic atmosphere of Venus, succeeding enough to allow limited surface colonization under protective domes.

Political entities[]

BattleTech's universe is governed by numerous interstellar human governments that vie for supremacy. Described below are the major areas into which these factions fall.


Terra is the homeworld of mankind (no longer commonly called Earth, although this name is sometimes used) and former capital of the Star League. Several groups have held Terra, including the Terran Alliance, Terran Hegemony, ComStar, Word of Blake, and the Republic of the Sphere; most of these nations fought bitter struggles upon Terra, scarring the world.

Inner Sphere[]

The Inner Sphere, heart of the BattleTech universe, contains all worlds within 500 light-years of Terra. While a variety of smaller states have come and gone, the Inner Sphere has historically been dominated by five "Great Houses" who rule over their separate dominions: House Davion (Federated Suns), House Liao (Capellan Confederation), House Marik (Free Worlds League), House Steiner (Lyran Commonwealth), and House Kurita (Draconis Combine). The term "Inner Sphere" sometimes refers to these houses collectively. The leader of each Great House claims to be the rightful successor to the rule of the Star League, and so the nations the Houses rules over are known as the Successor States.


The space surrounding the Inner Sphere contains a number of independent nations, known collectively as the Periphery. The largest of these nations (the Outworlds Alliance, Taurian Concordat, Magistracy of Canopus, and Rim Worlds Republic) predate the Star League and rival the Successor States themselves in size, but are vastly inferior economically and militarily. More moderately sized nations, such as the Marian Hegemony or Bandit Kingdoms, also lie near the Inner Sphere. The Periphery contains countless other independent nations, many consisting of a single star system each and rarely playing a significant role in Inner Sphere politics. The mostly uncharted space beyond the nearby Periphery states is known as the Deep Periphery and contains numerous pirate havens and lost Star League colonies.


During the fall of the aforementioned Star League, the Star League Defense Force exiled itself and eventually settled in the Deep Periphery. They reformed into the Clans, a warrior-centric caste society relying on genetic manipulation and artificial birth. The four strongest of these Clans returned to the Inner Sphere as would-be conquerors in 3049, were reinforced by three more Clans a year later, and were joined in the late 3060s by another two. Of the original twenty Clans, by 3067 three were absorbed, two were annihilated, two fragmented, two defected, and one was abjured. The Clan Occupation Zones together occupy a region roughly equivalent to one of the Successor States.[16]


The Inner Sphere is home to many private military companies. Some of them are quite powerful, and their actions have influenced the history of the universe. Among the most famous mercenary groups are the Wolf's Dragoons, Eridani Light Horse, Kell Hounds, Northwind Highlanders, Gray Death Legion, and McCarron's Armored Cavalry.[17][18]

"The Unseen"[]

Rather than create their own original robot art, FASA decided to use already-extant designs that had originally been created for a variety of different Japanese anime, including Dougram, Crusher Joe, and Macross. The rights to these images were licensed from . In later years, FASA abandoned these images as a result of a lawsuit brought against them by Playmates Toys and Harmony Gold over the use of said images.[19] In 2007, Classic BattleTech line developer Randall N. Bills explained that FASA had sued Playmates over the use of images owned by FASA. Although Playmates was ordered to stop using the images in question, FASA received no financial compensation. FASA realized that the use of licensed images made them vulnerable to lawsuits and worried that such a suit would bankrupt the company. Following the suit, FASA made the decision to use only images that they owned in future products.

The anime-sourced BattleMechs continued to be referenced in-universe, but their images were no longer seen in new sourcebooks. This led them to be termed by fans as "the Unseen". When Fantasy Productions licensed the property, these "Unseen" images were expanded to include all art produced "out-of-house" – that is, whose copyrights resided with the creators, not the company. Catalyst Game Labs has continued this practice.[20]

On 24 June 2009, Catalyst Game Labs announced that they had secured the rights to the "Unseen" art. As a result, art depicting the original 'Mechs could be legally used again.[21] However, an update on 11 August 2009 stated that the part of the deal regarding designs that originated in images from Macross had fallen through, returning the original images to Unseen status once again. Since then, designs that originated in images from Dougram and Crusher Joe are no longer considered Unseen.[22]

Geography of the BattleTech universe[]

The Federated Suns[]

Capellan March[]

In the BattleTech universe (a fictional location), the Capellan March is an administrative subdivision of the . Originally one of five Marches. The Capellan March grew out of the disbanded Terran March. Also disbanded was the following and the subsequent secession from the Federated Commonwealth. Most of the Sarna March was either absorbed by the Capellan Confederation or the . The Achernar Polymorphous Defense Zones (PDZ) remained in Federated Suns' hands and was added to the Capellan March.

The Capellan March has traditionally been the land hold of the Hasek family, known as a border march. The leader also holds the title of Duke of New Syrtis, the capital world of the Capellan March. The Duke or Duchess of New Syrtis also holds hereditary title to the dual positions: Director of the Capellan March command (carries the rank of ) and Minister of the Capellan March. This effectively concentrates civil and military authority for the march in one individual. They can then apply all their resources to deal with any military threats. The population of the Capellan March have a deeply cultivated tradition of hatred for the neighboring Capellan Confederation. The vast majority of the winners of the decoration are based out of the Capellan March.

For military purposes, the march is divided into two Operations Areas or Combat Theaters, Edgeward and Coreward. Despite New Syrtis being located in the Edgeward Combat Theater the headquarters (HQ) command is on Taygeta (alternate name: Taygeta OA). The Coreward Combat Theater's HQ has traditionally been on Kathil, however Duke moved it to Novaya Zemlya during the and seems content to leave it there (still known as the Kathil OA). From there, the Theaters are broken down into over a dozen PDZs.

Crucis March[]

The Crucis March is the central portion of the state known as the . The Crucis March has historically been ruled by the . The capital for march and the Federated Suns is . Unlike the other marches of the Federated Suns, the Crucis March is divided into Combat Regions completely aligned with the Administrative Regions of the Realm, as opposed to the Draconis and Capellan Marches which are divided into PDZs.

Draconis March[]

The Draconis March is the region of the that borders the . Hostility between the Draconis March and their enemies in the Combine establishes a cultural basis for the Draconis March. The Draconis March's capital is the world of Robinson. It has historically been ruled by the Sandoval Family. The military honor guard is the Robinson Rangers (the New Ivaarsen Chaussers are also historically associated with the region). During Simon Davion's Five Princes era, part of the Draconis March was absorbed into the Terran March, including the capital of Robinson.

Sarna March[]

The Sarna March is an administrative district of the Federated Commonwealth. The Sarna March was created after the out of the worlds the Federated Suns conquered from the Capellan Confederation and the in the early 3030s. Since gave the conquered worlds to his wife, , as a wedding present, the Sarna March was technically a part of the State Command. As such, the march was named after its capital world, Sarna, in the fashion.

The Sarna March was divided into two Operations Areas, Sarna and Terra Firma.

The Sarna March ceased to exist around 3058, after the secession. Since the Sarna March was a part of the Lyran State, insisted on garrisoning it primarily with Lyran units. The Lyrans used JumpShips to return to Lyran space, leaving the remaining Federated Commonwealth units stranded and helpless. Simultaneously, Capellan guerillas destabilized the planetary governments, but lacked the ability to consolidate them without support. This created a no-man's land dubbed the Chaos March.

The St. Ives Compact[]

The St. Ives Compact is a minor Inner Sphere nation.


The Compact began life as the St. Ives Mercantile League. That nation merged with four others to form the Capellan Confederation. As one of the original five founding nations St. Ives became the St. Ives Commonality.[23]

The Compact was formed in 3029,[24] as a result of the . , firstborn of and his heir, fell in love with , a spy who had infiltrated the Capellan Confederation's spy agency. Rather than stay in the Capellan Confederation as a double-agent who had helped conquer a third of it, she fled to her home nation and took the St. Ives Commonality with her.[25]

Given the destruction the Capellan military suffered at the hand of the Federated Suns, the military was unable to intervene in the St. Ives secession. To further protect her fledgling nation, allied with the Federated Suns who in turn provided military protection.

Clan invasion[]

The 3030s and '40s were an era of peace for St. Ives. and married and had four children, , Cassandra, Kuan-Yin, and Quintus Allard-Liao.

News of the Clan Invasion reached St. Ives and they were unaware of who was attacking. At that time, was a member of the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth and his unit was rotated to the Clan front.[26] The leaders of the Inner Sphere were called to a strategic conference on . There, revealed that the Clans were the descendants of the led into exile by in 2784.[27] In aid to their Federated Commonwealth allies, authorized the 1st St. Ives Lancers to help defend against the invasion.

After returning from Outreach a Capellan assassin attempted to kill Candace and Justin. The assassin succeeded in wounding Candance, but was killed before Justin died of his wounds. Candace traveled home to Sian and killed her sister and the father of Romano's children. Rather than assume the throne herself, she allowed Romano's eldest, , to become Chancellor.

The Clan Invasion was halted in 3052 by the Truce of Tukayyid, well before Clan troops neared the St. Ives Compact.

Capellan-St. Ives war[]

In 3060,[24] Chancellor Sun-Tzu determined that the time was right to reclaim St. Ives. Through poisonous family politicking in the Federated Commonwealth, a new regime under came to power that was much less sympathetic to St. Ives. Sun-Tzu had been elected First Lord of the Star League and he used that power to great effect.

A Capellan spy had worked her way up in the ranks of the St. Ives military and she launched an "unprovoked" assault against the Capellan Confederation, acting under her authority as a battalion commander. This was a plot by Sun-Tzu to make St. Ives appear as the aggressor. Sun-Tzu called in , but some members of the St. Ives military attacked them, believing it to be the next step in a Sun-Tzu plot. This played perfectly into his hands as it continued to portray St. Ives as the aggressor.[28]

In 3061, at the Second Whitting Conference, the Star League member nations voted to withdraw peacekeepers from St. Ives because they saw that Sun-Tzu was simply using them to supplement his own forces attempting to retake St. Ives. Most of the damage had been done and Sun-Tzu replaced the SLDF troops with Capellan forces. Candace decided that defending the entire Compact was impossible. So she decided to defend the "lower," larger half of the crescent-shaped nation and abandoned the capital of .[29]

Candace and Sun-Tzu agreed upon a peace negotiated by Kuan-Yin Allard-Liao and former Precentor Martial . This agreement called for the Allard-Liao family to hold the St. Ives Commonality as their landhold and for St. Ives to have a greater say in military matters than any of the other Commonalities. With those compromises in place, the St. Ives Compact was officially reintegrated into the Capellan Confederation[30] in 3063.[31]

St. Ives Military Command[]

The SIMC was never large. It consisted of the prestigious St. Ives Lancers, the workhorse St. Ives Armored Cavalry, and St. Ives Janissaries (a unit modeled on the . SIMC doctrine was an amalgamation of strategy and tactics from the Capellan Confederation Armed Forces and the Armed Forces of the Federated Commonwealth. The SIMC also maintained the St. Ives Academy of Martial Sciences on St. Ives. The only military academy in the Compact, SIAMS was designed to train officers for the SIMC.[30]

The Lyran Commonwealth[]


Tharkad is the capital world of both the and later the . Traditionally, the ruling family lives here.

Thakard was discovered in 2310 by an explorer group from nearby Donegal. The rugged mountains and windy Arctic climate extending over most of its surface made it a dreary place for humans.But the world also contained major radioactive and gem deposits. When Seth Marsden visited Tharkad in 2311, he found the cold, peaceful solitude breathtaking. So taken was he with the long nights and their spectacular aurora borealis that Marsden eventually managed to control and claim it as his own. He implemented a program of massive importation of cold weather plants and animals from Terra and other worlds to spread across his new home.

He had soon created a world with large pine forests populated with deer, caribou, wolves, Skye boars, and Tharkan gazelle. In many ways, Tharkad is like the Arctic wilderness of Terra, except that its Arctic regions extend all the way down to the 30th latitude of the planet. There are five major continents and three major island chains on Tharkad. The capital, Tharkad City, is located on Bremen, the largest continent.

When Tharkad became the capital of the Lyran Commonwealth in 2407, space was cleared in the middle of a large forest ten kilometers to the north of Olympia for construction of the Capital city. The large and somberly elegant Royal Palace, Government House, and Royal Court form the three cusps of the Triad, triangular complex of buildings all devoted to the administration of the Commonwealth. Today, the Triad includes over 300 buildings of all types and styles, whose purposes range from hospitals, houses of worship, apartments for nobles and Representatives from distant worlds, to a botanical garden. It is commonly said, there is a building for every populated world in the Commonwealth somewhere in the Triad.

Even the fusion reactor generating power and heat deep beneath this modern city cannot hold back the Tharkan cold. At the first sign of winter snowfall, the people unpack clothing designed for the coming Tharkan blizzards and bone-chilling cold. Attending the Royal Court during a Tharkan winter is an unusual experience for those used to visiting courts in warmer climes. The Commonwealth nobility like to dress in furs during the winter months, more out of necessity than vanity. Women wear long, fur-trimmed gowns, while the men wear fur hats and fur coats crisscrossed with chains of jewelry and precious metals. As people speak in the large and high-ceilinged Throne Room, their breaths sometimes rise in wisps of condensation to create a thin layer of shiny ice on the armor of the two Griffin BattleMechs guarding the Archon.

Set on the crest of nearby Mount Wotan is Asgard, the military headquarters of the Steiner armed forces. It is a fortress with one major tower flanked by four smaller ones. All five towers are heavily armed. Below them are hangars for a regiment of 'Mechs, two infantry and tank groups, and a Wing of AeroSpace Fighters. Built approximately 200 feet beneath the base of the mountain is the headquarters of the Lyran Intelligence Corps (LIC). The LIC directs all operations from this hardened bunker, assigning agents to missions and monitoring the current political and military situation throughout Inner Sphere. The walls of the bunker are two meters thick and reinforced with a charged-steel mesh. In addition to protecting the occupants and equipment against bombardment, the walls also absorb electromagnetic pulses (EMP) should an attacker resort to nuclear weapons.

There are no roads leading to the Triad so all traffic must enter by VTOL craft or through one of three separate subway systems. They link the Triad to Olympia in the south, Asgard in the west, and the rest of Tharkad City five miles to the north.

During the Good Years, the planet underwent a boom in mining and steel manufacture. The Star League established a military base with large storage facilities on the tropical Tatyana Islands during this time. With the fall of Star League, Tharkad's industries were plunged into deep economic depression. With the need to produce weapons and other military equipment for the Succession Wars, Tharkad's industries recovered.

Tharkad is also home to the Nagelring, the oldest and most prestigious military academy in the Commonwealth. Named after a sword used by an ancient German folk-hero, the academy was originally an official Star League academy. When the Steiner house forces assumed control they were surprised to find that many of the professors and instructors had decided to stay.

The Nagelring began producing trained officers in all fields for the Commonwealth military. A sprawling university on Tharkad's Bremen continent, the academy has an extensive variety of training aids such as Chameleon training 'Mechs and two-seat Jenny Aerospace fighters. The academy also trains DropShip and JumpShip crews.

Located in Olympia, Tharkad University specializes in history. Though history may not seem as important as scientific research, its study is crucial because 90% of the scientific knowledge now being 'discovered' was originally known for hundreds of years before the Succession Wars erased it from human memory. Katherine Steiner, the first Steiner Archon, was an alumna of Tharkad University and her government continues to heavily fund it.

Most widely known of all the various arts colleges throughout the Commonwealth, is the Rewland College of Fine Arts on Tharkad. It was at Rewland that Jamison Henry, the famed-MechWarrior poet, first realized his talent.

The Draconis Combine[]

In the fictional BattleTech universe, the Draconis Combine' is one of the in the "North-East" quarter of the Inner Sphere.


Luthien a heavily industrialized world that is traditionally the seat of power for the ruling family of the Draconis Combine, . Remained relatively untouched during the succession wars, but during the Clan invasion (specifically year 3052) Luthien was invaded by Clan Smoke Jaguar and Clan Nova Cat. Defeated by the Combine's warriors and the additions of the mercenary units The Kell Hounds and Wolf's Dragoons thanks on part of House Davion. The ensuing battle left Luthien heavily scarred and remained so for many years despite the population's reconstructive efforts. During 3059 the newly formed Star League Defense Force under Victor Steiner-Davion used Luthien as a staging ground for Operation Bulldog, driving the Smoke Jaguar from the Draconis Combine. During the Jihad the Word Of Blake savagely attacked Luthien with nuclear and chemical weapons.

The Free Worlds League[]

The Free Worlds League is one of the five within the fictional BattleTech universe. The Free Worlds League has been traditionally ruled by , which has held the title of Captain-General for centuries, and a central Parliament, located on , the capital of the Free Worlds League.

Duchy of Andurien[]

One of the most restive provinces of the Free Worlds League is the Duchy of Andurien. Historically, the Andurien worlds have been disputed between the Free Worlds League and House Liao's Capellan Confederation. Its people resent being treated as a prize by these larger powers, and would prefer independence.

From 2366 to 2369, the Free Worlds League captured several worlds from the fledgling Capellan Confederation, including Andurien. A decade of fierce fighting failed to reverse the losses.

In 2398, Kurnath Liao began the First Andurien War to reclaim the Andurien systems.

In 2528, the depraved Chancellor Kalvin Liao, obsessed with the daughter of Andurien's duke, launched the Second Andurien War. Following his assassination in 2530, his successor ended the war the next year.

Terrence Liao invaded Andurien again in 2551. Although militarily unsuccessful, Albert Marik conceded the Andurien worlds in exchange for Terrence's agreement to join the Star League.

In the First Succession War, the Free Worlds League recaptured the Andurien systems in a 2789 campaign. However, Andurien fared well in the Succession Wars: Capellan reverses, forcing them on the defensive and giving them fresher irredentist grievances, prevented another massive invasion.

Andurien's ruler, Dame Catherine Humphreys, forged a covert alliance with Magestrix Kyalla Centrella of the . The conclusion of the in 3030, which saw the routed Capellans lose half their territory to the , emboldened them. Andurien declared independence in September, and began a joint invasion with Canopus of the Capellan Confederation, hoping to seize enough planets to make their alliance a significant power. But the Capellans rallied, and drove out the invaders. Meanwhile, Andurien's secession had created a backlash in the rest of the League in favor of the Marik rulers, who now moved against Andurien. Centrella cut Humphreys loose to fend for herself, and the Duchy was overrun by 3040.

The Capellan Confederation[]

The smallest of the , The Capellan Confederation is a self-proclaimed socialist meritocracy ruled by , from whom almost all of the nation's ruling Chancellors have been descended. Its name is derived from the Capellan Reaches, the region of space spreading out from towards the star system Capella, and for the Capellan Hegemony, once centered on Capella, which was one of the Confederation's founding members.

Free Rasalhague Republic[]

The Free Rasalhague Republic was a nation born in the wake of the , which enjoyed less than two decades of independence before being almost totally overrun by the invasion of the Clans.

In 2330, 's expansionist invaded the Principality of Rasalhague, subduing it only after more than three decades of guerrilla war.[32] The Rasalhague District remained the most restive province of the Combine, as its original Scandinavian inhabitants resisted assimilation into the Japanese-dominated culture of their Kuritan conquerors. In 3004, a Rasalhagian bodyguard assassinated Coordinator Hohiro Kurita.[33] During the Fourth Succession War, many Rasalhagians greeted the troops as liberators and helped them to capture many Rasalhague worlds before the war's end in 3030.[34] However, Lyran Duke Selvin Kelswa wanted to retain the conquered planets in his Tamar Pact, and his heavyhanded treatment of their people thoroughly alienated them.[35]

Primus Myndo Waterly of convinced Theodore Kurita of the advantages of granting Rasalhague independence. It would relieve the Combine of its most rebellious citizens, create a buffer state on the border with the Commonwealth, pressure the Lyrans to disgorge their Rasalhagian conquests to the new republic, and perhaps inspire secessionists in the Lyran Isle of Skye. She also promised him military equipment from ComStar's secret stocks in exchange.[36]

On March 13, 3034, Haakon Magnusson[37] proclaimed the independence of the Free Rasalhague Republic.[38] The new FRR was quickly recognized by ComStar and the Draconis Combine. Some Kuritan troops refused to obey Theodore's orders, but he crushed them in the Ronin War.[39] As foreseen by Waterly, Lyran ruler Katrina Steiner turned over captured Rasalhague planets to the FRR. The new state sought to appease both the Commonwealth and the Combine through scrupulous neutrality, even adopting a policy of equal trade called the Even Scale Policy.[40]

However, the gravest threat to Free Rasalhague's precarious independence would come not from its two powerful neighbors, but the unexpected Clan invasion of the Inner Sphere. Most of the FRR was overrun by Clan Wolf and Clan Ghost Bear, before the Clan advance was halted in 3052 by the intervention of the ComGuards. The rump state that survived became a virtual protectorate of ComStar.[41]

Meanwhile, the Ghost Bears pursued good relations with their subjects, creating the Ghost Bear Dominion. In 3103, the holdout Free Rasalhague Republic merged with the Ghost Bears to form the Rasalhague Dominion.

The Periphery[]

The Periphery is the outer spatial area surrounding the Inner Sphere within the fictional universe of BattleTech.

Within the BattleTech universe, the residents of the Periphery are seen by their counterparts within the Inner Sphere as barbarians and pirates, even though several nation-states within the Periphery are just as capable of waging war on a scale on thought possible by the Inner Sphere armed forces for centuries.

The Periphery can be defined in three ways: cultural, technological parameters, and physical distance from Terra, the homeworld of Humanity. Though the personalities across the Periphery are as diverse as the cultures of the Inner Sphere, this stunning diversity is due to the people's independence and self-reliance.

Major Periphery States[]

The Taurian Concordat[]

Founded as an attempt to develop a free, egalitarian state that would be free from the oppressive nature of the Terran Alliance. The concordat is located within and around the Haydes-Cluster, a celestial feature, within the fictional universe of Battletech. Samantha Calderon led a fleet of ships and colonist who wish to avoid another Outer Reaches Rebellion and the turmoil that came form it.

The planets within the nebula were rich and habitable, a rare find as most planets within the fictional universe are usually hostile and barely capable of sustaining human life. After a century the concordat grew beyond its birthplace and colonized other planets outside the nebula.

The concordat grew through colonization expand ever so, soon this success caused the Federated Suns, seeing the Periphery state as an easy target. made pushes into Taurian territory which each was soon repulsed. Davion soon found that the concordats forces were more than willing to stop any invading force at all cost. Realizing that what seemed an easy target at first was in fact an animal that if backed into a corner would ensure that the entrapper would not come out unscathed.

Following the incursions by Davion the Tuarina Defense Force stood alert for any attempt of aggression by the hated Davions. This was soon replaced by further colonization efforts ever again expanding the concordat's region of controlled space ever further. Colonization efforts were multiplied with a sect of explorers named Far Lookers soon followed by tax cuts and economic sanctions that were to give those that were willing to leave their past lives would have much beneficial chances at success.

With the fourth Succession War came a change pf policy within the concordat. Fear of invasion by a new and stronger Federated Commonwealth caused much great concern to the leader of the nation. The TDF was placed on constant alert all tax exempts for colonization were revoked and many taxes were installed to fund the TDF. Time passed and with minor incidents that showed true invasion the ruling body of the Taurian Concordat felt that the rights of the people had been abused and neglected for to long stood against the Protector, ruling member of the Calderon family that represented the Taurian Concordat. The protector was replaced by another Calderon bringing much of the dissident groups back into line without any bloodshed spilled with the forced changed of rule.

Magistracy of Canopus[]

The Magistracy of Canopus is an interstellar nation in the fictional setting of BattleTech.

The magistracy was formed by defectors and soldiers from forces attached to the defense forces of Andurien. Led by Kossandra Centrella a captain of the Free Worlds League armed forces,. After the creation of the magistracy, Kossandra realizing that without expansion, the and other periphery states would attempt to conquer the newly created state. After being able negotiate deals with the two houses; led to the rule of six more planets. A mere twenty years into the life span of the Magistracy, became a nation of thirty-six star systems

As years and decades passed, successive Magestrixes continued to build upon the foundation created by Kossandra Centrella. With success comes envy and greed by others wanting to have what is not theirs this is true within the Fictional universe of Battletech especially. The Magistracy Armed Forces placed in a neutral defensive stance from creation would have to face the Star League Defense Force and regiments of .

The Magistracy as all nation-states in the periphery was sought after by the Star Leagues' First Lord wanting to bring all of humanity under a single banner doing what no other person or government or even ideology had done. The MAF and the populations of every world touched by the might of the invading forces with the spirit found common among most periphery populist fought to stem the invaders.

Making the cost to much to wage a war against the magistracy, with will to have freedom form what their ancestors had left behind to have a new beginning caused the invading forces form the completion of the invasion in a mere year to two decades of non-stop fighting. Though in the end spirit and determination could not overwhelm the might of steel and the industrial power the Star League wielded. With the end to the reunification war the magistracy enjoyed much wealth and the business supplied by many wanting to experience the fruits of magistracy's entertainment business which went from gambling to more illicit enterprises.

With the Amaris Coup came the downfall to the magistracy's economy due the niche that the entertainment sector was the main source of income for the nation; the coup and the following wars meant few outside the magistracy were willing to travel into hostile territory for an experience easily found within their own borders. Except for the Canopus-Taurian war, the armed forces of the magistracy saw very little action throughout the Succession Wars.

Canopian-Anderian war[]

Shortly following the end of hostilities of the Fourth Succession War, the newly formed Federated Commonwealth and the and . The Magistrix seeing for a chance to turn the magistracy into a formidable power. Allied with the recently succeeded state Duchy of Andurien formerly of the Free Worlds League. Both parties believing that the weakened Capellan federation in part thanks to territorial losses due to the Fourth Succession War and the succession of the ST. Ives Province. Had weakened and demoralized Capellan troops and would allow their combined forces to overwhelm the smallest Successor State within the InnerSphere.

Even with the combined forces the allies were unable to concentrate as a single cohesive strike force forcing the two allies to fight on single fronts. Though initially several worlds fell with ease others bogged down until the war ended. Capellan forces learning from the Fourth Succession War instead of futile hold outs would retreat leaving the invading forces to deal with any local uprisings until what federation forces were able to muster for a counter-attack. Before the second phase of the invasion began, within the third year of the invasion Capellan forces began to retake former Liao holdings. Many Adurien and Canopian forces that were left to slow the advancing forces were drawn down causing both nations military much distress.

With the end of the Canopus-Andurien war leadership of the magistracy changed with the daughter of Magistrix Kyalla taking rein as her mother was escorted out of her own palace by her own personal guards. Immediately supported by the council the new Magistrix, Emma Centrella, brokered a new peace with the FWL doing what no Magistrix before was able to do. Emma, hero of the war with , began operations to rebuild the MAF and the economy of the magistracy; developing the economy and spreading the once solely dominant entertainment industry and adding several other key industries thus giving the magistracy the ability of limited self sustainability.

Trinity Alliance[]

In a turn of events the magistracy allied to the Tuarien Concordat signed a treaty with . Though many within the magistracy detested the treaty due to that many troops the Canopus would fight wars to gain of the magistracy. The magistracy and Concordat used the Capellans wealth and industrial capabilities to increase the wealth of their own nations. Several units of the magistracy deploy within Capellan territory training alongside once former enemies.

Outworlds Alliance[]

The Outworlds Alliance is an interstellar nation within the peripheral region within fictional universe of BattleTech.

Of all the governments within the Battletech universe the alliance was created with no intentions of grandeur of lust for power; but instead by shear need of a political group manage the needs of several planets that share the same ideals and beliefs. Admiral Julius Avellar appalled by the ever increasing destruction caused by the succession wars. Devoting himself the lifestyle of anit-way and denunciations of the warmongers of the InnerShpere.

Though originally planned to live his remain life in peace, thought do to his writings. Such pleas to end wars that the great houses attracted many followers thus creating the Omniss. A philosophical sect advocating the rejection of technology that did not contribute to the advancement or preservation of life. Many seeking a new life-style flocked to Avellar and the Omniss flocked to Alpheratz.

As the hundreds grew to be thousands and so forth, Alpheratz population boomed many spreading to nearby star systems bringing the teachings of Omniss with them. As the followers of Omniss grew to large for any one man to manage Avellar was forced to do the one thing he despised the most, the creation of a government to provide for the needs of the many followers of Omniss, resulting in the Outworlds alliance. Born out of necessity rather than desire.

Alliance military forces form the creation of the alliance was non-existent only militias of volunteers forming together to defend against pirates or raiders. Though for the most of the first hundred years of the alliance used mainly diplomacy to avoid warfare and engagements with the Successor States armed forces.

With the reunification wars the Outworlds Alliance experienced very little of the fighting that the rest of the periphery experienced, at first the Star League defense forces easily overwhelmed what forces the alliance was willing to defend against the SLDF. Soon following the occupation Draconis forces during a riot caused many riots across the alliance. Using the fear of member states the alliance allowed Davion forces rights to occupation key alliance worlds under the guise of the reunification war. This enabled alliance forces to fight against the Draconis troops without fear of reprisal. With no end sight the Star League ended the war against the alliance with a treaty bringing the nation onto the fold of the Star League with the fewest casualties suffered in the war.

Through the Amaris Coup and the Succession wars the alliance fell victim to many economic depressions with views of technology so adamantly against the alliance had been unable to support itself without the aide of its two neighbors both wanting to cur favor from the periphery state. Due to its untapped resources and strategic location would give either party the ability to strike deep within the territory of the other.

Following the clan invasion new leadership was installed as the former president stepped down willing, the new president enacting many plans to bring the alliance into a new economic era has taken a long time as all internal and external must pass with a unanimous vote. This process though ensuring all parties involved agree with what action is taken causes much delay to any economic growth.

Minor Periphery States[]

Numerous small and even single-system nations fill the Periphery.

Rim Collection[]

The Rim Collection is a minor periphery state within the fictional Battletech universe

A New Beginning[]

One of the newest states in the periphery. the Rim Collection made up of six planets bordering the in 3048. The Rim Collection formed form the same planets that had existed as part of the Rim Worlds Republic.

The planets after the fall of the Rim Worlds Republic when the Defense Forces' defeated the republics forces during the Amaris Coup. After centuries of independence local political leaders. Realizing that without either outside intervention each planet had no hope of prosperity.

Until Professor James Moroney landed on Islington, one of the local councilman on planet being close friends with the professor and seeing one of Moroney's speeches on tape during a trip in the alliance. Convinced the reluctant professor to lead the political group the Unionist in convincing the other surrounding planets into forming an actual government.

Though many sided with Moroney most against the proposal claimed that with the economical increase of the planets would make the planets a target for Pirates or even other periphery states. This was shown when pirates attacked several of the planets. With the collection with a standing due to most of the Rim Collection Planets unable to support their own militaries. with the collection of the collection they were still unable to either support a standing army or hire a reputable mercenary force.

Able's grace[]

Luckily the Able Aces entered the collection after a contract with the Lyran Alliance went sour and entered the periphery looking for a periphery state to sign up with. Major Able during respite in the Rim Collection went to a rally being held by the Unionist with Professor Moroney there. Inspired by the professor Major Able had his entire Mecernary company land on planet; and announced that he was going to offer the Rim Collection a contract were they would support the state as its first military force and train militia forces during their contract.

Many within the Aces went with the Major since he agreed to pay them form his own pocket until the Collection was able to support the Mercenary force with its own contract. Several left the unit seeking their own fortune and fame in the Periphery. After agreeing to the plan Major Able approached the Professor with the contract. Overjoyed with a way to silence the opposition due to a lack of military force to protect the collection against pirates. The Ace's after the collection had formed and agreed to the contract landholds were granted to the mercenary company on Otisberg. The Homeworld of the Mercs' Leader Major Able.

Renewed future and Test[]

The Rim Collection within the first decade had come along way from want the planets had before been. Many planet once barely able to sustain themselves at first began to trade among themselves then finally after traders from the alliance and the collection began to cross the border new materials form the collection became ever more demanded. As alliance industries seeing the outside influx of materials as a way to bring costs down.

traders and merchants seeing the collection also as their Lyran counter-parts have begun to make trips into the state. Thus bringing more wealth into the collection. This wealth and economic success came with a down fall. Pirates began raiding the collection, even with the Ables' Aces spread among the six planets including each with their own planetary militia pirates continued to attack the collection.

The most notable is Morrison's Extractors formerly of the Circunis Federation had many attacks on the Rim Collection until after Major Able had convinced the Ace's in a ploy to convince the Extractors that the Aces had left the Collection's employ. This was so the Aces could strike at the two planets controlled by the Extractors without them fearing reprisal due to the mercenaries leaving the periphery state to its fate.

The Aces with the combined forces of several planetary militias included struck at the extractors base of operations striking the pirate band killing the pirates leader and most of the pirate forces on both of the planets held by the Extractors.

Rim Worlds Republic[]

The Rim Worlds Republic is a former interstellar state located within the spacial area designated as the periphery within the fictional universe of Battletech

The Rim Worlds Republic is known mostly as the home of Stefan Amaris the usurper, who assassinated the Star League's First Lord Richard Cameron in the 28th century, touching off the civil war that disintegrated the old Star League and triggered Aleksandr Kerensky's Exodus from the Inner Sphere. The Republic and its ruling family were wiped out in that war.

Mica Majority[]

The Mica Majority is a minor Periphery state within the fictional universe of BattleTech.

The Mica Majority consists of three mineral-rich worlds located within the Delos IV star system between the and the Outworlds Alliance.

The Clans[]

The background fictional story of the Clans begins with the build-up to the 1st Succession War. Rather than chose sides to determine who should lead the Star League, Star League Army General Aleksandr Kerensky instead chooses to depart the Inner Sphere, taking with him most of the Star League Army and their families beyond the borders of known space. Five marginally habitable worlds were discovered, called the Pentagon Worlds. Kerensky settles on these worlds with the refugees to found a society. The long journey to these planets is called 'The Exodus'. The new colony worlds possessed too many soldiers so General Kerensky decided to discharge most of the military personnel from the army. General Kerensky decided to set up a series of challenges and war-games between the soldiers with the top performers kept on as professional military personnel and the rest were discharged as civilians. The Clan planet known as Strana Mechty ("Land of Dreams" in Russian) is introduced to the fiction as Nicholas' base while building up a force able to subdue the Pentagon Worlds. When ready, he returned with 800 of his best warriors and 600 civilian families and retook the wartorn Pentagon worlds. It is prior to retaking the worlds that he decided to forge all the people into the clans, dividing the 800 warriors evenly amongst the 20 clans, each warrior becoming the progenitor of a bloodname.

Planets and regions of space[]

Chaos March[]

The Chaos March was a clustering of planetary systems near .

After the fall of the Star League, the planets of the were divided up between the with the exception of , which became a neutral area controlled by . The worlds of what would someday become the Chaos March were mostly claimed by the Capellan Confederation, but a few fell under the sway of the . Four violent wars wracked the Inner Sphere, which became known as the Succession Wars [disambiguation needed]. The resulted in the transfer of many worlds formerly belonging to the Capellan Confederation and Free Worlds League to the control of the nascent Federated Commonwealth. These worlds were organized within the Federated Commonwealth as the .

In 3057, and launched a strike at the Federated Commonwealth in retribution for 's Operation Doppelganger, which was a plot to replace Marik's son with a body-double. This so-called was stalled when seceded the Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth and negotiated a separate settlement with Marik that allowed him to achieve his objective. Katherine ordered home all traditional units to the state's pre- borders, leaving many worlds bereft of defenses. Because of the secession, the Federated Commonwealth lacked the JumpShips necessary to reinforce the . With the Free Worlds League's pull-out, the Capellans lacked the military force to secure the worlds the Federated Commonwealth had abandoned.

Prior to the offensive, Capellan terrorists had roused old Capellan loyalties among the populace, and masterminding many terrorist attacks targeting the infrastructure of these systems. In the absence of the military many local governors (and other concerned interests) seized the initiative to restore order. On the worlds were this restoration was successful the governments were resentful of the apparent lack of interest by the . They set up their own nations. Some of these minor powers became influential enough to become multi-world nation-states. The constantly shifting web of alliances as well as the rapid rise and fall of planetary-level governments led observers to dub this area of instability the Chaos March.

Eventually both the Capellan Confederation and the Federated Commonwealth exerted more influence and military pressure on the worlds of the Chaos March, reducing it. Though both would become distracted (the Capellans by the war with and the Federated Commonwealth by the Clans), many worlds of the Chaos March had been reclaimed by one of the .

In the early 3060s, the annexed the Lyons Thumb, a small group of worlds originally part of the Chaos March, but were to the "north" of .

When the broke out in 3063, some Chaos March worlds were caught in the middle. Indeed, was tired of the Capellan's constant bullying of the small nations, so he undertook a campaign to "liberate" some of them.

The face of the Chaos March changed forever when the owners of Terra, the announced the formation of the in 3066. The Protectorate was composed of several former Chaos March worlds who were bribed or coerced into joining the Blakist state. The Word of Blake Jihad that started in 3068 forced several other worlds into the Protectorate, including some that had rejoined the Federated Suns.

The Jihad engulfed the Inner Sphere until was able to organize an effective military force to defeat them. Stone then claimed many planets near as part of his new nation, the . All of the worlds of the former Chaos March became a part of the Republic of the Sphere. In 3130, the Chaos March is but a memory.

Inner Sphere[]

The Inner Sphere is the region of the interstellar medium surrounding Earth to a radius of roughly 500 light years. The five , each ruled by an ancient , are the Inner Sphere's dominant power in the setting's "modern" era, although other nations, empires, and have ruled parts of the Inner Sphere in the past and continue to exist. After the fall of the Star League, the Inner Sphere fractured as each of the Successor States attempted to secure dominion during the .

The five Successor States are the most enduring political entities in the Inner Sphere. From c. C.E. 2300 to 2787, the Inner Sphere was divided into five "pie wedges" around a central, roughly circular core: the five Great Houses (synonymous with Successor States) and the central . When the Star League collapsed in 2787, the Great Houses divided the Terran Hegemony among themselves, and since have waged a series of wars (Succession Wars) for supremacy over the area.

The political structure of the Successor States is essentially feudal. The exception is the , which has a federal structure at the highest levels of government. Planetary governments in the Inner Sphere span the entire range of political structures, from democracy to dictatorships, although authoritarian forms of government are considerably more common.

At various times, other political entities such as the Free Rasalhague Republic or the independent worlds and small states of the have shared power with the Great Houses, often acting as buffer zones between their more powerful neighbors.

The Periphery surrounding the Inner Sphere is home to a few nations of moderate power and independent worlds cut off from civilization by the collapse of the Star League. The Inner Sphere perceives the Periphery as a backwater. The Periphery is also a safe harbor for pirates, criminals, and refugees from the Succession Wars.

See also

Early History[]

The history of the Inner Sphere began on December 5, 2108, when the TAS Pathfinder successfully completed the first FTL round-trip voyage between Terra and the Tau Ceti system. In 2116 the first permanent colony was established on , also known as new Earth. In 2172 the First Grand survey reported that there were more than 100 Human-colonized worlds. In 2234, the number of colonies had expanded to 600.[42]

The earliest colonies were small and dependent on technical support and supplies, particularly of water, from Terra. However, in 2177 the Ryan Cartel began to operate a fleet of iceships, designed to carry frozen icebergs from water-rich systems to water-poor ones.

As the colonies became materially self-sufficient some of the colonies began to chafe under the authority of the distant Terran Alliance government. Denebola, a colony on the outer rim of human occupied space, was the first world to openly declare independence from Terra in 2236. As additional worlds began to follow Denebola's lead, the Terran government sent a force of Colonial Marines to Denebola to make an example of the upstart colonists, but severely underestimated the size and sophistication of the Denoboluan army. Consequently, the force of Colonial Marines was decisively defeated.

After the defeat of the Colonial Marines on Denebola additional colonies began to declare their independence from Terra. Within the Terran Alliance, the defeat of the Colonial Marines caused a power shift within the government. The Expansionists were pushed out of power and Liberals gained control of the government. Liberals immediately began to grant independence to the colonial worlds, whether they wanted it or not.

By 2242, the extent of Terran holdings was limited to within 30 light years from , no more than a single jump for a jumpship. It was during this period that humanity first colonized worlds at the farthest reaches of what is known today as the Inner Sphere. Economic depression and political strife caused many of Terra's brightest minds to emigrate to the newly independent colonies during the latter half of the 23rd century, a period known as "the Exodus." During this period, humans colonized more than 1500 new worlds within a sphere around Terra almost 300 light years across.

Among the outer colonies innumerable small kingdoms and confederations began to form, and slowly larger, more stable states began to emerge from the chaos. In 2271 the governments of three small worlds in the outer colonies signed the and formed the , the earliest of the six great star empires to eventually dominate the Inner Sphere.[43]

Rise of the Great Houses and the Age of War[]

In September 2314, the Terran Alliance collapsed amid fighting between the Liberal and Expansionist factions. Moving to avert a general crisis, Fleet Admiral James McKenna intervened with loyal Alliance military forces. With the civilian government in shambles and the military behind him, Admiral McKenna dissolved the Terran Alliance and named himself Director-General of a new political entity, the . Director-General McKenna was determined to reassert Terra's dominance over the colonies and used Terra's political, economic, and military might to establish Terran Hegemony's control over about 100 worlds by the time of his death in 2339. In 2340, Michael Cameron, James McKenna's nephew, took over the office of Director-General and initiated the Cameron dynasty.

By 2389, the six major powers in the Inner Sphere had all been established, and the pattern of dynastic rule which characterizes the Inner Sphere was established. Soon these states began to fight each other for supremacy. In 2398 the Capellan Confederation and the fought over the system. The next century and a half became known as the Age of War, as the Inner Sphere clashed in a series of border conflicts.

In 2412, after fighting in the system resulted thousands of civilian deaths, the representatives of six Inner Sphere and two Periphery governments signed the , which sought to promote limited warfare by prohibiting attacks on civilian population centers. While the Ares Conventions were successful in limiting the extent of warfare; they had increased the number of wars by lowering the cost. War became a fact of life in the 25th century.[44]

New Avalon[]

New Avalon is the capital world of both the and, at other times, the Federated Commonwealth. The world is also the hereditary landhold of the ruling . New Avalon is famous for its high agricultural output.

The planet figures prominently in the early history of BattleTech with the New Avalon Grain Rebellion against the .[45]

New Avalon is home to the (NAIS), the preeminent scientific research university in known space. NAIS is also home of the (CMS), one of the most prestigious military academies in the Inner Sphere. It is also home to .[46]

While the agricultural products of New Avalon are extremely important; New Avalon is also home to Achernar BattleMechs and Corean Enterprises, two companies that own BattleMech-producing factories.

New Avalon was attacked by the during the both defeated after the assassination of the Coordinator.

Then during the Fourth Succession War, ComStar sent a force (probably elements of the First Com Guard Division) disguised as House Liao's Death Commandos to New Avalon to destroy the Helm Memory Core. First Prince Hanse Davion himself took to the field alongside the Davion Heavy Guards and Team Banzai on the NAIS grounds in defense of this attack.

War again came to New Avalon during the on two separate occasions. The first time members of the 1st Davion Guards, led by Marshal Bishop Sortek, resisted 's rule. Although defeated, Duke Tancred Sandoval, , and landed within a short time span of each other to ultimately defeat in early 3067.[47]

During the Jihad, New Avalon was still reeling from the destruction wrought by the FedCom Civil War. The Word of Blake assaulted New Avalon in January 3068 with WarShips and troops.[48] It was during this Third Battle of New Avalon that Corean Enterprises debuted their new 'Mech, the Legionnaire.[49]

Solaris VII[]

The world of Solaris VII has become known as the "gaming world", due to the gladiatorial battles held in the arenas of this planet, between MechWarriors [disambiguation needed] in their BattleMechs. These fights are broadcast across the Inner Sphere via 's network of HyperPulse Generator transmitters, for the entertainment of billions, in addition to those who pay to view the duels live. Historically, Solaris VII's varied environments made it a prime location to test new 'Mech designs. These were eventually broadcast for profit and the games were born. Solaris VII combats are the de facto sporting event of the 31st century.

Solaris VII is a planet where Battlemech warfare occurs in gladiator-style matches between single- double- or quadruple-opponent matches. It is divided into six sectors: five are for the current divisions among the Inner Sphere and one is a neutral zone that includes the spaceport. During the / civil war, Solaris VII is one of the first planets to be divided by loyalist strife.

(Publication note: In 1991 FASA released SOLARIS VII the role playing game box set (H872) including the gamemasters guide, players guide, maps, and punch out cards. Currently in print by FanPro are the "Mechwarriors Guide to Solaris VII" (FASA 1716) and "Classic BattleTech Map Pack: Solaris VII" (FPR 35002). Additionally, WizKids (the current intellectual property holder) released several boxed sets of miniatures for its MechWarrior:Dark Age/MechWarrior: Age of Destruction collectible miniatures game. The rules varied from the standard rules of play but captured the essence of Solaris combat in turn-based duels between two or more individual 'Mechs or teams.)

Strana Mechty[]

Strana Mechty is a fictional planet in the BattleTech universe. Strana Mechty is the capital world of the Clans and also the capital world of Clan Wolf and Clan Diamond Shark.

The planet is neutral; all clans have exactly same amount of land in their possession, and this rule is held very strictly. The capital city of all clans is Katyusha, also an important marketplace.

Strana Mechty is located in the , approximately 500 parsecs (1650 light years) from Earth. Discovered 2792.

The planet was named by Katyusha Kerensky, 's wife. The name means "Land of dreams" in Russian language.

The planet is orbited by the SLS McKenna the former flagship of the entire SLDF, it is kept in pristine condition and will only be moved again when a Clan conquers Terra and becomes the ilClan.


Terra is the home planet of humanity. Called the "cradle of civilization" by the inhabitants of the 31st and 32nd centuries, Terra has been the capital of several interstellar nations and is the most industrialized planet in the Inner Sphere.

While Terra is the third planet from the star Sol, "Terra" as a term has come to be understood as encompassing all of the Sol system. The second planet, Venus, and the fourth planet, Mars, are also inhabited. In addition, the Titan shipyard is an orbital factory that can build and repair JumpShips and WarShips.

Terra is home to Skobel MechWorks in Russia and Kressly WarWorks in Germany.

Since the dawn of interplanetary travel, five flags have flown over Terra.

Terran Alliance[]

Terra was the seat of the . The Alliance Parliament oversaw humanity's initial colonization efforts among the stars. The Great Exodus was responsible for depopulating many of Terra's cities, vastly improving the overcrowding problem facing the planet. After the granted all colony worlds beyond 60 light-years their independence, the Alliance Parliament focused inward on Terra. Amid the destabilization of the Alliance Parliament, civil war between the rival Liberals and Expansionists seemed inevitable.

Terran Hegemony[]

Admiral James McKenna used his fleet to impose order on Terra and dissolved the Alliance Parliament. He declared himself the Director-General of the new .

Star League[]

The Star League was an interstellar empire that united various states of the Inner Sphere into a single alliance of nations.

The Terran Hegemony was founded by Admiral James McKenna, the Canadian-born leader of the Terran Alliance Global Militia, out of the ruins of the corrupt Terran Alliance. The Terran Hegemony was primarily under the rule of the Cameron dynasty. The Terran Hegemony relied heavily on their technological advantages to maintain their borders, despite their limited size and lack of resources. It was the Terran Hegemony which pioneered the Battlemech.

In the mid-26th century, the Terran Hegemony, under the leadership of Ian Cameron, became the nucleus for the star-spanning government known as the Star League. In this Star League, the Terran Hegemony and its ruling became the hereditary First Lords in the League High Council.

The Terran Hegemony fell after it was taken over by of the Rim Worlds Republic. In the resulting war staged by General to reclaim the Hegemony worlds, the nation was scared by war, leaving it a shadow of its former glory. Following Kerensky's exodus from the Inner Sphere, the remains of the once mighty Hegemony were conquered by the remaining five , leaving only Terra under the control of .

Its Member States include the five nations known as the Successor States and the Terran Hegemony, a star empire centered around Terra. Eventually the states of the Periphery are forcibly integrated into the Star League and the number of Member States climbs to ten, the , the , the , the Capellan Confederation, the , the , the , and the Outworlds Alliance. Two nations were destroyed in the Fall of the Star League, the and the Rim Worlds Republic. , leaders of the Terran Hegemony, also lead the Star League Council; they retained the title of First Lord of the Star League.

The Star League was disbanded when House Cameron was brutally executed by the leader of the , Stefan Amaris. Amaris conducts a bloody coup and declared himself First Lord of the Star League. of the quickly moved to crush the Rim Worlds Republic, then advanced on the Terran Hegemony. The Amaris Civil War was fought with nuclear weapons and left billions dead in its wake. The Territorial States, as the Periphery nations were known, completed their secession bid and each of the leaders of the five returned to their respective capitals. They each declared themselves First Lord and fought a series of brutal inconcluusive conflicts known as the Succession Wars.

After the Clan invasion was halted in 3052 and following the Clan Jade Falcon Incursion of 3058, the nations of the Inner Sphere met on to hold the Whitting Conference in 3058. At the conference the decision was made to reform the Star League with the goal of ejecting the Clans from the Inner Sphere. They elected of the Capellan Confederation as First Lord for the first three-year term. The League succeeded in annihilating Clan Smoke Jaguar entirely in 3060, but fell prey to factional in-fighting. During his tenure as First Lord, Sun-Tzu used his position to place peacekeepers in the as a prelude to his invasion.

of the was elected in 3061. During his tenure, peacekeepers annexed the for the after an assault by forces. Elected Prince-Regent Christian Mansdotter of the Free Rasalhague Republic was elected in 3064 and served a quiet term. Despite invasions of Star League member-states by both Clan Jade Falcon and Clan Ghost Bear, neither the nor asked for assistance. The in-fighting and general apathy culminated in 3067 with a vote of no-confidence in the Star League that resulted in its second disbandment. This action would be the precursor to the eventual Word of Blake Jihad.


With the death of the Cameron dynasty, the only thing the Star League Council could agree upon was the necessity of reforming the shattered hyperpulse generators (HPG) network that allowed interstellar communication. They appointed to this task. bequeathed an entire division of troops to Blake. The onset of the Succession Wars forced Blake to stop short of his goal of reforming the . He was able to ensure complete control over the Terran system.

A shroud of secrecy descended over Terra while the quasi-mystical ruled the system. On Terra, they hid untold divisions worth of troops and protected Star League-era technology while the blasted themselves back to the Industrial Revolution. ran their HPG network from the First Circuit Compound on Hilton Head Island.

In the late 3020s, Terra hosted the marriage of and that ignited the .

Word of Blake[]

In 3058, the splinter faction of seized control of the Terran system from ComStar. In 3065, it became the capital of the new . It was also host to at least three invasions. The first came from in 3068. The second came from shortly thereafter. Both were spectacularly unsuccessful. The third invasion, led by Devlin Stone in 3081, was successful and resulted in the defeat of the and the cessation of their Jihad. At least one tactical nuclear device was used during that invasion to destroy the First Circuit Compound.

Republic of the Sphere[]

After the defeat of the , Devlin Stone created the in 3081. Terra is home to the 's capital city of Geneva, Switzerland. Republican Terra has also seen its share of warfare. Capellan Confederation issued "crusades" into the Republic in an effort to regrain its former worlds from the 3100s to 3120s.

The Hyper Pulse Generater Blackouts in 3132, triggered the beginning of the end for the age of peace.

Anastasia Kerensky, leader of the Steel Wolves, unsuccessfully attacked the Republic capital in the early 3130s, hoping to fulfill the ancient Clan goal of capturing Terra. Seeing opportunity in the stresses suffered by the Republic of the Sphere, other factions both without and within the Republic began to take their toll, seizing further territory and strategic resources of the RotS for themselves. A crushing blow came when the Ancient Paladin was assassinated in October 3134, after he discovering a cabal of senators seeking to weaken the government take over control. The assassination had a profound impact upon the collective psyche.

Various leaders of the Inner Sphere arrive on Terra to pay final respects to Victor Steiner-Davion. His influence, momentous accomplishments, and legendary charisma drew the largest gathering of leaders since the 30th Century. Despite this, the funeral was not an event noted for its sense of all-encompassing peace.

Shortly afterVictor Steiner-Davion's funeral, infighting erupted between troops loyal to the Republic's Exarch Jonah Levin and forces organized by Senate loyalists. Aided by Julian Davion and his contingent, Levin's troops were able to drive the Senate loyalists off Terra.

In October of 3135, Exarch Levin, sensing a profound threat to the Republic, adopted a plan left by Devlin Stone known as the "Fortress Republic". This plan was, at its core, a doomsday-esque contingency plan designed to preserve the core of the Republic and to stave off total collapse. Upon implementation, it effectively dissolved the Republic of the Sphere, leaving its central prefecture intact and renaming it the "New Republic Terrorities". As a final warning, an interdiction or edict against contact was put into place, along with a similar such warning against entry to any worlds protected under aegis of Terra, leaving its other nine prefectures to fend for themselves and fight off the hordes of Inner Sphere.

List of BattleMechs[]

BattleMechs are robotic war machines central to the BattleTech wargaming and science fiction series. 'Mechs are featured prominently in the franchise's board games, computer games and published fiction, and vary considerably in size, power, speed, and armament.

Note: This list represents only a small portion of the official canon designs that exist in the BattleTech Universe.


Different from BattleMechs, BattleArmor are smaller than a ‘Mech's foot, yet they can pack quite a punch. Most people who have read the BattleTech books and have played some of the earlier Mechwarrior games will be familiar with the Elemental, which is the most familiar model in this class. The machines are designed to work in large numbers and are usually a more cost-efficient support for the more solid 'Mechs. A large number can even overwhelm the strongest ‘Mech if coordinated properly.


  • Tonnage: 1
  • Top Speed: 61.24
  • Tech: Clan

The basic BattleArmor. Developed by the Clans and the basis for all other BattleArmor. It is powerful, fast, has jump jets and can even mount electronic countermeasures (ECM), enhanced optics, and an advanced gyro. Its only downside is the armour, or lack thereof. They are apparently expensive, as planetary militias do not have power armor, according to Commander Natalia.

Kage Power Armour[]

  • Tonnage: 1
  • Top Speed: 60
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

Designed by the Draconis Combine after the appearance of the clan elemental. Kage power armor is relatively rare, usually only used by D.E.S.T. commandos. They were never designed to take the abuse that elemental armor is. Their primary role is reconnaissance. They mount a rather interesting array of weapons including: machine gun, small laser, and vibro-katana. The vibro-katana is the most feared of these weapons capable of severing limbs off of fully armored elementals.

Battle Armor[]

  • Tonnage: 1
  • Top Speed: 60
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

Designed by Lieutenant Foster using data from the Ragnarok data core, it has a powerful claw capable of slashing a ‘Mech's armor off and neurohacking. Its weapons are a light pulse laser and an extremely powerful mortar.

Light Class[]

Generally, the light class of BattleMechs are used for recon/scouting, ambush and giving target locations to heavier 'Mechs and artillery. However, there are some light 'Mechs capable of fire support, frontal attack and command roles.

Dasher/Fire Moth[]

  • Tonnage: 20
  • Top Speed: 148
  • Tech: Clan

This extremely fast ‘Mech. In addition to its extraordinarily high speed, it has enough firepower to match infantry and some vehicle opposition, making it ideal for both recon and hit-and-run roles.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO: 3025 (Revised Edition)
  • Designation: FLE-4
  • Tonnage: 20
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Standard Loadout:
    • 1 Flamer
    • 2 Small Lasers
    • 1 Large Laser

The Flea is a standard scout ‘Mech - fast, agile, and lightly armed. The Flea is most notable for its service in the mercenary company.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025 (Revised Edition)
  • Designation: HNT-151
  • Tonnage: 20
  • Max Speed: 86.4 km/h
  • Max Jump: 150m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 LRM-5 (120 Rounds)
    • 1 Medium Laser
    • 1 Small Laser

The Hornet is a light ‘Mech designed for scouting in urban environments. As such it mounts jump jets and fairly heavy armor for a light ‘Mech at the expense of firepower and some speed.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: LCT-1V
  • Tonnage: 20
  • Max Speed: 129.6 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 Medium Laser
    • 2 Machine Guns

The Locust is one of the most popular scout 'Mechs in the Inner Sphere, as well as one of the most numerous 'Mechs ever produced. It is cheap, lightly armored and even more lightly armed, but blazingly fast and maneuverable. Many Locust variations exist, some adding more lasers and others adding SRM or LRM racks. Almost all variants run into problems with heat buildup, as the Locust does not carry extra heat sinks.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025 (Revised Edition)
  • Designation: MCY-98
  • Tonnage: 20
  • Max Speed: 129.6 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 2 Medium Laser
    • 2 Small Laser

The Mercury is designed as a fast raider, rather than a scout like most light 'Mechs. It is fast and carries a heavy weapons loadout, but sometimes runs into problems with heat generation.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: STG-3R
  • Tonnage: 20
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 180m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 Medium Laser
    • 2 Machine Guns

One of the three most popular scout 'Mechs—along with the Locust and Wasp—the Stinger's (relatively) heavy armor and jump capability make it arguably the most survivable. It is popular both as a scout and a training ‘Mech.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025 (Revised Edition)
  • Designation: THE-S
  • Tonnage: 20
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 LRM-5 (120 Rounds)
    • 2 Medium Laser

The Thorn is fielded not as a scout but as a rapid-reaction fire support ‘Mech. Its heavy weapon loadout can be deadly to other light 'Mechs - most do not even carry a weapon that can respond to an LRM rack at range.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: WSP-1A
  • Tonnage: 20
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 180m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 Medium Laser
    • 1 SRM-2 (90 Rounds)

One of the most popular recon 'Mechs of the Succession Wars, the Wasp carries only average armor, but its SRM rack gives it a powerful punch against other light 'Mechs in close-quarters combat.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: COM-2D
  • Tonnage: 25
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 SRM-6 (90 Rounds)
    • 1 SRM-4 (100 Rounds)
    • 1 Medium Laser
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The Commando was designed as an alternative to the 20-ton scout 'Mechs used by the Star League. While it lacks both jump jets and high speed, the 'Mechs large array of short range missile tubes make it a powerful threat to other light 'Mechs.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025 (Revised Edition)
  • Designation: MON-67
  • Tonnage: 25
  • Max Speed: 129.6 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 3 Medium Lasers
    • 1 Small Laser

Originally designed as a replacement for the Locust, the Mongoose came into its own as a command vehicle for light lances and companies. It is well armored for a light ‘Mech.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: FLC-4N
  • Tonnage: 30
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 Medium Laser
    • 2 Small Lasers
    • 2 Machine Guns

The Falcon is a 'lost' design - the facility where it was built was destroyed in the Succession Wars. As a result, there are only a small number left operational. The Falcon is usually deployed to destroy enemy recon lances.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025 (Revised Edition)
  • Designation: FFL-4A
  • Tonnage: 30
  • Max Speed: 86.4 km/h
  • Max Jump: 120m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 LRM-5 (120 Rounds)
    • 3 Medium Lasers
    • 4 Small Lasers

The Firefly is an exceptionally well armed light scout ‘Mech fielded only by the mercenary company.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: HER-1A
  • Tonnage: 30
  • Max Speed: 151.2 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 2 Medium Lasers
    • 1 Flamer

The Hermes is an extremely fast scout ‘Mech that skimps on firepower and armor for speed. As a result, it is somewhat unpopular with pilots.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025 (Revised Edition)
  • Designation: HSR-300-D
  • Tonnage: 30
  • Max Speed: 151.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 150m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 Large Laser

On paper the Hussar is terrible - it is the least well armored ‘Mech on the battlefield and it mounts only one weapon system. In practice its long range, high speed, and low profile allow it much success against other light 'Mechs.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: JVN-10N
  • Tonnage: 30
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 180m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 2 SRM-6 (180 Rounds)

The Javelin is a reliable scout ‘Mech. Because of its devastating short-range weaponry it has also become popular in ambushes.


  • Tonnage: 30
  • Top Speed: 152
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

Unmatched in maneuverability, it carries a balance of weapons making it a great ‘Mech for quick scouting missions.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: SDR-5V
  • Tonnage: 30
  • Max Speed: 129.6 km/h
  • Max Jump: 240m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 2 Medium Lasers

Designed for commandos, the Spider is fast, maneuverable, and has an unsurpassed jump range.

Stinger LAM[]

  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: STG-A5
  • Tonnage: 30
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 180m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 3 Medium Lasers

A unique approach to warfare, the Stinger Land Air Mech is capable of transforming into a fully capable aerospace fighter. Although the equipment required for this limits both armor and armament, the tactical flexibility this ability offers is easily worth the tradeoff.

Uller/Kit Fox[]

  • Tonnage: 30
  • Top Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Tech: Clan
  • Standard Loudouts
* Uller
 * 2 Medium Lasers
 * 2 SRM (Crossbow)
* Kit Fox
 * 1 Pulse Laser
 * 1 Warhammer Missile

This Clan-’Mech carries a significant amount of firepower for its size. It is the favored light 'Mech of Clan Jade Falcon; other clans prefer speedier designs for recon work.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: UM-R60
  • Tonnage: 30
  • Max Speed: 32.4 km/h
  • Max Jump: 60m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 AC/10
    • 1 Small Laser

The Urbanmech is designed exclusively for urban combat. It fills this role admirably, but in any other venue its slow speed and limited armament makes it severely ineffective.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: VLK-QA
  • Tonnage: 30
  • Max Speed: 86.4 km/h
  • Max Jump: 150m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 LRM-10 (120 Rounds)
    • 1 Medium Laser

A ‘Mech exclusive to the , the Valkyrie is well armored and packs a surprising long-range punch.

Wasp LAM[]

  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: WSP-105
  • Tonnage: 30
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 180m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 SRM-2 (90 Rounds)
    • 1 Medium Laser

The Wasp, like the Stinger, is capable of transforming into an aerospace fighter. This limits both its weaponry and armaments, but makes it especially suitable to reconnaissance and deep assaults.


  • Tonnage: 35
  • Top Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Tech: Clan
  • Standard Loudout
    • 2 Pulse Lasers
    • 1 Autocannon
    • 2 LRM (Javelin)

Although this light ‘Mech is not always as fast as some of the others in this class, it has sufficient firepower to make up for what it lacks in speed and electronics. It was created from a modified version of the Puma during a time when the Jade Falcons found themselves short on resources after the war with Clan Wolf.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: FS9-H
  • Tonnage: 35
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 180m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 4 Flamers
    • 2 Medium Lasers
    • 2 Machine Guns

Designed more as an incendiary platform than as a warfighter, the Firestarter is ideal for flushing troops and BattleMechs from forests and urban areas.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3055[50]
  • Designation: BZK-F3
  • Tonnage: 35
  • Max Speed: 86.4 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 Gauss Rifle
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The Hollander is the smallest mech to mount a Gauss Rifle. This monstrous weapon is able to destroy light mechs with a single hit and seriously threaten medium and heavy mechs. However, as the gun constitutes almost half the weight of the mech, its speed is average at best, its armor is thin, and the mech lacks secondary armaments. While suitable for fighting Inner Sphere opponents, it is woefully unprepared for fighting Clan opponents as demonstrated in the battle for Coventry.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: JR7-D
  • Tonnage: 35
  • Max Speed: 118.8 km/h
  • Max Jump: 150m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 SRM-4 (90 Rounds)
    • 4 Medium Lasers

The Jenner, oddly for a light ‘Mech, is designed for interdiction and raiding instead of recon. It is very well armed and fairly fast.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: OTT-7J
  • Tonnage: 35
  • Max Speed: 129.6 km/h
  • Max Jump: 240m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 Medium Laser

The Ostscout is the best scout ‘Mech in the Inner Sphere - at the expense of everything else. It is fast, has unsurpassed jump capability, and boasts the most advanced sensor array to survive the fall of the Star League. This comes at a cost of minimal armor and the worst weapons loadout of any ‘Mech.


  • Tonnage: 35
  • Top Speed: 126
  • Tech: Inner Sphere
  • Standard Loudout
    • 1 Machine Gun
    • 2 SRM (Crossbow)

The Owens is a ‘Mech with good long range support, speed, and electronics, which makes it a good for scout missions where the pilot does not want to get too close. It is one of the first Inner Sphere OmniMech designs.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: PNT-9R
  • Tonnage: 35
  • Max Speed: 64.8 km/h
  • Max Jump: 120m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 PPC
    • 1 SRM-4 (100 Rounds)

Commonly associated with , the Panther was originally designed as a fire support ‘Mech for light lances. The Panther is also at home in urban combat: its powerful main weapon and jump jets allow it to outmaneuver and strike at larger opponents to great effect.


  • Tonnage: 35
  • Top Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Tech: Clan
  • Standard Loudout
 * 1 PPC
 * 2 Machine Guns
 * 2 SRM (Crossbow)

The puma came as a surprise for the inner sphere forces as it primary configuration uses two ER-PPCs and a targeting computer. This enables the mech to use the hard hitting PPCs efficiently at very long ranges. In the hands of a skilled pilot the mech can even topple assault 'Mechs.


  • Tonnage: 35
  • Top Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

While not the fastest ‘Mech in its class, it carries some of the most sophisticated sensor technology available to the Inner Sphere making it an invaluable scout.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: WLF-1
  • Tonnage: 35
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 Large Laser
    • 4 Medium Lasers
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

One of only a few 'Mechs designed and produced during the Succession Wars, the Wolfhound was to be 's response to the Panther. The Wolfhound is well armored for a light ‘Mech, but suffers serious overheating problems during extended combat.

Medium Class[]

Medium 'Mechs tend to be generalists rather than specialists, but they are the most common of all weight classes and the backbone of all armies. Most medium 'Mechs mount one powerful main weapon and a diverse array of secondary backup weapons.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: ASN-21
  • Tonnage: 40
  • Max Speed: 118.8 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 LRM-5 (120 Rounds)
    • 1 SRM-2 (90 Rounds)
    • 1 Medium Laser

Fairly speedy and with very good jump capability, the Assassin carries weapons able to cover all ranges, making it a solid if non-distinctive light ‘Mech.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: CDA-2A
  • Tonnage: 40
  • Max Speed: 129.6 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 Small Laser
    • 2 Medium Lasers

Designed mostly as an up-gunned Locust, the Cicada maintains the smaller 'Mech's speed while carrying twice the firepower and more armor.


  • Tonnage: 40
  • Top Speed: 112
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The Chimera is designed specifically to balance every component it can hold without favoring any one and handles its tasks in a similarly generic fashion.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: CLNT-2-3T
  • Tonnage: 40
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 180m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 AC/5 (20 Rounds)
    • 2 Medium Lasers

Designed as a scout and light combat ‘Mech, the Clint fails at the former but succeeds at the latter. The Clint's only real failing is its ammunition supply.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3067[51]
  • Designation: HSN-7D
  • Tonnage: 45
  • Max Speed: 107.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 180 m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 3 Medium Pulse Lasers
    • 2 LRM-10
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

A scout ‘Mech built with good missile capabilities and decent beam and ballistic support, making it a well rounded ‘Mech.

Hermes II[]

  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: HER-2S
  • Tonnage: 40
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 AC/5 (20 Rounds)
    • 1 Medium Laser
    • 1 Flamer

One of only a few 'Mechs designed between the fall of the Star League and Clan invasion, the Hermes II was designed as a heavy scout by .


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: STN-3K
  • Tonnage: 40
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 AC/5 (40 Rounds)
    • 1 SRM-2 (90 Rounds)
    • 1 Small Laser

The Sentinel is a lighter ‘Mech designed for infantry support and garrison duties. It tends to be ammunition dependent, but carries a good amount for each weapon system.


  • Tonnage: 40
  • Top Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

A fast medium ‘Mech with its origins in the Draconis Combine, this ‘Mech excels in guerrilla tactics. It is notable for being one of the few OmniMechs of Inner Sphere origin.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: VL-2T
  • Tonnage: 40
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 180m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 AC/2 (45 Rounds)
    • 1 Medium Laser
    • 1 Flamer
    • 1 Machine Gun (200 Rounds)

The Vulcan was designed to combat infantry in urban environments. It fulfills this role well, but lacks the firepower needed to engage other 'Mechs effectively.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: WTH-1
  • Tonnage: 40
  • Max Speed: 64.8 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 2 LRM-10 (240 Rounds)
    • 3 Medium Lasers

The Whitworth was originally designed as a heavy scout ‘Mech, but its slow speed makes it a poor choice, fortunately its long range punch and good armor make it a good long-range support ‘Mech.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: BJ-1
  • Tonnage: 45
  • Max Speed: 64.8 km/h
  • Max Jump: 120m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 2 AC/2 (45 Rounds)
    • 4 Medium Lasers

Designed as a fire-support unit, the Blackjack is unusual in that it uses Autocannons instead of LRM racks to strike at a distance. Also unusual is the fact that, unlike most support 'Mechs, it becomes more deadly at close range where its lasers come to bear.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: HCT-3F
  • Tonnage: 45
  • Max Speed: 64.8 km/h
  • Max Jump: 120m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 AC/10 (20 Rounds)
    • 2 Medium Lasers
    • Hachet (Close combat weapon)

The Hatchetman is one of only a handful of BattleMechs that carry a melee weapon. Usually disregarded as a waste of space, in an urban environment it can be brought to bear, along with the Hatchetman's powerful autocannon, with brutal efficiency.

Phoenix Hawk[]

  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025[52]
  • Designation: PXH-1
  • Tonnage: 45
  • Max Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Max Jump: 180m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 Large Laser
    • 2 Medium Lasers
    • 2 Machine Guns (200 Rounds)

Based on a strengthened Stinger chassis, the Phoenix Hawk is one of the heaviest 'Mechs designed for reconnaissance.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025[52]
  • Designation: VND-1R
  • Tonnage: 45
  • Max Speed: 64.8 km/h
  • Max Jump: 120m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 LRM-5 (120 Rounds)
    • 1 PPC
    • 1 Medium Laser
    • 1 Small Laser

A generalist, the Vindicator is capable of filling almost any role on the battlefield, but never as effectively as a dedicated ‘Mech or vehicle.


  • Source: Battletech TRO 3025
  • Designation: WVR-6R
  • Tonnage: 55
  • Max Speed: 84 km/h
  • Max Jump: 150m
  • Standard Loadout:
    • 1 AC-5 (20 Rounds)
    • 1 SRM-6 (90 Rounds)
    • 1 Medium Laser

A maneuverable and well armored, if somewhat lightly armed, medium mech. Ideal for a heavy scout or use as a light mech hunter; too undergunned to tangle with heavier or more powerfully armed designs.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025[52]
  • Designation: WVE-6N
  • Tonnage: 45
  • Max Speed: 64.8 km/h
  • Max Jump: 120m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 LRM-10 (120 Rounds)
    • 1 Large Laser
    • 1 SRM-6 (90 Rounds)
    • 2 Small Lasers

A dedicated city-fighter that excels at its role. The Wyvern's low speed hampers it in any other terrain, however. This ‘Mech is a rarely-seen machine during the Succession Wars era.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: CN9-A
  • Tonnage: 50
  • Max Speed: 64.8 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 LRM-10 (240 Rounds)
    • 1 AC/10 (20 Rounds)
    • 2 Medium Lasers
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

A workhorse ‘Mech with a long history, the Centurion is a standard by which other medium 'Mechs are measured. Justin Allard and later his son Kai piloted a customized version dubbed Yen-Lo-Wang after the Chinese god of the seven hells.

Shadow Cat[]

  • Tonnage: 45
  • Top Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

A very versatile ‘Mech which supports a decent amount of armour, jump jets, good speed, and good range of weapons. The shadow cat was originally conceived as a scout mech complete with an active probe. In its primary configuration the 'Mech carries a gauss rifle and two medium ER lasers as a backup so its packing considerable firepower for its size. Many clan commanders have conceded that the 'Mech undermines its recon capabilities by destroying the targets it recons. Indeed, the Shadow Cat is fully capable of taking down an opponent twice its size.


  • Tonnage: 50
  • Top Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

A very well-rounded BattleMech, designed as a medium 'Mech hunter/killer. Along with being fast and heavily armoured, the Hellhound packs quite a punch even with its default armaments.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025 (Revised Edition)
  • Designation: CRB-20
  • Tonnage: 50
  • Max Speed: 86.4 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 2 Large Lasers
    • 1 Medium Laser
    • 1 Small Laser
  • Tech: Star League

Designed as a raider, the Crab's reliance on energy weapons means it can spend long periods of time in combat without need of resupply, although heat management is an issue. It was developed by the Star League and through its use in the Succession Wars its gained the reputation as the premiere beam support ‘Mech in its class.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: ENF-4R
  • Tonnage: 50
  • Max Speed: 64.8 km/h
  • Max Jump: 120m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 AC/10 (10 Rounds)
    • 1 Large Laser
    • 1 Small Laser

A ‘Mech closely affiliated with , the Enforcer is a dedicated combat machine that can deal good damage at medium range.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: HBK-4G
  • Tonnage: 50
  • Max Speed: 64.8 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 1 AC/20 (10 Rounds)
    • 2 Medium Lasers
    • 1 Small Laser

Built around a heavy autocannon, the Hunchback's extreme short-range firepower make it a deadly opponent even for larger 'Mechs if it can get close.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: TBT-5N
  • Tonnage: 50
  • Max Speed: 86.4 km/h
  • Standard Loadout
    • 2 LRM-15 (240 Rounds)
    • 3 Medium Lasers

A flexible ‘Mech, the Trebuchet is dangerous at all ranges as long as it is kept supplied with missiles.


  • Tonnage: 50
  • Top Speed: 97.2 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere
  • Standard Loudout
 * 2 PPC
 * 1 Machine Gun
 * 1 SRM (Crossbow)

Designed for combat versatility, it has blazing firepower, decent speed, and rarely suffers from heat build-up.


  • Source: BattleTech TRO 3025
  • Designation: TBT-5N
  • Tonnage: 55
  • Max Speed: 86.4 km/h
  • Max Jump: 150m
  • Standard Loadout
    • 2 LRM-10 (240 Rounds)
    • 2 SRM-2 (100 Rounds)
    • 2 Medium Lasers

A workhorse fire support ‘Mech, the Dervish has enough weapons to be dangerous at close range and enough armor to survive all but the heaviest weapons.

Black Hawk/Nova[]

  • Tonnage: 55/50
  • Top Speed: 86.4 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere/Clan

This ‘Mech carries plenty of firepower in its arms and is equipped with jump jets, however it is slower than average for a medium ‘Mech. It is considered a jack-of-all-trades but a master of none. Despite being found in all clan Toumans, it has not been in production since Clan Ghost Bear shut down production in the 3020's.


  • Tonnage: 55
  • Top Speed: 86.4 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

A low-profile medium ‘Mech that favours long-range weapons. Known for its odd appearance and effective load-out, it has been a constant in Mechwarrior games for over a decade.

Heavy Class[]

The heaviest BattleMech weight class in normal use, heavy 'Mechs excel at both fire support and frontal attack.


  • Tonnage: 60
  • Top Speed: 93
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

A formidable ‘Mech built for the front line. It has a great support for ballistic weapons and an LRM rack with additional support for beam weapons making it a ‘Mech to be feared. It is notable for being one of the first Inner Sphere machines to field a rotary autocannon.

Vulture/Mad Dog[]

  • Tonnage: 60
  • Top Speed: 84 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

A dedicated fire support ‘Mech with good speed, the primary configuration uses two Clan LRM 20s mounted on the shoulders of the 'Mech, two extended-range medium pulse lasers and two extended-range large pulse laser in each arm.

It is the favoured heavy 'Mech of Clan Ghost Bear but is seen in fair numbers in all clan Toumans.

Cauldron-Born/Ebon Jaguar[]

  • Tonnage: 65
  • Top Speed: 84 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

An OmniMech built by Clan Smoke Jaguar after the Clan Invasion of 3050-54. It was created successor to older OmniMechs such as Timber Wolf/Mad Cat & Mad Dog/Vulture designs. Carrying powerful arrays weapons making its predecessors look pale in comparison. Machine's weapon heat problem is its only liability.


  • Tonnage: 70
  • Top Speed: 84 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The Archer is often referred to as the Dragon mech mixed with the Vulture mech. The design of this mech is similar to that of that Dragon, except for a few added parts, such as the missile platforms.


  • Tonnage: 65
  • Top Speed: 84 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

Designed as a heavy-weight electronics suite and close combat platform, the Loki's configurations have been considered "mad" hence its name. Equipped in its Prime config with AMS, ECM, A-Pods, targeting computer and active probe, it has all of the tools you need for a campaign but with none of the armour protection you need for a stand-up fight.


  • Tonnage: 65
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

It is a fire-support ‘Mech used primarily by the Capellan Confederation military. The original armaments included pair of LRM15s and 4 medium lasers. It carries jump jets for added mobility, and later models carry artillery missiles & C3 Slave computers to make the Catapult a very efficient fire-support ‘Mech.


  • Tonnage: 70
  • Top Speed: 64
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

A signature and storied BattleMech of the BattleTech Universe. A humanoid-shaped machine with long barrels in place of arms. This machine is normally armed with two particle projection cannons. It was the favored BattleMech of Natasha Kerensky during her time in the Inner Sphere; however, it is rumored that she originally piloted a Marauder, and later swapped it for the Warhammer used by the Bounty Hunter after a duel between them which resulted in a draw. Its use declined during Clan Invasion of the 3050s.


  • Tonnage: 70
  • Top Speed: 84 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

The Thor heavy OmniMech comes with an ER PPC, LRM15, and a LB10-X Autocannon. It is an easily recognizable ‘Mech with a great emphasis on mobility.

When the ‘Mech first arrived in the Inner Sphere, it was named by Victor Steiner-Davion during his last stand at Trellwan for the Norse god of thunder due to its use of a PPC (man-made lightning) and an autocannon (thunder). The Clans have designated it the Summoner. It was also a favored ‘Mech of several Clan Jade Falcon warriors, including hero Aidan Pryde in his earlier career.


  • Tonnage: 75
  • Top Speed: 84 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The original Thanatos came with a LBX AC20, large laser, two medium pulse lasers, one medium laser, and a 20-tube medium Range Missile launcher. Its high speed for a heavy ‘Mech, jump jet ability, electronic countermeasures, and extremely good agility (coupled with a very effective torso twist) make the Thanatos a very efficient in-close brawler.

The Thanatos was originally intended as an OmniMech, but for cost-saving reasons, this plan was scrapped. In video games such as Mechwarrior 4, the ‘Mech is treated as OmniMech, trading weapons equipment at will.


  • Tonnage: 70
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

Based loosely off of the design of the familiar Vulture, which the Draconis Combine managed to get a hold of in the Battle of Luthien, it is overall a heavier, more diverse ‘Mech than its inspiration. Like the clan machine that inspired it, it is an OmniMech and thus highly customizable based on varying mission profiles.

Mad Cat/Timber Wolf[]

  • Tonnage: 75
  • Top Speed: 84 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

The very model of Clan versatility, this second generation OmniMech has a balance of missile, ballistic, and beam weapons with good speed and armour, which makes it a favourite amongst Clan and Inner Sphere pilots alike. Given its name due to it seemingly having the chassis of a Catapult and a Marauder. It is the preferred heavy ‘Mech of Clan Wolf, though its effectiveness means it is found in the arsenals of nearly every clan to some extent. It is considered to be one of the most iconic battlemechs in the franchise, as it is consistently used on logos, advertisements, and packaging.

Black Knight[]

  • Tonnage: 75
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere & Star League

Built during the heyday of the Star League, it was considered perfect for extended missions thanks to its primarily energy-weapon design. It became a rare machine on the battlefield after the Star League collapsed.

Nova Cat[]

  • Tonnage: 70
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

The Nova Cat is an OmniMech known for its heavy armor and its beam-only design. In its primary configuration it wields two extended-range PPCs, three extended-range large lasers, and one extended-range small pulse laser. Its only real drawback is its low heat sink efficiency even with double-strength heat sinks. It is Clan Nova Cat's signature 'Mech.

Marauder MAD-3R[]

  • Tonnage 75
  • Top Speed 64.8kph
  • Armour 11.5 tons
  • Weapons 2 x PPC, 2 x Medium Lasers, 1 x AC5

The MAD-3R is one of the Classic 'Mechs. Combining Good armour and medium to long range armaments, spawned a number of variants that eventually lead to the Wolf's Dragoons development of the 100ton Marauder II

Assault Class[]

A rare sight on the battlefield, the Assault class is a sight to be feared and a force to be reckoned with. What they lack in speed they make up for in strong armour and weaponry.


  • Tonnage: 80
  • Top Speed: 74 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The Zeus was created by the Lyran Alliance in an attempt to mix speed and firepower, this mech is often confused with its newer version, known as the Templar.


  • Tonnage: 80
  • Top Speed: 54 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

This ‘Mech bears a tremendous amount of energy firepower, but is slow and prone to overheating. The Awesome's default weaponry is three PPCs, a medium pulse laser, and a SRM2. Later models added extra weaponry to balance its options and reduce heat build-up.


  • Tonnage: 100
  • Top Speed: 54 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere / Star League

Developed by the Star League before its fall, this streamlined, mammoth assault ‘Mech is machine to be feared. Originally designed with twin Gauss rifles, a large laser, and four medium lasers, this machine carries the maximum amount of armor possible. The Pillager is a 100 ton machine, yet it mounts jump jets for increased mobility, an unwelcome surprise for its opponents. Production has recently been revived by the once-independent nation-state St. Ives Compact. The Compact was conquered by Capellan Confederation, which has taken this design and created more variants, some using stealth technology.


  • Tonnage: 85
  • Top Speed: 54 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The Stalker is designed as a slow moving weapons platform capable of fighting effectively at any combat distance thanks to overlapping weapon ranges. It is armed with a combination of lasers and missile launchers and heavily armoured.


  • Tonnage: 85
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

A versatile ‘Mech designed for the forces supporting Davion by Kallon Industries. Armed with twin PPCs and twin Large Pulse Lasers, giving it an all-laser configuration that makes it prone to heat-buildup, but leaving it independent of ammunition and capable of dishing out massive amounts of damage at all ranges.


  • Tonnage: 85
  • Top Speed: 64.8
  • Tech: Clan

First seen during Clan Smoke Jaguar's incursion into the Draconis Combine in the 3050s, it seemed all but unstoppable. The ‘Mech was designed around four ER PPCs with an LRM rack thrown in for good measure. It is a terror on the battlefield, favoured by the Jade Falcons and Smoke Jaguars.

Mad Cat Mk II[]

  • Tonnage: 90
  • Top Speed: 74 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

This mech closely resembles the Timber Wolf but in reality it is a completely new design. The machine's twin LRM launchers, twin Gauss rifles, and four medium lasers are a powerful combination. Because of its jump jets and relatively high speed, it is a favorite for the command role. Despite having been made by Clan Diamond Shark, the Mad Cat Mark II has never been liked amongst the Clans and is suspected to be intended for sale to the Inner Sphere.


  • Tonnage: 100
  • Top Speed: 32 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

This massive ‘Mech was re-introduced by the Wolf's Dragoons and carries a significant load of ballistic weapons. It can deliver devastating attacks that can quickly render an enemy crippled. However, the design's glaring flaw is its slow speed.

Daishi/Dire Wolf[]

  • Tonnage: 100
  • Top Speed: 58 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

The ultimate word in OmniMech technology, the primary weapons layout for the Daishi carries four ER large lasers, supplemented by two Ultra A/C 5s, four ER medium pulse lasers, and an LRM-10. It is a favourite of Clan Smoke Jaguar, who have used it to deadly effect against the Draconis Combine during the initial Clan invasion of 3050.

It is the preferred ‘Mech of many notable MechWarriors including Victor Ian Steiner-Davion, Morgan Hasek-Davion, Natasha Kerensky, and Hohiro Kurita.


  • Tonnage: 100
  • Top Speed: 73
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The original Fafnir is armed with twin heavy Gauss rifles and 3 ER medium lasers (BattleTech Canon) or twin heavy Gauss rifles, a pair of Inner Sphere large lasers and Inner Sphere medium lasers (MW4: Mercs). It was created by Defiance Industries, who wanted to create a successful ‘Mech similar to their failed Defiance model. The result was the threatening Fafnir, which was favored by the Lyrans during the FedCom Civil War. Though quite slow, it has thick armor to compensate for its lack of speed.


  • Tonnage: 100
  • Top Speed: 54 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The infamous skull-headed ‘Mech, it bears more armor than most other 'Mechs and is known for its vast array of weapons and firepower. It is worth noting the Atlas was the first ‘Mech to field a Class 20 autocannon and was designed to the specifications of Aleksandr Kerensky, the progenitor of the Clans prior to the Exodus.

Standard Weapons: Heavy Gauss Rifle x2 ERPPC x1 Large laser


  • Tonnage: 85
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The Battlemaster is a ‘Mech that is rightly favoured by Commanders for its heavy armament and strong armour, however it is often set-back by slow speeds. Despite these facts it was the preferred ‘Mech of great house leaders such as Hanse Davion and Takashi Kurita.


  • Tonnage: 85
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

An old design, the Longbow is primarily a fire-support BattleMech. The original version, the LGB-0W, had twin LRM-20 launchers, two LRM-15s, and a small laser. This design, created by the Free Worlds League, was to be answer to Terran Hegemony's Archer. This is not a popular ‘Mech with pilots due to its thin armor (for an assault ‘Mech), yet the design managed to survive the devastating Succession Wars. Over its life time it has been given numerous revisions, each one making it faster, better armored, and more devastating. With each revision, the machine's appearance has been completely altered, making it impossible for opposing pilots to tell what machine they're facing until it's too late.


  • Tonnage 95
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The first OmniMech fielded by the Lyran Alliance, the Hauptmann carries a very strong and very diverse array of weaponry. It is modeled around the dreaded Dire Wolf.


  • Tonnage: 80
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

The Victor is a venerable assault ‘Mech easily recognized by its distinctive head shape and the use of heavy ballistic weapons in all variations (in some cases a Class 20 autocannon and in others a Gauss rifle)and short range missile rack in its torso and its jump jet engines for extra mobility. It was the preferred ‘Mech of Prince Ian Victor Steiner-Davion prior to receiving his Daishi Prometheus.


  • Tonnage: 95
  • Top Speed: 81.07
  • Tech: Clan

The Gladiator OmniMech is a favourite amongst Clan Ghost Bear for its high-power weapons and jump jets. Although its default armament might not seem impressive, and takes away a lot of weight, its ability to quickly and easily mount a Clan Gauss rifle while still retaining jump jets and lots of Beam weaponry places it as one of the elite.


  • Tonnage: 90
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

One of the first Inner Sphere OmniMechs, the Sunder is primarily a fire support and command ‘Mech. It still retains adequate heat dissipation and armour, although its slow speed is a significant hindrance.


  • Tonnage: 90
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Inner Sphere

A classic assault BattleMech design favored by commanders for its communications suite, weapons mix, and good overland mobility, the 90-ton Cyclops was a mainstay of regimental command units but a rare sight on the battle lines. Known for its high quality regimental command computer interface, the Cyclops belies its name, giving commanders unmatched control over the deployment of their forces.


  • Tonnage: 100
  • Top Speed: 64 km/h
  • Tech: Clan

Clan Ghost Bear's favored design. Fast and maneuverable with jump jets, the Kodiak is a force to be reckoned with, towering over the battlefield and firing a deadly suite of weapons from its massive arms that seem to possess bear claws. It is mostly a close-combat ‘Mech because of its A/C20 medium lasers and SRMs.

Blood Asp[]

  • Tonnage: 90
  • Top Speed: 65kph
  • Tech: Clan

Created by Clan Star Adder as an insult to their enemies, Clan Blood Spirit, the Blood Asp has a large amount of available space for its size. Based on the Kingfisher, the Blood Asp adds an XL Engine, but space constraints forced the replacement of the Kingfisher's Ferro-Fibrous armor with standard plate. The Blood Asp incorporates sixteen tons of this armor and fourteen double heat sinks in the base chassis. One of the first 'Mechs to field breakthrough Heavy Laser technology, the Blood Asp proves to be an offensive powerhouse. Delivering incredible damage at all ranges, the Blood Asp makes short work of any enemy regardless of size.

Standard Weapons: 2x Heavy Gauss Rifles 4x Heavy Medium Lasers 2x Medium Pulse Lasers 1x Streak SRM-6


  1. ^ Bills, Randall N.; et al. (2007). "A Brief History of the Inner Sphere". Inner Sphere at a Glance. Classic BattleTech. Lake Stevens, WA: Catalyst Game Labs (inMediaRes Productions). ISBN 978-0-9792047-3-9.
  2. ^ Clute, John; Nicholls, Peter, eds. (1995) [1993]. "Games and Sports". The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. technical editor, John Grant; contributing editor, Brian Stableford (2nd ed.). New York: St. Martin's Griffin. p. 466. ISBN 978-0-312-09618-2. ...many visions of a corrupt future society forsee the return of bloody games in the Roman tradition... The BattleTech shared-world series (see also Robert Thurston) moves the formula on to a galactic stage.
  3. ^ Hess, Clare W.; et al. (1989). Donna Ippolito (ed.). Technical Readout: 2750 (Corrected Second Printing ed.). Chicago: FASA Corporation. ISBN 978-1-55560-089-1.
  4. ^ "WizKids: MechWarrior". Archived from the original on 2007-12-08. Retrieved 2007-12-09.
  5. ^ "Combat Equipment"
  6. ^ "Technical Readout: Vehicle Annex"
  7. ^ Jump up to: a b c Hartford, Chris; et al. (1993). "History of Naval Warfare". In Donna Ippolito (ed.). Battlespace Sourcebook. Chicago: FASA Corporation. ISBN 1-55560-208-8.
  8. ^ Jump up to: a b Donna Ippolito, ed. (1991). "Historical Overview". MechWarrior (Second ed.). Chicago: FASA Corporation. ISBN 1-55560-129-4.
  9. ^ Jump up to: a b Hess, Clare W.; et al. (1989). "Star League Technology". In Donna Ippolito (ed.). Technical Readout: 2750 (Corrected Second Printing ed.). Chicago: FASA Corporation. ISBN 1-55560-089-1.
  10. ^ Keith, J. Andrew; Jim Musser (1990). "The Clans". In Donna Ippolito (ed.). Technical Readout: 3050 (Revised Second Printing ed.). Chicago: FASA Corporation. ISBN 1-55560-090-5.
  11. ^ Donna Ippolito, ed. (1992). "Inner Sphere Prototypes". Technical Readout: 3055 (Corrected Second Printing ed.). Chicago: FASA Corporation. ISBN 1-55560-164-2.
  12. ^ Hartford, Chris; et al. (1993). "Naval Technology: Jumpships". In Donna Ippolito (ed.). Battlespace Sourcebook. Chicago: FASA Corporation. ISBN 1-55560-208-8.
  13. ^ Jump up to: a b Donna Ippolito, ed. (1991). "Space Travel". MechWarrior (Second ed.). Chicago: FASA Corporation. ISBN 1-55560-129-4.
  14. ^ Donna Ippolito, ed. (1991). "Hyperpulse Generator". MechWarrior (Second ed.). Chicago: FASA Corporation. ISBN 1-55560-129-4.
  15. ^ "New Equipment". A Guide to Covert Ops. Classic BattleTech. FanPro. 2004. ISBN 1-932564-15-2.
  16. ^ "The Legend of the Jade Phoenix Trilogy"
  17. ^ "Mercenaries Supplemental"
  18. ^ "Mercenaries Supplemental II"
  19. ^ Harmony Gold U.S.A. and Playmates Toys v. FASA Corporation and Virtual World Entertainment, 95 2972 (U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division 1996-06-12).
  20. ^ Record Sheets: Phoenix Upgrades. BattleCorps. 2006. pp. 1–2.
  21. ^ "Catalyst Game Labs". Catalyst Game Labs.
  22. ^ Sometimes Things Just Don't Go As We Want Them To | BattleTech: 25 Years of Heavy Metal Mayhem Archived 2012-02-26 at the Wayback Machine
  23. ^ House Liao Sourcebook
  24. ^ Jump up to: a b Catalyst Game Lab's Official Classic Battletech Website
  25. ^ Stackpole, Michael A. Warrior: Coupé
  26. ^ Stackpole, Michael A. Lethal Heritage
  27. ^ Catalyst Game Lab's Official Classic Battletech Website
  28. ^ Coleman, Loren L. The Killing Fields
  29. ^ Coleman, Loren L. Threads of Ambition
  30. ^ Jump up to: a b Field Manual: Capellan Confederation
  31. ^ Catalyst Game Lab's Official Classic Battletech Website
  32. ^ House Kurita: 26-27
  33. ^ House Kurita: 86; Charrette: Prologue
  34. ^ Update: 44; Atlas Vol. 1: 43, 60; Atlas Vol. 2: 66, 71
  35. ^ Atlas Vol. 2: 20; Update: 45
  36. ^ Charrette: Chapter 38; Update: 45
  37. ^ Update: 85; House Kurita: 189
  38. ^ Update: 45
  39. ^ Charrette: Chapters 51-53; Update: 35-36, 45-46
  40. ^ Update: 50
  41. ^ FanPro
  42. ^ Star League Sourcebook. FASA. p. 8
  43. ^ History of the Inner Sphere
  44. ^ Star League Sourcebook, p. 28
  45. ^ House Davion Sourcebook (accessible online at
  46. ^ Field Manual: Federated Suns
  47. ^ FedCom Civil War
  48. ^ Dawn of the Jihad
  49. ^ Stackpole, Michael A. Ghost War
  50. ^ Hollander - BattleTechWiki
  51. ^ Hellspawn HSN-7D Entry @
  52. ^ Jump up to: a b c

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