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District of Punic Byrsa

Byrsa was a walled citadel above the Phoenician harbour in ancient Carthage, Tunisia, as well as the name of the hill it rested on.


In Virgil's account of Dido's founding of Carthage, when Dido and her party were encamped at Byrsa, the local Berber chieftain offered them as much land as could be covered with a single oxhide. Therefore, Dido cut an oxhide into tiny strips and set them on the ground end to end until she had completely encircled the hilltop of Byrsa (Greek: βύρσα, "oxhide").


The citadel dominated the city below and formed the principal military installation of Carthage. Its name appeared on Carthaginian currency under the form BʾRṢT (Punic: