Closed graph

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In mathematics, particularly in functional analysis and topology, closed graph is a property of functions.[1][2] A function f : XY between topological spaces has a closed graph if its graph is a closed subset of the product space X × Y. A related property is open graph.[3]

This property is studied because there are many theorems, known as closed graph theorems, giving conditions under which a function with a closed graph is necessarily continuous. One particularly well-known class of closed graph theorems are the closed graph theorems in functional analysis.


Graphs and multifunctions[]

Definition and notation: The graph of a function f : XY is the set
Gr f := { (x, f(x)) : xX } = { (x, y) ∈ X × Y : y = f(x) }.
Notation: If Y is a set then the power set of Y, which is the set of all subsets of Y, is denoted by 2Y or