Districts of Afghanistan

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Map of the districts of Afghanistan (province boundaries in red)
Map of the provinces named

This is a list of districts of Afghanistan, known as wuleswali (Pashto: ولسوالۍ‎, wuləswāləi; Persian: شهرستان‎, shahrestān). These are secondary-level administrative units, one level below the provinces. The Afghan government issued its first district map in 1973.[1][2] It recognized 325 districts, counting wuleswalis (districts), alaqadaries (sub-districts), and markaz-e-wulaiyat (provincial center districts).[2] In the ensuing years, additional districts have been added through splits, and a few eliminated through mergers. In June 2005, the Afghan government issued a map of 398 districts.[3] It was widely adopted by many information management systems, though usually with the addition of Sharak-e-Hayratan for a 399 district total. It remains the de facto standard, as of late 2018, despite a string of government announcements of the creation of new districts.

The latest set includes 421 districts. "Almost unnoticed ,the country’s Central Statistics Office (CSO) and the Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG) have come up with a joint, consolidated list of how many districts Afghanistan has. It has handed this list over to the Independent Election Commission (IEC) that has used it in preparing the elections. The number is: 387. [Or 387 "districts" and 34 "provincial center districts" for 421 districts in total].[4] Here is an external link to a spreadsheet of some of the more recent generations of district sets.[5]

The list below includes districts with links to other Wikipedia pages. It does not correspond with any particular district set. It lacks a number of districts currently recognized by the Afghan government, and lacks some others that are popularly but not officially recognized.

Northern Afghanistan[]

North East Afghanistan[]

Badakhshan Province[]

Districts of Badakshan
  • Arghanj Khwa – formerly part of Fayzabad District
  • Argo – formerly part of Fayzabad District
  • Baharak
  • Darayim – formerly part of Fayzabad District
  • Fayzabad
  • Ishkashim
  • Jurm
  • Khash – formerly part of Jurm District
  • Khwahan
  • Kishim
  • Kohistan – formerly part of Baharak District
  • Kuf Ab – formerly part of Khwahan District
  • Kuran Wa Munjan
  • Maimay – formerly part of Darwaz District
  • Nusay – formerly part of Darwaz District
  • Ragh
  • Shahri Buzurg
  • Shekay – formerly part of Darwaz District
  • Shighnan
  • Shuhada – formerly part of Baharak District
  • Tagab - formerly part of Fayzabad District
  • Tishkan – formerly part of Kishim District
  • Wakhan
  • Wurduj – formerly part of Baharak District
  • Yaftali Sufla - formerly part of Fayzabad District
  • Yamgan – formerly part of Baharak District
  • Yawan – formerly part of Ragh District
  • Zebak

Baghlan Province[]

Districts of Baghlan
  • Andarab
  • Baghlan – now part of Baghlani Jadid District
  • Baghlani Jadid
  • Burka
  • Dahana i Ghuri
  • Dih Salah – formerly part of Andarab District
  • Dushi
  • Farang wa Gharu – formerly part of Khost Wa Fereng District
  • Guzargahi Nur – formerly part of Khost Wa Fereng District
  • Khinjan
  • Khost wa Fereng
  • Khwaja Hijran – formerly part of Andarab District
  • Nahrin
  • Puli Hisar – formerly part of Andarab District
  • Puli Khumri
  • Tala Wa Barfak

Kunduz Province[]

Districts of Kunduz
  • Ali Abad
  • Archi
  • Chardara
  • Imam Sahib
  • Khan Abad
  • Kunduz
  • Qalay-I-Zal
  • Aaqtash
  • Gul Tepa
  • Kalbaad

Takhar Province[]

Districts of Takhar
  • Baharak – formerly part of Taluqan District
  • Bangi
  • Chah Ab
  • Chal
  • Darqad
  • Dashti Qala – formerly part of Khwaja Ghar District
  • Farkhar
  • Hazar Sumuch –formerly part of Taluqan District
  • Ishkamish
  • Kalafgan
  • Khwaja Bahauddin – formerly part of Yangi Qala District
  • Khwaja Ghar
  • Namak Ab – formerly part of Taluqan District
  • Rustaq
  • Taluqan
  • Warsaj
  • Yangi Qala

North West Afghanistan[]

Balkh Province[]

Districts of Balkh
  • Balkh
  • Chahar Bolak
  • Chahar Kint
  • Chimtal
  • Dawlatabad
  • Dihdadi
  • Kaldar
  • Khulmi
  • Kishindih
  • Marmul
  • Mazar-e Sharif
  • Nahri Shahi
  • Sholgara
  • Shortepa
  • Zari – formerly part of Kishindih District

Faryab Province[]

Districts of Faryab
  • Almar
  • Andkhoy
  • Bilchiragh
  • Dawlat Abad
  • Gurziwan – formerly part of Bilchiragh District
  • Khani Chahar Bagh
  • Khwaja Sabz Posh
  • Kohistan
  • Maymana
  • Pashtun Kot
  • Qaramqol
  • Qaysar
  • Qurghan – formerly part of Andkhoy District
  • Shirin Tagab

Jowzjan Province[]

Districts of Jowzjan
  • Aqcha
  • Darzab
  • Fayzabad
  • Khamyab
  • Khaniqa – formerly part of Aqcha District
  • Khwaja Du Koh
  • Mardyan
  • Mingajik
  • Qarqin
  • Qush Tepa – formerly part of Darzab District
  • Shibirghan

Samangan Province[]

Districts of Samangan
  • Aybak
  • Dara-I-Sufi Balla – part of the former Dara-I-Suf District
  • Dara-I-Sufi Payan – part of the former Dara-I-Suf District
  • Feroz Nakhchir – formerly part of Khulmi District; shifted from Balkh Province
  • Hazrati Sultan
  • Khuram Wa Sarbagh
  • Ruyi Du Ab

Sar-e Pol Province[]

Districts of Sar-e Pol
  • Balkhab
  • Gosfandi – formerly part of Sayyad District
  • Kohistanat
  • Sangcharak
  • Sar-e Pul
  • Sayyad
  • Sozma Qala

Central Afghanistan[]

Central Afghanistan[]

Bamyan Province[]

Districts of Bamyan.
  • Bamyan
  • Kahmard - shifted from Baghlan Province
  • Panjab
  • Sayghan - formerly part of Kahmard District; shifted from Baghlan Province
  • Shibar
  • Waras
  • Yakawlang

Kabul Province[]

Districts of Kabul.
  • Bagrami
  • Chahar Asyab
  • Deh Sabz
  • Farza - formerly part of Mir Bacha Kot District
  • Guldara
  • Istalif
  • Kabul
  • Kalakan
  • Khaki Jabbar
  • Mir Bacha Kot
  • Mussahi
  • Paghman
  • Qarabagh
  • Shakardara
  • Surobi

Kapisa Province[]

Districts of Kapisa.
  • Alasay
  • Hesa Awal Kohistan - part of the former Kohistan District
  • Hesa Duwum Kohistan - part of the former Kohistan District
  • Koh Band
  • Mahmud Raqi
  • Nijrab
  • Tagab

Logar Province[]

Districts of Logar.
  • Azra - shifted from Paktia Province
  • Baraki Barak
  • Charkh
  • Kharwar - formerly part of Charkh District
  • Khoshi
  • Mohammad Agha
  • Puli Alam

Panjshir Province[]

District of Panjshir.
  • Anaba - part of the former Panjsher District
  • Bazarak - part of the former Panjsher District
  • Darah - part of the former Hisa Duwum Panjsher District
  • Khenj - part of the former Hisa Awal Panjsher District
  • Paryan - part of the former Hisa Awal Panjsher District
  • Rokha - created from parts of the former Hisa Duwum Panjsher and Panjsher Districts
  • Shotul - part of the former Panjsher District

Parwan Province[]

Districts of Parwan.
  • Bagram
  • Chaharikar
  • Ghorband
  • Jabal Saraj
  • Kohi Safi
  • Salang
  • Sayed Khel - formerly part of Jabul Saraj District
  • Shekh Ali
  • Shinwari
  • Surkhi Parsa

Wardak Province[]

Districts of Wardak.
  • Chaki
  • Day Mirdad
  • Hisa-I-Awali Bihsud
  • Jaghatu - shifted from Ghazni Province
  • Jalrez
  • Markazi Bihsud
  • Maydan Shahr
  • Nirkh
  • Saydabad

Eastern Afghanistan[]

Kunar Province[]

Districts of Kunar.
  • Asadabad
  • Bar Kunar
  • Chapa Dara
  • Chawkay
  • Dangam
  • Dara-I-Pech
  • Ghaziabad - formerly part of Nurgal District
  • Khas Kunar
  • Marawara
  • Narang Wa Badil
  • Nari
  • Nurgal
  • Shaygal Wa Shiltan - formerly part of Chapa Dara District
  • Sirkanay
  • Wata Pur - formerly part of Asadabad District
  • Shultan - formerly part of Shaygl District

Laghman Province[]

Districts of Laghman.
  • Alingar
  • Alishing
  • Baad Pakh - formerly part of Mihtarlam District
  • Dawlat Shah
  • Mihtarlam
  • Qarghayi

Nangarhar Province[]

Districts of Nangarhar.
  • Achin
  • Bati Kot
  • Behsud - formerly part of Jalalabad District
  • Chaparhar
  • Dara-I-Nur
  • Dih Bala
  • Dur Baba
  • Goshta
  • Hisarak
  • Jalalabad
  • Kama
  • Khogyani
  • Kot - formerly part of Rodat District
  • Kuz Kunar
  • Lal Pur
  • Muhmand Dara
  • Nazyan
  • Pachir Wa Agam
  • Rodat
  • Sherzad
  • Shinwar
  • Surkh Rod
  • Haska Meyna

Nuristan Province[]

Districts of Nuristan.
  • Bargi Matal
  • Du Ab - created from parts of Nuristan and Mandol Districts
  • Kamdesh
  • Mandol
  • Nurgaram - created from parts of Nuristan and Wama Districts
  • Parun - formerly part of Wama District
  • Wama
  • Waygal

Western Afghanistan[]

Badghis Province[]

Districts of Badghis.
  • Ab Kamari
  • Ghormach
  • Jawand
  • Muqur
  • Bala Murghab
  • Qadis
  • Qala-I-Naw

Farah Province[]

Districts of Farah.
  • Anar Dara
  • Bakwa
  • Bala Buluk
  • Farah
  • Gulistan
  • Khaki Safed
  • Lash wa Juwayn
  • Pur Chaman
  • Pusht Rod
  • Qala i Kah
  • Shib Koh

Ghor Province[]

Districts of Ghor.
  • Chaghcharan (Ferozkoh)
  • Marghab District - formerly part of ferozkoh.
  • Charsada
  • Dawlat Yar
  • Du Layna District
  • Lal Wa Sarjangal
  • Pasaband
  • Saghar
  • Shahrak
  • Taywara
  • Tulak

Herat Province[]

Districts of Herat.
  • Adraskan
  • Chishti Sharif
  • Farsi
  • Ghoryan
  • Gulran
  • Guzara
  • Hirat
  • Injil
  • Karukh
  • Kohsan
  • Kushk
  • Kushki Kuhna
  • Obe
  • Pashtun Zarghun
  • Shindand
  • Zinda Jan
  • Turghandi[citation needed]
  • Islam Qala

Southern Afghanistan[]

South East Afghanistan[]

Ghazni Province[]

Districts of Ghazni.
  • Ab Band
  • Ajristan
  • Andar
  • Dih Yak
  • Gelan
  • Ghazni City
  • Giro
  • Jaghatū District
  • Jaghuri
  • Khugiani - created from parts of Waeez Shahid and Ghazni Districts
  • Khwaja Umari - formerly part of Waeez Shahid District
  • Malistan
  • Muqur
  • Nawa
  • Nawur
  • Qarabagh
  • Rashidan - formerly part of Waeez Shahid District
  • Waghaz - formerly part of Muqur District
  • Zana Khan

Khost Province[]

Districts of Khost.
  • Bak
  • Gurbuz
  • Jaji Maydan
  • Khost (Matun)
  • Mandozai
  • Musa Khel
  • Nadir Shah Kot
  • Qalandar
  • Sabari
  • Shamal - shifted from Paktia Province
  • Spera
  • Tani
  • Tere Zayi

Paktia Province[]

Districts of Paktia.
  • Ahmad Aba - formerly part of Said Karam District
  • Ahmadkhel
  • Dand Aw Patan
  • Gardez
  • Janikhel
  • Said Karam
  • Shwak
  • Tsamkani
  • Zadran
  • Zazi
  • Zurmat

Paktika Province[]

Districts of Paktika.
  • Barmal
  • Dila
  • Gayan
  • Gomal
  • Janikhel - formerly part of Khairkot District
  • Khairkot
  • Mata Khan
  • Nika
  • Omna
  • Sar Hawza
  • Surobi
  • Sharan
  • Terwa - formerly part of Wazakhwa District
  • Urgun
  • Wazakhwa
  • Wor Mamay
  • Yahya Khel - formerly part of Khairkot District
  • Yusufkhel - formerly part of Khairkot District
  • Ziruk

South West Afghanistan[]

Daykundi Province[]

Districts of Daykundi.
  • Ishtarlay - part of the former Daykundi District; shifted from Uruzgan Province
  • Kajran - shifted from Uruzgan Province
  • Khadir - part of the former Daykundi District; shifted from Uruzgan Province
  • Kiti - formerly part of Kajran District; shifted from Uruzgan Province
  • Miramor - formerly part of Sharistan District; shifted from Uruzgan Province
  • Nili - part of the former Daykundi District; shifted from Uruzgan Province
  • Sangtakht - part of the former Daykundi District; shifted from Uruzgan Province
  • Shahristan - shifted from Uruzgan Province

Helmand Province[]

Districts of Helmand.
  • Baghran
  • Dishu
  • Garmsir
  • Grishk
  • Kajaki
  • Khanashin
  • Lashkargah
  • Majrah - formerly part of Nad Ali District
  • Musa Qala
  • Nad Ali
  • Nawa-I-Barakzayi
  • Nawzad
  • Sangin
  • Washir

Kandahar Province[]

Districts of Kandahar.
  • Arghandab
  • Dand
  • Arghistan
  • Daman
  • Ghorak
  • Kandahar
  • Khakrez
  • Maruf
  • Maywand
  • Miyan Nasheen - formerly part of Shah Wali Kot District
  • Naish - shifted from Oruzgan Province
  • Panjwaye
  • Reg
  • Shah Wali Kot
  • Shorabak
  • Spin Boldak
  • Zhari - created from parts of Maywand and Panjwaye Districts

Nimruz Province[]

Districts of Nimruz.
  • Chahar Burjak
  • Chakhansur
  • Kang
  • Khash Rod
  • Zaranj

Orūzgān Province[]

Districts of Orūzgān.
  • Chora
  • Deh Rawood
  • Gizab
  • Khas Uruzgan
  • Shahidi Hassas
  • Tarinkot

Zabul Province[]

Districts of Zabūl.
  • Argahandab
  • Atghar
  • Daychopan
  • Kakar - formerly part of Argahandab District
  • Mezana
  • Naw Bahar - created from parts of Shamulzuyi and Shinkay Districts in Zabul Province .
  • Qalat (technically only a municipality, not a district)
  • Shah Joy
  • Shamulzayi
  • Shinkay
  • Tarnak Wa Jaldak

See also[]


  1. ^ Minor Civil Divisions Map 1:1,000,000 scale Afghan Demographic Studies, Ministry of Planning, Ashraf et al., 1973
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b Afghanistan; Districts and Codes by Province, Edition 2.0, AID / Rep. DC&A Mapping Unit, October 1991, Peshawar, Pakistan [1]
  3. ^ Empirical Studies of Conflict program, Princeton University. "Administrative Boundaries : 398 Districts". Retrieved February 24, 2019.
  4. ^ Ruttig, Thomas. "Good news and bad news about district numbers". Afghanistan Analysts Network. Retrieved February 23, 2019.
  5. ^ Spreadsheet listing of the 399, 407, 419 and 421 district sets. "Afghanistan District Maps; Lookup Tool tab". Retrieved February 24, 2019.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

External links[]

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