Eleventh Seimas of Lithuania

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Eleventh Seimas of Lithuania
Tenth Seimas of Lithuania Twelfth Seimas of Lithuania
Legislative bodySeimas
Jurisdiction Lithuania

The Eleventh Seimas of Lithuania was a parliament (Seimas) elected in Lithuania. Elections took place on 14 October 2012, with the run-off on 28 October. The Seimas commenced its work on 17 November 2012 and served a four-year term, with the last session taking place on 10 November 2016.


In the elections in 2012, 70 members of the parliament were elected on proportional party lists and 71 in single member constituencies. Elections took place on 14 October 2012. Run-off elections were held on 28 October in the single-seat constituencies where no candidate secured a seat in the first round.

Party Proportional Constituency
Votes % Seats
Labour Party 271,520 20.69 17 12 29 +19
Social Democrats 251,610 19.18 15 23 38 +13
Homeland Union 206,590 15.75 13 20 33 –12
Liberal Movement 117,476 8.95 7 3 10 –1
The Way of Courage 109,448 8.34 7 7 New
Order and Justice 100,120 7.63 6 5 11 –4
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania 79,840 6.08 5 3 8 +5
Peasant and Greens Union 53,141 4.05 1 1 –2
Liberal and Centre Union 28,263 2.15 –8
YES 24,129 1.84 New
Socialist People's Front 16,515 1.26 0
Christian Party 16,494 1.26 New
For Lithuania in Lithuania 12,854 0.98 New
Young Lithuania 8,632 0.66 0
Democratic Labour and Unity Party 4,383 0.33 New
Emigrants' Party 4,015 0.31 New
Republican Party 3,661 0.28 New
Lithuanian People's Party 3,399 0.26 New
Independents 3 3 –1
Invalid/blank votes 57,924
Total 1,370,014 100 70 70 140
Registered voters/turnout 2,588,418 52.93
Source: Central Electoral Commission[1][2]


Speaker of the Seimas
Vydas Gedvilas
Vydas Gedvilas (Labour Party)
17 November 2012 – 3 October 2013
Loreta Graužinienė
Loreta Graužinienė (Labour Party)
3 October 2013 – 14 November 2016

Social Democrats have been the largest party in the Eleventh Seimas and form a coalition government with the Labour Party and the Order and Justice party. Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania was initially a member of the ruling coalition, but left in 2014.[3]

Vydas Gedvilas of the Labour Party was elected as the Speaker of the Seimas during the first session. He resigned less than a year later and was replaced by Loreta Graužinienė for the rest of the term.

This parliament led to the adoption of the euro and introduced direct mayoral elections.


Parliamentary groups[]

After the elections, the parliamentary groups were formed in the Seimas, largely on the party lines: Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (LSDPF), Labour Party (DPF), Liberal Movement (LSF), Order and Justice (FTT), Electoral Action of the Poles in Lithuania (LLRAF), Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TSLKDF), Way of Courage (FDK) and the Mixed Group of Members of the Seimas (MSNG).[4]

By the end of the term of the Seimas, the following parliamentary groups were active.

Lithuania Parliament 2016.svg
Name Abbr. Members
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania LSDPF 39
Homeland Union TS-LKDF 30
Labor Party DPF 28
Liberal Movement LSF 12
Order and Justice TTLDF 9
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Christian Families Alliance LLRA–KŠSF 8
Others MSNG 13
Vacant 2


155 members have served on the Eleventh Seimas.[5] After the resignation of Vytautas Gapšys, Aurimas Truncė qualified for a Seimas seat through the electoral list of the Labour Party but relinquished the seat before taking oath.

Name, Surname Constituency Electoral list Notes
Nationwide TT
Mantas Adomėnas Nationwide TS
Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė Nationwide TS
Vytenis Andriukaitis 4 Žirmūnų LSDP Until 15 September 2014
Arvydas Anušauskas 2 Senamiesčio TS
Petras Auštrevičius Nationwide LS Until 27 June 2014
Audronius Ažubalis 6 Šeškinės TS
Zigmantas Balčytis Nationwide LSDP Until 16 November 2012
8 Karoliniškių Independent
43 Kėdainių DP
38 Mažeikių TT
64 Šakių LSDP
Rima Baškienė 45 Šiaulių kaimiškoji LVŽS
Juozas Bernatonis Nationwide LSDP
Agnė Bilotaitė Nationwide TS
Šarūnas Birutis 53 Ignalinos - Švenčionių DP
Vilija Blinkevičiūtė Nationwide LSDP Until 16 November 2012
59 Kaišiadorių - Elektrėnų LSDP
Nationwide DK From 1 July 2014
39 Akmenės - Joniškio DP
40 Telšių DP
Algirdas Butkevičius 68 Vilkaviškio LSDP
18 Panemunės TS
54 Molėtų - Švenčionių DP
Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen Nationwide LS From 21 April 2015
Rimantas Dagys 11 Šilainių TS
Nationwide DP
Irena Degutienė 1 Naujamiesčio TS
Nationwide DP
Nationwide DP
Nationwide LSDP
52 Zarasų - Visagino TT From 22 March 2013
15 Kalniečių TS
Nationwide DP
Nationwide DP
46 Pakruojo - Joniškio LS
Nationwide DP Until 7 August 2016
Vydas Gedvilas Nationwide DP
Eugenijus Gentvilas Nationwide LS
Nationwide DK
Kęstutis Glaveckas Nationwide LS
Loreta Graužinienė Nationwide DP
31 Gargždų TT
61 Ukmergės LSDP From 22 March 2013
Šarūnas Gustainis 4 Žirmūnų LS From 24 March 2015
Nationwide DP
Nationwide DP From 14 September 2016
66 Kauno kaimiškoji TS
Nationwide LLRA From 19 November 2012
42 Raseinių LSDP
Sergejus Jovaiša Nationwide TS
Rasa Juknevičienė 14 Žaliakalnio TS
Nationwide LSDP
Vytautas Juozapaitis Nationwide TS
Nationwide TT
70 Varėnos - Eišiškių LS Until 8 April 2015
Nationwide TS
Gediminas Kirkilas Nationwide LSDP
Nationwide TT
Nationwide DP
Vanda Kravčionok Nationwide LLRA
Dainius Kreivys 5 Fabijoniškių TS
Andrius Kubilius 3 Antakalnio TS
Nationwide LS
12 Aleksoto - Vilijampolės TS
16 Dainavos TS
Nationwide LLRA
Nationwide LSDP From 19 November 2012
Nationwide LS From 1 July 2014
Michal Mackevič Nationwide LLRA
Vincė Vaidevutė Margevičienė 13 Centro TS
69 Dzūkijos DP
Eligijus Masiulis 21 Marių LS Until 19 May 2016
Nationwide TS
47 Pasvalio - Panevėžio TS
Nationwide DK
Andrius Mazuronis Nationwide TT
Valentinas Mazuronis Nationwide TT Until 25 June 2014
Vidas Mikalauskas 70 Varėnos - Eišiškių LSDP From 29 June 2015
Nationwide LSDP From 19 November 2012
58 Trakų - Elektrėnų DP
71 Lazdijų - Druskininkų LSDP
29 Marijampolės LSDP
24 Saulės LSDP
41 Kelmės LSDP
Audrius Nakas Nationwide DK From 14 April 2015
Jaroslav Narkevič 57 Vilniaus - Trakų LLRA
26 Nevėžio DP
Nationwide LSDP
Juozas Olekas 63 Suvalkijos LSDP
Andrius Palionis 67 Prienų - Birštono Independent
Nationwide LLRA Until 16 November 2012
20 Baltijos DP
Algirdas Vaclovas Patackas Nationwide DK Until 3 April 2015
Artūras Paulauskas Nationwide DP
62 Jurbarko LSDP
Marija Aušrinė Pavilionienė Nationwide LSDP
51 Utenos LSDP
34 Tauragės LSDP
28 Aukštaitijos LSDP
37 Skuodo - Mažeikių DP
Raminta Popovienė 65 Kauno - Kėdainių LSDP
Juras Požela Nationwide LSDP
Nationwide LSDP
Naglis Puteikis 19 Danės TS
Jurgis Razma 35 Plungės - Rietavo TS
Irina Rozova Nationwide LLRA From 19 November 2012
Nationwide TT From 26 June 2014
Julius Sabatauskas 30 Alytaus LSDP
44 Radviliškio LSDP
49 Anykščių - Kupiškio DP
Paulius Saudargas 7 Justiniškių TS
50 Rokiškio LSDP
25 Dainų LSDP
Rimantas Sinkevičius 60 Jonavos LSDP
Algirdas Sysas Nationwide LSDP
Nationwide DP
32 Šilutės - Pagėgių LSDP
Nationwide DK
17 Pramonės TS
Gintaras Steponavičius Nationwide LS
9 Lazdynų TS
Nationwide TS
Nationwide LSDP
Rimantė Šalaševičiūtė Nationwide LSDP
Nationwide TS
Irena Šiaulienė Nationwide LSDP
Remigijus Šimašius Nationwide LS Until 20 April 2015
56 Vilniaus - Šalčininkų LLRA
Rita Tamašunienė 55 Širvintų - Vilniaus LLRA
Nationwide DP From 5 June 2014
Nationwide LS
Valdemar Tomaševski Nationwide LLRA Until 16 November 2012
Nationwide DP
27 Vakarinė Independent
10 Naujosios Vilnios DP
Viktor Uspaskich Nationwide DP Until 3 June 2016
36 Kretingos TT
Nationwide TT
Nationwide TS
Nationwide DK
Nationwide DK
Neringa Venckienė Nationwide DK Until 19 June 2014
61 Ukmergės TT Until 16 November 2012
Birutė Vėsaitė Nationwide LSDP
Nationwide TS
Nationwide DP
Nationwide DP
48 Biržų - Kupiškio LSDP From 22 March 2013
Emanuelis Zingeris Nationwide TS
23 Aušros LSDP
22 Pajūrio TS
Remigijus Žemaitaitis 33 Šilalės - Šilutės TT
Rokas Žilinskas Nationwide TS
Nationwide DP


  1. ^ "Balsavimo rezultatai daugiamandatėje apygardoje". Central Electoral Commission. Retrieved 15 April 2016.
  2. ^ "2012 m. spalio 28 d. pakartotinio balsavimo rezultatai". Central Electoral Commission. Retrieved 15 April 2016.
  3. ^ "Vyriausybe apsivalė, V. Tomaševskio partija - už borto" [The government has cleaned up, the party of V. Tomaševski is overboard] (in Lithuanian). Lietuvos Rytas. August 26, 2014. Archived from the original on October 6, 2015. Retrieved July 31, 2015.
  4. ^ "XI SEIMAS (2012–2016)" (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved 15 January 2016.
  5. ^ "Seimo narių abėcėlinis sąrašas" [Alphabetical List of the members of the Seimas] (in Lithuanian). Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. Retrieved 15 January 2016.
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