Flags of the Nguyễn dynasty's administrative units

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Flags of the Nguyễn dynasty's administrative units[1] were used since about 1868 to 1885, with 1:1 ratio.

Sa Majesté Bao-Daï fit le pèlerinage aux Tombeaux des ancêtres de la Dynastie à Thanh-Hóa, 1932.jpg

Northern Region (北圻之省)[]

Right Region (右圻之省)[]

Straight Region (直圻之省)[]

Left Region (左圻之省)[]

See also[]


  • , Regents of Nations, K.G Saur Münich, 1984–1988 ISBN 359810491X, Art. «Vietnamese Dynasties/Vietnamesische Dynastien», pp. 1786–1790.
  • The star icon in Vietnamese consciousness