Generación del 45

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The Generation '45 (Spanish: Generación del 45) was a group of writers, mainly from Uruguay, who had a notable influence in the literary and cultural life of their country and region. Their name derives from the fact that their careers started out mainly between 1945 and 1950.[1]


Some of the writers who belonged to this group were Juan Carlos Onetti, Manuel Flores Mora, Mario Benedetti, , , Ángel Rama, Carlos Real de Azúa, Carlos Maggi, Alfredo Gravina, , Amanda Berenguer, Humberto Megget, , , Emir Rodríguez Monegal, Mauricio Muller, Ida Vitale, Idea Vilariño, Gladys Castelvecchi, José Pedro Díaz, Líber Falco, , María de Montserrat, Giselda Zani, Armonía Somers, .[2]

See also[]


  1. ^ "Tiempos de tolerancia, tiempos de ira". (in Spanish). 11 December 2005. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ Generation '45: severe critics, brilliant creation (in Spanish)

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