Hit or Miss (solitaire)

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Hit or Miss is a solitaire card game which uses a deck of 52 playing cards. It is an unusual solitaire card games in that the player deals the cards one at a time. The game is significantly based on luck-of-the-draw, but the process of elimination gives it appeal nonetheless.[1]


While dealing the cards one at a time, the player says "ace" when dealing the first card, "two" for the second, then "three, four... nine, ten, jack, queen, king" then recommencing again with "ace." This count is continued in the same way after the cards in the deck are used up, recollected and redealt.

When the word uttered matches the rank of the card dealt, that card is considered "hit" and is discarded. Cards that are "hit" no longer take further part in the game.

The player can continue the game and redeal the cards as long as there are cards that have been "hit" during a deal. When all the remaining cards are dealt twice in succession without a "hit," the game is lost. All cards must be discarded as "hit" in order for the game to be won.


A closely related solitaire game that operates on a similar mechanic is Frustration.


  1. ^ "Hit or Miss" (p.42) in The Little Book of Solitaire, Running Press, 2002. ISBN 0-7624-1381-6

See also[]

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