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Iškuza, Ishkuza, Ischkuza or Scythian kingdom (Akkadian: ašguza, Ancient Greek: Σκύθης, Hebrew: 'škwz‎) was a military and political entity created by Scythians in the 7th-6th centuries BCE in Western Asia. The exact boundaries and form of statehood (kingdom, military-political association, or Scythian support base) remain uncertain. The center is usually stated as being located in Transcaucasia, the western part of modern Azerbaijan or northwestern Iran, specifically in the Lake Urmia region.


The origin of the Iškuza is not clear, although modern research[which?] suggests a relationship to the Kimmerer. However, they were not the same, since both peoples are mentioned at the same time and clearly distinguished. The names and their language show strong similarities to the Hittite, Luwian, and Eastern Anatolian languages.

Iškuza in mentions of Ashurbanipal[]

Assurbanipal reported around 665 BC. of, “A grasshopper like incursion barbaric ischer who devastated the country,” and used the Assyrian swear word “Guteans” for their leader Tugdamme. Together with Urartu, Mannea, and Cimmeria, Iškuza was named in a list of hostile states. Around 667 BC, Gyges of Lydia asked for Assyrian help against the “wandering Iškuzaia". Assurbanipal did not respond, and shortly afterward noted the capture of Gyges. Later Gyges must have succeeded in a reconquest, since between 666-650 BC, a victory over the Iškuzaia was reported.

Whether or not Ashurbanipal was able to completely repel the attack by the Iškuzaia remains a matter of dispute.

After Gyges died in 644 BC, his son and successors, Ardys II, asked again for Assyrian help. It is not be clear whether the request was granted. The written tradition for Tugdamme ends around 642 BC, with his death in Cilicia. His son and successor (reading Sandakšatru is also possible) are mentioned in a hymn to Marduk around 640 BC, in which Ashurbanipal asks for a final victory over the “Iškuzaia”; further evidence that the threat persisted in the years after Tugdamme.

In another oracle request to Shamasch, the Cimmerians and Iškuzaia are named together, who at that time besieged  [de] and attacked Parsumaš.

See also[]


  • Yehoshua M. Grintz, Ashkenaz, Encyclopaedia Judaica. © 2008
  • Butnick, Stephanie. Study Says All Ashkenazi Jews Are 30th Cousins, Tablet Magazine. September 10, 2014.
  • Ausubel, Nathan. Pictorial History of the Jewish People. New York: Crown Publishers, 1953.Crown Publishers, 1953.
  • Dimont, Max. Jews, God, and History. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1962.
  • Seltzer, Robert. Jewish People, Jewish Thought. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1980.
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