Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics

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Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics
AuthorFrancis Parker Yockey
SubjectPhilosophy of history
Political philosophy
Publication date

Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics is a 1948 book by Francis Parker Yockey, using the pen name Ulick Varange. The book is described in its introduction as a sequel to Oswald Spengler's The Decline of the West. Imperium strongly advocates pan-European nationalism and a pan-European empire. The book was dedicated to Adolf Hitler, who Yockey called "the hero of the 20th century."

General context[]

The most important single source for Imperium is The Decline of the West, by Oswald Spengler. Yockey purports to be developing Spengler's cyclical interpretation of Western history, and many passages of Imperium are essentially paraphrases of Spengler's book.

Yockey invited Oswald Mosley, prominent British fascist and at that time leader of the Union Movement, to publish Imperium in his name. Mosley refused.


Following Spengler, Yockey conceived of world history as the record of the lives and deaths of eight "high cultures": Babylonian, Egyptian, Chinese, Indian, Aztec-Mayan, Classical, Arabian, and Western. High culture was defined as a spiritual organism, the highest order of life above plants, animals and men. Creations of high cultures are individual, but they follow the same grand rhythms and are subject to the same morphology. The development of a high culture is the unfolding of its soul. High culture seizes the human material in its landscape and impresses them into its service. The matter is the mere envelope, the vehicle of the expression of spirit. As with any organism, a high culture passes through succeeding life phases of birth, growth, maturity, fulfillment, and death. During the early life phase, high culture is directed inwardly, which means that it is exploring its soul. This is expressed in high religiosity. During this stage high culture puts forward its greatest efforts in the creation of "inward things": arts, philosophy, theories of life. Then eventually high culture reaches the phase of Civilization. Yockey rejected that the civilization is peculiar to the West, and considered the understanding of civilization in terms of technology to be the product of materialistic outlook of the 19th century. Instead he argued that civilization was a certain phase in the life of each high culture. The phase of Civilization is a crisis in the organism of the culture: it externalizes, and also starts to deny its own existence. Three theories developed by the West in the 19th century - Darwinism, Freudianism and Marxism - were all examples of "the denial of Culture by Culture". Darwinism denied the high culture, its soul, the "culture-man", which bears the idea of the high culture, by animalizing, reducing him to biology. Freudianism animalized the culture-man through reducing him to his sexual impulses, while Marxism reduced the culture-man to economy. This "civilization-crisis", just like the growth, is an organic necessity for every high culture to go through during its lifespan before it finally fulfills its destiny. Externalization of culture is marked by the ascent of materialism, rationalism, criticism, liberalism, democracy and money-thinking. During this stage of development high culture directs its whole energy to the external forms of life: creation of strict governments, giant armies, industry to support them, fleets of ships for war, legal systems to organize and order the conquests. Yockey identified the early civilization phase of the West with the 19th century.

According to Yockey, Napoleon was "the great symbol" of the transition of the Western culture to the Civilization. He postulated that every life phase of the high culture has its own spirit. Napoleon was backed by the forces of the spirit of his age. Spiritual superiority and enormous willpower led him to the one of the greatest military campaigns, during which Napoleon only lost two out of 150 battles. Nevertheless, material superiority of his enemies exceeded his spiritual superiority after entry of Russia and Napoleon eventually lost. However, the loss of the spirit of the new age and Napoleon, who was its agent, was only temporary, since it happened on the "surface of history", while in depth of the culture's soul the forces of the new age always succeed in the battle against the old age, since it is destiny of the high culture to transition from one life phase to the another. The age of early civilization eventually succeeded on the surface on history as well, even though the leaders at the Congress of Vienna thought that they "halted the history". For Yockey Napoleon signifies the "genius", the great man, who carries the spirit of the new age. The genius inwardly feels the organic necessity of high culture to move forward and is custodian of the idea of the new age. The great men comprise what Yockey denotes as culture-bearing stratum, the small minority, which is not identifiable since it is purely a spiritual unity. The great men carry the idea of each age of culture, and are supplemented in their historic task by tradition, which helps them to actualize their possibilities. Yockey invokes example of Flemish-Dutch art school of the 17th century, where geniuses were actualizing their life possibilities through rich national tradition. According to Yockey, the task of the great men is to bring the innovation through creative force, while tradition, which is the memory of a superpersonal soul of culture, must see that the same creative spirit of the grand past is present at each innovation.

Yockey differentiated between two ways of thinking: the organic and the inorganic logic. Each one has its own qualities and merits. Inorganic logic is based on causality, an external, mechanical necessity, which produces identical results under identical conditions. This way of thinking is scientific, and is useful in the realm of matter, which "possesses only extension, but no direction", but can not explain spiritual phenomena. The organic logic, on the other hand, acknowledges destiny, which is inner, spiritual necessity of organism. Every organism consists of "set of possibilities", which actualize in the "world of action" through the life of organism, but are also subject to outer incident. Destiny is not to be confused with predestination, which is based on external, absolute necessity and is thus a casual idea. Since every culture is a living organism, Yockey believed that only organic logic, "Destiny-thinking" can be used to understand the history of culture. Yockey postulates that history is relative, every phase of life of culture has its own spirit, so during each stage of development culture defines history in accordance with its organic, inner necessity at that particular life phase. Historical outlook and values are the expression of the spirit of the particular age. History is continuous reinterpretation of the past, thus some prominent figures are not acknowledged at certain ages, but their legacy is rediscovered during certain life phase of culture when their contribution becomes important. Yockey points out that "truth in the religio-philosophical-mathematical sense, meaning timelessly, eternally valid, dissociated from the conditions of Life, does not pertain to history". The facts of history can be only defined in context of certain life phases of High Culture. He believed that rationalists and materialists of 19th century failed to acknowledge this truth because of inorganic thinking they applied to history, so they adopted secularized version of "the three-stage view of History", which is universalist and linear. But Yockey thinks that even though they denied destiny, it still affected them since the rise of materialism and rationalism during the civilization-crisis and acceptance of such theories was an organic necessity defined by destiny of high cultures, since all of them go through the phase of crisis.

Yockey believed that the Western culture was the only remaining high culture, while other cultures were primitive. This includes former high cultures, because after fulfilment of destiny they returned to primitivity. Primitive cultures are defined by high religiosity. He separates humans from animals in that humans have souls and think in symbolic terms, which the culture is expression of. Along with that high culture has high mission and destiny, which makes it different from primitive cultures. Each high culture has its "nation-form" and "state-form" corresponding to each life-phase. Yockey developed his typology of the states types in the Western culture, starting from feudal state which based its power on two estates: nobility and priesthood, aristocratic state which based power in the idea of state, where the loyalty was pledged not to the monarch, but to the super-personal idea of state, absolute state during which organic sovereignty was entirely based in the hands of absolute monarch, highest authority, democracy, which extended its power base over the whole population, and finally, with the rise of late stage of Civilization, which Yockey believed would happen by the end of the 20th century, will see "resurgence of authority" in the form of authoritarian state based on the Caesarism. The ascent of the "forces of Religion and Authority" and their victory over the materialism and rationalism will resolve the crisis in the organism of the Western culture, ushering it into the final phase of its life, the Late Civilization, when it fulfills its destiny.

Yockey believed that the high culture creates nations which are expressions of certain aspects of the soul of the high culture. The nations acquire certain forms in different life phases of culture. For example, in the 19th century a nation was defined by common language and territory, while in previous age it was associated with the loyalty to dynasty. The Jews, which Yockey considered to be the fragment of the Arabian culture in the Western Organism, derived their nation-form from the already fulfilled Arabian culture - what Yockey calls "Church-State-Nation-People-Race", which means that nations were state, church, and people all in one. Yockey believes that this is the reason why the Westerners failed to fully understand Jewish phenomenon because their nation-form did not correspond to the Western nation-form, thus the Westerners did not consider the Jews to be a separate nation.

Since every nation within a culture is an expression of certain aspect of culture-soul, carrier of certain idea, it rises to dominance in the certain life-phase of culture, the idea of which it represents, being backed by the spirit of the age, while every other nation within organism of culture tries to emulate it. As an example Spain dominated in the 16th and 17th centuries, since it was carrier of the idea of ultramontanism. In 19th century dominant power was England, because the "Nation-Idea" of England represented economical thinking and materialism, thus it rose to dominance with the Age of Economics, Materialism and Rationalism, which was an organic necessity of culture. Yockey believed that Germany was bearer of the idea of authority, representing the spirit of the 20th century, the age of late civilization. Since every age has its own nation-form, the association of nation in the 19th century with common language and territory caused major wars against dynasty powers. Thus the 19th century saw the rise of political nationalism, which Yockey saw as a force of civilization-crisis which fractures cultures. Yockey thinks that political nationalism fractured the West, since it was misdirecting its spiritual energy to inner power struggle. The ruling class in the beginning of 19th century thought of nationalism as a force bringing chaos, so they colluded across the Europe to stop its rise, but their plans were unsuccessful because they contradicted organic necessity of culture. The Age of Nationalism was so powerful that it even made many people think that nations create their own cultures instead of culture creating nations. Yockey considers nationalism to be a "class-war idea"; however, the "transference of class-war from the political-social sphere to the economic sphere" led to transformation of the nationalism from a destructive idea into "a conserving, creating idea, serviceable to Tradition and forward development" by Otto Von Bismarck. Nevertheless, Yockey believes that what he calls petty-statism should be abandoned in the Age of Late Civilization. Not only the upcoming age and destiny of Western culture demands the mobilization of its forces into powerful Imperium, but also since in aftermath of World War II extra-European forces, USSR and USA occupied and divided Europe, it can effectively resist them only in form of single political entity. However, specific characteristics of every nation will be retained in this union. Yockey emphasizes that nationalists in European countries already were acknowledging interests of Europe as a whole while opposing the World War 2 and advocating union. Yockey asserts that the history has been developing according to triadic law of Hegel and Fichte: thesis was Papacy, antithesis was political nationalism of the 19th century, while the 20th century's spirit fuses these Ideas into synthesis - powerful Western Imperium, which retains nations, as positive creations of previous ages, but directs their whole willpower to actualization of the Culture-Idea of the West in fulfillment of its destiny. Yockey states that culture can fulfill itself inwardly, but in order for its idea to actualize in the "world of facts", in the age of Absolute Politics, where politics reclaim their central meaning and culture becomes main motive behind wars, it must fight against the extra-European forces occupying it, and after expelling them it should build the biggest empire ever seen to "plant the Western banner on the highest peaks and the most remote peninsulas". However, Yockey argues the first priority of Europe after liberation will be to solve the problem of the continued biological existence, since the West did not hold monopoly of industry and technics anymore and the whole world did not depend on it for production. Yockey thinks that the only solution to this problem is the expansion to the East and agricultural lands of Russia.

Yockey believes that the ascent of the spirit of the 20th century on the surface of history and fulfillment of the destiny of the Western culture is paralyzed by the culture parasitism and culture distortion. The culture parasitism is caused by existence in the territory of the high Western culture of the alien groups representing primitive cultures which cannot participate in the historical destiny of the West. Primitive cultures drain the spiritual resources from high culture, while also physically replacing its populace by taking its place and reducing its birth rate. He believed that black and Asian peoples in the West replaced an unborn indigenous white population, thus depriving the Western culture of proper raw material for the fulfillment of its destiny. The culture parasitism causes organic conflict between cultures. Their relation is similar to that between host and parasite. This conflict constitutes an organic necessity for high culture, since the culture parasite misdirects spiritual energy of the host organism from fulfilling its destiny. Yockey furthered that Jewish people and African-Americans, which represented the primitive cultures, could not be assimilated, because of difficulties which come from an innate incompatibility of primitive cultures with the destiny of the West. Yockey cited as another example of cultural parasitism the Romans, the representatives of the Classical culture, in the body of Arabian culture, and their presence resulting in the bloody conflicts and massacres like that in the autumn of 88 BC, when more than 80,000 unsuspecting Roman civilians were killed in Anatolia, triggering Mithridatic wars.

Yockey believed that Jews settled in Europe while being in the stage of late civilization of Arabian culture. Thus it was externalizing and dominated by materialistic money thinking. Yockey believed that for this reason the Jews had particular affinity to the usury. On the other hand, the Gothic West was on the early stage just emerging from primitivity and was deeply religious, directed inwardly, thus it prohibited usury. Jews segregated themselves in ghettos and isolated from the Western course of development, since it was alien to them, Jews did not have inward culture-feeling and affinity to the West since they were part of different culture. The Westerners also did not understand Jewish culture for the same reason, since the understanding of culture requires living in it and being organically part of it. The conflict between them manifested in the pogroms and other forms of persecution. At the early stage of Western Culture its antisemitism was religious, as it corresponded to the early life phase of the West. In the 19th century it acquired racial overtones influenced by 19th century materialistic racial theories. At each phase the West saw "only that aspect" of the Jews which was permitted to it by its own development. However, Yockey claimed that the rise of the age of the late civilization, when the cultural unity will become uppermost to the West, will enable it to see cultural, thus total alienness of the Jews.

Arabian high culture was eventually fulfilled and it returned to primitivity. However, the culture-mission of the Jews now was defined by organically necessary antisemitism of the West - they sought the destruction of the West as a revenge. Yockey articulated that since 1750 the rise of age of rationalism and materialism made possible for the Jew to be accepted in the Western culture and acquire equal rights, because the West now saw the Jew as a civilized ideal, and the Western culture became more accessible to him. But still, the Jew failed to assimilate, since he was part of different culture with a culture-idea of destruction of the West. Thus he had two faces: one for participation in the Western public life, and another of his own, Jewish face. Yockey believed that Jews had innate hostility toward the West, and for this reason the Jews undermined Western institutions, directing the Western cultural development towards their own cultural aims. This is part of Yockey's motivation for considering the Jewish people as "cultural distorters" who robbed the West of its destiny.[1] The culture distortion occurs when the culturally alien group in the body of the high culture gets the position of power. Yockey expounds that the same would happen if for example Chinese people in America got the position of power, since they would inevitably try to get the USA involved in Opium War on the side of the China, misdirecting the spiritual energy of the host culture for their cultural aims. Yockey remarks that the culture parasitism and distortion had significant effect on the development on the West. He postulates that the "money power" would not have such influence in the West if not culture parasitism and distortion, because even though the rise of economic powers in the age of economics, materialism and rationalism was inwardly determined by the destiny of the Western culture, the form on the surface of history to it was given by the culture distorters. Yockey sees the Jew as an important actor in French revolution, even though their power was still limited. The effect of what Yockey perceives as the Jewish corruption was accelerated by culture retardation. Yockey claims that there was an inner "honor principle" among Western nations - even though they waged wars against each other, they did not seek to fully destroy each other because they had common "culture-feeling", in the same way the representatives of the spirit of the old age did not seek to defeat the representatives of spirit the new age on the expense of the Western culture, and they also did not invite culturally alien peoples to fight against their opponents of same culture. For example, Blacks were not enlisted in the Boer war against the Britain, even though it would be more beneficial. However, due to culture retardation, in the World War II this honor principle in the Western community was violated because the Britain and France sided with the US and USSR against Germany, which resulted in Europe being divided by "extra-European forces", USA and USSR, both dominated by the Jews.


Yockey asserts that friend-enemy disjunction is essential to politics. Politics address the relation to power, thus every political affair is power struggle. It concerns with the "world of action", while morals, ideology and law concern the "world of thought". They don't intersect with the domain of politics, but politicians can use propaganda along such lines to further their political aims. In the age of Rationalism and Materialism, the English developed cant, a "technic of sly deceits and veiled formulae for the fact of political subordination, while maintaining before itself the attitude of selfless morality". Yockey views this as an example of moralizing politics. He invokes the notion of the British "civilizing" conquered peoples as an example of cant. No matter how hidden, politics still presuppose friend-enemy disjunction. According to Yockey, war is politics brought to its extreme, "the highest possible expression of the friend-enemy disjunction". Thus, every war is conducted to gain power, while the war can start on moral, religious or economic grounds, they quickly get diluted and the war acquires its true political nature. For example, a religious contrast has motivated the beginning of the conflict, but once it reaches the degree of intensity of enmity and war, the believers may side with the non-believers or accept their help, like it was demonstrated by the Thirty Years War. This is because politics concern with the relation to power, and once a religious difference, an economic contrast, an ideological disjunction reach the intensity of political conflict, ranging "men against one another as enemies", political units are formed, which are guided by a "political way of maneuvering". When the state is engaged in the war, it fights to increase its own power, or it increases the power of the other state, consciously or not. Yockey invokes example of Britain, which was colonial world power, but relegated in status in the aftermath of two World Wars. Despite military success, power of Britain diminished, thus it lost both wars. This happened because England failed to recognize its true political interests and increased the power of the United States by its involvement in the wars on the side of the USA. During Interwar period, England was leading League of Nations, but it was promoting interests of America since the idea of League of Nations was rooted in the American dominance - America "possessed" the idea of League of Nations. In consequence of the World Wars America emerged victorious both in military and political sense, but it quickly gave up its power. This happened because of culture distortion, since culturally alien group always advances its own interests and neglects the interests of host. Instead of incorporating Japan in the US, it was rebuilt, the Empire was retained and nevertheless the military loss, Japan did not lose its power. This happened because Jews, which dominated the US, did not see Japan as enemy, since there was no antisemitism in Japan. Yockey thinks that America should not have entered the war on the side of Allies, since Germany was carrier of spirit of the 20th century, the fulfilment of the destiny of the West, and America, being spiritual colony of the Western culture, could not gain power on expense of defeat of the Western culture. Thus Germany represented the West, Europe, and America should have fought on its side. But culture distorter sees as its mission to destroy the West, additionally he was motivated by Jews in Germany losing their power with the rise of Hitler. Thus even though most of Americans felt strong cultural affinity to the Western cause, thus opposed entering war, Jews conducted propaganda campaign, the "undeclared war" against Germany, portraying it as evil, wicked, and its leaders as perverts, homosexuals and sadists. Yockey elaborates that the excessive use of abstractions indicates that there was lack of concrete realities, political reasons for Jews to involve the American people "in their politics", thus they "were all the more resourceful in creating moral, ideological, economic, and esthetic reasons". American population, which lacked political consciousness due to absence of political tradition, attributable to the fact that America was developing isolated from the affairs of Europe, and did not have to fight against alien cultural force like Europe did against Mongols, was easily tricked into thinking that Germany was the enemy. Instead, Yockey argues that America should have focused on Japan, because it has "natural, organic, power-convergence" with it. But since the "Culture-distorting regime" had as its mission to crush "the European Revolution of 1933", the Attack on Pearl Harbor was merely used to create "a Far Eastern war by which it was hoped involvement in the real war against the Western Civilization could also come". Yockey believed that the USSR emerged victorious in the World War Two, since it increased its power.

Yockey outlines few principles underlying political thinking: "The Law of Constancy of Organismic Power" means that it is an existential law for every organism to have constant power within it, so the way one group within organism can increase its power is to diminish power of other group. Thus when "money powers" were attacking the authority of state in the 19th century, they were trying to increase their power by decreasing the power and authority of state. "The Law of Sovereignty" means that organic, factual (not legal) sovereignty is defined by ability to engage in politics, thus declare someone as enemy and make war against them. Yockey asserts that sovereignty should lie within the state, which is the head of organism. "Law of Protection and Obedience" means that if state recognizes the protection of another state over it, it declares obedience to it and gives up its sovereignty to it.

Other views[]

Yockey believed that races possessed various traits which where either soil-determined like body size or head measurement, or stock-determined like skin color. He claimed that ultimately culture has primal role in determining race through spiritual element by widening the limits of race-determinacy according to its historical needs, in contrast to biological and scientific racial theories of the 19th century, which he thought were another expressions of the Age of Materialism and Rationalism. He favored assimilation of those loyal to the Western culture instead of seeking biological purity. Yockey argued that it is not possible to develop static racial classification since races are not permanent entities but fluid constructions with the ability of transforming in accordance with the evolving organic process, and anticipated the emergence of a robust Western race in the Age of Absolute Politics, superior to other races due to its will to power being supplemented by the superior spiritual element of high culture in the phase of fulfillment of its destiny.

Yockey maligned rationalism as an abstraction of thought that fails to incorporate the world of action and the primal need for destiny. He claimed that rationalism constitutes a religion that worships reason while denying everything which can not be explained by it, thus denying soul. He sees the rise of rationalism as an organic necessity of the Western culture in the Age of Civilization-crisis. However, with the rise of Age of Absolute Politics, Yockey thinks that it will be swept away by irrationalism which acknowledges the soul of the culture and its destiny.

Yockey claimed organisms possess a spiritual destiny that is pursued across history. For this reason, he rejected Darwinian theory for being overly materialistic and mechanical, failing to acknowledge soul as an inner necessity of every organism, rendering life as "a playground for external causes."

Yockey believes that democracy served economic powers to affirm their supremacy in the Age of Economics. The reason is that democracy, even though rejecting the aristocratic principle, has aristocratic affinities, even when liberalized, thus it eventually turned into plutocracy.

Yockey denied the Holocaust, claiming that it was faked in a conflict of politics between Jewish and Western culture. He believed that the gas chambers were faked to discredit National Socialism. Yockey saw the defeat of the Axis as a terrible lost opportunity for Western revival. He noted that "a deep yearning is going through the western world to be free from the dirt and uncleanness of party-politics, class-war, financial usury, and the complete absence of the heroic spirit."

Yockey rejected Freudianism, claiming it reduced humans to their sexual impulses and denied soul of the culture. However, he believed that emphasis on the irrational in the Freudianism was mark of the new age.

Yockey claims that both capitalism and socialism are not economic systems but "socio-ethical principles", expressions of the culture-soul of the West at particular life phases. Capitalism saw its golden age in the 19th century, representing individualism and hedonism. However, Yockey also claims that Marxian vision of socialism made an appeal to the "capitalistic instincts" of the lower classes. It sought to engage in class warfare, placing above economic self-interest of the lower classes, just like capitalism placed self-interest of the upper classes on the higher plane. On the other hand, "True socialism", which he labeled as "ethical socialism", rejects the old notion of struggle of "man against man, group against group, class against class, everyone against the State". Representing the spirit of the 20th century, it sees organism as a unity and precludes any struggle between component parts of it. Capitalism and Marxism both belong to the 19th century, representing spirit of the old age, while ethical socialism is form of an age of authority and political imperialism. Yockey was particularly critical of the materialistic streak in Marxism, claiming that such materialist analysis applied to human societies renders every aspect of their existence as ultimately being mere reflection of the economy. He viewed this theory as a highest philosophical expression of the Age of Economy, which is established with the Civilization-crisis. He additionally claimed that Karl Marx grossly misunderstood Hegelian dialectics because Western philosophy was organically inaccessible to him due to his cultural alienness as a Jew. Yockey believed that materialism broadly dehumanized people due to its lack of consideration for spiritual ambitions.

Yockey considered Russia to be a non-Western primitive culture that like other primitive cultures is defined by its rejection of Western high culture. Yockey believed that Romanov dynasty sought to adopt the Western culture-idea due to a lingering Varangian racial influence that imbued higher cultural aims. However, they only succeeded in westernizing Russia in appearance, since the spiritual center of the gravity of "True Russia", the primitive and barbarian masses was in instinct and thus it failed to adopt the higher ideas of the West, instead opting to ally with Jews to overthrow pro-Western Romanovs. He believed that Bolshevism was propelled by Jews to dethrone the Romanov Dynasty. However, Yockey thought that there was a contradiction between primitive Russian and Jewish soul governing it since Bolshkeviks conducted industrialization, and generally had "fetish" of Western technology, which the primitive Russians sought to destroy. Yockey believed that the West should exploit this fact against Russia because there was a possibility that Bolsheviks would end like Romanovs. He considered both the United States and the Soviet Union to be threats to the fulfillment of the destiny of the West because he claimed that both forces were marred by a supposed Jewish influence. Yockey postulated that the USA is a spiritual colony of the West, thus its destiny is primarily tied to the spiritual developments in the Mother-Culture. The USA lacked political tradition and its cultural instincts were weak due to being a colony, thus the rationalism and materialism, which were aspects of the Age of Civilization-crisis, found their most precise expressions in the USA. Yockey provides detailed analysis of the parts of Declaration of Independence and Constitution, criticizing their content. Yockey believed that the Jews manipulated the "common men", which he describes as "the Michel element" based on the German caricature of the naive and gullible person easily exploited by cunning foreigners, - the lower stratum of the population of the high culture to which the Culture-Idea is less accessible - and used them to rise to dominance in the "American Revolution of 1933", when Franklin D. Roosevelt took office after the victory in the 1932 United States presidential election. Yockey believed that the Jews eventually took over both parties of the American political establishment and consolidated their power. He views the US as a threat to Europe both spiritually and materially, while Russia is seen as capable of causing damage to the West on the material plane but incapable of harming it spiritually due to superior Western will to power in the Age of Absolute Politics.

Reception and influence[]

Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke wrote that ideas developed in Imperium influenced several far-right thinkers, including James H. Madole,[2] Else Christensen,[3] Christian Bouchet[4] and David Myatt.[5] There was a renewed interest in the work among American fascists following Yockey's suicide in 1960, as well as with the rise of the alt-right in the 2010s.[6]

Classics professor and white nationalist Revilo P. Oliver gave a positive review of the book which was included in the 1962 reissued edition's introduction.[7]

See also[]


  1. ^ Yockey, Francis Parker (1948). Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics. Pseudonymously as Ulick Varange. p. 29.
  2. ^ Goodrick-Clark, N. (2002) p.75. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. New York University Press. ISBN 0814731244
  3. ^ Goodrick-Clark, N. (2002) p.261. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. New York University Press. ISBN 0814731244
  4. ^ Goodrick-Clark, N. (2002) p.216. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. New York University Press. ISBN 0814731244
  5. ^ Goodrick-Clark, N. (2002) p.221. Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity. New York University Press. ISBN 0814731244
  6. ^ Mostrom, Anthony (8 August 2020). "Los Angeles Review of Books". Los Angeles Review of Books. Retrieved 5 January 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  7. ^ Oliver, Revilo P. (1962). "Revilo P. Oliver › Introduction to Imperium". Noontide Press. Archived from the original on 21 November 2018. Retrieved 5 January 2022.

External links[]

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