Katastematic pleasure

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In Epicurean philosophy, katastematic pleasure is pleasure felt when being in a state of freedom from need or want, as opposed to kinetic pleasure, which is felt while performing a gratifying activity. [1][2] Absence of pain, aponia, and lack of disturbance of mind, ataraxia, are two of the katastematic pleasures and often seen as the focal ones to Epicurus.[3][4]


  1. ^ Konstan, David, "Epicurus", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2013 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), http://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2013/entries/epicurus/
  2. ^ J. C. B. Gosling and C. C. W. Taylor. Katastematic and Kinetic Pleasures, in The Greeks On Pleasure. Eds. J. C. B. Gosling and C. C. W. Taylor. Clarendon Press, 1982
  3. ^ Cicero, De Fin i 37-38
  4. ^ Splawn, Clay (2002). "Updating Epicurus's Concept of Katastematic Pleasure". Journal of Value Inquiry. 36 (4): 473. doi:10.1023/A:1021997823870.
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