List of German films of 1941

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Title Director Cast Genre Notes
Hans Fischerkoesen animation
Above All Else in the World Karl Ritter Paul Hartmann, Hannes Stelzer Drama Über alles in der Welt
Alarm Herbert B. Fredersdorf Karl Martell, Maria von Tasnady Crime
Annelie Josef von Báky Luise Ullrich Story of a heroic World War II German mother.
Bauten im neuen Deutschland documentary
Bunte Kriechtierwelt Wolfram Junghans The Colorful World of Animals that Crawl; nature documentary; in Agfacolor
Carl Peters Herbert Selpin Hans Albers A film about the pioneer instilling nationalistic ideology into the plot.
Clarissa Gerhard Lamprecht Sybille Schmitz, Gustav Fröhlich Romance
The Comedians Georg Wilhelm Pabst Hilde Krahl, Henny Porten, Gustav Diessl Drama
Die Englische Krankheit Kurt Stefan documentary The Sickness of Being English; anti-British propaganda film
Everything for Gloria Carl Boese Leo Slezak, Laura Solari Romance Alles für Gloria
Fliegende Früchte - Wie die Natur pflanzt und sät Kurt Stefan documentary
Friedemann Bach  [de] Gustaf Gründgens, Eugen Klöpfer, Leny Marenbach Biopic
Arnold Fanck (unconfirmed) Short
The Gasman Carl Froelich Heinz Rühmann, Anny Ondra, Charlotte Susa Comedy Der Gasmann
Goodbye, Franziska Helmut Käutner Marianne Hoppe, Hans Söhnker Auf Wiedersehen, Franziska; film about a wife reminding her husband of his duty to go to war.
Happiness Is the Main Thing Theo Lingen Heinz Rühmann, Hertha Feiler, Ida Wüst Comedy
Her Other Self Wolfgang Liebeneiner Hilde Krahl, Mathias Wieman Drama
Wolfgang Staudte documentary
Ich klage an Wolfgang Liebeneiner Heidemarie Hatheyer, Paul Hartmann, Mathias Wieman I Accuse You; pro-euthanasia propaganda film
 [de] Karl Anton Johannes Heesters Musical romantic comedy Only Ever You
Wolfgang Staudte documentary
Arnold Fanck (unconfirmed) Short
 [de] Paul Martin Johannes Heesters, Gusti Huber Criminal comedy Jenny and the Gentleman in Coattails; features brief nudity; involves philately (stamp collecting)
Kampfgeschwader Lützow Hans Bertram Christian Kayßler, Hermann Braun, Heinz Welzel, Hannes Keppler, Marietheres Angerpointner, Carsta Löck, Adolf Fischer, Horst Birr, Helmut vom Hofe, Peter Voß War Battle Squadron Lützow One of the last films made by Hermann Braun (1918-1945) prior to being drafted and killed in combat.
Arnold Fanck Short
Kleine Mädchen-große Sorgen Boleslaw Barlog Hannelore Schroth, Geraldine Katt, Hermann Braun, Inge Burg, Dagny Servaes, Eva Prawitz, Fritz Odemar, Carsta Löck, Hans Brausewetter, and Roma Bahn Comedy? Little Girl—Very Worried One of the last films made by Hermann Braun (1918-1945) prior to being drafted and killed in combat.
LAH Im Einsatz LAH in Action; 39-minute propaganda film about 1st SS Division Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler
Love Is Duty Free E.W. Emo Hans Moser Comedy Liebe ist zollfrei
Mamma Guido Brignone Beniamino Gigli Mother; German-Italian co-production
Menschen im Sturm Fritz Peter Buch Olga Chekhova, Gustav Diessl, Hannelore Schroth, Siegfried Breuer People in the Storm; propaganda film justifying the German annexation of northern Slovenia, dramatizing the "oppression" of the Volksdeutsch community there
My Life for Ireland Max W. Kimmich Will Quadflieg, René Deltgen, Anna Dammann, Paul Wegener Mein Leben für Irland; dramatic anti-British propaganda film
Ohm Krüger Hans Steinhoff Emil Jannings, Gustaf Gründgens, Ferdinand Marian about Paul Kruger, the South African leader in the Boer War; anti-British propaganda
Pedro Will Hang Veit Harlan Gustav Knuth, Heinrich George Adventure
Quax the Crash Pilot Kurt Hoffmann Heinz Rühmann, Karin Himboldt Comedy pro-Luftwaffe and anti-individualist film with propaganda tendencies
Riding for Germany Arthur Maria Rabenalt Willy Birgel Sport ...reitet für Deutschland;
blacklisted film; director banned for 2 years by the Americans for this film about a tournament runner with blatant patriotic and nationalistic undertones.
Sechs Tage Heimaturlaub Jürgen von Alten Gustav Fröhlich, Maria Andergast, Hilde Sessak, Günther Lüders Six Days of Home Leave
Sieg im Westen Svend Noldan Victory in the West; documentary/propaganda film about Blitzkrieg in Western Europe
Sonnige Saar documentary
The Soviet Paradise Sowjetparadies, 14-minute anti-Soviet documentary propaganda film
Spähtrupp Hallgarten Herbert B. Fredersdorf René Deltgen, Paul Klinger, Maria Andergast War Hallgarten Patrol; soldier's death propaganda.
Stukas Karl Ritter Carl Raddatz, Hannes Stelzer War pro-Luftwaffe propaganda film; "Stuka" was a slang term for a German dive bomber
The Swedish Nightingale Peter Paul Brauer Ilse Werner, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Joachim Gottschalk Musical
U-Boote westwärts! Günther Rittau Herbert Wilk, Heinz Engelmann, Joachim Brennecke, Ernst Wilhelm Borchert, Karl John, Clemens Hasse, Ilse Werner, Admiral Karl Dönitz as himself Kriegsmarine recruiting and anti-British propaganda film U-boats Westward; about U-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic
Venus on Trial Hans H. Zerlett Hannes Stelzer, Hansi Knoteck Drama
Vertigine Guido Brignone Beniamino Gigli Tragödie einer Liebe; Broken Love; German-Italian co-production
What Does Brigitte Want? Paul Martin Leny Marenbach, Albert Matterstock Comedy
Women Are Better Diplomats Georg Jacoby Marika Rökk, Willy Fritsch Frauen sind doch bessere Diplomaten; in Agfacolor


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