List of Lepidoptera that feed on Prunus

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Prunus species are used as food plants by the caterpillars of a number of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths). These include:


Species which feed exclusively on Prunus


Species which feed on Prunus and other plants

  • Arctiidae
  • Bucculatricidae
  • Coleophoridae
  • Geometridae
    • Agriopis marginaria (dotted border)
    • Campaea margaritata (light emerald)
    • Chloroclysta truncata (common marbled carpet) – recorded on bird cherry (P. padus)
    • Chloroclystis rectangulata (green pug) – recorded on cherry flowers
    • Colotois pennaria (feathered thorn)
    • Crocallis elinguaria (scalloped oak) – recorded on bird cherry (P. padus)
    • Ectropis crepuscularia (engrailed)[1]
    • Epirrita autumnata (autumnal moth)
    • Epirrita christyi (pale November moth)
    • Epirrita dilutata (November moth)
    • Erannis defoliaria (mottled umber)
    • Eupithecia exiguata (mottled pug)
    • Hemithea aestivaria (common emerald)
    • Lomographa bimaculata (white-pinion spotted) – leaves – recorded on wild cherry (P. avium), blackthorn (P. spinosa), and possibly others
    • Odontopera bidentata (scalloped hazel) – recorded on bird cherry (P. padus)
    • Operophtera brumata (winter moth)
    • Opisthograptis luteolata (brimstone moth)
    • Peribatodes rhomboidaria (willow beauty) – leaves – recorded on blackthorn (P. spinosa) and possibly others
    • Selenia tetralunaria (purple thorn)
  • Lasiocampidae
    • Malacosoma americanum (eastern tent caterpillar) – recorded on black cherry (Prunus serotina) and others
  • Lymantriidae
    • Euproctis chrysorrhoea (brown-tail)
    • Euproctis similis (yellow-tail) – recorded on cherries
  • Noctuidae
    • Agrochola circellaris (brick) – recorded on bird cherry (P. padus)
    • Acronicta psi (grey dagger)
    • Acronicta tridens (dark dagger)
    • Amphipyra tragopoginis (mouse moth)
    • Cosmia trapezina (dun-bar)
    • Eupsilia transversa (satellite)
    • Melanchra persicariae (dot moth) – recorded on bird cherry (P. padus)
    • Naenia typica (gothic)
    • Noctua comes (lesser yellow underwing) – recorded on blackthorn (P. spinosa)
    • Noctua janthina (lesser broad-bordered yellow underwing) – recorded on blackthorn (P. spinosa)
    • Orthosia cerasi (common Quaker)
    • Orthosia gothica (Hebrew character)
    • Phlogophora meticulosa (angle shades)
    • Xestia triangulum (double square-spot) – recorded on blackthorn (P. spinosa)
  • Nolidae
    • Nola cucullatella (short-cloaked moth)
  • Notodontidae
    • Nadata gibbosa (rough prominent)
    • Phalera bucephala (buff-tip)
    • Ptilodon capucina (coxcomb prominent) – recorded on bird cherry (P. padus)
  • Nymphalidae
  • Oecophoridae
  • Papilionidae
  • Saturniidae
  • Sphingidae
  • Tortricidae
    • Enarmonia formosana (cherrybark tortrix) – recorded on bark of cherries
    • Epiphyas postvittana (light brown apple moth)
  • Yponomeutidae


  1. ^ Unger, Magnus. "Species: Prunus domestica - Plum". Swedish Moths and Butterflies.

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