List of Thelyphonidae species

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Typopeltis stimpsonii

This is a list of all described species of Thelyphonidae, adapted from Joel Hallan's Biology Catalog. He synonymizes the family with Thelyphonidae, thus this list contains all currently described Thelyphonida = Uropygi, as of 2005.

Subfamily Hypoctoninae[]

Auth.: Pocock, 1899

  • Heurtault, 1984
  • (Hentschel, 1899)Senegal, Gambia
  • (Oates, 1889)Burma
  • (Oates, 1890) — Burma
  • Hirst, 1911 — Burma
  • Gravely, 1912 — Burma
  • Gravely, 1916Bangladesh
  • Gravely, 1912 — Burma
  • Gravely, 1912 — Burma
  • Hypoctonus formosus (Butler, 1872) — Burma
  • Hypoctonus formosus formosus (Butler, 1872) — Burma
  • Hypoctonus formosus insularis (Oates, 1889) — Burma
  • Kraepelin, 1897Borneo
  • Pocock, 1900 — China
  • Speijer, 1933Java
  • Simon, 1901Thailand
  • Pocock, 1900 — Bangladesh
  • (Oates, 1889) — Burma
  • (Oates, 1889) — Burma
  • Haupt, 1996 — Thailand
  • Gravely, 1912 — India
  • (Oates, 1889) — Burma
  • (Oates, 1889) — Burma
  • Pocock, 1894
  • Buxton, 1917nomen nudum
  • Pocock, 1899 — India
  • (Butler, 1872)Sri Lanka
  • Pocock, 1900 — India
  • Pocock, 1894

Subfamily Mastigoproctinae[]

Auth.: Speijer, 1933

  • Mastigoproctus giganteus giganteus (Lucas, 1835)
  • Mastigoproctus giganteus scabrosus (Pocock, 1902) — Mexico
  • Mastigoproctus giganteus mexicanus (Butler, 1872) — Mexico
  • Pocock, 1900Guatemala
  • (Tarnani, 1889) — Brazil
  • Mello-Leitao, 1931 — Brazil
  • Valerio, 1981Costa Rica
  • Armas, 2000 — Cuba
  • Mello-Leitao, 1931 — Brazil
  • (Latreille, 1806)West Indies, Mexico
  • Roewer, 1954El Salvador
  • Lazell, 2000Hong Kong
  • Pocock, 1894
  • Pocock, 1894
  • (Stoliczka, 1869) — India, Bangladesh

Subfamily Thelyphoninae[]

Auth.: Lucas, 1835

  • Strand, 1928
  • Rowland, 1973New Guinea
  • Rowland, 1973 — New Guinea
  • (Kraepelin, 1900) — Philippines
  • (Kraepelin, 1897) — New Guinea
  • (Kraepelin, 1897) — western Samoa
  • (Pocock, 1898) — New Guinea
  • Speijer, 1936
  • Speijer, 1936
  • Rowland, 1973
  • Rowland, 1973 — Philippines
  • Speijer, 1933
  • Speijer, 1933Indonesia
  • (C.L.Koch, 1843) — Thailand, New Guinea
  • Minbosius manilanus manilanus (C.L.Koch, 1843) — Thailand (introduced to New Guinea)
  • Minbosius manilanus halmaheirae (Kraepelin, 1897) — Indonesia
  • Thorell, 1888
  • Speijer, 1933 — Indonesia
  • Speijer, 1933 — Borneo
  • Speijer, 1933 — Indonesia
  • Speijer, 1933 — Indonesia
  • Thorell, 1888 — Borneo
  • (Doleschall, 1857) — Indonesia
  • Lucas, 1835
  • Pocock, 1894Malaysia
  • Thorell, 1888 — Indonesia
  • Speijer, 1931 — Indonesia
  • Kraepelin, 1897 — Borneo
  • Kraepelin, 1911 — Indonesia
  • (Linnaeus, 1758)Vietnam, Indonesia
  • Kraepelin, 1897 — Indonesia
  • Thorell, 1888 — Malaysia
  • Thelyphonus doriae doriae (Thorell, 1888) — Malaysia
  • Thelyphonus doriae hosei (Pocock, 1894)Sarawak
  • Werner, 1932 — Java
  • Speijer, 1931 — Borneo
  • Pierce, 1945California (fossil: middle Miocene)
  • Kraeplein, 1897 — Philippines
  • L.Koch & Keyserling, 1885Fiji
  • Speijer, 1933 — Malaysia
  • Kraepelin, 1897 — Indonesia
  • Speijer, 1931 — Indonesia
  • Rowland, 1973Solomons
  • Pocock, 1898 — Solomons
  • C.L.Koch, 1843 — Indonesia, Malaysia
  • Butler, 1872 — Indonesia, Sarawak
  • Tarnani, 1900 — Indonesia
  • Kraepelin, 1897 — Burma
  • Kraepelin, 1897 — Philippines
  • Butler, 1873 — India, Sri Lanka
  • Lucas, 1835
  • Kraepelin, 1897 — Indonesia
  • Kraepelin, 1897 — Indonesia
  • Pocock, 1894 — Sumatra
  • Speijer, 1936 — Philippines
  • Pocock, 1900Cambodia

Subfamily Typopeltinae[]

Auth.: Rowland & Cooke, 1973

  • (Tarnani, 1889) — Russia (nomen dubium)
  • Speijer, 1936 — China
  • Pocock, 1894 — Japan, Taiwan
  • Pocock, 1900 — Thailand
  • Haupt & Song, 1996 — China
  • Kraepelin, 1900 — Vietnam
  • Tarnani, 1900 — Thailand
  • (Tarnani, 1894) — China
  • Haupt, 1996 — Thailand, Vietnam
  • Typopeltis stimpsonii (Wood, 1862) — Japan
  • Pocock, 1902 — Thailand
  • Speijer, 1936 — China

Subfamily incertae sedis[]

  • Scudder, 1884 — Fossil
  • (Kusta, 1884)Czech Republic (Carboniferous)
  • Pocock, 1911Great Britain (upper Carboniferous)
  • Scudder, 1884 — USA, Czech Republic (Carboniferous)
  • Petrunkevitch, 1913 — USA (upper Carboniferous)
  • (Brauckmann & Koch, 1983) — Germany (upper Carboniferous)
  • Petrunkevitch, 1913 — USA (upper Carboniferous)
  • Dunlop, 1998 — Fossil
  • Dunlop & Horrocks, 1996 — Fossil
  • Dunlop & Horrocks, 1996 — Great Britain (upper Carboniferous)
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