List of battles (alphabetical)

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Alphabetical list of historical battles (see also Military history, Lists of battles):
NOTE: Where a year has been used to disambiguate battles it is the year when the battle started. In some cases these may still have gone on for several years.


  • Battle of 73 Easting – 1991 – Gulf War


  • Battle of Aachen – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Abensberg – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Abbeville – 1940 – World War II
  • Battle of Abukir – 1799 – French Revolution
  • Battle of Abu Klea – 1885 – Mahdist War
  • Battle of Aclea – 851 – Viking invasions of England
  • Battle of Acragas – 406 BCE – Greek–Punic Wars
  • Siege of Acre (1189–1191)Third Crusade
  • Siege of Acre (1291) – Fall of the last crusader city
  • Siege of Acre (1799)French Revolution
  • Battle of the Admin Box – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Akroinon – 740 – Arab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of Actium – 31 BCE – Final War of the Roman Republic
  • Battle of Ad Decimum – 533 – Vandalic War
  • Battle of Adwa – 1896 – First Italo-Ethiopian War
  • Battle of Adwalton Moor – 1643 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Aegina – 458 BCE – First Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Aegospotami – 405 BCE – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Agincourt – 1415 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Agnadello (a.k.a. Battle of Vaila) – 1509 – Italian Wars
  • Battle of Agusan Hill – 1900 – Philippine-American War
  • Battle of Ahvenanmaa – 1714 – Great Northern War
  • Battle of Ain Jalut – 1260 – Mongol conquests
  • First Battle of the Aisne – 1914 – World War I
  • Second Battle of the Aisne – 1917 – World War I
  • Third Battle of the Aisne – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Ajnadayn – 634 – Muslim conquest of the Levant
  • Battle of Akraba (632) (a.k.a. Battle of Yemama) – "Apostate Wars"
  • Battle of Alalia – 535 BCE – Greek–Punic Wars
  • Battle of Alamance – 1771 – War of the Regulation
  • Battle of al-Bab - 2017 - Syrian Civil War
  • Battle of Alam el Halfa – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of the Alamo – 1836 – Texas Revolution
  • Battle of Aldenhoven (1794)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battles of El Alamein – both 1942 – World War II
    • First Battle of El Alamein
    • Second Battle of El Alamein
  • Battle of Albarracin – 1937 – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Alesia – 52 BCE – Gallic Wars
  • Battle of Alessandria – 1391 – Florentine-Milanese Wars
  • Battle of Alfambra – 1938 – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Alfarrobeira – 1449
  • Battle of Algeciras – 1344 – Reconquista
  • Battle of Aljubarrota – 1385 – 1383–1385 Portuguese interregnum
  • Battle of Alma – 1854 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Almansa – 1707 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Almendralejo – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Almonacid – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Al-Safra – 1812 – Ottoman–Saudi War
  • Battle of AmbergFrench Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Amiens – 1870 – Franco-Prussian War
  • Battle of Amiens – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Amphipolis – 422 BCE – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Amstetten – 1805 – War of the Third Coalition
  • Battle of Angaur – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Ankara (a.k.a. Battle of Angora) – 1402 – Timur's Invasion of Turkey
  • Battle of Antietam – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Antioch (218) – Inter-Roman battle
  • Battle of Antioch (1097)First Crusade
  • Siege of Antioch (1268)Crusades
  • Battle of Antwerp (1584)Dutch Revolt
  • Battle of Antwerp (1832)Ten Days' Campaign
  • Battle of Antwerp (1914) – World War I
  • Battle of Antwerp (1944) – World War II
  • Battle of Anzen – 838 – Byzantine–Arab Wars
  • Battle of Aong – 1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857
  • Siege of Apia – 1889 – Second Samoan Civil War
  • Battle of Araure – 1813 – Venezuelan War of Independence
  • Battle of Arbedo – 1422 – Milanese led by Francesco Bussone vs. Swiss
  • Battle of Arcole (1796)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Arcis-sur-Aube – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Ardennes – World War I
  • Battle of Arklow – 1798 – Irish Rebellion of 1798
  • Battle of Arnhem – 1944 – World War II (Operation Market Garden)
  • Battle of Arras (1654)Thirty Years' War (Spanish–French extension)
  • Battle of Arras (1917) – World War I
  • Battle of Arsuf – 1191 – Third Crusade
  • Battle of Artemisium – 480 BCE – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Artois-Loos – 1915 – World War I
  • Battle of Asal Uttar – 1965 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1965
  • Battle of Ascalon – 1099 – First Crusade
  • Battle of Ashdown – 871 – Viking-Saxon wars
  • Battle of the Assunpink Creek – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Athens (Alabama) – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Athens (Missouri) – 1861 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Auerstaedt – 1806 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Austerlitz – 1805 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Atlantic – World War I
  • Battle of the Atlantic – World War II
  • Battle of Auberoche – 1345 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Audenaarde – 1708 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Ayacucho – 1824 – Peruvian War of Independence
  • Battle of Azaz (1030) – Arab–Byzantine Wars
  • Battle of Azaz (1125)


  • Battle of Badajoz – 1936 – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Badung Strait (18–20 February 1942)
  • Battle of the Baggage – 737 – Umayyad–Turgesh Wars
  • Battle of the Bagradas River (239 BC) – Carthage's Mercenary War
  • Battle of the Bagradas River (49 BC)Caesar's Civil War
  • Battle of Baekgang – 663 – Baekje–Tang War
  • Battle of Bakhmach – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Balaclava – 1854 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Balikpapan 1st battle (23–24 Jan, 1942) (Pacific Campaign of WW2)
  • Battle of Balikpapan 2nd battle (1–21 July 1945) (Pacific Campaign of WW2)
  • Battle of Bamianshan – 1950 – Chinese Civil War
  • Battle of Bang Bo – 1885 – Sino-French War
  • Battle of Bang Rajan – 1767 – Burmese–Siamese wars
  • Battle of Bannockburn – 1314 – First War of Scottish Independence
  • Battle of Baoyang (May 1902) Moro Rebellion
  • Operation Barbarossa – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Barfleur – 1692 – Nine Years' War
  • Battle of Barnet – 1471 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Basantar – 1971 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
  • Battle of Bassorah (a.k.a. Battle of the Camel) – 656 – First Fitna
  • Battle of Bataan – 1943 – World War II
  • Battle of Bataan (1945) – World War II
  • Battle of Bathys Ryax – 872–878 – Byzantine-Paulician Wars
  • Battle of Batin – 1810 – Russo-Turkish War
  • Battle of Bautzen – 1813 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Beda Fomm – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Beecher Island – 1868 – American Indian Wars
  • Battle of Beersheba – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Beirut – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Belleau Wood – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Benburb – 1646 – Irish Confederate Wars
  • Battle of Benevento – 1266 – The Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
  • Battle of Beneventum (275 BC)Rise of Rome
  • Battle of Benfleet – 894 – Viking invasion of England
  • Battle of Berea – 1852 – Xhosa Wars
  • Battle of Berestechko – 1651 – The Deluge
  • Battle of Bergen (1799)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of the Bering Sea – 1943 – World War II
  • Battle of Beverwijk - 1997 -
  • Battle of Biak – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Bilbao – 1937 – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Bilin River – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Binakayan-Dalahican – 1896 – Philippine Revolution
  • Battle of Bitonto – 1734 – War of the Polish Succession
  • Battle of Bismarck Sea – 1943 – World War II
  • Battle of Blanchetaque – 1346 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Blenheim – 1704 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Blood River – 1838 -
  • Battle of Blore Heath – 1459 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Borodino – 1812 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Borysthenes – 1512 – Muscovite–Lithuanian Wars
  • Battle of the Bosnian Highlands – 927 – Croatian–Bulgarian wars
  • Battle of Bosworth Field – 1485 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Boulou – 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Bouvines – 1214 – Anglo-French War (1202–14)
  • Battle of Boyacá – 1819 –
  • Battle of the Boyne – 1690 – Williamite War in Ireland
  • Battle of Breisach – 1638 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Breitenfeld (1631)Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Breitenfeld (1642)Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Brentford – 1642 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Brienne – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Britain – 1940 – World War II
  • Battle of Brandywine – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Brody – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Brooklyn (a.k.a. Battle of Long Island) – 1776 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Brunete – 1937 – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Brunanburh – 937
  • Battle of Brunkeberg – 1471 – Dano-Swedish War (1470–71)
  • Battle of Bråvalla – ca 750 –
  • Battle of Buçaco – 1810 – Peninsular War
  • Battle of Bud Bagsak –1913 – Moro Rebellion
  • First Battle of Bud Dajo – 1906 – Moro Rebellion
  • Second Battle of Bud Dajo – 1911 – Moro Rebellion
  • Battle of Buena Vista – 1847 – Mexican–American War
  • Brusilov Offensive – 1916 – World War I
  • Battle of the Bulge – 1944 – World War II
  • First Battle of Bull Run – 1861 – American Civil War
  • Second Battle of Bull Run – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Bunker Hill – 1775 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Burgos – 1808 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Burkersdorf – 1762 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Buxar - 1764


  • Battle of Cadiz – 1587 – Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604)
  • Battle of Caen (1346)Hundred Years' War
  • Battle for Caen – 1944 – Second World War
  • Battle of Cagayan de Misamis – 1900 – Philippine-American War
  • Battle of Caloocan – 1899 – Philippine-American War
  • Second Battle of Caloocan – 1899 – Philippine-American War
  • Battle of Cambrai – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of the Camel
  • Battle of Camlann – 573, the only mentioning of King Arthur
  • Battle of Camperdown – 1797 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Cannae – 216 BC – Second Punic War
  • Battle of Cape Cherchell – 1937 – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Cape Machichaco – 1937 – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Cape Palos – 1938 – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1780)American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Cape St. Vincent (1797)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Caporetto (a.k.a. Twelfth Battle of Isonzo) – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of CapuaSecond Punic War
  • Siege of Capua (1734)War of the Polish Succession
  • Battle of Carabobo – 1821 – Venezuelan War of Independence
  • Battle of Carbisdale – 1650
  • Battle of Carchemish – 605 BC –
  • Battle of Carillon – 1758 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Carthage (c. 149 BC)Third Punic War
  • Battle of Carthage (533) (see Battle of Ad Decimum)
  • Battle of Carthage (698)Moslem Conquest of North Africa
  • Battle of Castle Turjak – 1943 – World War II
  • Battle of Cassel – 1677 – Franco-Dutch War
  • Battle of Cassinga – 1978 – South African Border War
  • Battle of Castillon – 1453 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of the Catalaunian Plains – 451 – Fall of the Western Roman Empire
  • Battle of the Caudine Forks – 321 BC – Samnite Wars
  • Second Battle of Cawnpore – 1857 – Indian Rebellion of 1857
  • Battle of Cedynia – 972 –
  • Battle of Cefn Digoll – 630
  • Battle of Cesky-Brod (see Battle of Lipany)
  • Conquest of Ceuta – 1415 – Moroccan–Portuguese conflicts
  • Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC) – Wars of Alexander the Great
  • Battle of Chaeronea (86 BC)First Mithridatic War
  • Battle of Chalcis – 429 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Châlons – 274 – Germanic Invasions of the Roman Empire
  • Battle of Champaubert – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Chancellorsville – 1863 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Changsha (1911)Xinhai Revolution
  • Battle of Changsha (1939)Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Changsha (1941)Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Changsha (1942)Second Sino-Japanese War as merged into World War II
  • Battle of Changsha (1944) (a.k.a. Changsha-Hengyang) – Second Sino-Japanese War as merged into World War II
  • Battle of Changping – 206 BC –
  • Battle of Chapultepec – 1847 –Mexican-American War
  • Battle of the Chateauguay – 1813 – War of 1812
  • Battle of the Chernaya – 1855 – Crimean War
  • Battle of the Chesapeake – 1781 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Chesma – 1770 – Russo-Turkish War (1768–74)
  • Battle of Chickamauga – 1863 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Chippawa – 1812 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Chiset – 1373 – Hundred Years War
  • Battle of Chojnice (a.k.a. Battle of Conitz) – 1454 – Thirteen Years' War
  • Battle of the Ch'ongch'on River – 1950 – Korean War
  • Battle of Chosin Reservoir – 1950 – Korean War
  • Battle of Chrysopolis – 324 – Constantine I becomes the only Roman Emperor
  • Battle of Ciudad Real – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Civitate – 1053 – Norman vs. Swabian-Italian-Lombard Papal coalition
  • Battle of Clyst St. Mary – 1549 – Prayer Book Rebellion
  • Battle of Cocherel – 1364 – French vs. the forces of Charles II of Navarre
  • Battle of Cold Harbor – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Colenso – 1899 – Second Boer War
  • Assault on Copenhagen (1659)Northern Wars
  • Battle of Copenhagen (1801)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Copenhagen (1807)Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Coral Sea – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Coronea – 447 BC – pre-Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Coronel – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Covadonga – 722 – Umayyad conquest of Hispania
  • Battle of Cracow – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Craonne – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Cravant – 1423 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of the Crater – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Crécy – 1346 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Crete – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Crucifix Hill – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Crysler's Farm – 1813 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Culloden (a.k.a. Culloden Moor) – 1746 – Jacobite rising of 1745
  • Battle of Cunaxa – 401 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Cut Knife – 1885 – North-West Rebellion
  • Battle of Culiacán - 2019 - Mexican drug war



  • Battle of Eastern Henan – 1930 – Central Plains War
  • Battle of the Ebro – 1938 – Spanish Civil War (1936–39)
  • Battle of Eckmühl – 1800 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Edgehill – 1642 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Elchingen – 1805 – War of the Third Coalition
  • Battle of Elena – 1877 – Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)
  • Battle of Elvina – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Embabo – 1882
  • Battle of Engen – 1800 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Enogai
  • Siege of Eshowe – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Espinosa de los Monteros – 1808 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Essling-Aspern – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Eurymedon – c. 466 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Evesham – 1265 – Second Barons' War of England
  • Siege of Exeter (c. 630) – almost certainly fictional
  • Battle of Exeter – 1068 – Norman conquest of England
  • Siege of Exeter – 1549 – Prayer Book Rebellion
  • Battle of Eylau – 1807 – Napoleonic Wars


  • Battle of Fajardo – 1898 – Spanish-American War
  • Battle of the Falaise Gap – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Falkirk – 1298 – Wars of Scottish Independence
  • Battle of Falkirk Muir – 1746 – Jacobite rising of 1745
  • Battle of the Falkland Islands – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Fehrbellin – 1675 – Northern Wars
  • Battle of Fei River – 383 –
  • Battle of Five Forks – 1865 – American Civil War
  • First Battle of Flanders – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Fleurus (1622)Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Fleurus (1690)Nine Years' War
  • Battle of Fleurus (1794)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Flodden Field – 1513 – War of the League of Cambrai
  • Battle of Focșani – 1789 – Russo-Turkish War (1787–92)
  • Battle of Fontenoy (841) (Latin Fontanetum, near Auxerre, and now Fontenoy-en-Puisaye) – Carolingian Civil War
  • Battle of Fontenay-le-Comte – 1793 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Fontenoy – 1745 (in Belgium) – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Formigny – 1450 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Fornovo – 1495 – Invasion of Italy by Charles VIII
  • Battle of Fort Charlotte – 1780 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Fort Donelson – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Siege of Fort Zeelandia – 1661 – Sino–Dutch conflicts
  • Battle of Frankfurt an der Oder – 1631 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Fredericksburg – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Freiburg – 1644 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Freiberg – 1762 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Friedland – 1807 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Frontiers – 1914
  • Battle of Fuentes de Oñoro – 1811 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Fulford – 1066 – Viking invasion of England
  • Battle of Fürth – 1632 – Thirty Years' War


  • Gallipoli Campaign – 1915 – World War I
  • Battle of Garibpur – 1971 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
  • Battle of Gaugamela – 331 BC – Wars of Alexander the Great
  • First Battle of Gaza – 1917 – World War I
  • Second Battle of Gaza – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Geisberg (1793)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Germantown – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Gettysburg – 1863 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Gilboa – 1000 BC –
  • Battle of Gingindlovu – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Glen Shiel – 1719 – Jacobite rising of 1719
  • Glorious First of June – 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Siege of Gloucester – 1643 – English Civil War
  • Gorlice–Tarnów Offensive – 1915 – World War I
  • Battle of Grahamstown – 1819 –
  • Battle of Grandson – 1476 – Burgundian Wars
  • Battle of the Granicus – 334 BC – Wars of Alexander the Great
  • Battle of the Grapevine Creek – 1888 – Hatfield–McCoy feud
  • Battle of Grathe Heath – 1157 –
  • Battle of Gravelines – 1588 – Spanish Armada
  • Battle of Grengam – 1720 – Great Northern War
  • Battle of Grotniki – 1439 – Hussite Wars
  • Battle of Grunwald – 1410 – Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War
  • Guadalcanal Campaign – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Guadalete – 711 – Umayyad conquest of Hispania
  • Battle of Guam – 1944 – World War II
  • Second Battle of Guam – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Guandu – 200 –
  • Battle of Guangzhou – 1927
  • Second Battle of Guangzhou – 1929
  • Second Battle of Guilin – 1930 – Central Plains War
  • Battle of the Guise – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Gully Ravine – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Gumbinnen – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Gvozd Mountain (Peter's Mountain) – 1097 –


  • Battle of Halidon Hill – 1333 – Second War of Scottish Independence
  • Battle of Halule – 691 BC – Neo-Assyrian Border Wars
  • Battle of Halmyros – 1311 – Catalan Company
  • Battle of Halys – 585 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Hampton Roads – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Siege of Harfleur – 1415 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Harlaw – 1411 – Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • Battle of Hartmannswillerkopf – 1915 – Alsace
  • Battle of Hastings – 1066 – Norman conquest of England
  • Battle of Hattin – 1187 – Crusades
  • Battle of Le Havre – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Heligoland (1864)Second Schleswig War
  • Battle of Heligoland Bight (1914) – World War I
  • Battle of the Hellespont – 324
  • Battle of Helsingborg – 1362 –
  • Battle of Hemmingstedt – 1500 – Danish invasion in Dithmarschen, Germany
  • Battle of Heraclea – 280 BC – Pyrrhic War
  • Battle of Hill 60 (Gallipoli) – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Hill 60 (Western Front) – 1915 – World War I – Western Front
  • Battle of Hilli – 1971 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
  • Battle of Hlobane – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Höchst – 1622 – Thirty Years' War
  • First Battle of Höchstädt – 1703 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Höchstädt (1800)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Hohenfriedberg – 1745 – Second Silesian War and War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Hohenlinden – 1800 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Hondschoote (1793)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Hopton Heath – 1643 – First English Civil War
  • Battle of Huế – 1968 – Vietnam War
  • Hundred Regiments Offensive – 1940 – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of the Hydaspes – 326 BC – Wars of Alexander the Great


  • Battle of Iena – 1806 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Ilipa – 206 BC – Second Punic War
  • Battle of Ilovaisk – 2014 – War in Donbass
  • Battle of Inkerman – 1854 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Intombe – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Inverlochy (1431)
  • Battle of Inverlochy (1645) – 1645 – Scottish Civil War
  • Battle of Irtysh River – 657 – Tang campaigns against the Western Turks
  • Battle of Isaszeg – 1849 – Hungarian War of Independence
  • Battle of Issus – 333 BC – Wars of Alexander the Great
  • Battle of Ituzaingó – 1827 – Cisplatine War
  • Battle of Iwo Jima – 1945 – World War II
  • Battle of the Iron Bridge – 637 – Arab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of the Ironclads (a.k.a. Monitor vs. Merrimack, Battle of Hampton Roads) – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of IsandlwanaAnglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Isaszeg -1849
  • Battle of Isonzo (489)
  • Battles of the Isonzo – World War I – series of eleven related battles, ending with the Battle of Caporetto
  • Battle of the Imjin River - 1951 - Korean War


  • Battle of Jackson, Mississippi – 1863 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Jackson, Tennessee – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Jankau – 1645 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Jarama – 1937 Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of the Java Sea – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Jeddah – 1813 – Ottoman–Saudi War
  • Battle of Jemappes – 1792 – War of the First Coalition
  • Battle of Jena–Auerstedt – 1806 – War of the Fourth Coalition
  • Battle of Jinan – 1930 – Central Plains War
  • Battle of Jutland – 1916 – World War I



  • Battle of La Bicocca – 1522 – Italian War of 1521–1526
  • Battle of Lade – 494 BC – Ionian Revolt
  • Battle of La Hogue – 1692 – Nine Years' War
  • Battle of Lake Erie – 1813 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Lalakaon – 863 – Arab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of Laon – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Largs – 1263 – Scottish–Norwegian War
  • Battle of Lauffeld (in Belgium) – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Le Cateau – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Lechfeld – 955 – German states stop the Magyars
  • Battle of Legnano – 1176 – Wars of the Guelphs and Ghibellines
  • Battle of Leipzig – 1813 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Lens – 1648 – Thirty Years' War
  • First Battle of Lepanto – 1499 – Ottoman–Venetian War (1499–1503)
  • Second Battle of Lepanto – 1500 – a second battle at the same place during the Ottoman–Venetian War
  • Battle of Lepanto – 1571 – a third battle at Lepanto, during the Ottoman–Venetian War (1570–73)
  • Battle of Lesnaya – 1708 – Great Northern War
  • Battle of Leuthen – 1757 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Leuven (891)
  • Battle of Lewes – 1264 – Second Barons' War of England
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord – 1775 – American War of Independence
  • Battle of Leyte (land battle) – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf (sea battle) – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Liaoyang – 1904 – Russo-Japanese War
  • Battle of Ligny – 1815 – War of the Seventh Coalition
  • Battle of Lincoln (1141) – 2 February 1141 – Stephen of England vs Matilda, England.
  • Battle of Lincoln (1217) – 20 May 1217 – First Barons' War of England.
  • Battle of Lipany (a.k.a. Cesky´-Brod or Böhmisch-Brod) – 1434 – Hussite Wars
  • Battle of Lisnagarvey – 1649 – Cromwellian Wars
  • Battle of Lissa – 1866 – Austro-Prussian War
  • Battle of Littleferry – April 15, 1746 – Jacobite rising of 1745
  • Battle of the Little Bighorn – 1876 – Great Sioux War of 1876
  • Battle of Łódź – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Lone Pine – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Long Island (a.k.a. Battle of Brooklyn) – 1776 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Longewala – 1971 – Indo-Pakistani War of 1971
  • Battle of Loos (see Battle of Artois-Loos)
  • Battle of Lostwithiel (two connected battles) – 1642 and 1644 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Lowestoft – 1665 – Second Anglo-Dutch War
  • Battle of Łowicz – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Lugou Bridge (a.k.a. Incident at Marco Polo Bridge) – 1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Lumphanan – 1057 – Scottish dispute over the throne; Macbeth died here.
  • Battle of Lundy's Lane – 1814 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Lutetia – 52 BC – Gallic Wars
  • Battle of Lutter – 1626 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Lützen (1632)Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Lützen (1813)Napoleonic Wars


  • Battle of Mabitac – 1900 – Philippine-American War
  • Battle of Mactan – 1521 –
  • Battle of Madagascar – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Magdeburg – 1631 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Magdhaba – 1916 – World War I
  • Battle of Magenta – 1859 – Italian Independence War
  • Battle of Magersfontein – 1899 – Second Boer War
  • Battle of Magh Tuiredh (two battles) – Irish mythology – see also Tuatha Dé Danann, Lugh
  • Battle of Maiwand – 1880 – Second Anglo-Afghan War
  • Battle of Majuba Hill – 1881 – First Boer War
  • Battle of Makahambus Hill – 1900 – Philippine-American War
  • Battle of Malakoff – 1855 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Maldon – 991
  • Battle of Malplaquet – 1709 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Manila (1574)
  • Battle of Manila (1762)Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Manila (1898)Spanish–American War
  • Battle of Manila (1899)Philippine–American War
  • Battle of Manila (1945) – World War II
  • Battle of Manila Bay – 1898 – Spanish–American War
  • Battle of Manners Street – 1943 World War II
  • Battle of Mantinea (418 BC) – 418 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Mantinea (362 BC) – 362 BC
  • Battle of Manzikert – 1071 – Byzantine–Seljuq wars
  • Battle of Marathon – 490 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Marawi – 2017 - Moro conflict
  • Battle of Marengo – 1800 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Margate – 1387 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Marignano – 1515 – War of the League of Cambrai
  • Battle of Marilao River – 1899 – Philippine-American War
  • Operation Market Garden (Battle of Arnhem) – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Markada - 2014 - Inter-rebel conflict during the Syrian Civil War
  • First Battle of the Marne – 1914 – World War I
  • Second Battle of the Marne – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Marrakech – 1908
  • Battle of Marston Moor – 1644 – First English Civil War
  • First Battle of the Masurian Lakes – September 1914 – World War I
  • Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes – February 1915 – World War I
  • Battle of Măcin – 1791 – Russo-Turkish War (1787–92)
  • Battle of MauropotamosArab–Byzantine wars
  • Battle of Mecca – 1813 – Ottoman–Saudi War
  • Battle of Medellín – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Medina (1812) – 1812 – Ottoman–Saudi War
  • Battle of Meelick Island – 1650 – Cromwellian Wars
  • Battle of Mello – 1358 – Peasant Jacquerie
  • Battle of Megiddo (15th century BC)
  • Battle of Megiddo (609 BC) – 609 BC
  • Battle of Megiddo (1918) – 1918 – World War I
  • Battle of Mergentheim – 1645 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Meloria (1241)Frederick II and Pisa vs. Genoa
  • Battle of Meloria (1284)Pisa vs. Genoa
  • Battle of Mhlatuze River – Zulu Civil War
  • Battle of Miani – 1843 –
  • Battle of Midway – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of the Milvian Bridge – 312 – Civil wars of the Tetrarchy
  • Battle of Minatogawa – 1336 – Nanboku-chō Wars
  • Battle of Mindanao – 1945 – World War II
  • Battle of Mindoro – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Minden – 1759 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Mirbat – 1972 – [Oman Coup]
  • Battle of Mobile (1781)American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Mobile Bay – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Modder River – 1899 – Second Boer War
  • Battle of Möerskirch – 1800 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Mogadishu (1993)Operation Gothic Serpent
  • Battle of Mohács – 1526 – Ottoman–Hungarian Wars
  • Battle of Mollwitz – 1741 – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Monmouth – 1778 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Monocacy – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of the Monongahela – 1755 – French and Indian War
  • Battle of Mons – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Mons Badonicus – about 500 – Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain
  • Battle of Mons Graupius – 84 – Roman conquest of Britain
  • Battle of Monte Cassino – 1944 – Italian Campaign (World War II)
  • Battle of Montereau – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Montmirail – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Mormans – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Moscow – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Mouquet Farm1916
  • Battle of Muhi (or Mohi) - 1241
  • Battle of Mühlberg – 1547 – Schmalkaldic War
  • Battle of Mycale – 479 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Myriokephalon – 1176 – Byzantine–Seljuq wars




  • Battle of Paardeberg – 1900 – Second Boer War
  • Battle of Pákozd – 1848 – Hungarian Revolution of 1848
  • Battle of Panipat (1526)
  • Battle of Panipat (1556)
  • Battle of Panipat (1761)
  • Battle of the Paracel Islands – 1974 – Vietnam War
  • Battle of Passchendaele – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Patay – 1429 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Pavia (271)Crisis of the Third Century
  • Siege of Pavia (773–74)
  • Battle of Pavia (1431)Wars in Lombardy
  • Battle of Pavia – 1525 – Italian War of 1521–26
  • Battle of Paye – 1899

Philippine-American War

  • Battle of Peking (1900)Boxer Rebellion
  • Battle of Peleliu – 1944 – World War II
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Pharsalus – 48 BC – Caesar's Civil War
  • Battle of Philippi – 42 BC (in Macedonia) – Liberators' civil war
  • Battle of Philippi (West Virginia) – (1861) – American Civil War
  • Battle of the Philippine Sea – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham – 1759 – Seven Years' War
  • Siege of Pilsen – 1618 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Pinkie – 1547 – Rough Wooing, England v. Scotland
  • Battle of Placentia (271)
  • Battle of Plassey - 1757
  • Battle of Plataea – 479 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of PliskaByzantine–Bulgarian wars
  • Battle of Poitiers – 1356 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Poljana – 1945 – World War II
  • Battle of Pollentia – 402 –
  • Battle of Poltava – 1709 – Great Northern War
  • Battle of Port Arthur – 1904 – Russo-Japanese War
  • Battle of Portland – 1653 – First Anglo-Dutch War
  • Battle of Portland Harbor – 1863 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Portomaggiore – 1395 – Italy
  • Battle of Pozoblanco – 1937 – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Pozzolo – 1800 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Prague (1648)Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Prague (1757)Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Pressburg (907) [Pozsony or Bratislava]-Hungarian conquest of the Carpathian Basin
  • Battle of Preston (1648)Second English Civil War
  • Battle of Preston (1715)Jacobite rising of 1715
  • Battle of Prestonpans – 1745 – Jacobite rising of 1745
  • Battle of Princeton – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Pteria – 547 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Siege of Puebla (1847)Mexican–American War
  • Battle of Puebla – 1862 – French intervention in Mexico
  • Battle of Puente Sanpayo – 1862 – Peninsular War
  • Battle of Pydna – 168 BC – Third Macedonian War
  • Battle of Pylos – 425 BC – Peloponnesian War battel of plassey - 346BC


  • Battle of Quatre Bras – 1815 – War of the Seventh Coalition
  • Battle of Quebec (1690) – British attack during King William's War
  • Battle of Quebec (1759)Seven Years' War, includes the Battle of the Plains of Abraham.
  • Battle of Quebec (1760)Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Quebec (1775)American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Queenston Heights – 1812 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Quingua – 1899 – Philippine-American War


  • Battle of Raab – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Rafa – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Rain – 1632 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Rakvere – 1268
  • Battle of Ramillies – 1706 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Ramoth-Gilead – 953 BC –
  • Battle of Rastatt (1796)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Raszyn (1809)Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Raucoux (1746) (in Belgium) – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Battle of Ravenna (432)Bonifacius vs. Flavius Aëtius
  • Battle of Ravenna (1512)War of the League of Cambrai
  • Battle of Reading – 871 – Ethelred of Wessex and Alfred the Great defeated by a Danish army
  • Battle of Reading – 1688 – Glorious Revolution
  • Battle of Red Cliffs – 208 –
  • Battle of Remagen – 1945 – World War II
  • Battle of Rheinfelden – 1638 – Thirty Years' War
  • Second Battle of Rivas – 1856 – Central American coalition defeats filibuster William Walker
  • Battle of the River Plate – 1939 – World War II
  • Battle of Rivoli – 1796 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Rocroi – 1643 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Romani – 1916 – World War I
  • Battle for Rome – 1944 – Italian Campaign (World War II)
  • Battle of Rorke's Drift – 1879 – Anglo-Zulu War
  • Battle of Rossbach – 1757 – Seven Years' War
  • Battle of Roundway Down – 1643 – First English Civil War
  • Battle of Rozgony - 1312
  • Battle of Ruvo – 1503 – Italian War of 1499–1504


  • Battle of San Lorenzo de la Muga – 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of San Francisco de Malabon – 1896 – Philippine Revolution
  • Battle of Saint-Omer – 1340 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of St Pol de Léon – 1346 – War of the Breton Succession
  • Battle of St. Quentin (1914) – World War I
  • Battle of Sablat – 1619 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Saigon (1968)Vietnam War
  • Battle of Sainte-Foy – 1760
  • Battle of Saipan – 1944 – World War II
  • Battle of Salamanca – 1812 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Salamis – 480 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Salamis (in Cyprus) – 450 BC – pre-Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of San Jacinto – 1836 – Texas Revolution
  • Battle of Santa Rosa – 1856 – Costa Rican troops rout Walker's soldiers
  • Battle of Santiago de Cuba – 1898 – Spanish–American War
  • Battles of Saratoga – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Sarhū – 1619
  • Battle of Sari Bair – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Sarmada – 1119 –
  • Battle of Scheveningen – 1653 – First Anglo-Dutch War
  • Battle of Schwechat – 1848 – Hungarian Revolution of 1848
  • Battle of Schwetz – see Battle of Świecino
  • Battle of Scimitar Hill – 1915 – World War I – Gallipoli Campaign
  • Battle of Sedan (1870)Franco-Prussian War
  • Battle of Sedgemoor – 1685 – Monmouth Rebellion
  • Battle of Sekigahara – 1600 – Re-unification of Japan and rise of the Tokugawa shogunate
  • Battle of Sempach – 1386 – Growth of the Old Swiss Confederacy
  • Battle of Seneffe – 1674 – Franco-Dutch War
  • Siege of Sevastopol – 1854-5 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Shanhai Pass – 1644 – Manchu conquest of China
  • Battle of Shanghai – 1937 – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Shen-Liao – 1621 – Qing conquest of the Ming
  • Battle of Shijōnawate – 1348 – Nanboku-chō period
  • Battle of Shiloh – 1862 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Sheriffmuir – 1715 – Jacobite rising of 1715
  • Battle of Shrewsbury – 1403 –
  • Battle of Sitka – 1804 – Russian colonization of the Americas
  • Battle of Skibo and Strathfleet – 1480 – Scottish clan battle
  • Battle of Sluis (1603)Eighty Years' War
  • Battle of Sluys – 1340 – Hundred Years' War
  • Battle of Smolensk – 1943 – World War II
  • Battle of Solferino – 1859 – Second Italian War of Independence
  • Battle of the Somme – 1916 – World War I
  • Battle of the Somme (1918) – World War I
  • Battle of Sphacteria – 425 BC – Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Spion Kop – 1900 – Second Boer War
  • Battle of Spotsylvania Court House – 1864 – American Civil War
  • Battle of Stadtlohn – 1623 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Stalingrad – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Stamford Bridge – 1066 – Viking invasion of England
  • First Battle of St Albans – 1455 – Wars of the Roses
  • Second Battle of St Albans – 1461 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of St-Dizier – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Saint Gotthard – 1664 – Ottoman wars in Europe
  • Battle of Steenkerque – 1692 – Nine Years' War
  • Battle of Stiklestad – 1030 – Christianization of Norway
  • Battle of Stirling Bridge – 1297 – First War of Scottish Independence
  • Battle of Stirling (1648)Wars of the Three Kingdoms
  • Battle of Stoke Field – 1487 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Stockach (1800)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Siege of Stralsund (1628)Thirty Years' War
  • Siege of Stralsund (1711–15)Great Northern War
  • First Battle of the Stronghold – 1873 – Modoc War
  • Battle of Stångebro – 1598
  • Battle of Suiyang – 757
  • Battle of Surat – 1664 – Imperial Maratha Conquests
  • Battle of Svistov – 1877 – Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)
  • Battle of Świecino (a.k.a. Schwetz, Żarnowiec) – 1462 – Thirteen Years' War
  • Battle of Syracuse (415 BC)Peloponnesian War
  • Siege of Syracuse (397 BC)Greek–Punic Wars


  • Battle of Tagliacozzo – 1268
  • Battle of Taierzhuang – 1938 – Second Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Taku Forts – 1900 – Boxer Rebellion
  • Battle of Talas – 751 – Muslim conquest of Transoxiana
  • Battle of Talavera – 1809 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Tanagra (457 BC)Peloponnesian War
  • Battle of Tannenberg (1410)Polish–Lithuanian–Teutonic War
  • Battle of Tannenberg – 1914 – World War I
  • Battle of Tarawa (a.k.a. Tarawa-Makin) – 1943 – World War II
  • Battle of Tarifa – 1340 – during the Reconquista
  • Battle of Tassafaronga – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Tashkessen – 1877 – Russo-Turkish War (1877–78)
  • Battle of Teruel – 1937 – Spanish Civil War (1936–39)
  • Battle of Tchernaïa – 1855 – Crimean War
  • Battle of Temesvár -1849
  • Fall of Tenochtitlan – 1521 – Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire
  • Battle of the Teutoburg Forest – 9 – Germanic Wars
  • Battle of Tewkesbury – 1471 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Texel – 1673 – Franco-Dutch and Third Anglo-Dutch Wars
  • Battle of the Thames – 1813 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Thapsus – 46 BC – Caesar's Civil War
  • Battle of Thermopylae – 480 BC – Greco-Persian Wars
  • Battle of Ticonderoga (1758)French and Indian War
  • Battle of Ticonderoga (1759)French and Indian War
  • Battle of Ticonderoga (1775)American Revolutionary War
  • Siege of Fort Ticonderoga (1777)American Revolutionary War
  • First Battle of Tikrit – 2014 – Iraqi Civil War (2014–2017)
  • Second Battle of Tikrit – 2015 – Iraqi Civil War (2014–2017)
  • Battle of Tippecanoe – 1811 – Tecumseh's War
  • Battle of Tippermuir – 1644 – Wars of the Three Kingdoms
  • Battle of Tirad Pass – 1899 – Philippine-American War
  • Siege of Tobruk – 1941 – World War II
  • Battle of Tolentino – 1815 – War of the Seventh Coalition
  • Battle of Tololing – 1999 – Kargil War
  • Battle of Torran Dubh – 1517 – Scottish clan battle
  • Battle of Toulon – 1707 – War of the Spanish Succession
  • Battle of Toulon – 1744 – War of the Austrian Succession
  • Siege of Toulon – 1793 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Toulouse – 721 – Islamic invasion of Gaul
  • Battle of Toulouse – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Tourcoing – 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Tours – 732 – Islamic invasion of Gaul
  • Battle of Towton – 1461 – Wars of the Roses
  • Battle of Trafalgar – 1805 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Trebbia (1799)French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Trenton – 1776 – American Revolutionary War
  • Second Battle of Trenton – 1777 – American Revolutionary War
  • Battle of Triangle Hill – 1952 – Korean War
  • Battle of Trippstadt – 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Troy – 1194 BC – Trojan War
  • Battle of Tsushima – 1905 – Russo-Japanese War
  • Battle of Tudela – 1808 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Tuiteam Tarbhach – 1406? – Scottish clan battle
  • Battle of Turckheim – 1675 – Franco-Dutch War
  • Battle of Tumu Fortress/Castle – 1449 –
  • Battle of Tunisia – 1942 – World War II
  • Battle of Turnham Green – 1642 – English Civil War
  • Battle of Tuttlingen – 1643 – Thirty Years' War
  • Battle of Tetovo – 2001 – 2001 insurgency in Macedonia



  • Battle of Vaila – see Battle of Agnadello
  • Battle of Valenciennes – 1656 – Thirty Years' War (Spanish-French Extension)
  • Battle of Valley Forge (1777–1778)
  • Battle of Valmy – 1792 – French Revolutionary Wars
  • Battle of Valsequillo – 1936 – Spanish Civil War
  • Battle of Varey – 1325 – Dauphiné-Savoy disputes
  • Battle of Vaslui – 1475 – (Moldavian–Ottoman Wars)
  • Battle of Vauchamps – 1814 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Siege of Veracruz – 1847 – Mexican–American War
  • Battle of Veracruz – 1914 – see United States occupation of Veracruz
  • Battle of Verdun – 1916 – World War I
  • Battle of Vimeiro – 1808 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of Vimy Ridge – 1917 – World War I
  • Battle of Vinegar Hill – 1798 – Irish Rebellion of 1798
  • Battle of Vitoria – 1813 – Napoleonic Wars
  • Battle of the Visayas – 1945 – World War II
  • Battle of Vukovar – 1991 – Croatian War of Independence
  • Siege of Vicksburg – 1863 – American Civil War



  • Battle of Xiangyang (191 AD)End of the Han Dynasty
  • Battle of Xiangyang (1268–1273) – Yuan conquest of Southern Song
  • Battle of Xinzheng – (1930) – Central Plains War


  • Battle of Yalu River (1894)First Sino-Japanese War
  • Battle of Yalu River (1904)Russo-Japanese War
  • Battle of Yarmuk – 636 – Byzantine-Arab Wars
  • Battle of Yarmouk Camp - 2015 - Syrian Civil War
  • Battle of York – 1813 – War of 1812
  • Battle of Yorktown (1781)American Revolutionary War
  • First Battle of Ypres – 1914 – World War I
  • Second Battle of Ypres – 1915 – World War I
  • Third Battle of Ypres – 1917 – World War I


  • Battle of Žalgiris – see Battle of Grunwald (1410)
  • Battle of Zama – 202 BC – Second Punic War
  • Battle of Żarnowiec – see Battle of Świecino
  • Battle of Zapote Bridge (1897)Philippine Revolution
  • Battle of Zenta – 1697 – Great Turkish War
  • Battle of Zborov – 1917 – World War I
  • First Battle of Zurich – 1799 – Wars of the French Revolution
  • Second Battle of Zurich – 1799 – Wars of the French Revolution
  • Battle of Zusmarshausen – 1648 – Thirty Years' War


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