List of churches in Rogaland

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Map of the church deaneries (Norwegian: prostier) in the Diocese of Stavanger which covers all of Rogaland county.

This list of churches in Rogaland is a list of the Church of Norway churches in Rogaland county, Norway. The churches are all part of the Diocese of Stavanger. The diocese is based at the Stavanger Cathedral in the city of Stavanger.

The list is divided into nine sections, one for each Deanery (prosti) in the county. Administratively each deanery is divided up into church council (fellesråd) districts which usually correspond to the municipalities within each deanery. Each municipal church council may be made up of more than one parish (sokn), each of which may have their own council (soknerådet). Each parish may have one or more congregations in it. The municipality of Stavanger is a special case since it has a large population and a large area. The central part of the city is its own deanery and the areas surrounding the city centre belong to a different deanery, and the outlying island areas belong to another deanery. The number, size, and compositions of the deaneries in the diocese have changed over time, most recently in 2013 when two deaneries were merged to form the new Ryfylke deanery.[1]

Stavanger domprosti[]

This arch-deanery covers the central part of the city of Stavanger in Rogaland county. The deanery is headquartered at the Stavanger Cathedral in the city of Stavanger in the western part of Stavanger municipality. This deanery has been around since the Middle ages. On 7 November 1924, the deanery was divided with the areas in the city of Stavanger remaining in the Stavanger domprosti and the rest of the old deanery was created as the new Hetland prosti (later renamed Søre Ryfylke prosti) which included the central parts of the county.[2]

Municipality Parish (sokn) Church Location Year built Photo
Stavanger Stavanger domkirke
og St. Petri
Stavanger Cathedral Stavanger 1150 2013 Stavanger domkirke.JPG
St. Petri Church Stavanger 1866 Sankt Petri kirke.jpg
Bekkefaret Bekkefaret Church Bekkefaret 1977 Bekkefaret kirke.jpg
Hundvåg Hundvåg Church Hundvåg 1983 Hundvåg kirke II.JPG
Kampen Kampen Church Eiganes og Våland 1957 Kampen kirke Stavanger.JPG
St. Johannes Frue Church
(Hetland Church)
Stavanger 1854 Frue kirke.jpg
St. Johannes Church Stavanger 1909 St. johannes kirkested.jpg
Stokka Stokka Church Stokka 1974 Stokka kirke.jpg
Tjensvoll Tjensvoll Church Tjensvoll 1978 Tjensvoll kirke.jpg
Varden Varden Church Varden 1967 Varden kirke.JPG

Dalane prosti[]

This deanery covers the southern part of Rogaland county, including the municipalities of Eigersund, Bjerkreim, Sokndal, and Lund. The deanery is headquartered in the town of Egersund in Eigersund municipality. The deanery was created in the middle ages, and its borders have changed very few times since then. On 1 January 1825, the Flekkefjord and Hitterø parishes were transferred out of Dalane prosti to the neighboring Lister prosti. In 1862, the Bakke and Sirdal parishes were transferred out of Dalane prosti and into the neighboring Flekkefjord prosti.[3] In 1988, the Ogna parish was transferred to the neighboring Jæren prosti.

Municipality Parish (sokn) Church Location Year built Photo
Bjerkreim Bjerkreim Bjerkreim Church Bjerkreim 1835 83896 Bjerkreim kirke fra RA.jpg
Ivesdal Chapel Øvrebygd 1876 Ivesdal kapell.jpg
Eigersund Egersund Egersund Church Egersund 1607 Egersund kirke 02.jpg
Bakkebø Church Egersund 1960 Bakkebø kirke.JPG
Eigerøy Eigerøy Church Eigerøya 1998 Eigerøy kirke.JPG
Helleland Helleland Church Helleland 1832 Helleland Kirke.jpg
Lund Heskestad Heskestad Church Heskestad 1904 Heskestad kirke.jpg
Lund Lund Church Moi 1812 Lund kirke.jpg
Sokndal Sokndal Sokndal Church Hauge 1803 Sokndal kyrkje.jpg
Åna-Sira Church Åna-Sira 1888 Ana sira kirke id 85971.jpg

Haugaland prosti[]

This deanery covers the northwestern part of Rogaland county, including the municipalities of Haugesund, Bokn, Tysvær, Utsira, and Vindafjord. The deanery is headquartered in the town of Haugesund in the municipality of Haugesund.

The deanery was historically called Karmsund prosti, a deanery dating back to the middle ages. It historically encompassed all of the areas surrounding the Karmsund strait, west of Ryfylke. By 2006, the membership of the deanery had grown so large, it was divided into two: all of the parishes in the municipality of Karmøy were moved to the new Karmøy prosti and the rest remained in the deanery which was renamed Haugesund prosti. In 2013, the parishes from Vindafjord were moved here, and the deanery was renamed Haugaland prosti.[4]

Municipality Parish (sokn) Church Location Year built Photo
Bokn Bokn Bokn Church Føresvik 1847 Bokn kirke.jpg
Haugesund Rossabø Rossabø Church Rossabø 1972 Rossabø kirke fra RA.jpg
Skåre Skåre Church Haugesund 1858 Skåre kirke i Haugesund.jpg
Udland Church Haugesund 2002 Udland kirke 2.JPG
Vår Frelser Vår Frelsers Church Haugesund 1901 Church of Our Savior, spring 2019.jpg
Tysvær Førresfjorden Aksdal Church Aksdal 1995 Aksdal kirke.jpg
Førre Church Førre 1893 Førre kirke fra RA.jpg
Nedstrand Nedstrand Church Hindaråvåg 1868 Nedstrand kirke.jpg
Skjoldastraumen Church Skjoldastraumen 1910 Skjoldastraumen kyrkje.jpg
Tysvær Tysvær Church Tysvær 1852 Tysvær kirke.jpg
Utsira Utsira Utsira Church Utsira 1785 Utsira kyrkje.jpg
Vindafjord Imsland Imsland Church Imslandsjøen 1861 Imsland kirke.JPG
Sandeid Sandeid Church Sandeid 1904 Sandeid kirke.jpg
Skjold Skjold Church Skjold 1999 Skjold kyrkje.jpg
Vats Vats Church Vats 1855 Vats kirke.jpg
Vikebygd Vikebygd Church Vikebygd 1937 Vikirke.jpg
Vikedal Vikedal Church Vikedal 1881 Vikedal kirke.JPG
Ølen og Bjoa Ølen Church Ølensjøen 1874 Ølen kirke.jpg
Bjoa Church Bjoa 1895 Innbjoa. Sundhordland. - no-nb digifoto 20150317 00115 NB MIT FNR 10373.jpg

Jæren prosti[]

This deanery covers the west-central part of Rogaland county, south of the city of Stavanger, including the municipalities of Gjesdal, , Klepp, and Time. The deanery is headquartered in the town of Bryne in the municipality of Time. There is one parish (sokn) in this deanery that crosses municipal boundary lines. The Frøyland og Orstad parish includes parts of both Time and Klepp municipalities. This is the only such parish in Norway.

Prior to 1922, the deanery was called Jæderen prosti. The deanery of Jæren has been around since the middle ages and it has always included the coastal areas south of the city of Stavanger. In 1988, the parishes of Randaberg and Høle transferred from Ryfylke prosti to Jæren prosti and the Ogna parish was transferred from Dalane prosti to Jæren. On 1 May 1997, the parishes in Sola and Sandnes municipalities were separated from Jæren deanery to form the new Sandnes prosti.[5]

Municipality Parish (sokn) Church Location Year built Photo
Gjesdal Gjesdal Dirdal Church Dirdal 1903 Dirdal kirke.jpg
Gjesdal Church Gjesdal 1848 Gjesdal kyrkje.jpg
Oltedal Church Oltedal 2002 Oltedal kirke.jpg
Ålgård Ålgård Church Ålgård 2015 Ålgård nye kirke 2016.jpg
Old Ålgård Church Ålgård 1917 Ålgård Kirke.jpg
Nærbø Nærbø Church Nærbø 2005 Nærbø kirke.jpg
Old Nærbø Church Nærbø 1834 Nærbø gamle kirke.jpg
Ogna Ogna Church Ogna 1995 Ogna kirke med gravplass.jpg
Varhaug Varhaug Church Varhaug 1904 Varhaug kirke2.jpg
Klepp Bore Bore Church Bore 1891 Bore kirkested.jpg
Klepp Klepp Church Kleppe 1846 Klepp kirke2.jpg
Orre Orre Church Pollestad 1950 Orre kirke2.jpg
Old Orre Church Orre 1250 Norway Orre old church in Rogaland.JPG
Klepp/Time Frøyland og Orstad Frøyland og Orstad Church Orstad/Kvernaland 2008 Frøyland og Orstad Kyrkje (5466308682).jpg
Time Bryne Bryne Church Bryne 1979 Bryne Kirke2.jpg
Time Time Church Time (just outside Bryne) 1859 Time kyrkjestad.jpg
Undheim Undheim Church Undheim 2001 Undheim kapell.jpg

Karmøy prosti[]

This deanery covers the municipality of Karmøy which includes the island of Karmøy and a small area on the mainland of northwestern Rogaland county. The deanery is headquartered in the village of Avaldsnes in the municipality of Karmøy. The deanery was created on 1 January 2006 when it was split off from the old Karmsund prosti. The remainder of the old deanery was renamed Haugesund prosti.

Municipality Parish (sokn) Church Location Year built Photo
Karmøy Avaldsnes Avaldsnes Church Avaldsnes 1250 Karmoy avril 2011 158.JPG
Falnes Falnes Church Skudeneshavn 1851 Falnes kirke.jpg
Ferkingstad Ferkingstad Church Ferkingstad 1854 Ferkingstad kirke.jpg
Kopervik Kopervik Church Kopervik 2016 Kopervik kirke fra RA.jpg
Norheim Norheim Church Norheim 1978 Norheim kirke.jpg
Torvastad Torvastad Church Torvastad 1880 Torvastad kirke, Rogaland - Riksantikvaren-T238 01 0201.jpg
Vedavågen Vedavågen Church Veavågen 2009 Vedavågen kirke.jpg
Åkra Åkra Church Åkrahamn 1985 Åkra kirke - panoramio.jpg
Old Åkra Church Åkrahamn 1821 Aakra gamle kirke, Åkra gamle kirke, Rogaland - Riksantikvaren-T236 01 0006.jpg

Ryfylke prosti[]

This deanery covers the northeastern part of Rogaland county, including the municipalities of Sauda, Suldal, Hjelmeland, and Strand. The deanery is headquartered in the village of Hjelmelandsvågen in the municipality of Hjelmeland.

Historically, there was a Ryfylke deanery since the Middle Ages. Over time, its boundaries were changed and moved. On 1 March 1988, the deanery was renamed Nordre Ryfylke prosti (and at the same time, the old Hetland prosti was renamed Søre Ryfylke prosti). Also on that date, Hjelmeland was transferred from Nordre Ryfylke to Søre Ryfylke. In 2013, Nordre Ryfylke prosti and Søre Ryfylke prosti were merged to form the present Ryfylke prosti.[2] In 2020, the Forsand area was moved from here to the neighboring Sandnes prosti.[6]

Municipality Parish (sokn) Church Location Year built Photo
Hjelmeland Fister Fister Church Fister 1867 Fister kyrkje.jpg
Hjelmeland Hjelmeland Church Hjelmelandsvågen 1858 Hjelmeland kyrkje.jpg
Årdal Årdal Church Årdal 1919 Aardal kyrkje.jpg
Old Årdal Church Årdal 1619 Årdal gamle kirke1.jpg
Sauda Sauda Sauda Church Sauda 1866 Sauda kirke 1913 Wilse NF.WK 00889.jpg
Saudasjøen Chapel Saudasjøen 1973
Strand Jørpeland Jørpeland Church Jørpeland 1969 Jørpeland kirke.jpg
Strand Strand Church Tau 1874 Strand kirke.jpg
Suldal Erfjord Erfjord Church Hålandsosen 1877 Erfjord kyrkje.jpg
Jelsa Jelsa Church Jelsa 1647 Jelsa kyrkje 1.jpg
Sand Sand Church Sand 1853 Sand kirke, Suldal, Norway.jpg
Marvik Chapel Marvik 1920 Marvik kapell, Suldal, Norway.jpg
Suldal Suldal Church Suldalsosen 1852 Suldal kirke 1913 Wilse NF.WK 00895.jpg
Nesflaten Chapel Nesflaten 1853 Nesflaten kapell 1912 Wilse NF.W 14665.jpg

Sandnes prosti[]

This deanery covers the municipality of Sandnes in the west-central part of Rogaland county. The deanery is headquartered in the town of Sandnes. The deanery was created in 1998 when the parishes in Sola and Sandnes municipalities were removed from the deanery of Jæren. In 2006, the parishes in Sola were transferred to the Tungenes deanery, leaving just the parishes in Sandnes in this deanery. In 2020, the Forsand area was moved from Ryfylke prosti to this one.[6]

Municipality Parish (sokn) Church Location Year built Photo
Sandnes Bogafjell Bogafjell Church Bogafjell 2012
Forsand Forsand Church Forsand 1854 Forsand - church.JPG
Lyse Chapel Lysebotn 1961 Lysebotn - church.JPG
Gand Gand Church Sandved 1978 Gand kirke.jpg
Julebygda Chapel Malmheim og Soma 1957 Julebygda kapell.jpg
Hana Hana Church Hana 1997 Hana kirke.jpg
Høle Høle Church Høle 1860 Høle kirke.jpg
Høyland Høyland Church Austrått 1841 Høyland kirkested.jpg
Sviland Church Sviland 1913 Sviland kirke.jpg
Lura Lura Church Lura 1987 Lura kirke.jpg
Riska Riska Church Hommersåk 1999 Riska kirke.jpg
Old Riska Church Hommersåk 1877 Riska gamle kirke.jpg
Sandnes Sandnes Church Sandnes sentrum 1882 Sandnes Kirke(Jarvin).JPG

Tungenes prosti[]

This deanery covers the central part of Rogaland county, in the area around the Boknafjorden. It includes the municipalities of Randaberg, Kvitsøy, and Sola, plus the eastern island portion of Stavanger. The deanery is headquartered in the village of Randaberg in the municipality of Randaberg. The deanery was created in 1998 when the parishes in Randaberg and Kvitsøy were removed from Jæren prosti along with six parishes from the Stavanger domprosti (Madlamark, Hafrsfjord, Sunde, Tasta, Vardeneset, and Tjensvoll). In 2006, several other changes took place: Tjensvoll was moved to the new Ytre Stavanger prosti, all of the parishes in Sola were moved here from Sandnes prosti, and all of the parishes in Rennesøy and Finnøy were moved here from Søre Ryfylke prosti.

Municipality Parish (sokn) Church Location Year built Photo
Kvitsøy Kvitsøy Kvitsøy Church Kvitsøy 1620 Kvitsøy Church.jpg
Randaberg Grødem Grødem Church Grødem 2000 Grødem kirke.jpg
Randaberg Randaberg Church Randaberg 1845 Randaberg kirke.JPG
Sola Ræge Ræge Church north of Stenebyen 2009
Sola Sola Church Solakrossen 2020
Sola Chapel Solakrossen 1955 Sola Church.jpg
Sørnes Sørnes Church Sørnes 1977
Tananger Tananger Church Tananger 2002 Tananger kirke.jpg
Tananger Chapel Tananger 1879 Tananger kapell, Sola kommune, Rogaland, Norway.jpg
Stavanger Hesby Hesby Church Finnøy c. 1100 Hesby kyrkje.jpg
Mosterøy Askje Church Askje 1846 Askje kyrkje.jpg
Austre Åmøy Chapel Austre Åmøy 1904
Utstein Church Klosterøy 1280 Utstein kyrkje.jpg
Vestre Åmøy Chapel Western Åmøy 1953 Vestre Åmøy kapell.jpg
Rennesøy Hausken Church Vikevåg 1857 Hausken kirke.jpg
Sørbø Church Sørbø 1130 DS1 5067.jpg
Sjernarøy Sjernarøy Church Kyrkjøy in Sjernarøyane 1647 Sjernaroy kyrkje 2.jpg
Jørstad Church Jørstadvågen on Ombo 1929 Jorstad kyrkje.jpg
Talgje Fogn Church Fogn 1991
Talgje Church Talgje c. 1100 Talgje kyrkje.jpg

Ytre Stavanger prosti[]

This deanery covers the outer parts of the city of Stavanger in western Stavanger Municipality in Rogaland county. The deanery is headquartered in Madlamark in the western part of the city of Stavanger. This deanery was created on 1 January 2006 when five parishes from Tungenes deanery (Madlamark, Hafrsfjord, Sunde, Tasta, and Vardeneset) and three parishes from Stavanger arch-deanery (Hinna, Hillevåg, and Gausel) were combined to form a new deanery that surrounds the city centre of Stavanger.

Municipality Parish (sokn) Church Location Year built Photo
Stavanger Gausel Gausel Church Gausel 1996 Gausel Church 2007.jpg
Hafrsfjord Revheim Church Sør-Sunde 1865 Revheimkirke.JPG
Hillevåg Hillevåg Church Hillevåg 1961 Hillevaag kirke.JPG
Hinna Hinna Church Hinna 1967 Hinna Church, Norway.jpg
Madlamark Madlamark Church Madlamark 1976 Madlamark kirke.JPG
Sunde Sunde Church Sunde 1984 Sundekirke.JPG
Tasta Tasta Church Indre Tasta 1977 Tasta kirke.JPG
Vardeneset Vardeneset Church Ytre Tasta 2000 Vardeneset kirke.jpg


  1. ^ "Stavanger bispedøme" (in Norwegian). Den Norske Kyrkje. Retrieved 2015-04-21.
  2. ^ a b "A -101824 - Søre Ryfylke prosti" (in Norwegian). Arkivverket: Statsarkivet i Stavanger. Retrieved 2020-09-14.
  3. ^ "A -101806 - Dalane prosti" (in Norwegian). Arkivverket: Statsarkivet i Stavanger. Retrieved 2020-09-13.
  4. ^ "A -101858 - Karmsund prosti" (in Norwegian). Arkivverket: Statsarkivet i Stavanger. Retrieved 2020-09-13.
  5. ^ "A -101793 - Jæren prosti" (in Norwegian). Arkivverket: Statsarkivet i Stavanger. Retrieved 2020-09-13.
  6. ^ a b "Møteprotokall Stavanger bispedømmeråd" (PDF) (in Norwegian). Stavanger bispedømme. 2019-05-19.
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