List of creole languages

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A creole language is a stable natural language developed from a mixture of different languages. Unlike a pidgin, a simplified form that develops as a means of communication between two or more groups, a creole language is a complete language, used in a community and acquired by children as their native language.

This list of creole languages links to Wikipedia articles about languages that linguistic sources identify as creoles. The "subgroups" list links to Wikipedia articles about language groups defined by the languages from which their vocabulary is drawn.

English-based creole languages[]

  • Australian Kriol, English-based, spoken in parts of Western Australia, Northern Territory, and Northern Queensland
  • Bahamian Creole, English Creole spoken in The Bahamas
  • Bajan Creole or Barbadian Creole, English-based, spoken in Barbados
  • Belizean Creole, English-based creole spoken in Belize
  • Bislama, an English-based creole, spoken in Vanuatu
  • Cameroonian Creole, English, French and Native Cameroonian language based
  • , English-based creole spoken in Fiji
  • Gullah language, spoken in the coastal region of the US states of North and South Carolina, Georgia and northeast Florida
  • Guyanese Creole, English-based, spoken in Guyana
  • Hawaiian Creole or Pidgin, a mixture of Native Hawaiian and American English similar to Tok Pisin
  • , English-based creole spoken in Huancayo, Peru
  • Krio language, English-based creole spoken throughout the West African nation of Sierra Leone
  • Jamaican Patois, English-based creole, spoken in Jamaica
  • Liberian Kreyol language, spoken in Liberia
  • Nigerian Creole, English based creole or pidgin spoken in Nigeria
  • Ndyuka, English-based creole spoken in Suriname, the only creole that uses its own alphabet, called the Afaka script
  • Pitkern, English spoken on the Pitcairn Islands and Norfolk Islands
  • Manglish, English-based, spoken in Malaysia
  • San Andrés–Providencia Creole, English-based creole spoken in (San Andrés and Providencia islands), Colombia
  • Singlish, English-based, spoken in Singapore
  • Tok Pisin, an official language of Papua New Guinea
  • , English-based creole spoken in Tonga
  • Torres Strait Creole or Brokan, spoken in far north-east Australia, Torres Strait, and south-west Papua
  • Trinidadian Creole, English-based, spoken in Trinidad
  • Sranan Tongo, a bridge language (lingua franca) spoken in Suriname
  • The Middle English creole hypothesis argues that English itself is a creole.
  • Saint Kitts Creole, English Creole or dialect spoken on the island of St. Kitts

French-based creole languages[]

  • Antillean Creole, French-based creole spoken in the French West Indies
  • , French-based creole spoken in Cameroon
  • Guianan Creole, French-based creole spoken in French Guiana
  • Haitian Creole, French-based, an official language of Haiti
  • Louisiana Creole, French-based, spoken in Louisiana
  • Mauritian Creole, French-based, spoken in Mauritius
  • Seychellois Creole, French-based, official in the Seychelles
  • Reunionese, French, Hindi, Malagasy based, spoken in Reunion Island
  • Saint Lucian Creole, French and English based, spoken in Saint Lucia

Portuguese-based creole languages[]

  • Annobonese Creole, Portuguese-based creole spoken in Annobón, Equatorial Guinea
  • Cape Verdean Creole, spoken on the islands of Cape Verde
  • Daman and Diu Portuguese creole, also known as Daman and Diu Indo-Portuguese, refers to varieties of Portuguese-based creole spoken in Daman and Diu.
  • Forro Creole, spoken in São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Guinea-Bissau Creole, spoken in Guinea-Bissau
  • Kristang language, spoken in Malaysia and Singapore
  • Macanese Patois, or Macau creole, Pátua, once spoken in Macau in China
  • Papiamento, spoken in the ABC islands in the southern Caribbean
  • Sri Lankan Portuguese Creole, spoken in Sri Lanka
  • São Vicente Creole, spoken in São Vicente on the islands of Cape Verde
  • Angolar Creole, spoken in the southernmost towns of São Tomé Island and sparsely along the coast.

Creole languages based on other languages[]


See also[]

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