List of kanji radicals by stroke count

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Kanji radicals are graphemes, or graphical parts, that are used in organizing Japanese kanji in dictionaries. They are derived from the 214 Chinese Kangxi radicals.

Table key[]

The following table shows the 214 Kangxi radicals, which are derived from 47,035 characters.

The frequency list is derived from the 47,035 characters in the Chinese language.

The Jōyō frequency is from the set of 2,136 Jōyō kanji.[1]

Top 25% means that this radical represents 25% of Jōyō kanji. Top 50% means that this radical plus the Top 25% represent 50% of Jōyō kanji. Top 75% means that this radical plus the Top 50% represent 75% of Jōyō kanji.[2]

Many radicals are not commonly written by themselves so people wouldn't know the technical hiragana reading given here. The simplified table of Japanese kanji radicals page only lists common readings.

Table of radicals[]

hideNo. Radical (variants) Stroke count Meaning and reading Frequency Jōyō freq Examples Group
1 1 one (いち, ichi, 一) 42 50 七三丈不丘世
2 1 line, stick (ぼう, , 棒) 21
3 1 dot (てん, ten, 点) 10 丸主
4 丿 1 bend, possessive particle no (, no, ノ) 33 久之乎
5 (乚) 1 second, latter (おつ, otsu, 乙) 42 九也
6 1 hook, hooked stick (はねぼう, hanebō, 撥棒) 19 了事
7 2 two (, ni, 二) 29 五井些亞
8 2 pot lid (なべぶた, nabebuta, 鍋蓋) 38 亡交京
9 (亻,