List of law enforcement agencies in Germany

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Law enforcement in Germany is conducted by federal, state and municipal law enforcement agencies.

Federal law enforcement agencies[]

Federal Parliament (Bundestag)[]

  • Polizei beim Deutschen Bundestag (Polizei DBT): Federal Parliament Police, responsible for the protection of the premises of the Bundestag in Berlin. For reason of the independence of the legislative power from the executive, there exists a separate body who doesn't report to the Minister of the Interior, but to the President of the Bundestag

Federal Ministry of Defence[]

Federal Ministry of Finance[]

  • Bundeszollverwaltung: Federal Customs Service
    • Zollkriminalamt (ZKA): Customs Investigation Bureau
      • ZUZ (Zentrale Unterstützungsgruppe Zoll): Customs SWAT Unit

Federal Ministry of the Interior[]

State law enforcement agencies[]


  • Landespolizei: State Police
    • Autobahnpolizei: Highway Patrol of State Police
    • Bayerische Grenzpolizei (GrePo): border police, exclusively of the state of Bavaria
    • Bereitschaftspolizei (BePo): Riot Police Branch of State Police
      • BFE (Beweissicherungs- und Festnahmeeinheit): State Police Special Detention Unit
    • Kriminalpolizei (KriPo): Detective Branch of State Police
    • MEK (Mobiles Einsatzkommando): Special Unit for Surveillance and Detention
    • Schutzpolizei (SchuPo): Uniformed Branch of State Police
    • SEK (Spezialeinsatzkommando): SWAT unit of State Police
    • Wachpolizei (WaPol): Branch of State Police for the security of state government buildings or diplomatic facilities, only in the states of Berlin and Hesse
    • Wasserschutzpolizei (WSP): River Branch of State Police
  • Landeskriminalamt (LKA): ("State Criminal Office") State Bureau of Investigation, in some states subordinate to the state's police force
    • MEK (Mobiles Einsatzkommando): most LKAs employ an MEK of their own, operating independently of the regular police MEK
  • Justiz: Corrections Service

Auxiliary state police forces[]

List of the state police forces[]

Municipal law enforcement agencies[]

Municipal order enforcement agencies[]

  • Kommunaler Ordnungsdienst (KOD): Municipal law enforcement, different regulations by state and local laws
  • Ordnungsamt (OA): "municipal order agency", most common denomination
  • Städtischer Ordnungsdienst: "Municipal Enforcement Service"

Municipal police forces[]

  • Polizeibehörde: local "Police Authority" in several states
  • Gemeindevollzugsdienst (GVD): "Municipal Code Enforcement Service" in the state of Baden-Württemberg
  • Kommunalpolizei or Stadtpolizei: "Community Police" or "City Police" in cities of the state of Hesse

See also[]


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