List of members of the 11th Bundestag

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This is a list of members of the 11th Bundestag – the lower house of parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany, whose members were in office from 1987 until 1990. German reunification took place during this Bundestag.


This summary includes changes in the numbers of the five caucuses (CDU/CSU, SPD, Greens, FDP, Party of Democratic Socialism):

Time Reason for change CDU/CSU SPD FDP Greens PDS Others Total number
1987 First meeting 223 186 46 42 - 497
26 January 1988 Thomas Wüppesahl leaves the Greens caucus and becomes unaffiliated 41 1
13 September 1989 leaves the Greens caucus and becomes unaffiliated 40 2
1 October 1990 leaves the Greens caucus and becomes unaffiliated 39 3
3 October 1990 144 Volkskammer deputies join the Bundestag, leading to the creation of a new PDS caucus and the expansion of other caucuses 305 226 57 48 24 3 663

Starting with the first West German election in 1949, West Berlin sent a number of deputies (de) to the Bundestag. Under the terms of the Four Power Agreement on Berlin, West Berlin could not participate in West German federal elections, so instead the city's state parliament chose 22 non-voting "Berlin deputies" on the same date as elections were held in the rest of West Germany. These deputies were non-voting for most of West Berlin's history, but on 8 June 1990 they were given full voting right, increasing the voting membership of the Bundestag from 497 to 519. The 22 members elected in 1987 were broken down by party as follows: 11 from the CDU, 7 from the SPD, 2 from the FDP, and 2 from the Alliance 90/Green Party.

German reunification took place during this Bundestag. When East Germany was dissolved on 3 October 1990, 144 members of the Volkskammer were transferred to the Bundestag, who would sit until the next election along with the West German members elected in 1987. This increased the size of the Bundestag to 663. The 144 members were broken down by party as follows: 63 from the CDU, 33 from the SPD, 24 from the PDS, 9 from the BFD, 8 from the DSU, and 7 from Alliance 90/Green Party. See 1990 East German general election#Aftermath for details.










  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • Gerald Häfner, Die Grünen
  • Hildegard Hamm-Brücher, FDP
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • , SPD
  • , DSU (from 3 October 1991)
  • Gottfried Haschke, CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • Gerda Hasselfeldt, CSU (from 24 March 1987)
  • , SPD
  • Volker Hauff, SPD (until 14 June 1989)
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • , SPD (from 2 January 1990)
  • Helmut Haussmann, FDP
  • , CDU
  • Gerhard Heimann, SPD
  • , FDP
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1989)
  • , CDU
  • , Die Grünen
  • , SPD (from 1 September 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , Die Grünen
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , CSU
  • Burkhard Hirsch, FDP
  • , FDP (from 7 August 1987)
  • , CDU
  • , CSU
  • , CDU
  • , SPD
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CSU
  • , FDP
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • , CDU (from 6 February 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , Die Grünen
  • Werner Hoyer, FDP
  • , SPD
  • Agnes Hürland-Büning, CDU
  • , CDU
  • Uwe Hüser, Die Grünen
  • , CSU (from 2 August 1988)


  • , SPD
  • , FDP


  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU (from 1 July 1988)
  • Gerhard Jahn, SPD
  • , CDU
  • , SPD (until 16 June 1988)
  • , SPD
  • Philipp Jenninger, CDU
  • , SPD
  • , CSU
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • , SPD


  • Bartholomäus Kalb, CSU
  • , CDU
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • , SPD (from 22 May 1989)
  • , SPD
  • Sylvia-Yvonne Kaufmann, PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • Dietmar Keller, PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CSU (from 23 February 1990)
  • Petra Kelly, Die Grünen
  • , PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • Ignaz Kiechle, CSU
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD (until 18 December 1989)
  • , PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • Hans Klein, CSU
  • , FDP
  • , Die Grünen
  • , SPD
  • , FDP (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • Hans-Ulrich Klose, SPD
  • Wilhelm Knabe, Die Grünen
  • Dieter-Lebrecht Koch, CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • Helmut Kohl, CDU
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , FDP
  • , CDU
  • Walter Kolbow, SPD
  • , SPD
  • Hans Koschnick, SPD
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , Die Grünen (from 8 November 1989)
  • , CSU
  • Günther Krause, CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • Constanze Krehl, SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CSU (from 11 July 1988 until 22 February 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , Die Grünen
  • , CDU
  • , Die Grünen (until 4 April 1989)
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD (from 15 June 1989)
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD (from 1 June 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , CSU




  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • , FDP
  • , CDU
  • Bernd Neumann, CDU
  • , Die Grünen
  • , CSU
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • Claudia Nolte, CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , FDP
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)


  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • Jutta Oesterle-Schwerin, Die Grünen
  • , CDU
  • , AL (until 20 February 1989)
  • , SPD
  • , SPD (from 20 June 1988)
  • Rainer Ortleb, FDP (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD (from 6 June 1988)
  • , PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • Eduard Oswald, CSU


  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • Doris Pack, CDU (until 8 September 1989)
  • , FDP
  • , SPD
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • Anton Pfeifer, CDU
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • Matthias Platzeck, other (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • Konrad Porzner, SPD (until 2 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • Albert Probst, CSU
  • , SPD



  • , Die Grünen
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • , CSU (until 6 July 1988)
  • , CDU
  • , FDP
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • , CDU (from 25 August 1989)
  • Wolfgang Schäuble, CDU
  • Hermann Scheer, SPD
  • , CDU
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD (until 31 August 1990)
  • , CSU
  • , Die Grünen
  • Otto Schily, Die Grünen (until 7 November 1989)
  • , SPD
  • Bernd Schmidbauer, CDU
  • , CDU (from 9 September 1989)
  • , DSU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • Christa Schmidt, CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , Die Grünen (from 20 February 1989)
  • Renate Schmidt, SPD
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , Die Grünen (until 18 February 1989)
  • , DSU (from 3 October 1995)
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • Jürgen Schmude, SPD
  • , CDU (from 8 February 1990)
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CSU
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • , Die Grünen (until 21 June 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • Ottmar Schreiner, SPD
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , SPD
  • Wolfgang Schulhoff, CDU
  • Dieter Schulte, CDU
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • Werner Schulz, Bündnis 90 (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • Michael Schumann, PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • Rolf Schwanitz, SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • Christian Schwarz-Schilling, CDU
  • Hermann Schwörer, CDU
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • Horst Seehofer, CSU
  • , CDU
  • , FDP
  • , SPD
  • , PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • , FDP
  • Rudolf Seiters, CDU
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , AL (until 20 February 1989)
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • Heide Simonis, SPD (until 8 June 1988)
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • Hermann Otto Solms, FDP
  • , SPD (from 14 June 1988)
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , CSU
  • Dieter Spöri, SPD (until 5 June 1988)
  • Carl-Dieter Spranger, CSU
  • Rudolf Sprung, CDU
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • Lutz Stavenhagen, CDU
  • , DSU (from 3 October 1992)
  • , SPD
  • , SPD
  • , PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • Ludwig Stiegler, SPD
  • Dietrich Stobbe, SPD
  • Ulrich Stockmann, SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , PDS (from 3 October 1990)
  • Gerhard Stoltenberg, CDU
  • , CDU
  • , Die Grünen
  • Franz Josef Strauß, CSU (until 19 March 1987)
  • , CDU
  • Peter Struck, SPD
  • Richard Stücklen, CSU
  • , Die Grünen (from 4 April 1989)
  • , CDU
  • Rita Süssmuth, CDU


  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , Die Grünen
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • Wolfgang Thierse, SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , FDP
  • , DSU (from 3 October 1996)
  • , SPD
  • , CDU
  • Helga Timm, SPD
  • , FDP
  • Jürgen Todenhöfer, CDU
  • , SPD
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , SPD
  • , Die Grünen
  • , Bündnis 90 (from 3 October 1990)


  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • Gunnar Uldall, CDU
  • Wolfgang Ullmann, Bündnis 90 (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU (from 3 October 1990)
  • , CDU
  • , other (independent from 13 September 1989)
  • , SPD


  • , SPD
  • , Die Grünen
  • Günter Verheugen, SPD
  • , CDU
  • , CDU
  • Hans-Jochen Vogel, SPD
  • , AL (from 21 February 1989)
  • , CDU
  • Karsten Voigt, SPD
  • , CDU
  • , SPD (from 3 October 1990)
  • Antje Vollmer, Die Grünen
  • , Die Grünen
  • , CDU
  • , SPD
  • , CSU



See also[]

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