List of people from Silesia

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This is a list of notable people from Silesia.

Nobel laureates[]

  • Theodor Mommsen (1902, literature)
  • Philipp Lenard (1905, physics)
  • Eduard Buchner (1907, chemistry)
  • Paul Ehrlich (1908, medicine)
  • Gerhart Hauptmann (1912, literature)
  • Fritz Haber (1918, chemistry)
  • Friedrich Bergius (1931, chemistry)
  • Carl von Ossietzky (1935, peace)
  • Gerhard Domagk (1939, medicine)
  • Otto Stern (1943, physics)
  • Kurt Alder (1950, chemistry)
  • Max Born (1954, physics)
  • Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1963, physics)
  • Konrad Bloch (1964, medicine)
  • Johannes Georg Bednorz (1987, physics)
  • Hans Georg Dehmelt (1989, physics)
  • Reinhard Selten (1994, economics)
  • Günter Blobel (1999, medicine)
  • Olga Tokarczuk (2018, literature)

Alphabetical order[]



  • Paul Baender, politician and chess player
  • Adolf Aron Baginsky, pediatrician
  • John Baildon, Scottish pioneer in metallurgy in Silesia
  • Michael Ballack, soccer player
  • the House of Ballestrem, de, pl
  • Hans Baluschek, painter
  • Jan Banaś, soccer player
  • Franz Bardon, occultist
  • Walter Bathe, swimmer
  • bishop Herbert Bednorz
  • Johannes Georg Bednorz, physicist
  • Hans Bellmer, painter and sculptor
  • Benedict of Poland, explorer
  • ; pl, de, translator and poet
  • Max Berg, architect
  • Friedrich Bergius, chemist
  • Saul Berlin, scholar
  • Gottfried Bermann, publisher
  • cardinal Adolf Bertram
  • Petr Bezruč, poet
  • von Bibran-Modlau family
  • Albert Bielschowsky, literary historian
  • Max Bielschowsky, neuropathologist
  • Horst Bienek, writer
  • , writer; pl
  • Elżbieta Bieńkowska, politician, deputy prime minister of Poland
  • Iva Bittová, violinist, singer, and composer
  • rev. Franciszek Blachnicki
  • William Blandowski, zoologist and mining engineer
  • Leszek Blanik, gymnast
  • Barbara Blida, politician
  • Konrad Emil Bloch, biochemist
  • Josef Block, painter
  • Günter Blobel, biologist
  • Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler, pianist
  • Maurice Bloomfield, philologist
  • Friedrich Blühmel; de
  • Krystyna Bochenek, politician
  • Hermann Boehm, admiral
  • Sebastian Boenisch, soccer player
  • Bishop  [de]
  • Lothar Bolz, politician
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer, theologian
  • Karl Bonhoeffer, psychiatrist
  • Karl Friedrich Bonhoeffer, chemist
  • Klaus Bonhoeffer, lawyer
  • Ernst Borinski, sociologist
  • Max Born, physicist
  • Willibald Borowietz, general
  • , Silesian politician; pl
  • Josef Božek, engineer and inventor
  • Ernst-Joachim Bradel, colonel
  • Walter Brom, soccer player
  • Lucjan Brychczy, soccer player
  • Ignatz Bubis, politician
  • Andrzej Buncol, soccer player
  • Agata Buzek, actress
  • Jan Buzek, physician and politician
  • Jerzy Buzek, engineer and politician, prime minister of Poland
  • Józef Buzek, economist and politician
  • Jan Bystroń, linguist
  • Jan Stanisław Bystroń, sociologist


  • Ernst Cassirer, philosopher
  • Ewald Cebula, soccer player
  • Blessed Ceslaus; (bł. Czesław Odrowąż), Dominican friar
  • Dietrich von Choltitz, general
  • Jerzy Chromik, long-distance runner
  • rev. ; pl, de, historian
  • Claudia Ciesla, female model
  • Gerard Cieślik, soccer player
  • Ferdinand Cohn (1828–1898), biologist
  • Maria Cunitia (Cunitz) (1610–1664), astronomer
  • Richard Courant, mathematician
  • Johannes Crato von Krafftheim (1519–1585), imperial physician
  • bishop ; pl
  • Herbert Czaja, politician
  • ; de, chess master


  • Kurt Daluege, SS-general, Deputy Protector of Bohemia and Moravia
  • Frank Damrosch, music conductor and educator
  • Ernst Degner, motorcycle road racer
  • Hans Georg Dehmelt, physicist, Nobel Prize laureate
  • Hans Karl Graf von Diebitsch-Sabalkanski (Graf Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky), Russian Field Marshal
  • cardinal Melchior von Diepenbrock, Prince-Bishop of Breslau
  • Leopold Wilhelm von Dobschütz, general
  • the House of Henckel von Donnersmarck
  • Hans-Jürgen Dörner, soccer player and coach
  • ; pl, colonel
  • ; pl, blues vocalist
  • Jerzy Dudek, soccer player
  • Rafał Dutkiewicz, politician
  • Ewald Dytko, soccer player
  • ; pl, count
  • Johann Dzierzon, apiarist


  • Katja Ebstein, singer
  • Franz Eckert, musician who composed the national anthem of Japan
  • Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), physiologist
  • Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, poet
  • Bernd Eistert, chemist
  • Norbert Elias (1897-1990), sociologist
  • Józef Elsner, composer, music teacher and theoretician
  • Emin Pasha (Isaak Eduard Schnitzer), physician
  • Leszek Engelking, writer, poet, translator, scholar
  • Berthold Englisch, chess master
  • ; pl, physician
  • Johann Samuel Ersch, bibliographer




  • the House of Habsburg; Branch of Toscania/Teschen
  • Fritz Haber, chemist
  • ; pl, composer
  • Richard Hanke, soccer player
  • Daniel Harrwitz, chess master
  • Alfred Hauptmann; de, neurologist
  • Gerhart Hauptmann, dramatist
  • Felix Hausdorff, mathematician
  • Saint Hedwig of Andechs; (św. Jadwiga Śląska), Duchess of Silesia (1174–1243)
  • Johann Heermann, poet and hymnwriter
  • Sigfried Held, soccer player and coach
  • Henry I the Bearded, Duke
  • Henry II the Pious, Duke
  • Henry III the White, Duke
  • Henry IV Probus, Duke
  • ; pl, poet
  • Max Herrmann-Neisse; pl, de, writer
  • Richard Herrmann, soccer player
  • ; de, historian
  • Dieter Hildebrandt, kabarettist
  • Moses Hirschel, writer and chess master
  • Ludwik Hirszfeld, microbiologist
  • cardinal August Hlond; Primate of Poland
  • ; pl, de, Prince
  • Karl Höfer, general
  • Otto Höhne, general
  • Christian Hoffmann von Hoffmannswaldau, poet and municipal politician
  • the House of Hohenzollern; Brandenburg branch
  • Karl Eduard von Holtei; poet and actor
  • ; szl, politician, co-founder of Katowice
  • Walther von Holzhausen, chess master
  • Bernhard von Hülsen, general
  • Herbert Hupka, politician
  • Saint Hyacinth; (św. Jacek Odrowąż), Dominican friar, called the Apostle of the North


  • ; pl, merchant



  • ; pl, historian
  • ; pl, classical philologist
  • ; pl, playwright, theatre director
  • Theodor Kalide, sculptor
  • David Kalisch, writer and humorist
  • bishop Maximilian Kaller
  • Theodor Kaluza, mathematician and physicist
  • Tomasz Kamusella, linguist
  • Manfred Kanther, politician
  • Anna Louisa Karsch, poet
  • ; pl, Silesian politician
  • Georg Katzer, composer
  • Lars Kaufmann, handball player
  • Alfred Kelbassa, soccer player
  • Bernhard Kempa; de, handball player
  • Alfred Kerr, art critic
  • Jan Kidawa-Błoński; pl, film director
  • Leon Kieres, historian
  • Wojciech Kilar, composer
  • Gustav Kirchhoff, physicist
  • Martin Kirschner, surgeon
  • August Kiss, sculptor
  • ; de, social scientist
  • Norbert Klein, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order (1923–1933)
  • Otto Klemperer, conductor and composer
  • ; de, historian
  • Miroslav Klose, soccer player
  • ; de, historian
  • Baladine Klossowska, painter
  • Bernhard Adalbert Emil Koehne, botanist
  • Alexander Kohut, orientalist
  • Józef Kokot; pl, soccer player
  • Heinz Kokott, general
  • Jan Jakub Kolski, film director and writer
  • cardinal Bolesław Kominek
  • Jerzy Konikowski, chess master
  • Richard Konwiarz; architect
  • Kopaynski or Kopanski family
  • cardinal Georg von Kopp
  • Rudolf Koppitz, photographer
  • Wojciech Korfanty, politician
  • Julian Kornhauser, poet and literary critic
  • Hubert Kostka, soccer player
  • Jan Kotrč, chess master
  • Viktor de Kowa, actor and singer
  • Józef Kożdoń, Silesian autonomist
  • Marek Krajewski, classical philologist and crime-story writer
  • Adolf Kramer, chess master
  • ; de (December 27, 1905, † October 19, 1950), politician
  • Emil Krebs, polyglot and sinologist
  • Otto Kretschmer, commodore
  • Rodolphe Kreutzer (father was born in Silesia), violinist and composer
  • Henryk Kroll, politician
  • Jan Kropidło, Duke of Opole, bishop of Chełmno, Kamień Pomorski, Kuyavia, Poznań, archbishop of Gniezno, Primate of Poland
  • Rafał Kubacki, judo fighter and politician
  • bishop ; pl
  • Richard Kubus, soccer player
  • Michael Küchmeister von Sternberg, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order (1414–1422)
  • Wojciech Kuczok, writer
  • Hans Kudlich, politician and physician
  • Quirinus Kuhlmann, poet and mystic
  • Walter Kuhn, historian
  • Friedrich Wilhelm Kuhnert, painter
  • Jerzy Kukuczka; alpine and high-altitude climber
  • ; sv, historian and archeologist
  • Theofil Kupka, Silesian politician
  • Jan Kustos, Silesian politician
  • Martin Kutta, mathematician
  • Kazimierz Kutz, film director and politician






  • Franz Pacher, engineer
  • Idzi Panic, historian
  • Helmuth von Pannwitz, general and ataman
  • Rudolf Pannwitz, writer and philosopher
  • Eduard Pant, politician
  • Joseph Partsch, geographer
  • Ildefons Pauler, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order (1970-1988)
  • rev. ; pl
  • Teodor Peterek, soccer player
  • the House of Piast
  • Ryszard Piec, soccer player
  • Wilhelm Piec, soccer player
  • Antoni Piechniczek, soccer player and coach
  • Franciszek Pieczka, actor
  • bishop Tadeusz Pieronek
  • Jerzy Pilch, writer
  • ; cs, pl, historian
  • Józef Pinior, politician
  •  [de], vicar
  •  [de], Silesian politician
  • Heinz Piontek, poet and writer
  •  [de], actor
  • Leonard Piontek, soccer player
  • Sepp Piontek, soccer player and coach
  • Richard Pipes, historian
  • Łukasz Piszczek, soccer player
  • Bartholomaeus Pitiscus, mathematician and astronomer
  • Marek Plawgo, athlete
  • the House of Pless
  • Lukas Podolski, soccer player
  • Ernest Pohl, soccer player
  • Hugo von Pohl, admiral
  • Ewald Stefan Pollok, historian
  • Yosef Porath, chess master
  • Hans Poelzig, architect
  • Vincenz Priessnitz, hydrotherapist
  • Alfred Pringsheim, mathematician
  • Ernst Pringsheim Sr., physicist
  • Ernst Pringsheim Jr., biochemist and botanist
  • Nathanael Pringsheim, botanist
  •  [de], railway magnate
  • Maximilian von Prittwitz, general
  • the  [de]
  •  [de], Silesian politician
  •  [pl], actor


  • Friedrich Wilhelm von Reden, engineer
  • ; pl, politician
  • rev. ; pl, politician
  • Eva Gabriele Reichmann, historian and sociologist
  •  [de], known as Philo vom Walde, poet
  • Hanna Reitsch, aviator
  •  [de], politician
  • Bolko von Richthofen, archeologist
  • Ferdinand von Richthofen, traveller, geographer
  • Hermann von Richthofen, diplomat
  • Lothar von Richthofen, fighter pilot
  • Manfred von Richthofen, fighter pilot
  • Wolfram von Richthofen, fighter pilot, General Field Marshal
  • Ryszard Riedel, blues/rock vocalist
  • Fritz Riemann, chess master
  • Günther Rittau, camera operator and film director
  • Horst Rittner, chess master
  • Abraham Robinson, mathematician
  • Julius Roger, entomologist and folklorist
  • Ottomar Rosenbach, physician
  • Philipp Roth, cellist
  • ; pl, industrialist and poet
  • Tadeusz Różewicz, poet
  • Johann Christian Ruberg, pioneer in the metallurgy of zinc
  • Hans-Ulrich Rudel, fighter pilot, colonel
  • Andrzej Rudy, soccer player
  • Otto Rüster, chess master
  • Wanda Rutkiewicz, mountain climber
  • Józef Rymer, politician



  • Siegbert Tarrasch, chess grandmaster
  • Max Tau, writer
  • Adam Taubitz, musician
  • Johannes Thiele, chemist
  • Wolfgang Thierse, politician
  • Georg Thomalla, actor
  • Harry Thürk, writer
  • prince-bishop ; de
  • Olga Tokarczuk, writer
  • Henryk Tomaszewski, mime
  • Klaus Töpfer, politician
  • Ludwig Traube, physician
  • Moritz Traube, biochemist
  • Wilhelm Traube, chemist
  • Oscar Troplowitz, pharmacist, inventor of Nivea
  • rev. Jiří Třanovský, pastor and hymnwriter, the "Luther of the Slavs"
  • Paul Tschackert, theologian and historian
  • Szczepan Twardoch; pl, writer
  • Sebastian Tyrała, soccer player



  • Julius von Verdy du Vernois, general and military writer
  • Hieronymus Vietor, printer and publisher
  • ; sv, writer



  • Peter Graf Yorck von Wartenburg, jurist and politician


The major Silesian cities[]


  • Norman Davies and Roger Moorhouse: Microcosm: Portrait of a Central European City, London: Jonathan Cape, 2002. ISBN 0-224-06243-3
  • Marek Czapliński, Elżbieta Kaszuba, Gabriela Wąs, Rościsław Żerelik: Historia Śląska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2002. ISBN 83-229-2213-2
  • Hugo Weczerka: Handbuch der historischen Stätten: Schlesien. Stuttgart: Alfred Kröner Verlag, 2003. ISBN 3-520-31602-1.
  • Historia Górnego Śląska, ed. , Dan Gawrecki, , Dom Współpracy Polsko-Niemieckiej, Gliwice 2011. ISBN 978-83-60470-41-1.
  • Arno Herzig, Krzysztof Ruchniewicz, Małgorzata Ruchniewicz: Śląsk i jego dzieje, Wydawnictwo Via Nova, Wrocław 2012. ISBN 978-83-60544-91-4

See also[]

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