List of snakes of Colombia

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The nearly 300 species of snake found in Colombia represent nine of the eighteen families.[1][2] Six families (Aniliidae, Boidae, Colubridae, Elapidae, Tropidophiidae, Viperidae) are within the infraorder Alethinophidia (advanced snakes) and three families (Anomalepididae, Leptotyphlopidae, Typhlopidae) are within the infraorder Scolecophidia (blind snakes).

The largest snake ever known, Titanoboa, was discovered as a fossil in northeastern Colombia.


Pipe Snakes
Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Status
Anilius scytale Red Pipe Snake Amazon basin


Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Status
Boa constrictor Boa Constrictor Throughout; mostly rainforest Endemic
Corallus annulatus Annulated Tree Boa Pacific region
Corallus batesii Amazon Basin Emerald Tree Boa Amazon basin
Corallus hortulanus Amazon Tree Boa Amazon basin
Corallus ruschenbergerii Ruschenberger Tree Boa Caribbean lowlands & Orinoquia region
Epicrates cenchria Brazilian Rainbow Boa Amazon & Orinoquia regions [3] Endemic
Epicrates maurus Colombian Rainbow Boa Caribbean region; dry forest [4] Native
Eunectes murinus Green Anaconda Amazon & Orinoquia regions


Colubrid Snakes
Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Status
Amastridium veliferum Rusty-headed Snake Northwest Colombia
Amazon Burrowing Snake Amazon basin
Andean Ground Snake Andes (Antioquia) Endemic
Huila Spindle Snake East slope of Central Andes (Huila), 1640 m Endemic
Putumayo Spindle Snake Southern Colombia (Putumayo) Endemic
Dark-belled Spindle Snake East slope of Central Andes (Huila), 1700–2000 m Endemic
Slender Spindle Snake Central Andes (Antioquia), 1000 m Endemic
Caquetá Spindle Snake Colombia (Caquetá) Endemic
Atractus badius French Guyana Ground Snake Caribbean lowlands
Two-lined Ground Snake Central Andes (Caldas) Endemic
Bocourt's Ground Snake West slopes of Andes (2000–3130 m) [5]
Boulenger's Ground Snake Pacific lowlands (Valle del Cauca) [6] Endemic
Vaupés Spindle Snake Amazon basin (Vaupés)
Finca Meremburg Spindle Snake East slope of Central Andes (Cauca, Huila), 1500–2400 m Endemic
Clark's Ground Snake Northwest Colombia (Darién)
Collared Ground Snake Amazon basin (Amazonas, Caquetá)
Atractus crassicaudatus Thickhead Ground Snake East Andes (Boyacá & Cundinamarca), 2000–3200 m [7] Endemic
Nariño Spindle Snake Southern Pacific lowlands (Nariño)
Black Ground Snake Amazon basin
Red-black Ground Snake Eastern Colombia along border with Venezuela
La Pedrera Spindle Snake Amazon basin
Günther's Ground Snake Amazon basin
La Chorrera Spindle Snake Amazon basin
Indistinct Ground Snake Northern Colombia (Norte de Santander) Endemic
Iridescent Ground Snake Pacific lowlands (Chocó) Endemic
Lasalle's Ground Snake Northern Colombia (Antioquia) Endemic
Broadhead Ground Snake Amazon basin
Lehmann's Ground Snake Southwest Colombia (Cauca)
Limitan Ground Snake Amazon basin Endemic
Loveridge's Ground Snake Northern Colombia (Antioquia) Endemic
Macondo Spindle Snake Northern Colombia (Magdalena) Endemic
Brown Ground Snake Amazon slope of East Andes (Caquetá), to 3000 m
Villamaria Spindle Snake Central Andes (Caldas) Endemic
Gorgona Spindle Snake Gorgona Island Endemic ?
Blackbelly Ground Snake Central Andes (Tolima, Antioquia) Endemic
Dark Ground Snake Pacific lowlands (Chocó, Valle del Cauca), 80–300 m Endemic
Banded Ground Snake Pacific lowlands (Valle del Cauca, Cauca, Nariño)
Sharp-nosed Spindle Snake Central Andes (Antioquia), 2600 m Endemic
Mamirauá Spindle Snake Amazon basin
Northern Ground Snake West & Central Andes (Antioquia), 2000–2500 m Endemic; Vulnerable [8]
Black-vented Ground Snake East Andes (Santander) Endemic
Fat Ground Snake West Andes (Antioquia, Valle del Cauca) Endemic
Bignose Ground Snake Central Andes (Tolima, Caldas) Endemic
Gray Ground Snake Amazon slope of Andes (Putumayo), 775–850 m
Hispanic Ground Snake Northern Colombia (Antioquia) Endemic
Orellana Spindle Snake Amazon slope of Andes (Cauca, Huila, Putumayo), 500–3000 m
Sonsón Spindle Snake Central Andes (Antioquia), 2600 m Endemic
Pamplona Ground Snake Eastern Colombia (Norte de Santander)
Basin Ground Snake Amazon basin
Pointed Ground Snake Central Colombia (Meta) Endemic
Atractus reticulatus Reticulated Ground Snake Amazon basin
Santa Marta Ground Snake Santa Marta Mountains Endemic
Bloody Ground Snake Central Andes (Antioquia) Endemic
Gurupi River Spindle Snake Amazon basin
Titan Spindle Snake Central Andes (Antioquia, Valle del Cauca), 1800–2400 m Endemic
Neckbanded Ground Snake Amazon basin
Three-banded Ground Snake East Andes (Santander) Endemic
Typhon Spindle Snake Pacific slope of West Andes (Nariño)
One-banded Ground Snake Eastern Colombia (Meta)
Variegated Ground Snake East Andes (Boyacá) Endemic
Striped Ground Snake East Andes (Santander) Endemic
Wagler's Ground Snake East Andes (Boyacá) Endemic
Werner's Ground Snake West slope of East Andes (Cundinamarca), 1200–1800 m Endemic
Zidok's Ground Snake Amazon basin
Chironius carinatus Machete Savane or Sipo Throughout
Chironius exoletus Linnaeus' Sipo Amazon basin, Pacific lowlands?
Chironius fuscus Brown Sipo Amazon basin
Ecuador Sipo Pacific lowlands
Mountain Sipo Andes, 2100–3000 m
Chironius multiventris South American Sipo Amazon & Orinoquia regions
Chironius scurrulus Wagler's Sipo Amazon basin
Chlorosoma viridissimum Common Green Racer Amazon basin
Clelia clelia Mussurana Throughout
Clelia equatoriana Equatorial Mussurana Pacific slope of West Andes, 1000–2000 m [9]
Clelia scytalina Highland Mussurana Northwest Colombia ?
Neotropical Whip Snake Caribbean region
San Andrés Island Snake San Andrés Island Endemic
Yellowbelly Snake Pacific lowlands
Dendrophidion bivittatus Forest Racer West Colombia, to 1600 m
Hoshell's Forest Racer Magdalena River Valley (Cundinamarca), 250 m Endemic
Olive Forest Racer Amazon basin
Pink-tailed Forest Racer North & West Colombia - lowlands and foothills
South American Forest Racer North & West Colombia lowlands
Colombian Frog-eating Snake Pacific slope of West Andes Endemic
Ecuador Frog-eating Snake Pacific lowlands
Macarena Mountains Snail-eater Macarena Mountains (Meta) Endemic
Dipsas catesbyi Catesby's Snail-eater Amazon basin
Ibarra Snail-eater Southwest Colombia
Dipsas gracilis Graceful Snail-eater Pacific slope of West Andes, to 1250 m [10]
Dipsas indica Neotropical Snail-eater East slope of East Andes, to 750 m [11]
Northern Snail-eater Amazon basin
Peruvian Snail-eater East slope of East Andes, 500–3000 m [12]
Dipsas pratti Pratt's Snail-eater Andes (Antioquia)
Tropical Snail-eater West & Central Andes (Caldas, Quindio, Valle del Cauca, Cauca), above 1000 m Endemic
Temporal Snail-eater Pacific lowlands
Bocourt's Snail-eater Pacific lowlands
Drepanoides anomalus Black-collared Snake Amazon basin
Spot-tailed Cribo Northeast Colombia
Drymarchon corais Black-tailed Indigo Snake West of the Andes, to 2630 m [13]
Drymarchon melanurus Black-tailed Cribo Western Colombia
Drymobius margaritiferus Speckled Racer Caribbean lowlands
Esmerald Racer Caribbean lowlands & Amazon basin
Northern Woodland Racer Amazon basin
Undulated Leaf-litter Snake Amazon basin
Enuliophis sclateri Colombian Long-tailed Snake Northern Colombia, to 1285 m
Pacific Long-tailed Snake North & West Colombia lowlands
Erythrolamprus aesculapii Aesculapian False Coral Snake Amazon basin
Erythrolamprus bizona False Coral Snake Throughout, to 2600 m
Short Ground Snake Amazon basin
Mangrove Snake Lowlands throughout
Erythrolamprus epinephelus Sabanera Snake Throughout
Erythrolamprus melanotus Black-backed Snake Northern Colombia
Erythrolamprus miliaris Military Ground Snake Amazon basin
Mimic False Coral Snake Pacific lowlands
False Coral Snake Central & East Colombia, 100–2300 m
Pyburn's Tropical Forest Snake Central Colombia (Meta) Endemic
Amazon Tropical Forest Snake Amazon basin
Erythrolamprus reginae Royal Ground Snake Amazon basin
Ground Snake Amazon basin
Thin Ground Snake Amazon slope of Andes, 840–3825 m
Velvet Swamp Snake Amazon basin
Maldonado's Snake Pacific slope of West Andes
Betanien Earth Snake East slope of West Andes (Valle del Cauca), 1000–1750 m Endemic
Hoffmann's Earth Snake Northwest Colombia ?
Geophis nigroalbus Colombian Earth Snake Andes (Antioquia, Santander, Valle del Cauca), 900–1700 m Endemic
Helicops angulatus Mountains Keelback East of Andes
Helicops carinicauda Wied's Keelback Southeast Colombia
Daniel's Keelback Northwest Colombia lowlands Endemic
Hagmann's Keelback Amazon basin
Helicops leopardinus Leopard Keelback Amazon basin ??
Shreve's Keelback Amazon basin
Norman's Keelback Amazon basin
Ladder Keelback Caribbean lowlands
Herrmann's Water Snake Amazon basin
Costa Rica Water Snake Pacific lowlands
Amazon Water Snake Amazon basin
Hydrops triangularis Triangle Water Snake Amazon basin
Imantodes cenchoa Blunthead Tree Snake Throughout
Imantodes gemmistratus Central American Tree Snake Northwest Colombia
Plain Tree Snake Pacific lowlands
Imantodes lentiferus Amazon Basin Tree Snake Amazon basin
Lampropeltis triangulum Milksnake Throughout, to 2600 m
Leptodeira annulata Banded Cat-eyed Snake Throughout, to 1950 m
Leptodeira septentrionalis Northern Cat-eyed Snake Throughout
Leptophis ahaetulla Parrot Snake Throughout
Copper Parrot Snake Pacific & Amazon regions (Chocó, Meta)
Cope's Parrot Snake Pacific lowlands
Despax's Parrot Snake North & West Colombia lowlands
Santa Marta Parrot Snake Santa Marta Mountains;[14] Endemic
Lined Ground Snake North & West Colombia
Mastigodryas bifossatus Swamp Racer East of Andes
Mastigodryas boddaerti Boddaert's Tropical Racer East of Andes
Daniel's Tropical Racer Northern Colombia (Antioquia)
Salmon-bellied Racer Northwest Colombia
Plee's Tropical Racer Caribbean lowlands
Cope's Tropical Racer Pacific region & Inter-Andean valleys, to 2800 m [15]
Ninia atrata Red-naped Snake Throughout
Nothopsis rugosus Rough Coffee Snake Pacific region
Oxybelis aeneus Brown Vine Snake Throughout
Cope's Vine Snake Pacific lowlands
Oxybelis fulgidus Green Vine Snake Lowlands throughout
Oxyrhopus formosus Yellow-headed Calico Snake East of Andes
Werner's False Coral Snake East slope of East Andes
Oxyrhopus melanogenys Tschudi's False Coral Snake Amazon basin
Oxyrhopus occipitalis Northern Calico Snake Amazon basin
Oxyrhopus petolarius Forest Flame Snake Lowlands east and west of Andes
Leticia Calico Snake Amazon basin
Striped Sharpnose Snake Amazon basin
Philodryas olfersii Lichtenstein's Green Racer Amazon basin
Phimophis guianensis Troschel's Pampas Snake Caribbean lowlands
Wagler's Puffing Snake Amazon basin
Plesiodipsas perijanensis Alemán's Snail-eater East Andes (Santander) & Perijá Mountains [16]
Pliocercus euryzonus Black Halloween Snake Pacific lowlands & foothills
Pseudoboa coronata Crowned False Boa Amazon basin
Pseudoboa neuwiedii Neuwied's False Boa Northern lowlands
South American Pond Snake Amazon basin
Pseustes poecilonotus Puffing Snake Pacific & Caribbean lowlands
Shropshire's Puffing Snake Pacific lowlands
Rhadinaea decorata Adorned Graceful Brown Snake Northwest Colombia
Rhinobothryum bovallii False Tree Coral Pacific & Caribbean lowlands
Rhinobothryum lentiginosum Amazon Banded Snake Amazon & Orinoquia regions
Dunn's Saphenophis Snake Antioquia, 2560 m
Bourcier's Saphenophis Snake[17] Pacific foothills of West Andes
Saphenophis Snake West Andes (Cauca) Endemic
Three-striped Smooth Ground Snake West Andes (Cauca) Endemic
Scaphiodontophis annulatus Neck-banded Snake Northwest Colombia
Scaphiodontophis venustissimus Common Neck-banded Snake Pacific lowlands
Sibon nebulata Cloudy Snail-eating Snake Caribbean lowlands
Siphlophis cervinus Checkerbelly Amazon basin
Siphlophis compressus Tropical Flat Snake Pacific lowlands
Spilotes pullatus Yellow Rat Snake Throughout
Spilotes sulphureus Amazon Puffing Snake Amazon basin
Degenhardt's Scorpion-eating Snake Pacific & Caribbean lowlands, Andes
Synophis bicolor Two-colored Fishing Snake Amazon basin
Lasalle's Fishing Snake Amazon basin
Braided Shadow Snake Pacific slope of West Andes (Valle del Cauca) Endemic
Short-nosed Ground Snake Amazon basin
Taeniophallus occipitalis Bahia Leaf Litter Snake Amazon basin
Boulenger's Centipede Snake Northwest Colombia
Tantilla melanocephala Black-headed Snake Throughout
Black Centipede Snake Pacific lowlands (Chocó) Endemic
Reticulate Centipede Snake Northwest Colombia
Ringed Centipede Snake Caribbean lowlands
Thamnodynastes gambotensis Gambote Mock Viper Caribbean lowlands (Bolivar) Endemic
Thamnodynastes pallidus Amazon Coastal House Snake Amazon & Orinoquia regions
Striped Swamp Snake Pacific lowlands
Pale Ground Snake Pacific lowlands
Dumeril's Boxtail Snake Pacific lowlands (Chocó) Endemic
Tawny-headed Glass-tailed Snake Pacific & Caribbean lowlands
Ribboned Brittle Snake Pacific lowlands & foothills [18]
Many-striped Glass-tailed Snake Eastern Colombia
Thick-tailed Glass-tailed Snake Pacific lowlands
Xenodon rabdocephalus False Fer-de-Lance Throughout
Xenodon severus Amazon False Fer-de-lance Amazon basin
Xenopholis scalaris Wucherer's Ground Snake Amazon basin


Coral Snakes [19] & Sea Snake
Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Status
Regal Coral Snake Pacific lowlands, to 1500 m
False Triad Coral Snake Pacific lowlands
Camila's Coral Snake Northern Colombia (Urrá, Córdoba) Endemic
Micrurus clarki Clark's Coral Snake Pacific lowlands, to 500 m
Pygmy Coral Snake Northern Colombia, to 500 m
Capuchin Coral Snake Pacific lowlands, Gorgona Island, Andean region, Santa Marta Mountains
Slender Coral Snake Amazon & Orinoquia regions, to 400 m
Micrurus hemprichii Hemprich's Coral Snake Amazon & Orinoquia regions, to 1200 m
Equal-banded Coral Snake Orinoquia region, to 1400 m
Confused Coral Snake Amazon basin, to 500 m
Micrurus lemniscatus South American Coral Snake Amazon & Orinoquia regions, to 1000 m
Micrurus medemi Medem's Coral Snake Central Colombia (Meta) Endemic
Micrurus mipartitus Red-tailed Coral Snake Pacific lowlands, Gorgona Island, Andean region, Santa Marta Mountains
Many-banded Coral Snake Pacific lowlands
Cauca Coral Snake Pacific slope of West Andes (Cauca), 100–900 m Native
Andean Black-backed Coral Snake Amazon foothills of East Andes (Putumayo), 100–1500 m
Micrurus nattereri Natterer's Coral Snake Amazon & Orinoquia regions, to 600 m
Micrurus nigrocinctus Central American Coral Snake Northwest Colombia (Darién), Providencia Island Native
Bolivian Coral Snake Amazon basin
Tambo Coral Snake Pacific slope of West Andes (Cauca), 1000–1500 m Endemic
Micrurus ornatissimus Ornate Coral Snake Amazon basin
Micrurus psyches Carib Coral Snake Amazon basin
Putumayo Coral Snake Amazon basin Native
Neblina Coral Snake East Colombia (Guainía, Guaviare, Vaupés)
Ringed Slender Coral Snake East Colombia (Vichada) Endemic
Santander Coral Snake East Andes (Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Santander), 1000–1700 m Endemic
Pygmy Slender Coral Snake Amazon basin
Amazon Coral Snake Amazon & Orinoquia regions, to 1200 m
Micrurus spurrelli Butterfly-head Coral Snake Pacific lowlands (Chocó), to 400 m Endemic
Micrurus surinamensis Aquatic Coral Snake Amazon & Orinoquia regions, to 600 m
Pelamis platura Yellow-bellied Sea Snake Pacific Ocean, Gorgona Island


Dwarf Boas
Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Status
Trachyboa boulengeri Northern Eyelash Boa Pacific lowlands Endemic
Ungaliophis panamensis Panamanian Dwarf Boa Pacific lowlands Endemic


Pit Vipers
Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Status
Bothriechis schlegelii Eyelash Viper Throughout, to 2600 m; dense humid forest (Caldas, Antioquia & Risaralda) Endemic
Bothrocophias campbelli Ecuadorian Toad-headed Pitviper Southwest Colombia, 1000–1500 m
Bothrocophias colombianus Colombian Toad-headed Pitviper Western slopes of West Andes (Cauca & Antioquia) Native
Bothrocophias hyoprora Amazonian Toad-headed Pitviper Amazon basin
Bothrocophias microphthalmus Small-eyed Toad-headed Pitviper Western Colombia
Bothrocophias myersi Chocoan Toad-headed Pitviper Pacific lowlands (Cauca & Valle del Cauca), 75–200 m;[20] Endemic
Bothrops asper Fer-de-lance Throughout, to 1500 m; Gorgona Island
Bothrops atrox Common Lancehead East of Andes
Patian Lancehead Southwest Colombia (Cauca), 1400m Endemic
Bothrops bilineatus Two-striped Forest Pitviper Amazon basin Endemic
Bothrops brazili Brazil's Lancehead Amazon basin
Bothrops colombiensis Colombia Lancehead Eastern Colombia Native
Bothrops pulcher Andean Forest Pitviper Eastern slopes of Andes, 1000–2000 m
Bothrops punctatus Chocoan Forest Pitviper Pacific region, to 2000 m
Bothrops rhombeatus Cauca Valley Yellow Lancehead Southwest Colombia (Cauca, Valle del Cauca) Endemic
Bothrops taeniatus Speckled Forest Pitviper East of Andes; forest
Bothrops venezuelensis Venezuelan Lancehead East Andes (Norte de Santander & Boyacá)
Crotalus durissus South American Rattlesnake Isolated populations throughout, to 2000 m; usually not forest Native
Lachesis acrochorda Chocoan Bushmaster Pacific region, to 1000 m Native
Lachesis muta South American Bushmaster East of Andes
Porthidium lansbergii Lansberg's Hog-nosed Pitviper Caribbean lowlands
Porthidium nasutum Rainforest Hog-nosed Pitviper Caribbean & Pacific lowland


Primitive Blind Snakes
Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Status
Anomalepis colombia Caldas Blind Snake Central Andes (Caldas), 1700 m Endemic
Helminthophis flavoterminatus Yellowtail Blind Snake Caribbean lowlands
Helminthophis praeocularis Preocular Blind Snake Magdalena River Valley Endemic
Liotyphlops albirostris Whitenose Blind Snake Caribbean lowlands, foothills of East Andes
Liotyphlops anops Cope's Blind Snake East Andes (Santander, Cundinamarca) Endemic
Liotyphlops argaleus Vexatious Blind Snake East Andes (Cundinamarca) Endemic
Haad's Blind Snake Amazon basin


Slender Blind Snakes
Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Status
Leptotyphlops macrolepis Big-scaled Blind Snake [21] -


Worm Snakes
Scientific Name Common Name Distribution Status
Typhlops brongersmianus Brongersma's Worm Snake East of Andes
Typhlops minuisquamus Basin Worm Snake Amazon basin
Typhlops reticulatus Reticulate Worm Snake East of Andes

See also[]


  1. ^ "The Reptile Database".
  2. ^ "Snake Database".
  3. ^ "Catálogo de la biodiversidad de Colombia - Epicrates cenchria".
  4. ^ "Revision of the Epicates cenchria complex" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-08-24. Retrieved 2013-04-05.
  5. ^ Aguilar, C.; Ines Hladki, A.; Lehr, E.; Ramírez Pinilla, M.; Urbina, N. (2016). "Atractus bocourti". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T176351A44878165. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T176351A44878165.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  6. ^ "Rediscovery and redescription of the Andean earth-snake Atractus wagleri" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2015-09-19. Retrieved 2013-04-24.
  7. ^ Castro, F.; Ines Hladki, A.; Ramírez Pinilla, M.; Renjifo, J.; Stafford, P.; Urbina, N.; Caicedo, J. (2015). "Atractus crassicaudatus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2015: e.T176352A44948356. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T176352A44948356.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  8. ^ Arredondo, J.C.; Castro, F.; Ines Hladki, A.; Ramírez Pinilla, M.; Renjifo, J.; Urbina, N. (2017). "Atractus nicefori". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2017: e.T176357A44948684. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T176357A44948684.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  9. ^ "Tropical Herping - Clelia equatoriana". Archived from the original on 2013-02-04.
  10. ^ "Tropical Herping - Dipsas gracilis". Archived from the original on 2013-02-04.
  11. ^ "Catálogo de la Biodiversidad de Colombia - Dipsas indica".
  12. ^ Caicedo, J.; Calderón, M.; Harvey, M.; Ines Hladki, A.; Ramírez Pinilla, M.; Renjifo, J.; Rivas, G.; Urbina, N.; Cisneros-Heredia, D.F.; Gagliardi, G.; Catenazzi, A. (2016). "Dipsas peruana". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T176796A44949677. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T176796A44949677.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  13. ^ "Catálogo de la Biodiversidad de Colombia - Drymarchon corais corais".
  14. ^ "IUCN - Leptophis santamartensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  15. ^ "Tropical Herping - Mastigodryas pulchriceps". Archived from the original on 2013-02-04.
  16. ^ Ines Hladki, A.; Kornacker, P.; La Marca, E.; Ramírez Pinilla, M.; Renjifo, J.; Rivas, G.; Urbina, N. (2016). "Plesiodipsas perijanensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2016: e.T176793A44949315. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T176793A44949315.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  17. ^ Beolens B, Watkins M, Grayson M. 2011. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5. (Saphenophis boursieri, p. 35).
  18. ^ "Tropical Herping - Urotheca lateristriga". Archived from the original on 2013-02-16.
  19. ^ "Corales de Colombia - Laboratorios Probiol" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-03-27. Retrieved 2013-04-05.
  20. ^ Caicedo, J.R.; Bolívar, W.; Velasco, J. (2019). "Bothrocophias myersi". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T178511A44955043. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-2.RLTS.T178511A44955043.en. Retrieved 12 November 2021.
  21. ^ Galvis CA. Guía de Campo: Serpientes más comunes del Valle del Cauca. Fundación Zoológica de Cali.

Further reading[]

  • Freiberg M. 1982. Snakes of South America. Hong Kong: T.F.H. Publications. 189 pp. ISBN 0-87666-912-7.
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