Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University

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Mogilev State A.A. Kuleshov University
Магілёўскі дзяржаўны ўніверсітэт імя Аркадзя Куляшова
Mahiliou university 1.jpg
1 Kosmonavtov str.
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Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University is a large regional educational and scientific centre situated in Mogilev city, Belarus.


  • Rector: Denis Duk, Doctor of History, professor.
  • First pro-rector: Dmitriy Lavrinovich, Doctor of History, professor.
  • Pro-rector for education: Oleg Dyachenko, Ph.D. in philosophy, Docent
  • Pro-rector for education: Vladimir Yasev, Ph.D. in political science, associate professor
  • Pro-rector for scientific work: Natalia Makovskaja, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor.
  • Pro-rector for administration and maintenance: Julia Zaydena
  • Acting director of The continuing education and upgrade training college: Igor Shardyko, Ph.D. in History, Docent
  • The Head of International Relations Department: Sergei Machekin


  • 1913 - a teacher institute was opened in Mogilev, the first special pedagogical institution in the region
  • 1918 - the teacher's institute was transformed into a pedagogical institute, a higher educational institution with a four-year term of study
  • 1919-1923 - the pedagogical institute functioned as an institute of public education with a wider profile of graduates
  • 1923 – the pedagogical institute was temporarily closed
  • 1930 – Mogilev State Pedagogical Institute was recreated with two branches in its structure - historical-economic and literary-linguistic. The Institute was based in the building on Leninskaya *Street
  • 1934 – the institute branches were transformed into faculties: historical, geographical, and language and literature
  • 1941 - more than 2000 students studied at the institute and about 70 teachers worked
  • 1941-1944 – training at the institute was interrupted by the Great Patriotic War
  • 1944 - after the liberation of the city, Mogilev Pedagogical Institute resumed its work
  • 1949 - the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics was founded (now the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
  • 1958 - the faculty of Pedagogy and Methods of Elementary Education was opened (now - the Faculty of Primary and Music Education)
  • 1971 - a new educational building was built on Kosmonavtov street
  • 1975 - the first President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko, received a diploma of a graduate of the Faculty of History
  • 1978 - Mogilev State Pedagogical Institute was named after the classic of Belarusian literature Arkady Alexandrovich Kuleshov
  • 1980 - the Faculty of Preschool Education (now pedagogy and psychology of childhood) and the Faculty of Physical Education were opened
  • Mid 1980s - Mogilev State Pedagogical Institute named after A. A. Kuleshov became the best among pedagogical universities of the USSR three times
  • 1990 – the Faculty of Biology was founded (now - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences)
  • 1997 - Mogilev State Pedagogical Institute named after A. A. Kuleshov was transformed into Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University
  • 1998 - The Faculty of Economics and Law and the Faculty of Foreign Languages were opened
  • 2015 - The Faculty of History and Philology and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences were founded
  • 2018 - Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University celebrated 105th anniversary

University structure[]

The university includes 7 faculties:

Scientific activity[]

By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of April 22, 2020 No. 136 “On entering on the Republican Board of Honour of the Winners of the Competition for 2019” among the scientific organizations, Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University was recognized as one of the winners.

The scientific activities of the university in 2019 were carried out in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of April 22, 2015 No. 166 “About the Priority Areas of Scientific and Technical Activity in the Republic of Belarus for 2016–2020”, and the List of priority areas for scientific research of the Republic of Belarus for 2016–2020 years, approved by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 190 dated 03/12/2015, and the thematic research plan approved by the University Council on 02/16/2019. Research work at Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University was carried out in 26 departments in the first half of the year, and in 25 departments of seven faculties in the second half of the year. In 2019 the university staff published 551 articles in scientific editions, including 138 in peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, 106 in book editions, including 8 monographs. The Russian Science Citation Index includes 11,167 units, 937of those in 2019; 116 units are included in the Web of Science, 8 in 2019; 132 units are included in Scopus, 12 in 2019.

The university provides highly qualified postgraduate studies in 10 specialties. The number of graduate students at the end of 2019 was 44 people. By the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus on June 26, 2017 No. 447, the university launched training in the specialty 07.00.02 “Domestic History” of the historical branch of science for the implementation of the educational doctoral program. In accordance with the order of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus No. 206 dated 02/10/2017, the University created a council for the defence of dissertations, which is allowed to defend dissertations for Ph.D. in the specialty “Russian History (Historical Sciences)”.

In 2019, 3 dissertations were defended in this council. Yanina Ryer, who defended the dissertation in the Council, became the laureate of the 2019 Higher Attestation Commission competition of the Republic of Belarus for the best candidate dissertation in the category “Humanities” (the dissertation “The Ruler and the Society on Belarusian Lands in the 13th – First Third of the 15th Centuries: the Main Mechanisms of Political Genesis, Legitimization and Sacralisation of Power”, the supervisor is I. A. Marzalyuk, Ph.D. of historical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, chairman of the Standing Committee on Education, Culture and Science of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus).

In 2019, at Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University 18 tasks were performed in 6 State Research Programs: “Fundamental and Applied Sciences - Medicine” (1 task), “Photonics, Opto- and Microelectronics” (2 tasks), “Physical Materials Science, New Materials and Technologies” (1 task), “Nature Management and Ecology”(1 task),“Convergence - 2020”(2 tasks),“Economics and Humanitarian Development of Belarusian Society”(11 tasks). In addition, in 2019 the university carried out 5 projects of Belarusian Found for Fundamental Research, 6 grants of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, 1 grant of Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University. Great results were achieved in the field of natural sciences, socio-economic and social sciences, and the humanities.

In 2019 257scientific developments were introduced in the educational process of Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University and other educational institutions of different levels., the social sphere, production, and 8 service contracts were completed. 6 professors of Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University are consultants of innovative projects, which are included in the order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus dated July 30, 2019 No. 617 “On the Organization of Experimental and Innovative Activities in the 2019/2020 Academic Year”. Each of the projects involves from 6 to 36 educational institutions Today, the university collaborates with more than 80 universities and research and educational centres around the world. Collaboration is actively developing with higher educational institutions of Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Germany, Moldova, Kazakhstan, France, Serbia, China, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Spain, and others. Mogilev State A. Kuleshov University has experience in participating in TEMPUS projects, an international academic exchange program ERASMUS MUNDUS, ERASMUS + program, etc. The University is a member of the Association of Universities of the Border Regions of Belarus and Russia, the CSTO University League, the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities.

The international scientific activity of the university is carried out in the framework of the international projects of the Belarusian Found for Fundamental Research and Russian Found for Fundamental Research with Bryansk State University named after Academician I. G. Petrovsky, St. Petersburg State University, and the Federal Research Centre “Crystallography and Photonics” of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The University regularly organizes international scientific conferences in which scientists from countries near and far abroad participate. In 2019, the university held 15 international conferences. University staff participated in numerous scientific events, at which 1034 reports were presented. In order to promote innovative products to foreign markets, the developments of university scientists in 2019 were demonstrated at international exhibitions.

The university publishes the scientific and methodological journal “Bulletin of Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University” and the newspaper “University Bulletin”.

In addition, the university includes:

Allegations of political repression against students[]

According to a report prepared by the Polish Foundation for Freedom and Democracy, Konstantin Bondarenko, rector of the university, expelled students for their political activities.[1]

Notable alumni[]

See also[]


  1. ^ Belarusian system of repression. Persecutors and their victims (PDF). Warszawa: Fundacja Wolność i Demokracja. pod redakcją dr Dariusza Zalewskiego, Marka Bućko, Michała Kurkiewicza i Tomasza Pisuli. 2007 [Białoruski system represji. Prześladowcy i ich ofiary]. p. 42. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-12-03.
1. ↑ The History of Mogilev State A.Kuleshov University (1913—1940 гг.): documents / written by.: A.G.Ageev, K.M.Bondarenko, V.P.Klimkovich — Mogilev: MSU named after Kuleshov, 2008. — 216 p.
2.↑ The official web page of the University

External links[]

Coordinates: 53°54′39″N 30°20′24″E / 53.91083°N 30.34000°E / 53.91083; 30.34000

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