Niu Ben

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Niu Ben
AwardsGolden Phoenix Awards
1993 Society Award
2009 Honorary Award
2017 Liftime Achievement AwardGolden Rooster AwardsBest Supporting Actor
1983 The Herdsman

Hundred Flowers AwardsBest Supporting Actor
1983 The Herdsman
1997 Fu chang qi he
1999 Xi fu ni dang jia

Chinese name
Traditional Chinese
Simplified Chinese

Zhang Xuejing (张学景, Tianjin, 1935-), stagename Niu Ben (牛犇) is a Chinese film actor.[1]


He lost both of his parents at the age of six, then lived with his oldest brother, who worked as a driver at the third film factory in Beijing. In 1946, 11-year-old Ben was chosen to act as a village boy "little ox" and became a child star. His stage name Niu Ben is composed of Niu the Chinese character of "牛" (ox, a common surname) and Ben "" (three oxen together, a less common personal name). He later played child roles in old Chinese films, and went to Hongkong.

After the foundation of People's Republic of China, he returned to mainland China and became an actor of the Shanghai Film Studio, and one of the members of the 5th China Film Association. In his 60-year career, he has been in hundreds of films and TV plays, and is still active in Chinese film.

Personal Awards[]

Select Filmography[]

See also[]


  1. ^ Zhongguo renming dacidian Who's Who in China 中囯人名大辞典 - Volume 2 ed. 廖盖隆, 罗竹风, 范源 - 1990 "牛犇〈1935 —〉电影演员。天津人。原名张学景。1946年后在北平“中电”三厂、香港永华影业公司摄制的《圣城记》和《火葬》中饰演儿童角色。建国后,任上海电影制片厂演员、电视部副主任兼导演,中国影协第五届理事。在《海魂》,《红色娘子军》、《泉水叮咚》等影片中饰演角色。在《牧马人》中饰演郭嗚子, 1983 年获第三届中国电影金鸡奖和第六届电影百花奖最佳男配角奖。" [End of entry]
  2. ^ 1983 Golden Rooster Awards
  3. ^ Hundred Flower Awards

External links[]

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