Opposition (Queensland)

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The Opposition in the Australian state of Queensland comprises the largest party or coalition of parties not in Government. The Opposition's purpose is to hold the Government to account and constitute a "Government-in-waiting" should the existing Government fall. To that end, a Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Ministers for the various government departments question the Premier and Ministers on Government policy and administration, and formulate the policy the Opposition would pursue in Government. It is sometimes styled "Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition" to demonstrate that although it opposes the Government, it remains loyal to the Queen.

At times, the Opposition consisted of more than one party, notably when the Coalition parties (the state Nationals and Liberals) were in Opposition. Those state parties entered Opposition in 1996 and merged to form the Liberal National Party of Queensland (LNP) in 2008, National Leader Lawrence Springborg becoming Leader of the LNP and remaining Leader of the Opposition.

The current Leader of the Opposition is LNP Leader David Crisafulli, and David Janetzki is the Deputy Leader.

Current Shadow Ministry[]

The current shadow ministry was announced on 12 November 2020. It is led by Opposition Leader David Crisafulli[1][2]

Portfolio Shadow Minister
Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Minister for Tourism
David Crisafulli MP
Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Treasurer
Shadow Minister for Investment and Trade
David Janetzki MP
Shadow Minister for Health and Ambulance Services
Shadow Minister for Medical Research
Shadow Minister for Women
Ros Bates MP
Shadow Minister for Finance
Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations
Manager of Opposition Business
Jarrod Bleijie MP
Shadow Minister for Integrity in Government
Shadow Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning
Fiona Simpson MP
Shadow Minister for Police and Corrective Services
Shadow Minister for Fire and Emergency Services
Shadow Minister for Rural and Regional Affairs
Dale Last MP
Shadow Minister for Customer Service
Shadow Minister for Transport and Main Roads
Steve Minnikin MP
Shadow Attorney-General
Shadow Minister for Justice
Tim Nicholls MP
Shadow Minister for Education
Shadow Minister for the Arts
Christian Rowan MP
Shadow Minister for Water and the Construction of Dams
Shadow Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing
Deb Frecklington MP
Shadow Minister for Natural Resources, Mines and Energy Pat Weir MP
Shadow Minister for Housing and Public Works
Shadow Minister for Sport and Racing
Tim Mander MP
Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Tony Perrett MP
Shadow Minister for Local Government
Shadow Minister for Disaster Recovery
Shadow Minister for Volunteers
Ann Leahy MP
Shadow Minister for Seniors, Communities and Disability Services
Shadow Minister for Multiculturalism and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
John-Paul Langbroek MP
Shadow Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef
Shadow Minister for Science and Innovation
Shadow Minister for Youth
Sam O'Connor MP
Shadow Minister for Employment and Training
Shadow Minister for Small and Family Business
Shadow Minister for Open Data
Brent Mickelberg MP
Shadow Minister for Child Protection
Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence
Shadow Minister for Women's Economic Security
Amanda Camm MP
Shadow Assistant Ministers
Assistant to the Leader of the Opposition
Shadow Assistant Minister for Western Queensland
Lachlan Millar MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for COVID Economic Recovery Dan Purdie MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Justice
Shadow Assistant Minister for Youth
Shadow Assistant Minister for the Night-time Economy
Shadow Assistant Minister for Cultural Development
Laura Gerber MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Higher Education
Shadow Assistant Minister for Research
Shadow Assistant Minister for Defence Procurement
James Lister MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for State Development
Shadow Assistant Minister for Natural Resources and Mines
Jim McDonald MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Mental Health
Shadow Assistant Minister for Drug and Alcohol Treatment
Shadow Assistant Minister for Families
Shadow Assistant Minister for Seniors
Rob Molhoek MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Tourism Industry Development Stephen Bennett MP
Shadow Assistant Minister for Finance Michael Crandon MP
Shadow Parliamentary Roles
Shadow Cabinet Secretary Andrew Powell MP
Whip Trevor Watts MP
Deputy Whip Mark Boothman MP

See also[]


  1. ^ "Shadow Ministers | Queensland Parliament".
  2. ^ https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/documents/tableOffice/TabledPapers/2020/5720T222.pdf

External links[]

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