Prince of Yi of Ming dynasty

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Princedom of Yi
Creation date1487, fief taken in 1495
MonarchChenghua Emperor
Peerage1st-rank princely peerage for imperial son of Ming Dynasty
First holderZhu Youbin (Prince Duan)
Last holderZhu Yihao (the 11th prince)
Extinction date1539
Seat(s)Jianchangfu (建昌府) (nowadays Nancheng County, Jiangxi province)

Prince of Yi (Chinese: 益王), was a first-rank princely peerage used during Ming dynasty, it was created by Chenghua Emperor for his sixth son, Zhu Youbin.

Generation name / poem[]

As members of this peerage were descentants of Yongle Emperor, their generation poem was:-

"Gao Zhan Qi Jian You, Hou Zai Yi Chang You. Ci He Yi Bo Zhong, Jian Jing Di Xian You"

The main line of this peerage used the poem until Yi (怡) generation.

Main line members[]

  • Zhu Youbin (朱祐檳; 26 Jan 1479 - 5 Oct 1539) (1st), sixth son of Chenghua Emperor. He was made Prince of Yi in 1487, and took his princedom which located at Jianchangfu in 1495, and died in 1539. His posthumous name was Prince Duan of Yi (益端王)
    • Zhu Houye (朱厚燁; 25 Oct 1498 - 28 Jun 1556) (2nd), first son of Zhu Youbin. He succeeded the principality from 1541 to 1556. He was succeeded by his second brother as he was sonless. His posthumous name was Prince Zhuang of Yi (益莊王)
    • Zhu Houxuan (朱厚炫; 24 Aug 1500 - 9 Oct 1577) (3rd), second son of Zhu Youbin. He was made a commandery prince, under the title of Comm. Prince of Chongren (崇仁郡王) from 1506 to 1556. He succeeded the principality from 1557 to 1577 from his brother. His posthumous name was Prince Gong of Yi (益恭王)
      • Zhu Zaizeng (朱載增; 1516 - 1546), first son of Zhu Houxuan. He initially designated heir apparent for commandery principality of Chongren in 1529 when his father was made Comm. Prince of Chongren. He died before his father when he was made hereditary prince and posthumously bestowed as with the posthumous name "Prince Zhao of Yi" (益昭王).
        • Zhu Yiyin (朱翊鈏; 28 Aug 1537 - 6 Apr 1603) (4th), first son of Zhu Zaizhen. He was designated the hereditary prince (princely grandson) after the death of his father. He succeeded the principality from 1580 to 1603. His posthumous name was Prince Xuan of Yi (益宣王)
          • Zhu Changqian (朱常氵遷缺字.svg; 1559 - 1615) (5th), second son of Zhu Yiyin. He was designated the hereditary prince (princely great-grandson) with his father who also designated the herditary prince. He succeeded the principality from 1605 - 1615. Full posthumous name: Prince Jing of Yi (益敬王)
            • Zhu Youmu (朱由木; 1588 - 1634) (6th), third son of Prince Jing. He was ordered to changed his birth name as he shared the same name with Tianqi Emperor. He was promoted to a commandery prince under the title of Comm. Prince of Jiashan (嘉善郡王) from the title of a defender general in 1588. He succeeded the principality from 1617 to 1634. His posthumous name was Prince Ding of Yi (益定王)
              • Zhu Ciyi (朱慈炲; died 1646) (7th), first son of Zhu Youmu. he succeeded the principality in 1636. He was escaped to Guangdong in 1645 and died after a year in Guangzhou. His posthumous name was Prince Xian of Yi (益先王) or Prince Su of Yi (益素王)
                • Zhu Hexi (朱和壐) (10th), first son of Zhu Ciyi. he succeeded the principality after 1662.
                  • Zhu Yihao (朱怡鎬) (11th), he succeeded the principality and escaped to Taiwan, but later was located at Qi County, Kaifeng by Qing court.
              • Zhu Cizhu (朱慈燭) (9th), he succeeded the principality from 1651 to 1662.
          • Zhu Changhu (朱常湖; died 1648), 13th son of Zhu Cizhu. He was made a commandery prince,, under the title Comm. Prince of Yunxi (鄖西郡王) from 1595 to 1648. He was posthumously bestowed the title of "Prince of Min" (閩王) by Zhu Yihai.
            • Zhu Youzhen (朱由榛; died 1647) (8th), he was made Prince of Yi and regent by Koxinga at Fuzhou, Jiangxi and was killed by Qing forces.

Family tree[]

Family tree of Prince of Yi
Zhu Youbin
(朱祐檳; 1479 - 1539)
Prince Duan of Yi (益端王) 1
1487 - 1539
Zhu Houye
(朱厚燁; 1498 - 1556)
Prince Zhuang of Yi (益莊王) 2
1541 - 1556
Zhu Houxuan
(朱厚炫; 1500 - 1577)
Prince Gong of Yi (益恭王) 3
1557 - 1577
Zhu Zaizhen
(朱載增; 1516 - 1546)
"Prince Zhao of Yi" (益昭王)
(posthumous title)
Zhu Yiyin
(朱翊鈏; 1537 - 1603)
Prince Xuan of Yi (益宣王) 4
1580 - 1603
Zhu Chang...
(朱常氵遷缺字.svg; 1559 - 1615)
Prince Jing of Yi (益敬王) 5
1605 - 1615
Zhu Changhu
(朱常湖; died 1648)
Comm. Prince of Yunxi (鄖西郡王)
1595 - 1648
"Prince of Min" (閩王)
(posthumous title)
Zhu Youmu
(朱由木; 1588 - 1634)
Prince Ding of Yi (益定王) 6
1617 - 1634
Zhu Youzhen
(朱由榛; died 1647)
Prince of Yi 8
? - 1647
Zhu Ciyi
(朱慈炲; died 1646)
Prince Xian of Yi (益先王)
/ Prince Su of Yi (益素王) 7
1636 - 1646
Zhu Cizhu
Prince of Yi 9
1651 - 1662
Zhu Hexi
Prince of Yi 10
after 1662
Zhu Yihao
Prince of Yi 11

Non-inherited cadet peerages[]

Heirless peerage[]

  • Comm. Prince of Yushan (玉山郡王), held by Zhu Houjuan (朱厚㷷), fourth son of Zhu Youbin (1st Prince of Yi), from 1518 to 1552. Full posthumous name: Comm. Prince Gong'an of Yushan (玉山恭安王)
  • Comm. Prince of Liqiu (黎丘郡王), held by Zhu Changqin (朱常溱), third son of Zhu Yiyin (4th Prince of Yi) in 1581. Full posthumous name: Comm. Prince Zhuangyi of Liqiu (黎丘莊懿王)
  • Comm. Prince of Xunxi (鄖西郡王), held by Zhu Changhu (朱常湖), 13th son of Zhu Yiyin (4th Prince of Yi) and father of Zhu Youzhen (8th Prince of Yi), from 1595 - 1648. He was posthumously bestowed under the posthumous title of "Prince of Min" (閩王)
  • Comm. Prince of Fengxin (奉新郡王), held by Zhu Changlian (朱常漣), 19th son of Zhu Yiyin (4th Prince of Yi), from 1606 - 1646.
  • Comm. Prince of Xing'an (興安郡王), held by Zhu Youtong (朱由橦), fifth son of 5th Prince of Yi, from 1607 - 1644. He was promoted from a title of defender general.
  • Comm. Prince of Yanning (延寧郡王), held by Zhu Youlian (朱由槤), fifth son of 9th Prince of Yi
  • Comm. Prince of Yongning (永寧郡王), held by Zhu Youde (朱由