Public holidays in Luxembourg

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This is a list of public holidays in Luxembourg.

Public holidays[]

Date English name Luxembourgish name German name French name Notes
1 January New Year's Day Neijoerschdag Neujahr Jour de l'an
movable Easter Monday Ouschterméindeg Ostermontag Lundi de Pâques 18 April 2022
10 April 2023
1 May Labour Day Dag vun der Aarbecht Tag der Arbeit Fête du Travail
9 May Europe Day Europadag Europatag Journée de l'Europe First enacted in 2019
movable Ascension Day Christi Himmelfaart Christi Himmelfahrt Ascension 26 May 2022
18 May 2023
movable Whit Monday Péngschtméindeg Pfingstmontag Lundi de Pentecôte 6 June 2022
29 May 2023
23 June National Day
(Sovereign's Birthday)
Nationalfeierdag /
Groussherzogsgebuertsdag / Gehaansdag
Nationalfeiertag Fête nationale
15 August Assumption Day Léiffrawëschdag /
Mariä Himmelfaart
Maria Himmelfahrt Assomption
1 November All Saints' Day Allerhellgen Allerheiligen Toussaint
25 December Christmas Day Chrëschtdag Weihnachten Noël
26 December St. Stephen's Day /
Boxing Day
Stiefesdag Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag St. Etienne

The National Holiday celebrates the birthday of the Grand Duke and used to be movable to coincide with the actual birthday of monarch. To avoid cold weather on the January 5 birthday of Grand Duke Jean (reigned 1964-2000), the Grand Duke's Official Birthday celebration was pinned since 1962 to Jean's name day on June 23, and was maintained under the reign of his successor Henri.

Unofficial holidays[]

Good Friday (Friday before Easter Sunday) is a bank holiday, meaning that it is only a public holiday for bank employees.

Local complementary unofficial holidays may exist, like the Kermesse Day (known as Kiermes) that always fall on a Monday in the city of Luxembourg, or the Carnival Day also happening in the capital city.


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