Shadow Child (novel)

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Shadow Child is a novel by American horror and paranormal folklore author Joseph A. Citro.[1] While it was preceded by his novel Lake Monsters which is full of Horror, Fiction, and Mystery which he published before Shadow Child. Shadow Child was first published on July 1, 1987 then it was later published on September 1, 1998 by University Press of New England. Shadow Child basically shows how mysterious disappearances, and death can impact someone.

In this case it impacts Eric Nolan, brother, son, and widower. Death was not something that happened every day but it happened frequently enough to affect Eric. First he experienced the loss of his parents, then his wife, and eventually his brother's disappearance. With all that has happened Eric decided to move back to his childhood home in Bennington County, Vermont where his cousin Pamela lived with her own family. Mysterious things started happening in the woods, and in the Bennington Triangle where several unsolved disappearances always seem to happen. Many people start diminishing as the puzzle gets bigger.

Eric then has to realize that he has to face reality or what he chooses to believe instead.

The book prominently features the[2] Bennington Triangle, an area within Bennington County, Vermont that was the site of several unsolved disappearances.


  1. ^ Press Republican : Co-authors catalog region's weirdness Apr 25, 2003
  2. ^ "Lake Monsters". Goodreads. Retrieved 2016-02-11.
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