Somali Exiled Journalists Association

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The Somali Exiled Journalists Association (SEJA) is a press freedom organization established outside Somalia in February 2006 to bring awareness to the travails and hardships of journalists from that nation. Journalists in Somalia have been abused during the current conflict between the Islamic Courts Union and troops from Ethiopia.

According to Reporters Without Borders, journalists in the Horn of Africa have become frustrated with the various parties in the Somali Civil War combining to harass members of the press. Many fatalities against journalists have occurred on the front lines of battles. Other deaths have occurred as Somali reporters travel to press conferences and are ambushed.

The Association has released information on its self-imposed exile as numerous other groups found themselves in need of an organization to advocate for them. Reporters, radio and television presenters, writers' groups, media owners, communications professionals and non-professionals, academic public relations staff, and advertising and marketing personalities are all affiliated with the Association. The structure of SEJA also seeks to provide the impetus and ability for its members and affiliates to one day return to Somalia.

SEJA also collaborates with the newly-launched Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ).

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