Three Waters reform programme

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The Three Waters reform programme (also known as Three Waters) is a public infrastructure restructuring programme launched by the Sixth Labour Government to centralise the management of water supply and sanitation in New Zealand. It proposes shifting control of stormwater, drinking water and wastewater management from the country's 67 local councils to four new publicly-owned regional entities by July 2024.[1][2] The Three Waters reforms were criticised by several mayors and the opposition National and ACT parties.[3][4][5]


Three Waters Review[]

In mid 2017, the Fifth National Government launched a review of the regulation and supply arrangements of drinking water, wastewater and stormwater (three waters). This review ran in parallel with the later stages of the Inquiry into the Havelock North drinking water contamination of 2016. The Three Waters Review was published in January 2019.[6]

In 2019, the Sixth Labour Government announced plans for regulatory changes in response to the Three Waters Review, including:

  • establish a new, dedicated drinking water regulator
  • extend regulatory coverage to all drinking water suppliers, except individual household self-suppliers
  • provide a multi-barrier approach to drinking water treatment and safety
  • strengthen government oversight and stewardship of wastewater and stormwater services
  • provide transitional arrangements of up to five years to allow water suppliers to adjust to the regulations.[7][8][9][10]

Water services legislation[]

The Taumata Arowai–the Water Services Regulator Bill was introduced to Parliament on 12 December 2019.[11] The Government indicated a separate Water Services bill would be proposed at a later date to give effect to decisions to implement system-wide reforms to the regulation of drinking water and source water, and targeted reforms to improve the regulation and performance of wastewater and stormwater networks.[12]

Mahuta's reform proposals[]

On 28 January 2020, Nanaia Mahuta, the Minister of Local Government, released Cabinet papers and minutes setting out intentions for reform of service delivery and funding arrangements for the three waters services nationwide.[13]

The Cabinet paper referred to two key challenges facing New Zealand's three waters service delivery: affordability and capability. The paper referred to the cumulative effect of increasing capital and operating costs to meet infrastructure challenges, and constrained sector capability to address key public health and environmental challenges. It noted that these challenges are particularly acute for smaller council and non-council drinking water suppliers, with smaller ratepayer and consumer funding bases.[13]

The paper described the current situation (in most regions), where individual councils supply and manage water systems and services alongside their other duties. There was specific reference to Wellington Water (which manages the water assets of six councils) as an example of one approach to service delivery that had successfully built capability through the scale of operations. However, the paper also noted that Wellington Water currently has no ability to make trade-offs between operating and capital expenditure, nor can it cross-subsidise between owners or ratepayers in different districts.[13]

A transition is envisaged to a next stage where water services are fully 'ring-fenced' from other council services, with charges for ratepayers specifically identifying the water services in their rates. At this stage, councils may share service provision with other councils. The final stage envisaged in the paper is the full transfer of ownership of the water assets to a new entity governed by an independent board of directors, and with specialist employees who would focus on water services.[13]

The Government indicated that it would work in partnership with local government to explore options for transitioning councils to new service delivery arrangements, seeking safer, more affordable and reliable three waters services. The first step was to support the investigation of opportunities within regions for collaborative approaches to water service delivery.[14]

Initial plans for implementation[]

Hawke's Bay investigation[]

As an initial step towards implementing the proposed reforms, on 27 January 2020 the Government announced funding of $1.55m for an investigation of opportunities for greater coordination in three waters service delivery across the Hawke's Bay region, involving five councils: Napier City Council, Hastings District Council, Central Hawke's Bay District Council, Wairoa District Council and Hawke's Bay Regional Council.[15]

Otago and Southland investigation[]

In May 2020, ten councils in the Otago and Southland regions commenced the development of a business case for a collaborative approach to managing the three waters assets. The business case was expected to take about eight months and would be followed by public consultation. The Government agreed to cover half of the cost, with a deadline for councils to consider changes to service delivery models by the end of 2021. The ten councils involved in the investigation were Dunedin City Council, Central Otago District Council, Clutha District Council, Queenstown Lakes District Council, Waitaki District Council, Otago Regional Council, Gore District Council, Invercargill City Council, Southland District Council and Environment Southland.[16]

Advertising campaign[]

In late June 2021, the New Zealand Government launched a NZ$3.5 million multimedia advertising campaign called "Better Water is Better for Everyone" to promote its Three Waters reform programme. The advertising campaign was criticised by several mayors and local body councillors and officials including Mayor of Waimate Craig Rowley, Mayor of Waitaki Gary Kircher, Tasman District Council engineering services manager Richard Kirby, Councillors Kit Maling, David Ogilvie for alleged sensationalism, inaccuracies, and for portraying local councils' management of water resources in a negative light. In response, the Department of Internal Affairs reaffirmed the Government's commitment to working with local councils on the Three Waters reform programme.[17][18] In addition, 500,000 was set aside by the Government for the development, maintenance, and hosting of the Three Waters reform programme's website.[19]

By October 2021, the Advertising Standards Authority had received a total of 48 complaints about the Three Waters reform programme. The watchdog ruled that the advertisements were neither misleading or offensive in the context of advocacy advertising.[19]

Launch of nationwide programme[]

On 27 October 2021, Mahuta unveiled the Government's Three Waters reform programme. The plan involves the mandatory transfer of the management of stormwater, drinking water and wastewater from the country's 67 local councils and territorial bodies to four new water entities, with the goal of improving the quality and lowering the cost of water utilities. The Government planned to start creating these four new entities in late 2021, and they would assume control of water utilities in July 2024.[1][2][20] Though the Government had initially stated that the Three Waters programme would be optional for local government bodies, they subsequently decided to mandate in July 2021.[21]

During the announcement, Mahuta also created a working group to advise the Government on how the four water entities' governance would work. According to Mahuta, the group's findings would be placed into a supplementary order paper (SOP) to amend legislation creating the new entities that would manage the three waters systems. Despite its unpopularity with local councils and the public, the Government persisted with the Three Waters reform programme.[22]

On 9 December, the Government postponed the introduction of legislation to 2022 creating the new entities that would oversee the Three Waters systems. The Government confirmed that it would wait until the working group had finished their findings before introducing the new legislation.[22] In mid-December, Mahuta argued that the Three Waters reform should proceed despite opposition from several local governments due to the underinvestment in the country's water infrastructure. Mahuta also urged party leaders to prevent the privatisation of New Zealand's water assets, entrenching a safeguard requiring a supermajority of 75% of MP's support before a water asset could be sold.[21]


Advocacy groups[]

The farming advocacy group Groundswell NZ has voiced opposition to the Three Waters programme, claiming that it was part of a "tsunami" of unworkable government regulations and alleging that it was the theft of the assets of council ratepayers.[23] In December 2021, the group sponsored a petition calling for the Three Waters programme to be scrapped, which attracted 3,000 signatures by 15 December.[21]

Government departments[]

The New Zealand Infrastructure Commission published an opinion piece in May 2020 supporting the reform of service delivery in the three waters sector nationwide. The chief executive advocated consolidation of asset management and service delivery functions from multiple councils into much larger entities. The main benefits would be to capture economies of scale and free up councils from the specialist technical requirements of managing utility services.[24]

Local and regional councils[]

In April 2021, the mayor of the small Hawke's Bay town of Wairoa expressed concerns that the transfer of the three waters assets from local councils into large regional entities would have serious consequences for local government.[25]

In early September 2021, Invercargill's deputy mayor Nobby Clark submitted a notice of motion that the Invercargill City Council advise the Government that it would not be making any decision on the Three Waters issue until it had consulted the local community. This notice of motion was supported by Mayor of Invercargill Tim Shadbolt. Clark's motion did not pass due to a six-to-six tie.[26]

On 9 September, Mayor of Dunedin Aaron Hawkins published an op-ed column in the Otago Daily Times expressing concerns about the Three Waters programme's financial benefits, local consultation and the lack of safeguards against privatisation. However, Hawkins also objected to some opponents' objections to Māori iwi (tribes) being involved in the decision-making process.[27]

In late October 2021, the Government's decision to centralize water utilities and services was criticised by several local councils and mayors including Mayor of Auckland Phil Goff, Mayor of Christchurch Lianne Dalziel, Mayor of Hastings Sandra Hazlehurst, Mayor of the Far North District John Carter, Mayor of Dunedin Aaron Hawkins, and Mayor of Wellington Andy Foster.[3][4][28]

In mid-November 2021, the Whangārei District Council, Timaru District Council and Waimakariri District Council launched legal proceedings in the Wellington High Court seeking a judgement about the meaning of council "ownership" of the three waters assets under the planned reforms.[29] By 16 November, the Wairoa District Council and the Napier City Council passed motions to sign "memorandums of understanding" with "partner councils" to oppose the Three Waters reform model. The New Zealand Herald reported that over 30 councils were prepared to sign the MOUs.[30]

In mid-December 2021, the "Communities 4 Local Democracy He hapori mō te Manapori” group converged on Parliament and met with politicians to express their opposition to the Three Waters programme. The group represented 23 mayors and local councils including Manawatū District Council Mayor Helen Worboys, the Christchurch City Council, and the Waimate District Council. The delegation met with representatives from various political parties, including the governing Labour and National parties.[21][31][32]The "Communities 4 Local Democracy" group had emerged in response to the local government advocacy body Local Government New Zealand not reflecting the views of their membership on the issue. However, the Communities group did not include any councils from Otago and Southland. The Invercargill City Council had voted against joining the group due to the $15,000 contribution fee.[31] Dunedin Mayor Hawkins said incorrectly that the Dunedin City Council had declined to join the group since its rules would have required Dunedin residents to fund what he regarded as a futile legal action.[32]

On 23 February 2022, the Dunedin City Council voted to join "Communities 4 Local Democracy" by a margin of eight to seven. By that time, the number of local authorities involved in the advocacy group had risen to 28.[33]

Māori leaders and groups[]

In mid-May 2021, , the chair of Te Kura Taka Pini, the Māori tribe Ngāi Tahu's freshwater group, disputed claims by the opposition National Party leader Judith Collins that the Government was planning to transfer 50% of the publicly owned water assets in the South Island to Ngāi Tahu. He said Ngāi Tahu did not want to own water infrastructure, and believed that it should remain in public ownership, but that Ngāi Tahu was seeking a share of governance responsibilities.[34]

In May 2021, some Māori leaders from Ruapehu District, Whanganui, South Taranaki and Rangitikei District, including Fiona Kahukura Chase and former Māori Party Member of Parliament Dame Tariana Turia, said that the creation of large entities to manage water infrastructure would make it more difficult for local Māori to be part of policy making.[35]

Following the launch of the Three Waters programme in late October 2021, Te Maire Tau, the co-chair of Te Kura Taka Pini, welcomed the Three Water reforms, claiming they would improve water services and environmental outcomes.[36]

Political parties[]

In mid May 2021, National Party leader Judith Collins claimed that the Government was planning to transfer 50% of the publicly-owned water assets in the South Island to the Māori tribe Ngāi Tahu.[34]

In late October 2021, the opposition National and ACT parties vowed to repeal the Three Waters reforms if elected into government.[5][37]

Christopher Luxon, who had replaced Collins as National Party leader, accused the Government of misleading local councils about Three Waters being optional.[21] In response to criticism, Labour Party leader and Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern denied that the Government had misled local councils by pitching the Three Waters programme as optional but later determining that it was mandatory, claiming that the Government had worked with local councils to build a consensus for several months.[38]

Public opinion[]

On 22 October 2021, a Curia-Taxpayers' Union poll found that 54% of voters opposed the scheme while 19% supported the scheme. Despite its unpopularity with local councils and the public, the Government persisted with the Three Waters reform programme.[39][22]

On 22 November 2021, a Newshub–Reid Research poll found that 48% of people opposed the reforms while 27% supported, with 25% unsure. Of Labour voters, 40% were in support with 30% opposed and 31% unsure.[40]


  1. ^ a b Mahuta, Nanaia (27 October 2021). "Government to protect vital public water services for future generations". (Press release). New Zealand Government. Archived from the original on 27 October 2021. Retrieved 1 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b Manch, Thomas (27 October 2021). "Government pushes ahead with Three Waters reform, will take water services from councils". Stuff. Archived from the original on 27 October 2021. Retrieved 27 October 2021.
  3. ^ a b Wade, Amelia (27 October 2021). "How mayors across New Zealand reacted to Three Waters mandate". Newshub. Archived from the original on 27 October 2021. Retrieved 27 October 2021.
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  5. ^ a b Palmer, Russell (27 October 2021). "National, ACT promise to return water assets to councils". Radio New Zealand. Archived from the original on 27 October 2021. Retrieved 27 October 2021.
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  7. ^ "New govt regulator to have 'final say' on safe drinking water". Radio New Zealand. 31 July 2019. Archived from the original on 2 May 2020. Retrieved 7 April 2020.
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  13. ^ a b c d Nanaia Mahuta (28 January 2020). "Proactive release of Cabinet material about three waters service delivery and funding arrangements" (PDF). New Zealand Government. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 May 2020. Retrieved 26 April 2020.
  14. ^ Nanaia Mahuta. "Three Waters Review". New Zealand Government. Archived from the original on 2 May 2020. Retrieved 26 April 2020. Progress update – February 2020 – Three waters service delivery and funding arrangements
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  16. ^ Morgan, Jared (23 May 2020). "Councils to mull water changes". Otago Daily Times. Archived from the original on 1 June 2020.
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  28. ^ "Wellington mayor disappointed by Government's move to force through Three Waters reforms". The New Zealand Herald. 28 October 2021. Archived from the original on 27 October 2021. Retrieved 28 October 2021.
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  35. ^ Ellis, Moana (15 May 2021). "RMA and water reforms: 'Crunch time' for Māori grappling with flood of critical reforms". Radio New Zealand. Archived from the original on 6 October 2021. Retrieved 17 May 2021.
  36. ^ Ngai Tahu (27 October 2021). "Ngāi Tahu Welcomes Three Waters Decision". Scoop. Archived from the original on 27 October 2021. Retrieved 27 October 2021.
  37. ^ "Wellington mayor disappointed by Government's move to force through Three Waters reforms". The New Zealand Herald. 28 October 2021. Archived from the original on 27 October 2021. Retrieved 28 October 2021.
  38. ^ Small, Zane (14 December 2021). "Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern denies misleading councils over predetermined decision to mandate Three Waters". Newshub. Retrieved 17 December 2021.
  39. ^ "Poll Reveals What New Zealanders Think Of Three Waters". New Zealand Taxpayers' Union. 22 October 2021. Archived from the original on 2 November 2021. Retrieved 17 December 2021.
  40. ^ Wade, Amelia (22 November 2021). "Newshub-Reid Research poll: Half of New Zealand doesn't support Three Waters reforms". Newshub. Retrieved 23 November 2021.{{cite news}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)

External links[]

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