Tree caliper

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A tree caliper is a special caliper to measure the diameter at breast height of a tree. When used in landscaping, the term "caliper" can refer to the diameter of a tree's trunk at breast height itself. The measurement is generally made at 4.5 feet (1.4 m) to 5 feet (1.5 m) above the soil.[1]

There are a considerable number of designs of the tool.[2]


  1. ^ Wright, Jacob J. "What Does Caliper Mean in Landscaping?". Hunker. Retrieved November 9, 2020. Archived August 15, 2020, at the Wayback Machine.
  2. ^ Wikisource-logo.svg "Вилка, измерительный инструмент" . Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (in Russian). 1906.

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