Turkish Lakes Region

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The Turkish Lake District or Turkish Lakeland is an area with a series of shallow tectonic lakes within the folds of the Taurus Mountains in Southwestern Anatolia, Turkey[1]

Image of the Turkish Lakes Region from the International Space Station

The major lakes are Acıgöl (Sanaos), Akşehir (Philomela), Beyşehir (Koralis), Burdur (Ascanius), Eğirdir (Akrotiri), and the smaller ones are Akgöl, Lake Çavuşçu (Ilgın), Eber, Işıklı (Çivril), Karamık, Karataş, Kovada, Salda (Aulindenos), Suğla (Trogitis) and Yarışlı.


  1. ^ Dominic Whiting (2001) "Turkey Handbook", ISBN 1-900949-85-7, p. 439
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