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USS LST 494-Okinawa Campaign
United States
BuilderMissouri Valley Bridge & Iron Co.
Laid down10 August 1943
Launched11 October 1943
Commissioned18 December 1943
Decommissioned29 June 1946
Stricken28 August 1946
Honors and
American Campaign Medal and Ribbon; European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal and Ribbon with 2 Battle Stars for the Invasions of Normandy and Southern France; Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal and Ribbon with 1 Battle Star for the assault and occupation of Okinawa-Gunto; Combat Action Ribbon; World War II Victory Medal and Ribbon; Navy Occupation Medal and Ribbon with Asia Clasp; China Service Medal and Ribbon
FateSold to the Philippines, 12 August 1948
General characteristics
Displacement1,653 tons (4,080 tons fully loaded)
Length328 ft (100 m)
Beam50 ft (15 m)
Propulsion2 × 900 hp (670 kW) General Motors V-12 engines (known as GM 567s)
Speed11 kn (20 km/h; 13 mph)
Boats & landing
craft carried
6 × LCVPs
Armament1 × 3 in (76 mm) gun and multiple 40 mm and 20 mm anti-aircraft guns.

USS LST-494 was a US Navy amphibious tank landing ship that saw combat during World War II in both the European and Pacific Theaters of War. LST stands for Landing Ship, Tank.

Building and Commissioning[]

LST-494's keel was laid down on 10 August 1943, at Evansville, Indiana, by Missouri Valley Bridge & Iron Co. She was launched on 11 October 1943, and was commissioned on 18 December 1943. Command of LST-494 was turned over to Lt. Irving C. Noyes, of Colebrook, New Hampshire.[1]

LSTs were 328 feet (100 m) long, 50 feet (15 m) wide with a displacement weight of 1,653 long tons (1,680 t) (4,080 long tons (4,150 t) fully loaded). They were powered from a Main Engine Room by two 900 hp (670 kW) General Motors V-12 engines (known as GM 567s) which were railroad engines adapted to marine use. Their maximum speed was approximately 11 kn (20 km/h; 13 mph). Additional engines in the Auxiliary Engine Room provided the ships with electricity. LST-494 was armed with a 3 in (76 mm)/50 cal. gun on her stern, later replaced with a twin 40 mm (1.57 in) Bofors gun, and multiple 40 mm and 20 mm (0.79 in) Oerlikon anti-aircraft guns. In the European Theater LST-494 carried 6 LCVPs (Landing Craft Vehicle, Personnel), also known as "Higgins Boats", each of which was armed with two .30-cal. machine guns. Invasion bound LSTs were manned by a crew of approximately 150.[2]

LST-494 was first assigned to the European Theater of War. On 10 March 1944, she began her journey across the North Atlantic for England along with 71 other ships in Convoy SC 155.[3] While crossing the Atlantic, LST-494 carried on her main deck LCT-776 (Landing Craft Tank).

Normandy Campaign[]

LST-494 departed Plymouth, England, on 5 June 1944, under the command of Commander Irving "Chet" Noyes, and became part of the largest amphibious force in the history of warfare. On D-Day, 6 June 1944, she made the initial assault on Omaha Beach during the invasion of Normandy. LST-494 landed 378 men of the U.S. Army's 26th Infantry Regiment (known as the "Blue Spaders" from their distinctive spade-shaped regimental emblem). The 26th Regiment was part of the 1st Infantry Division. Troops aboard the ship were under the command of Major James B. Carvey. Anti-aircraft fire from LST-494 helped down a German Messerschmitt over the invasion beachhead. On 6 June, LST-494 aided that had been hit on her starboard side by enemy fire or a mine and was in danger of sinking. On 7 July, V-1 “buzz bombs” passed over LST-494 for many hours. One passed 300 ft (91 m) over her. LST-494 sailors saw American fighter planes shoot down a number of these aerial bombs. On 10 July, LST-494 aided 17 officers and 320 men from the Polish cruiser Dragon. Dragon had been torpedoed off the coast of Caen, France, by a one-man German mini-submarine on 8 July, and had to be scuttled. LST-494 continued to support the invasion forces through mid-July 1944, by bringing in reinforcements and by operating as a hospital ship carrying wounded servicemen back to England. During the Normandy campaign, LST-494 transported and landed a total of 1,420 American and Canadian soldiers along with 577 tanks, trucks and other vehicles.

USS LST 494-North Africa 1944

Southern France Campaign[]

LST-494 was then ordered to travel through the Straits of Gibraltar for service in the Mediterranean and North Africa. On 12 August 1944, LST-494 departed Naples, Italy, and joined an allied fleet for the invasion of Southern France. LST-494 landed troops from the U.S. Army's 45th Infantry Division ("Thunderbird") on French soil on 15 August 1944. Several large German shells hit close to LST-494 during the invasion, but missed their mark. During the Southern France campaign, LST-494 carried a total of 3,318 soldiers along with 717 tanks, trucks and other vehicles. Allied soldiers carried were American, Free French, and French Moroccan Goums "Gourmiers" and "Senegalese fighters". Lt. Commander Irving Chester Noyes, was a decorated naval officer who saw combat in both the Pacific and European Theaters of War. Under his command not a single man was lost during the Normandy and Southern France campaigns.

==Detailed History of LST-494 in the European Theater of War==[4]

During LST-494's nine months in the European Theater, she compiled an impressive record while participating in 2 major invasions: the Normandy Invasion on 6 June 1944, and the invasion of Southern France, on 15 August 1944. LST-494's story is a great example of why LSTs during WW II were known as the "workhorses" or "mules" of the invasion forces. For months after both invasions, LST-494 continued to support the push against the Germans by bringing in badly needed reinforcements, tanks, jeeps, trucks, ammunition and other equipment and supplies. She also served as a hospital ship returning wounded servicemen to hospitals in England. LSTs were in great demand in both the Pacific and European Theaters of War. Winston Churchill meeting with General Eisenhower as they prepared for the Normandy invasion once remarked: "The destinies of two great empires seem to be tied up in some God-damned things called LSTs." LSTs and the sailors who manned them were almost universally assigned to "extra-hazardous duty". LSTs were slow, lightly armored and lightly armed. Their nick-name of "Large Slow Target" or "Loaded for a Single Trip" pointed out how vulnerable and expendable they were.

NORMANDY CAMPAIGN 6 June-18 July 1944

168 American LSTs of the US Navy's XI Amphibious Force took part in the Normandy Invasion.[5] LST-494 was assigned to hit the Fox Green Sector of Omaha Beach as part of Task Force B, LST Group 30, Flotilla 10. On 5 June 1944, LST-494 departed Plymouth, England, headed for the beaches of Normandy, France. During the initial assault, LST-494 carried 378 men from units attached to the 26th Infantry Regiment of the 1st Infantry Division. Men of the 26th Infantry were known as "Blue Spaders" from their distinctive, spade-shaped regimental emblem. The 1st Infantry Division, known as the "Big Red One", was America's most combat-tested Army Division. It had fought in North Africa and Sicily. Units aboard LST-494 were from the 26th Infantry Regiment's 3rd Battalion under the command of the Battalion's Executive Officer Major James B. Carvey (West Point, Class of 1939). Men from Battery "C" of the 33rd Field Artillery Battalion under the command of Captain Gordon Peltier were also aboard as well as the Battalion's Medical Section.[6] As LST-494 approached Omaha Beach a line of burned out tanks could be seen on the beach as well as many landing craft destroyed by the insidious triangular obstacles the Germans had placed in the water near the shore. LCTs and LCIs were burning and exploding and a continuous artillery and mortar fire barrage peppered the beachhead. One US destroyer could be seen steaming in as close as possible to shore while pounding German positions with her 5-inch guns. The Battleship Texas was blasting German defenses with her 14-inch guns. During the afternoon of 6 June, LST-494 received word that infantrymen were desperately needed to reinforce the 1st Infantry Division's 16th and 18th Regiments that had landed earlier. LST-494 was ordered to launch 2 of her 36 foot long LCVPs and land troops on the Fox Green Sector of Omaha Beach. An LCVP could carry up to 36 combat equipped infantrymen. As the LCVPs approached the Fox Green Sector they encountered intense enemy fire from German 88-mm guns and heavy beach congestion from destroyed landing craft. They were unable to land and pushed further down the beach to the adjoining Easy Red sector. One of the LCVPs never made it to shore. It hit a mined beach obstacle that was submerged and was blown out of the water about 100 yards from shore. Major Carvey was on this LCVP. He saw the obstacle briefly when the lead LCVP's wake (Donald Beach's craft) parted the water and exposed it. Carvey tried to point it out to his coxswain (Ray Bauguess) but it was too late. The LCVP's crew of 4 was pulled from the water by a rescue craft and eventually returned to LST-494. Some of the soldiers aboard, including Major Carvey who was wounded, were also rescued but a number were thought to have perished.[7] LST-494 was also designated as a hospital ship and carried an Army doctor and two corpsmen plus two Navy doctors and over 20 pharmacist's mates. The first 12 wounded men to reach LST-494 were tagged as having been treated by a US Coast Guard doctor. The 13th casualty taken aboard was the doctor himself. On 6 June, LST-494 aided LCT-2037 that had been hit on her starboard side by enemy fire or a mine and was in danger of sinking. She tied up to LST-494's starboard side and salvage work was performed. LCT-2037 (Armored) had been assigned to an LCT Gunfire Support Group for the invasion. Sixteen LCT (Armored) crafts were assigned to Omaha Beach, and eight were assigned to Utah Beach. These special LCTs were heavily armored and had two tanks on them. They were not designed to land on D-Day but their job was to support the infantry with the tanks firepower. Wooden timbers raised the tanks high enough to fire over the bow ramp. On the evening of 6 June, German planes attacked American ships supporting the landings at Omaha Beach. Under a terrific barrage of gunfire from LST-494 and other ships, one burning plane fell and splashed into the water about 50 yd (46 m) from LST-494, seconds after a bomb fell very close to the ship. The LCT tied to LST-494's side opened fire with her anti-aircraft guns during this attack and her rounds came dangerously close to the men on LST-494's conning tower. Captain Noyes passed on a heated message to the LCT: "Cease fire immediately or we'll cut your line." They complied. By the end of the first day LST-494 had become home for many casualties, survivors from other ships, remnants of army outfits and small boat crews from other ships. On D-plus-one the crew remained at battle stations with the beach still under continuous German fire. LCVPs from LST-494 landed additional troops on Omaha Beach on D+1. Many beach obstacles still in place prevented LSTs from landing. LST-494 was ordered to the Easy Red sector of Omaha Beach to unload her remaining troops and cargo onto a rhino barge during the early morning hours of D+2. During the first 3 days of battle, bodies of American soldiers and sailors could be seen on the beach as well as floating in the surf. Many bodies were collected by landing craft and stacked like "cordwood" on their decks for transfer to Army Grave Registration Units who prepared the dead for burial in a temporary cemetery. On the evening of 8 June, German planes again attacked American shipping at Omaha Beach and 2 German planes were shot down over the beach area. On 9 June, LST-494 left Omaha Beach and returned to England (Southampton) to unload casualties and reload for a return to Normandy. On 15 June, (D+9), LST-494 landed the first Heavy Maintenance Unit on French soil when she landed 93 soldiers and 88 vehicles of the 897th and 3562nd Ordnance Heavy Automotive Maintenance Companies on Omaha Beach.[8] On 26 June, in convoy back to England from Utah Beach a flying German aerial bomb (V-1 “buzz bomb”) exploded two miles off LST-494's port bow. On 29 June, the men of LST-494 witnessed three Liberty ships hit German mines. LST-494 and the Liberty ships were in a convoy back to England from the Normandy beachhead. Allied ships moved in to take survivors off of stricken ships. On 7 July, a ship ahead of LST-494 in convoy hit a mine. Also on that day, V-1 "buzz bombs" passed over LST-494 for many hours. One passed 300 ft (91 m) over LST-494. The crew of LST-494 saw American fighter planes shoot down a number of the aerial bombs. On 10 July, LST-494 aided 17 officers and 320 men from the Polish cruiser Dragon. Dragon had been torpedoed off the coast of Caen, France, by a one-man German mini-submarine on 8 July, and had to be scuttled. LST-494 safely returned them to England. These Polish sailors spoke perfect English and brought their ration of rum and gin with them. On 14 July, "navy brass" ordered LST-494 into drydock so an inspection of her hull could be conducted to determine her structural integrity. Before the invasion, many believed that once LSTs landed on the beach and the tide went out, the dried out underside of LSTs would split in half rendering them a "one trip" ship. This did not happen and LSTs gained a well deserved reputation for being tough and reliable under the most adverse circumstances. LST-494 passed the inspection with flying colors and quickly went back into action. LST-494 made a total of eight landings during the Normandy campaign: two on Omaha Beach, four on Utah Beach and two on Juno Beach. LST-494 transported and landed a total of 1,420 soldiers and 577 tanks, trucks and other vehicles during the campaign. LST-494 also carried a number of injured servicemen back to England. LST-494 carried American and Canadian soldiers during the campaign. 1,068 American sailors were killed in action during the Normandy Campaign and another 32 died later from their wounds.

During the Normandy Campaign, eight LSTs were sunk due to enemy action:[9]

  • LST-507 - 28 April - Sunk by German motor torpedo boats in Lyme Bay, England (Operation Tiger)
  • - 28 April - Sunk by German motor torpedo boats in Lyme Bay, England (Operation Tiger)
  • - 8 June - Sunk by mine off Normandy
  • LST-314 - 9 June - Sunk by torpedo from German surface craft in English Channel
  • - 9 June - Sunk by torpedo from German surface craft in English Channel
  • - 11 June - Sunk by mine off Normandy
  • - 19 June - Sunk by mine off Normandy
  • LST-921 - 14 August - Torpedoed by German submarine in English Channel

During the Normandy Campaign, 11 LSTs were damaged by enemy action:[10]

  • - 28 April -Torpedoed by German motor torpedo boats in Lyme Bay, England (Operation Tiger)
  • - 11 June - Torpedoed by German submarine
  • - 14 June - Torpedoed by German submarine
  • LST-2 - 15 June - By German coastal defense guns
  • LST-266 - 15 June - By German coastal defense guns
  • - 15 June - By German coastal defense guns
  • - 15 June - By German coastal defense guns
  • - 15 June - By German coastal defense guns
  • - 15 June - By mine off Normandy
  • - 8 July - By V-1 or glider bomb
  • - 8 July - By V-1 or glider bomb


Toward the end of the Normandy Campaign, scuttlebutt centered on where LST-494 would be sent next. Many men predicted LST-494 would be sent to the Pacific where the war against Japan still raged. Others bet that LST-494 would head to the Mediterranean for further action against the Germans. LST-494 received orders to travel through the Straits of Gibraltar for service in the Mediterranean. LST-494 departed Falmouth, England, on 18 July 1944, with 23 other LSTs and 18 LCIs en route to Bizerete, Tunisia, (North Africa) under escort by a number of destroyers and the cruiser Marblehead. On 24 July, they passed through the Straits of Gibraltar, and entered the Mediterranean, arriving at Bizerete, on 28 July. On 31 July, LST-494 and 23 other LSTs left Bizerete, en route to Naples, Italy. They arrived on 4 August, and prepared for the upcoming invasion by making practice landings at Salerno, with Army troops.[11]

SOUTHERN FRANCE CAMPAIGN 15 August-24 November 1944

On 12 August 1944, LST-494 departed Naples, Italy, as part of a large allied fleet bound for the invasion of Southern France. LST-494 was now assigned to the VIII Amphibious Force and during the initial assault on 15 August 1945, landed troops from the 45th Infantry Division (The "Thunderbird" Division) on Blue Beach, Delta Area. The 45th Division was made up of seasoned veterans of the Sicily, Anzio, and Salerno campaigns in Italy. During the landing 2 rounds fired from a large German coastal defense gun fell within 50 yards of LST-494 but fortunately missed their mark. LST-494 made a total of 15 landings/shuttle trips in support of the Southern France invasion. She carried a total of 3,318 soldiers and 717 tanks, trucks and other vehicles. Allied soldiers carried were American, Free French and French Moroccan Goums "Gourmiers" and "Senegalese fighters". Two-hundred mules that belonged to the "Gourmiers" were also transported to France. A number of live chickens that belonged to these fighters were attached to the saddles of the mules by string. The "Gourmiers" were one of the most fearsome warriors of WW II. They came from the Atlas Mountains of French Morocco and were members of the Berber Tribes. LST-494 also carried a contingent of French nurses on 9 September 1944, from Ille Rousse, Corsica, to St. Raphael, France, as well as 16 American Army nurses on 12 September 1944, from Calvi, Corsica, to St. Raphael, France. The French and American nurses were a welcomed change of scenery for the men of LST-494. On 27 September, en route from Corsica to Sardinia, LST-494 sighted its second mine in several days. This mine was to the port side and was far too close for comfort. On 30 September, LST-494 left Cagliari, Sardinia, in convoy with five other LSTs en route to Marseilles, France. LST-494 carried 166 troops and 50 vehicles. On 2 October, the convoy encountered a vicious Mediterranean storm with high velocity winds, 40 foot waves and 75 foot sprays. After experiencing a small crack on the starboard bulkhead of the tank deck, Captain Noyes asked the convoy commodore for permission to turn the ship around and ride out the storm but permission was denied. Nevertheless, Captain Noyes ordered LST-494 to turn about so as to ride out the storm. His action saved LST-494 from grave danger and peril. His courageous decision further endeared him to his crew. LSTs that followed the commodore's orders and failed to turn about were severely damaged and almost sunk. One LST lost both bow doors. They were unable to continue on and had to return to Cagliari, for repairs. As LST-494 drew close to the commodore's LST, Noyes saw the commodore's signal light began to blink out a message to LST-494: "Operate independently. Proceed to destination. Good luck!" LST-494 continued on to Marseilles. Captain Noyes was never disciplined for failing to obey the commodore's orders. Thirty-six sailors were killed in action during the Southern France campaign and 8 died later from their wounds. During the Southern France campaign one LST was sunk due to enemy action: LST-282 - 15 August - Sunk by German glider bomb off St. Tropez[12]


During the Normandy and Southern France campaigns, LST-494 made 23 landings/shuttle trips. She transported 4,738 allied soldiers, airman and nurses (American, British, Canadian, Free French and French Moroccan); a number of wounded servicemen from the battlefront back to England for treatment; 1,294 tanks, jeeps, trucks and other vehicles; hundreds of tons of other supplies and equipment; 200 mules and an undetermined number of chickens.

USS LST-494 on Omaha Beach, Normandy Invasion, June 1944
Torpedo Net Work-Okinawa Campaign

Okinawa Campaign[]

LST-494 arrived back in the United States in December 1944. She was re-fitted in order to serve as a supply ship for small mine craft. She was then assigned to the Asiatic-Pacific Theater of War. Command of the ship was turned over to Lt. Frank Van Deren Coke. After traversing the Panama Canal, LST-494 left Seattle, Washington, on 15 April 1945, for Pearl Harbor, Entiwetok, and Guam. The next leg of her journey was to Tinian and Saipan. In June 1945, she participated in the latter stages of the fierce, kamikaze plagued assault and occupation of Okinawa Gunto. LST-494 performed occupation duty in the Far East and saw China service immediately after the war.

USS LST 494-Okinawa Campaign



Upon her return to the United States, she was decommissioned on 29 June 1946, and struck from the Navy list on 28 August. On 12 August 1948, LST-494 was sold to Bosey, Philippines and scrapped.[15]


Campaign Medals and Battle Ribbons[]

LST-494 was awarded the following campaign medals and battle ribbons for her service to her country in two theaters of war: ; with 2 Battle Stars for the Invasions of Normandy and Southern France; with 1 Battle Star for the assault and occupation of Okinawa-Gunto; Combat Action Ribbon; World War II Victory Medal and Ribbon; Navy Occupation Medal and Ribbon with Asia Clasp; China Service Medal and Ribbon. In 2004, LST 494 and her crew were awarded the Normandie Medal by the French government for their valiant service during the liberation of France in 1944.[16]

Final Thoughts From The Men Who Served On Her[]

"LST 494 certainly packed a lot of experiences into her relatively short 30 month life in the service of her country. She served faithfully in two theaters of war and sailed over 40,000 miles while crossing the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Irish, Mediterranean, Tyrrhenian and East China Seas. To the men who manned her she was known as the “lucky ship.” During 3 campaigns she survived German artillery rounds fired at her, German bombs dropped on her, flying buzz-bombs, floating mines, kamikazes at Okinawa, a ferocious storm in the Mediterranean, one of the most powerful typhoons in Pacific history, the freezing temperatures and ice of the North Atlantic as well as the hellish heat of the Pacific. At wars end, all of the 200 or so men who served on her survived and returned home to begin their lives again. God indeed smiled on the 494. The men who served on her, their families and friends are forever grateful to God for the blessings He bestowed upon LST 494 and her crew."[17]


  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^ Review of Ship Deck Log and oral interviews of LST 494 sailors Captain Irving Noyes, Joseph M. Guarino, Howard Buhl, John Heyl and Army troop commander Col. James B. Carvey, USA (Ret.)
  5. ^ The Invasion of France and Germany, 1944-1945 History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, Volume 11 By Samuel Eliot Morison
  6. ^
  7. ^ Oral Interview of Col. James B. Carvey, USA (Ret.)
  8. ^
  9. ^ The Invasion of France and Germany, 1944-1945 History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, Volume 11 By Samuel Eliot Morison
  10. ^ The Invasion of France and Germany, 1944-1945 History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, Volume 11 By Samuel Eliot Morison
  11. ^ Review of Ship Deck Log and oral interviews of LST 494 sailors Captain Irving Noyes, Joseph M. Guarino, Howard Buhl, John Heyl and Army troop commander Col. James B. Carvey, USA (Ret.)
  12. ^ The Invasion of France and Germany, 1944-1945 History of United States Naval Operations in World War II, Volume 11 By Samuel Eliot Morison
  13. ^ Review of Ship Deck Log and oral interviews of LST 494 sailors Captain Irving Noyes, Joseph M. Guarino, Howard Buhl, John Heyl and Army troop commander Col. James B. Carvey, USA (Ret.)
  14. ^
  15. ^
  16. ^
  17. ^ Review of Ship Deck Log and oral interviews of LST 494 sailors Captain Irving Noyes, Joseph M. Guarino, Howard Buhl, John Heyl and Army troop commander Col. James B. Carvey, USA (Ret.)

External links[]

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