Verse of Light

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The Verse of Light (Arabic: آیة النور‎, romanizedāyat an-nūr) is the 35th verse of the 24th surah of the Quran (Q24:35). The verse is renowned for its remarkable beauty and imagery, and perhaps more than any other verse lends itself to mystical or esoteric readings of the Quran.


Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth.
The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp,
The lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star,
Lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree,
Neither of the east nor of the west,
Whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire.
Light upon light.
Allah guides to His light whom He wills.
And Allah presents examples for the people,
and Allah is Knowing of all things.

— Translation by Sahih International


Perhaps more than any other, this single ayat suggests only mystical interpretations, as the metaphor is completely coherent, but it does not surrender an obvious meaning.

The eighth Imam of the Twelver Imami Shiites Ali ibn Moses says in the interpretation of this verse:

He is the guide of the people of heaven and the guide of the people of the earth.[1]

and the sixth Shiite Imam, Jafar Sadiq, has stated that:

God first spoke of His light.

The example of God's guidance is in the heart of the believer.

The glorious is inside the believer and the lamp of his heart, and the lamp is the light that God has placed in his heart.[2]

Hence it was and remains a key Qur'anic passage to many Sufis and Muslim philosophers into the present day, who argue for esoteric readings of the Qur'an. Most noteworthy amongst the intellectual and spiritual geniuses who have puzzled over Ayat an-Nur is al-Ghazali (d. 1111), whose reflections on this verse, as well as the nature of divine Light is collected in his masterpiece (the "Niche of Lights").

Often employed by Sufis and Muslim Philosophers, the Light Verse testifies of God as the "Light of the heavens and the earth". The short metaphor which follows, is both visual enough to be grasped by anyone, and yet suggests realms of meaning beyond any literal reading of the Book. This verse is also the primary source of one of the 99 Names of God: an-Nur (النور), "The Light".

Commentators on Ayat an-Nur include:

See also[]


  1. ^ Al-Kafi, Sheikh Muhammad bin Yaqub Koleyni. hadith.
  2. ^ Tafsir al-Qomi, vol. 2, p. 103; Noor al-Thaqalin, vol. 3, p. 606 605. hadith.CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

External links[]

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