Avatars in the Mahabharata

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The following is a list of the avatars of epic Mahabharata and the original devatas or the deities or others whose avatars or portions they were of.

Character Avatar/Portion of
Abhimanyu Varchas, son of Chandra and Rohini
Arjuna Portion of Indra
Ashwatthama Portion of Shiva
Balarama Ananta Shesha, Portion of Vishnu(as per Puranas)
Barbarika Yaksha
Bhadra Lakshmi
Bhagadatta Bashkala
Bhanumati Garuda(Surya's son Rama's helper)
Bhima Portion of Vayu
Bhishma Prabhasa (Vasu of the Star)
Chandravarma Asura Chandra
Chitrangadā Upasruti
Dantavakra Vijaya
Devaki Aditi
Dhrishtadyumna Portion of Agni, Rebirth of Eklavya
Dhenuka Rebirth of Khara (Ramayan)
Dhristaketu Anuhlda, Brother of Prahlada
Dhritarasthra Hansa, the son of Arishta
Draupadi Shachi, Portion of Kali
Drona Brihaspati
Drupada One of Maruts
Durvasa Shiva
Duryodhana Kali (demon)
Eklavya One of Krodhavasas
Eknamsa Yogmaya
Hanuman Shiva
Gandhari Mati
Iravan Vacchi, son of Chandra and Revati
Jarasandha Viprachitti[2]
Jayatsena One of Kalakeyas
Jambavati Lakshmi
Kalindi Yamuna
Kamsa Kalanemi[3]
Karna Portion of Surya
Kratha Rahu
Kripa One of the Rudras
Kripi Tara
Krishna Vishnu
Kritavarma One of Maruts
Kunti Siddhi
Lakshmana Lakshmi
Madri Dhriti
Mitravinda Ganga
Nakula Portion of Ashvins
Nagnajiti Niladevi(Lakshmi)
Nanda Rebirth of Dasharatha (Ramayan)
Parashurama Vishnu
Paundraka Vasudeva Vena
Pradyumna Kamadeva
Radha Lakshmi
Revati Jyotishamati
Rohini Kadru, mother of Nagas
Rukmi One of Krodhavasas
Rukmini Sridevi(Lakshmi)[4]
Sahadeva Portion of Ashvins
Samudrasena One of Kalakeyas
Satyabhama Bhumidevi(Lakshmi)
Satyaki One of Maruts
Satyavati Achchhoda
Shalva Ajaka
Shalya Sanhlda, Brother of Prahlada
Shakuni Dvapara Yuga
Shantanu Mahabhisha
Shikhandi Rebirth of Amba
Shishupala Jaya
Sons of Devaki Sons of Kalanemi
Sons of Ganga Vasus
Subala Disciple of Prahlada
Subhadra Shatarupa, Rebirth of Trijata
Ugrasena Swarbhanu
Ulupi Maya
Upamanyu One of Pitrs
Upapandavas Visvadevas
Usha Tilottama
Uttamaujas and Yudhamanyu Amshuman and Aryaman
Vasudev Kashyapa
Vidura Yama
Virata One of Maruts
Vyasa Portion of Vishnu
Yashoda Rebirth of Kaikeyi (Ramayan)
Yudhishthira Portion of Yama
16100 wives of Krishna Portion of Lakshmi

In some sources Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa is considered as an incarnation of Vishnu; Whereas, Duryodhana's brothers Kaurava were rebirth of Asuras. In some texts, Pandava are incarnations of five Indras or portion of Shiva. Radha and Ashtabharyas are considered incarnations of Maha Lakshmi in various traditions.

The epic Mahabharata, Skanda Purana, Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Devi Bhagavata Purana and Manava Purana describes some previous births of Mahabharata characters.[citation needed]


  1. ^ "Balarama | Hindu mythology". Encyclopedia Britannica.
  2. ^ "The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva: Sambhava Parva: Section LXVII". sacred-texts.com.
  3. ^ "The Hare Krsnas - Battles of Vishnu Avatars - Kalanemi". harekrsna.com.
  4. ^ "The Mahabharata, Book 1: Adi Parva: Sambhava Parva: Section LXVII". sacred-texts.com.
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