Barrelled space

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In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, a barrelled space (also written barreled space) is a topological vector space (TVS) for which every barrelled set in the space is a neighbourhood for the zero vector. A barrelled set or a barrel in a topological vector space is a set that is convex, balanced, absorbing, and closed. Barrelled spaces are studied because a form of the Banach–Steinhaus theorem still holds for them.


A convex and balanced subset of a real or complex vector space is called a disk and it is said to be disked, absolutely convex, or convex balanced.

A barrel or a barrelled set in a topological vector space (TVS) is a subset that is a closed absorbing disk.

The only topological requirement on a barrel is that it be a closed subset of the TVS; all other requirements (that is, being a disk and being absorbing) are purely algebraic properties.

Properties of barrels[]

  • In any topological vector space (TVS) , every barrel in absorbs every compact convex subset of .[1]
  • In any locally convex Hausdorff TVS every barrel in absorbs every convex bounded complete subset of .[1]
  • If is locally convex then a subset of is -bounded if and only if there exists a barrel in such that [1]
  • Let be a pairing and let be a locally convex topology on consistent with duality. Then a subset of is a barrel in if and only if is the polar of some -bounded subset of [1]
  • Suppose is a vector subspace of finite codimension in a locally convex space and If is a barrel (resp. bornivorous barrel, bornivorous disk) in then there exists a barrel (resp. bornivorous barrel, bornivorous disk) in such that [2]

Characterizations of barreled spaces[]

Denote by the space of continuous linear maps from into

If is a Hausdorff topological vector space (TVS) with continuous dual space then the following are equivalent:

  1. is barrelled;
  2. Definition: Every barrel in is a neighborhood of the origin;
    • This definition is similar to a characterization of Baire TVSs proved by Saxon [1974], who showed that a TVS with a topology that is not the indiscrete topology is a Baire space if and only if every absorbing balanced subset is a neighborhood of some point of (not necessarily the origin).[2]
  3. For any Hausdorff TVS , every pointwise bounded subset of is equicontinuous;[3]
  4. For any F-space , every pointwise bounded subset of is equicontinuous;[3]
    • An F-space is a complete metrizable TVS.
  5. Every closed linear operator from into a complete metrizable TVS is continuous.[4]
    • A linear map is called closed if its graph is a closed subset of
  6. Every Hausdorff TVS topology on that has a neighborhood basis of 0 consisting of -closed set is course than .[5]

If is locally convex space then this list may be extended by appending:

  1. There exists a TVS not carrying the indiscrete topology (so in particular, ) such that every pointwise bounded subset of is equicontinuous;[2]
  2. For any locally convex TVS , every pointwise bounded subset of is equicontinuous;[2]
    • It follows from the above two characterizations that in the class of locally convex TVS, barrelled spaces are exactly those for which the uniform boundedness principal holds.
  3. Every -bounded subset of the continuous dual space is equicontinuous (this provides a partial converse to the Banach-Steinhaus theorem);[2][6]
  4. carries the strong dual topology [2]
  5. Every lower semicontinuous seminorm on is continuous;[2]
  6. Every linear map into a locally convex space is ;[2]
    • This means that for every neighborhood of 0 in , the closure of is a neighborhood of 0 in ;
  7. Every surjective linear map from a locally convex space is almost open;[2]
    • This means that for every neighborhood of 0 in , the closure of is a neighborhood of 0 in ;
  8. If is a locally convex topology on such that has a neighborhood basis at the origin consisting of -closed sets, then is weaker than ;[2]

If is a Hausdorff locally convex space then this list may be extended by appending:

  1. Closed graph theorem: Every Closed linear operator into a Banach space is continuous;[7]
    • A closed linear operator is a linear operator whose graph is closed in
  2. For every subset of the continuous dual space of the following properties are equivalent: is[6]
    1. equicontinuous;
    2. relatively weakly compact;
    3. strongly bounded;
    4. weakly bounded;
  3. the 0-neighborhood bases in and the fundamental families of bounded sets in correspond to each other by polarity;[6]

If is metrizable TVS then this list may be extended by appending:

  1. For any complete metrizable TVS , every pointwise bounded sequence in is equicontinuous;[3]

If is a locally convex metrizable TVS then this list may be extended by appending:

  1. (property S): The weak* topology on is sequentially complete;[8]
  2. (property C): Every weak* bounded subset of is -relatively countably compact;[8]
  3. (