CNM Audios

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CNM Audios is the journalistic name of a judicial scandal caused by the revelation of audio recordings of judges, with the most notable one being César Hinostroza, talking and accepting bribes. These judges were part of the National Council of Magistracy. (Peruvian Spanish: Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura, CNM).[1][2]

The first series of audios were found on 7 July 2018, through IDL-Reporteros.[3] The recordings revealed alleged offers of sentence reductions, requests and acknowledgments of favors or negotiations for promotions of officials.[4][5][6]

The telephone hearings were authorized immediately in the investigation of the Las Castañuelas de Rich Port case in Callao. The request of the Callao organized crime prosecutor, Rocío Sánchez Saavedra, which was made on 22 December 2017, was admitted before the Callao preparatory investigation judge, Roque Huamacondor.[2] The telephone hearings, in charge of the Constellation Group of the Police Anti-Drug Directorate, which was carried out to mafias linked to drug trafficking, extortion and hit men in Callao, an investigation was derived that implicated judges and lawyers called "Los Cuellos Blancos del Puerto".[7][8]

Due to the scandal over the recordings, on 9 July 2018, the Council of State was summoned.[9] The National Council of the Magistracy (CNM) agreed to suspend indefinitely the evaluation processes of judges and prosecutors and its total recognition. [10][11] The Executive Council of the Judiciary announced the declaration of emergency in the judicial district of Callao for 60 calendar days [12] and, later, it was extended to 90 days to the entire national system of the Judicial Power.[13] The Government announced the creation of a commission in charge of the "judicial reform".[14] On 19 July 2018, the President of the Judiciary, Duberlí Rodríguez, resigned from office.[15] Congress declared the CNM in emergency for nine months. [16] On 31 July 2018, the Comptroller General of the Republic seized and sealed CNM documentation.[17] The Lima Bar Association decided to suspend the tuition of Guido Águila, Julio Gutiérrez, Iván Noguera, César Hinostroza and Gianfranco Paredes Sánchez.[18] The Supreme Court declared the Executive Council of the Judiciary in emergency for 10 days.[19]

The recordings have caused the Public Prosecutor's Office Specialized in Crimes of Corruption of officials to denounce the officials involved in the recordings before the Public Ministry. [20] On the part of the Public Ministry, a special team made up of the prosecutors Frank Almanza, Fany Quispe Farfán and Rocío Sánchez Saavedra. [21] The Public Ministry reported the filing of a constitutional complaint against the supreme member César Hinostroza and the former CNM advisers Julio Gutiérrez, Guido Águila, Iván Noguera and Orlando Velásquez. [22]

In the midst of the investigations, the National Council of the Magistracy refused to deliver the documentation required by the anti-corruption prosecutor Norah Córdova. [23] [24] For his part, the supreme prosecutor Víctor Raúl Rodríguez Monteza demanded the delivery of the recordings and under warning be denounced "for the crime of disobedience to the authority" to IDL-Reporteros y Panorama. [25] Presides over nte of the Callao Court, Flor Guerrero, revealed the disappearance of documents in her institution. [26] The National Prosecutor, Pedro Chávarry, requested an investigation into the "persons involved in the irregular disclosure".[27]

The recordings involve, in addition to judges, prosecutors and CNM adviser, businessmen, politicians and public officials. [28] On July 13, 2018, Justice Minister Salvador Heresi resigned after a broadcast of a recording with conversations with Judge César Hinostroza. [29] In Congress, the Ethics Commission approved initiating a preliminary investigation of Congressman Becerril and inquiries into Mulder, Heresi and Villavicencio, implicated and mentioned in the audios. [30] On July 19, 2018, a recording was broadcast between Judge Hinostroza and the elected prosecutor of the Nation, Pedro Chávarry. [31]

See also[]


  1. ^ Crisis en el sistema judicial: Las claves para entender el escándalo de corrupción que envuelve a Perú,
  2. ^ a b Audio CNM: juez del Callao autorizó interceptación telefónica, La República
  3. ^ Audios comprometedores en el CNM: Una cronología del caso que golpea al sistema judicial, RPP
  4. ^ Divulgación de audios de diálogos de jueces desata escándalo en Perú,
  5. ^ Audios complican situación de jueces y miembros del CNM, El Comercio
  6. ^ Las claves de la crisis de los audios de jueces y miembros del CNM, El Comercio
  7. ^ Escuchas legales empezaron con investigación vinculada a ‘Caracol’, Perú 21
  8. ^ Escuchas telefónicas destapan vínculos entre jueces y banda criminal del Callao, La República
  9. ^ Consejo de Estado: ¿cuáles fueron los acuerdos sobre crisis del CNM?, El Comercio
  10. ^ CNM acordó suspensión indefinida de procesos de evaluación de magistrados, Andina
  11. ^ CNM acuerda su reorganización total y anuncia suspensión de juez Hinostroza, Andina
  12. ^ Declaran en emergencia el distrito judicial del Callao, El Comercio
  13. ^ -de-emergency-of-the-judicial-power-for-space-of-90-days-830663 / Judicial Power is declared in emergency for 90 days, Correo
  14. ^ Government presents this Thursday to committee for judicial reform project, The Commerce
  15. ^ Duberlí Rodríguez renuncia a la presidencia del Poder Judicial tras grave crisis, La República
  16. ^ Congress declares the CNM in emergency for nine months, El Comercio
  17. ^ The Comptroller yesterday seized CNM documentation, La República
  18. ^ CAL suspends the tuition of judge Hino stroza and former members of the CNM, La República
  19. ^ Supreme Court declared an emergency for 10 days to the Executive Council of the PJ, Channel N
  20. ^ members-of-the-cnm-y-magistrados-del-poder-judicia-716119.aspx Attorney's Office denounces members of the CNM and magistrates of the Judicial Power, Andina
  21. ^ The Public Ministry created a special team to support investigations of the CNM case, RPP
  22. ^ Prosecutor of the Nation presented constitutional accusation against Hinostroza and former directors, Peru 21
  23. ^ -ministerio-publico CNM ensures that it will deliver information requested by the Public Ministry, La República
  24. ^ CNM refused to deliver documents to the anti-corruption prosecutor, El Comercio
  25. ^ Prosecutor gives IDL Reporteros and Panorama three days to deliver audios and reveal sources, Andina
  26. ^ Callao Court: Judge reveals which documents have disappeared, Correo
  27. ^ Pedro Chávarry asked to investigate those involved in disclosure of audios on alleged corruption network, RPP
  28. ^ Audios show coordination between businessman, judges, CNM counselor and Mulder, Andina
  29. ^ Salvador Heresi decided to resign his position after audio broadcast, La República
  30. ^ [1], La República
  31. ^ [http: / / Audio reveals request for favors between prosecutor of the Nation elect and judge Hinostroza], RPP

External links[]

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