Coat of arms of Gdańsk

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Coat of arms of Gdańsk
POL Gdańsk COA.svg
Gdansk COA.svg
Escutcheon-only version
ArmigerCity of Gdańsk
MottoNec temere nec timide

The coat of arms of the city of Gdańsk (Polish: Herb Gdańska, German: Wappen Danzigs), in its current form, dates back to 1410 and Banderia Prutenorum.[1] The coat of arms is very similar to the flag of Gdańsk. It depicts two silver crosses on a red shield above each other, above which hovers a golden crown. The greater arms also has two lions as supporters and Gdańsk motto.

The coat of arms in its current form (two crosses and a crown) was given by Casimir IV Jagiellon on May 25, 1457.[2] Officially adopted in 2010.[3]


Coat of arms of Gdańsk was also used by several noble families of Russia, including Counts Sheremetevs,[4] Lodygins, and Konovnitsyns.[5] In case of the Sheremetev and Konovnitsyn coat of arms, it refers to the legendary origin of the family from the leader of one of the Prussian tribes. A similar design is used by Oliwa.

Republic of Danzig used same symbols. Between the world wars, the Free City of Danzig adopted its arms, defined in the Constitution (Die Verfassung der Freien Stadt Danzig vom 17. November 1920).[6] Both pattée (tatzenkreuz) and common crosses (gemeines Kreuz) were used.

See also[]


  1. ^ Banderium alterum comendarie et castri Gdansk, quod ex fratribus cruciferis et mercenariis militibus ducebat vicecomendator Gdanensis, in quo erant septuaginta haste militum nobilium. Nota: hoc banderium continet in longitudine duas ulnas cum media, in latitudine vero duas ulnas minus medio quartali. Cauda autem protrahitur in longitudine duarum ulnarum, in latitudine unius quartalis a superiori parte, et quarto inferius, tanto striccius, in fine stricte.
  2. ^ "Opis i zasady używania herbu, flagi i pieczęci Miasta Gdańska". (in Polish). Retrieved 2019-02-13.
  3. ^ Uchwała Nr LI/1431/10 Rady Miasta Gdańska z dnia 26 sierpnia 2010 r. w sprawie uchwalenia Statutu Miasta Gdańska (Dz. Urz. Woj. Pomorskiego z 2010 r. 119, poz. 2300)
  4. ^ Or in chief on a torteau surrounded by a wreath of laurel a royal crown and two crosses pattée argent in pale and in base between a boyar's hat fesswise and a crescent charged with a representation of a man's face argent a sword and spear crossed in saltire proper, the whole ensigned by the coronet of a Count of the Russian Empire.
  5. ^ "Герб рода Коновницыных". Retrieved 2019-02-13.
  6. ^ Das Staatswappen zeigt im roten Schilde zwei übereinanderstehende silberne Kreuze, über denen eine goldene Krone schwebt. Sie Staatsflagge und die Handelsflagge zeigt auf rotem Tuch im ersten Drittel, von der Flaggenstange an gerechnet, parallel zu dieser zwei weiße Kreuze übereinander und darüber eine gelbe Krone.


  • Banderia Prutenorum oder die Fahnen des Deutschen Ordens und seiner Verbündeten, welche in Schlachten und Gefechten des 15. Jahrhunderts eine Beute der Polen wurden / Abb. F.A. Vossberg. — Berlin, 1849.

External links[]

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