European Fishery MLS

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In European Union member states, there exists a standard set of minimum landing sizes (MLS) for all major species of finfish and shellfish. These MLS are set under EU Council Regulation 850/98.

Species Image MLS[1] MLS Skagerrak/Kattegat
  • Cod
  • Gadus morhua
Gadus morhua Cod-2b-Atlanterhavsparken-Norway.JPG
350 mm 300 mm
Melanogrammus aeglefinus.png
300 mm 270 mm
  • Saithe (Coalfish)
  • Pollachius virens
Pollachius virens.png
350 mm 300 mm
Pollachius pollachius aquarium.jpg
300 mm
Merluccius merluccius.jpg
270 mm 300 mm
Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis 4G.jpg
200 mm 250 mm
  • Sole
  • Soleidae or solea
Pegusa lascaris.jpg
240 mm 240 mm
Pleuronectes platessa.jpg
270 mm 270 mm
  • Whiting
  • Merlangius merlangus
Vitling, Iduns kokbok.jpg
270 mm 230 mm
Molva molva.jpg
630 mm
700 mm
  • Bass
  • Dicentrarchus labrax
420 mm
  • Norway lobster
  • Nephrops norvegicus
Nephrops norvegicus.jpg
85 mm[2] 130 (40) mm [3]
Scsco u0.gif
200 mm (300 mm in North Sea) 200 mm
200 mm 180 mm
  • Horse mackerel
  • Trachurus spp.
Atlantic Horse Mackerel.jpg
150 mm 150 mm
Sardina pilchardus Gervais.jpg
110 mm
  • European lobster
  • Homarus gammarus
Homarus gammarus(01).jpg
87 mm[4] 220 mm (78 mm)
Maja squinado underside.jpg
Male: 130 mm

Female: 120 mm

Scallop eyes.jpg
40 mm
Tapes decussatus2.jpg
40 mm
  • Carpetshell
  • Venerupis pullastra
Venerupis senegalensis2.jpg
38 mm
  • Short-necked clam
  • Ruditapes philippinarum
Ruditapes philippinarum.jpg
35 mm
Venus affinis.jpg
40 mm
  • Smooth clam
  • Callista chione
60 mm
Ensis directus.jpg
100 mm
Spisula solida.jpg
25 mm
  • Donax clam
  • Donax spp.
Coquina variation3.jpg
25 mm
  • Bean solen
  • Pharus legumen
Pharus legumen.jpg
65 mm
Buccinum undatum Wellhornschnecke.jpg
45 mm
Octopus vulgaris Merculiano.jpg
750 grams
Xiphias gladius1.jpg
1250 mm or 25 kg lower mandible
700 mm or 6.4 kg
95 mm
  • Deepwater rose shrimp
  •  [es]
Woda-6 ubt.jpeg
22 mm[4]

See also[]

  • List of harvested aquatic animals by weight


  1. ^ "Minimum Conservation Reference Sizes (MCRS) in UK waters". GOV.UK. Retrieved 2019-10-29.
  2. ^ There are various MLS for prawns depending on the area in which they are caught. Common MLS are carapace lengths of 25 mm or 20 mm combined with a total length of 85 mm or 70 mm. See here Archived 2006-12-09 at the Wayback Machine for full details.
  3. ^ The MLS for prawns is a minimum total length of 130 mm with a minimum carapace length of 40 mm.
  4. ^ a b Size given is for minimum carapace length. No minimum total length is stipulated.

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