International Cocoa Organization

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The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) is an inter-governmental organization established in 1973 under the auspices of the United Nations and operating within the framework of successive International Cocoa Agreements.[1]

The Organization comprises 51 Member countries, of which 22 are cocoa-exporting countries and 29 are cocoa-importing countries. These Member countries together represent 92% of world cocoa exports and 80% of world cocoa imports.

The vision of the International Cocoa Organization (ICCO)[]

The ICCO vision is to see the achievement of the objectives set in the Global Cocoa Agenda for a Sustainable World Cocoa Economy[2]. This Agenda, an outcome of the First World Cocoa Conference which took place in Abidjan in 2012, it is a roadmap set by cocoa stakeholders to achieve a Sustainable Cocoa Economy. Stakeholders have collectively agreed to tackle key challenges and take actions with respect to : Sustainable production, Sustainable industry chain, Sustainable consumption, and Strategic management of the cocoa sector. Our vision is to achieve these four objectives, for the benefits of all stakeholders.

The Mandate[]

The International Cocoa Organization (ICCO) has the mandate to support the Sustainable Development of the global cocoa sector by fostering cooperation amongst its Member Countries and between the later and other cocoa stakeholders. This mandate is derived from the International Cocoa Agreement 2010[3] which has been ratified by the organization Members Countries.

In particular, for the years 2019-2024, ICCO Members have agreed on a 5 years Strategic Action Plan with key priorities:

Cocoa Farmers[]

Improve significantly the living income and the working conditions of cocoa farmers

Environmental Sustainability[]

Improve the environmental footprint of the cocoa supply chain, in the global context of climate change

Cocoa Development[]

Implement and support national cocoa development plans, embedded in holistic rural development plans

Local processing[]

Encourage local processing and manufacturing of cocoa and cocoa-based products in producing countries


Promote the consumption of cocoa-based products, especially in producing countries


Improve policy dialogue and collaboration between all actors in the cocoa value chain


Produce statistical information on production, grindings, trade, stocks and prices of cocoa beans and semi-finished products


International Cocoa Council[]

The International Cocoa Council is the highest decision-making body of the ICCO and is composed of all the contracting parties to the International Cocoa Agreement, 2010. It holds two regular sessions per year, and special sessions as required. Council sessions are attended by delegations of all cocoa producing and cocoa consuming Member countries.

The main function of the Council is to determine the strategy of the Organization in addition to supervising its financial policies and reviewing and approving its proposed work programme and budget for each cocoa year.

It is the body to which the different committees and working groups of the organization report.

In its decision-making process, the Council is assisted by different committees and working groups.

Economics Committee[]

The Economics Committee was established, amongst others, to:

  • Review cocoa statistics and statistical analyses of cocoa production;
  • Examine analyses of market trends and other factors, with particular regard to cocoa supply and demand;
  • Analyse information on market access for cocoa and cocoa products in producing and consuming countries;
  • Examine and recommend to the Council projects for funding by donor agencies;
  • Address issues regarding the economic dimension of sustainable development in the cocoa economy;
  • Review the draft annual work programme of the Organization in cooperation with the Administration and Finance Committee as appropriate;
  • Prepare international cocoa conferences and seminars at the request of the Council; and deal with any other matters as approved by the Council.

Administration and Finance Committee[]

  • Supervises, on the basis of the budget presented by the Executive Director, the preparation of the draft administrative budget to be submitted to the Council.
  • Carries out any other administrative and financial tasks assigned by the Council.

Consultative Board on the World Cocoa Economy[]

The Consultative Board on the World Cocoa Economy was inaugurated in December 2003 in order to encourage the active participation of experts from the private sector and civil society in the work of the Organization and to promote a continuous dialogue among experts from the public and private sectors.

Its role is that of an advisory body which advises the Council on issues of general and strategic interest to the cocoa sector.

Expert Working Group on Stocks[]

The Expert Working Group on Stocks was created in 1989 to support the ICCO Secretariat in considering the challenges associated with assessing the level of world cocoa bean stocks.  It is composed of representatives and analysts from cocoa producing countries, industry and trade associations, cocoa processors and chocolate manufacturers.

The ICCO Secretariat[]

The ICCO Secretariat is based in the organization headquarters in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. It is the executive body of the ICCO, and is responsible for implementing its 5-year Strategic Action plan, as adopted by the International Cocoa Council.

Technical Assistance[]

Acts as a source of technical assistance for its Members Countries with a view of strengthening their capacities for relevant cocoa-related development projects, and facilitating support from financial partners.

Institutional Cooperation[]

Acts as a platform for institutional cooperation by supporting networking among Member Countries, as well as with the private sector and the civil society.

Centre for Knowledge[]

Acts as a reference centre for knowledge and information by collecting and publishing statistical data and producing reports on the world cocoa economy.


Members of the International Cocoa Organization[]

Brazil (Signature: 7 June 2012)

Cameroon (Signature: 26 March 2012 / Provisional Application 24 January 2013)) Congo (Democratic Republic) (Signature and Provisional Application: 4 November 2011)

Costa Rica (Signature: 6 July 2011 / Ratification: 19 January 2017) Côte d’Ivoire (Signature: 20 September 2011 / Approval: 16 May 2012)Dominican Republic (Signature and Provisional Application: 9 March 2012)

Ecuador (Accession: 25 September 2013) Gabon (Signature and Provisional Application: 18 January 2012 / Approval: 11 June 2013)

Ghana (Signature: 19 August 2011 / Ratification: 18 December 2012) Guinea (Accession: 19 June 2012)

Indonesia (Signature: 12 September 2011 / Ratification: 13 November 2012) Liberia (Signature: 13 November 2012 / Acceptance: 17 January 2014)Madagascar (Signature and Provisional Application: 29 December 2015)Malaysia (Signature: 5 August 2013 / Ratification: 30 August 2013)Nicaragua (Accession: 15 July 2013)Nigeria (Accession: 10 October 2018)Papua New Guinea (Signature: 21 April 2016)Peru (Signature: 4 March 2014 / Ratification: 12 May 2016)Sierra Leone (Signature: 1 October 2012)

Togo (Signature: 19 September 2011 / Ratification: 22 June 2012) Trinidad and Tobago (Signature: 24 September 2012)

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) (Accession: 27 June 2016)

European Union[]

(Signature and Provisional Application: 10 June 2011 / Approval: 15 May 2012)






Czech Republic






















United Kingdom

Non European Union[]

Russian Federation(Signature: 1 October 2014 / Ratification: 29 January 2016)

Switzerland (Signature: 22 December 2010 / Ratification: 12 May 2011)


  1. ^ "ICCO Agreements and their history". International Cocoa Organization. Retrieved 2021-01-25.
  2. ^ "World Cocoa Conference 2012 Abidjan". International Cocoa Organization. Retrieved 2021-01-25.
  3. ^ "International Cocoa Agreements". International Cocoa Organization. Retrieved 2021-01-25.

External links[]

Retrieved from ""