List of Australian multilateral treaties

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This is a list of multilateral treaties entered into by Australia.

Pre-federation multilateral treaties[]

Treaties prior to federation signed by the British Empire, adopted by Australia, and active on or after federation:

  • 1856 – Declaration respecting Maritime Law (Paris, 16 April 1856)[1]
  • 1868 – Declaration renouncing the Use, in Time of War, of Explosive Projectiles under 400 Grams Weight (St Petersburg, 11 December 1868)[2]
  • 1884 – Convention for the Protection of Submarine Telegraph Cables (Paris, 14 March 1884)[3]
  • 1886 – Convention for the Creation of an International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, Additional Article and Final Protocol (Berne, 9 September 1886)[4]
  • 1888 – Convention respecting the Free Navigation of the Suez Maritime Canal (Constantinople, 29 October 1888)[5]
  • 1896 – Additional Act modifying the International Convention for the Creation of an International Union for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, and Final Protocol, of 9 September 1886 (Paris, 4 May 1896)[6]
  • 1899 – International Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes [Hague I] (The Hague, 29 July 1899)[7]
  • 1899 – International Convention with respect to the Laws and Customs of War on Land [Hague II] (The Hague, 29 July 1899)[8]
  • 1899 – International Convention for Adapting to Maritime Warfare the Principles of the Geneva Convention of 22 August 1864 [Hague III] (The Hague, 29 July 1899)[9]

1901–1922 multilateral treaties[]

Federation to after World War I

1923–1939 multilateral treaties[]

1940–1949 multilateral treaties[]

1950–1959 multilateral treaties[]

  • 1950 – Convention of the World Meteorological Organization, and Protocol concerning Spain[269]
  • 1950 – Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom, Australia, India, Pakistan and Ceylon on the one hand and the Government of Burma on the other hand respecting a Loan of [sterling]6,000,000 to be made by the Five Commonwealth Governments to the Government of Burma[270]
  • 1950 – Loan Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development[271]
  • 1950 – ILO Convention (No. 88) concerning the Organisation of the Employment Service[272]
  • 1950 – Protocol amending the Convention concerning the Creation of an International Union for the Publication of Customs Tariffs, the Regulations for the Execution of the Convention instituting an International Bureau for the Publication of Customs Tariffs, and the Memorandum of Signature, of 5 July 1890[273]
  • 1950 – World Health Organization Regulations No. 1 regarding Nomenclature (including the Compilation and Publication of Statistics) with respect to Diseases and Causes of Death[274]
  • 1950 – Amendment to Article V, paragraph 3, of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of 16 November 1945 (Florence, 15 June 1950)[275]
  • 1950 – Amendment to paragraph 17 of the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 7 June 1949)[276]
  • 1951 – Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide[277]
  • 1951 – Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands relative to the Graves of Members of the Armed Forces of the British Commonwealth in Netherlands Territories[278]
  • 1951 – Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Pakistan and the Union of South Africa and the Government of Belgium respecting the War Cemeteries, Graves and Memorials of the British Commonwealth in Belgian Territory[279]
  • 1951 – Agreement extending the Territorial Scope of the South Pacific Commission[280]
  • 1951 – Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan, and the Government of the French Republic regarding British Commonwealth War Graves in French Territory[281]
  • 1951 – Amendments to Articles II and IV of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of 16 November 1945 (Paris, 11 July 1951)[282]
  • 1951 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (Cape Town, 27 July 1951)[283]
  • 1952 – Treaty of Peace with Japan, and Protocol[284]
  • 1952 – Security Treaty between Australia, New Zealand and the United States of America [ANZUS][285]
  • 1952 – International Plant Protection Convention[286]
  • 1952 – Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for the Provision of Technical Assistance to the Governments of Tropical and Semi-Tropical Regions in the Form of a Eucalyptus Study Tour[287][288]
  • 1952 – International Plant Protection Convention[289]
  • 1952 – Agreement for the Settlement of Disputes arising under Article 15(a) of the Treaty of Peace with Japan of 8 September 1951[290]
  • 1952 – Loan Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development[291]
  • 1952 – Supplementary Agreement to revise Article II of the British Commonwealth-United States of America Telecommunications Agreement of 12 August 1949[292]
  • 1952 – Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of Australia and the United Nations Technical Assistance Board regarding the Procurement and Delivery of Supplies by Australia to the Board[293]
  • 1952 – Protocol for the Prolongation of the Agreement regarding the Regulation of Production and Marketing of Sugar of 6 May 1937[294]
  • 1952 – Amendment to Article VI(2) of the Agreement for the Establishment of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council of 26 February 1948 (Quezon City, 7 November 1952)[295]
  • 1952 – Amendments to Articles IV, V and VI of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of 16 November 1945 (necessitated by the adoption of the system of biennial sessions of the General Conference) (Paris, 5 December 1952)[296]
  • 1952 – Amendments to paragraphs 6, 8(c) and 8(e) of the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 6 June 1952)[297]
  • 1953 – Protocol for the Termination of the Agreement for the Unification of Pharmacopoeial Formulas for Potent Drugs of 29 November 1906, as revised 20 August 1929[298]
  • 1953 – Constitution of the International Rice Commission, as amended May 1952[299]
  • 1953 – Agreement revising and renewing the International Wheat Agreement of 23 March 1949[300]
  • 1953 – Protocol between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America, and Japan, on the Exercise of Criminal Jurisdiction over the United Nations Forces in Japan, and Agreed Official Minutes regarding Article concerning Criminal Jurisdiction[301]
  • 1953 – Protocol amending the convention to Suppress the Slave Trade and Slavery of 25 September 1926[302]
  • 1953 – International Sugar Agreement[303]
  • 1953 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 26 June 1953)[304]
  • 1954 – Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Pakistan and the Union of South Africa and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark regarding the War Graves and Memorials of the British Commonwealth in Danish Territory[305]
  • 1954 – Convention relating to the Status of Refugees[306]
  • 1954 – Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organization[307]
  • 1954 – Declaration by Australia recognizing as Compulsory the Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice[308]
  • 1954 – Agreement regarding the Status of the United Nations Forces in Japan, and Agreed Official Minutes[309]
  • 1954 – Loan Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development[310]
  • 1954 – ILO Convention (No. 45) concerning the Employment of Women on Underground Work in Mines of all Kinds[311]
  • 1954 – Universal Postal Union: Universal Postal Convention, and Final Protocol; Detailed Regulations; Provisions regarding Air Mail Correspondence, and Final Protocol[312]
  • 1954 – Special Protocol relating to Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade [GATT] of 30 October 1947[313]
  • 1954 – Agreement on German External Debts[314]
  • 1954 – Agreement relating to the Frequency of Sessions of the South Pacific Commission[315]
  • 1954 – Constitution of the Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration[316]
  • 1954 – International Telecommunication Convention, Final Protocol, and Additional Protocols I-IV[317]
  • 1954 – Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Governments of Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Government of the Republic of Korea, for Settlement of Advances in Korean Currency made to the British Commonwealth Forces, Korea[318]
  • 1954 – Amendments to Article V of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of 16 November 1945 (concerning the composition of the executive board) (Montevideo, 22 November 1954)[319]
  • 1954 – Amendments to Article II (concerning withdrawal of Member States) and Articles V and VI (concerning reports by the Director-General on the activities of the Organization) of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of 16 November 1945 (Montevideo, 8 December 1954)[320]
  • 1954 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (Tokyo, 23 July 1954)[321]
  • 1955 – Convention on Road Traffic[322]
  • 1955 – Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty [SEATO], and Protocol[323]
  • 1955 – ILO Convention (No. 85) concerning Labour Inspectorates in Non-Metropolitan Territories[324]
  • 1955 – Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan and the Government of Italy relative to the Graves in Italian Territory of Members of the Armed Forces of the British Commonwealth, Protocol of Signature, and Exchange of Notes[325]
  • 1955 – Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan and the Egyptian Government regarding War Cemeteries, Graves and Memorials of the British Commonwealth in Egypt resulting from the War of 1939 [modifying the Agreement of 2 June 1937][326]
  • 1955 – Loan Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development[327]
  • 1955 – Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan and the Government of Iraq regarding War Cemeteries Graves and Memorials of the British Commonwealth in Iraq resulting from the War of 1939–1945[328]
  • 1955 – Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia and India and the Government of Thailand regarding War Graves, and Exchange of Notes[329]
  • 1955 – Declaration on the Continued Application of Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[330]
  • 1955 – Amendments to the Constitution of the International Rice Commission of 13 March 1948 (18 November 1955)[331]
  • 1955 – Amendments to Articles II of the Agreement for the Establishment of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council of 26 February 1948 (Tokyo, 14 October 1955)[332]
  • 1955 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (Moscow, 23 July 1955)[333]
  • 1956 – International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading [Hague Rules], and Protocol of Signature[334]
  • 1956 – Agreement concerning the International Institute of Refrigeration[335]
  • 1956 – International Convention to Facilitate the Importation of Commercial Samples and Advertising Material[336]
  • 1956 – Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan, and Japan, relative to the British Commonwealth War Cemetery in Japan[337]
  • 1956 – Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and Pacific Region[338]
  • 1956 – Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement terminating the Inter-Governmental Agreement for the Continued Operation of the Regular Services between Australia and New Zealand by Tasman Empire Airways Limited of 15 September 1949[339]
  • 1956 – Articles of Agreement of the International Finance Corporation[340]
  • 1956 – (First) International Tin Agreement[341]
  • 1956 – International Wheat Agreement, 1956[342]
  • 1956 – Sixth Protocol of Supplementary Concessions to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[343]
  • 1956 – Amendments to Article V of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of 16 November 1945 (composition of the executive board) (New Delhi, 10 November 1956)[344]
  • 1956 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 20 July 1956)[345]
  • 1957 – Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation[346]
  • 1957 – Protocol amending the International Sugar Agreement of 1 October 1953[347]
  • 1957 – Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations for the Provision of Technical Assistance to the Government of Australia and other Countries and Territories of the Indo-Pacific Region in the Form of a Training Center in Fishery Cooperatives and Administration[348]
  • 1957 – Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] (New York, 26 October 1956)[349]
  • 1957 – Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and the Government of the United States of America for Cooperation regarding Atomic Information for Mutual Defense Purposes[350]
  • 1957 – ILO Convention (No. 10) concerning the Age for Admission of Children to Employment in Agriculture, as modified 9 October 1946[351]
  • 1957 – ILO Convention (No. 11) concerning the Rights of Association and Combination of Agricultural Workers, as modified 9 October 1946[352]
  • 1957 – Procès-Verbal of Rectification concerning the Protocol amending Part I and Articles XXIX and XXX of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 10 March 1955, the Protocol amending the Preamble and Parts II and III of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 10 March 1955 and the Protocol of Organizational Amendments to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 10 March 1955[353]
  • 1957 – Protocol amending the Preamble and Parts II and III of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[354]
  • 1957 – Commonwealth Telegraphs Agreement, and Protocol[355]
  • 1957 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 28 June 1957)[356]
  • 1958 – Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America to Facilitate Interchange of Patent Rights and Technical Information for Defence Purposes, and Exchange of Notes[357]
  • 1958 – Convention on the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization[358]
  • 1958 – European Convention on the International Classification of Patents for Invention[359]
  • 1958 – International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 20 March 1883, as revised 14 December 1900, 2 June 1911, 6 November 1925 and 2 June 1934[360]
  • 1958 – Loan Agreement (Qantas Project) between the Commonwealth of Australia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development[361]
  • 1958 – Loan Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development[362]
  • 1958 – Protocol amending Article 45 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 7 December 1944[363]
  • 1958 – Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic in regard to War Cemeteries, Graves and Memorials of the British Commonwealth[364]
  • 1958 – Agreement between the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, India and Pakistan and the Federal Republic of Germany regarding the War Graves, Cemeteries and Memorials of the British Commonwealth in the Territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, and Exchange of Notes[365]
  • 1958 – Geneva Conventions for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field[366]
  • 1958 – Amendment to Article IV of the International Tin Agreement of 1 March 1954[367]
  • 1958 – World Health Organization Additional Regulations amending the Regulations No. 1 regarding Nomenclature (including Compilation and Publication of Statistics) with respect to Diseases and Causes of Death of 24 July 1948, as amended[368]
  • 1958 – Amendments to Articles II, III and VI of the Agreement for the Establishment of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council of 26 February 1948 (Colombo, 17 December 1958)[369]
  • 1958 – Amendment to Article IV of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of 16 November 1945 (two-thirds majority) (Paris, 3 December 1958)[370]
  • 1958 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (The Hague, 27 June 1958)[371]
  • 1959 – International Sugar Agreement of 1958[372]
  • 1959 – Agreement on North Atlantic Ocean Stations[373]
  • 1959 – ILO Convention (No. 18) concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases[374]
  • 1959 – ILO Convention (No. 42) concerning Workmen's Compensation for Occupational Diseases (Revised)[375]
  • 1959 – ILO Convention (No. 19) concerning Equality of Treatment for National and Foreign Workers as regards Workmen's Compensation for Accidents[376]
  • 1959 – Protocol to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946[377]
  • 1959 – Convention establishing an International Organization of Legal Metrology[378]
  • 1959 – Utilities Claims Settlement Agreement between the United States of America (as Unified Command and on its Own Behalf and on Behalf of the States furnishing Military Forces or Field Hospitals to the Unified Command [including Australia]) and the Republic of Korea[379]
  • 1959 – International Wheat Agreement, 1959[380]
  • 1959 – Fourth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Annexes and to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[381]
  • 1959 – Amendments to Article 13 of the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization of 11 October 1947 (Geneva, 15 April 1959)[382]
  • 1959 – Amendments to Articles V, XVIII and XX of the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations of 16 October 1945 (Rome, November 1959)[383]
  • 1959 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 1 July 1959)[384]

1960–1969 multilateral treaties[]

  • 1960 – International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1948[385]
  • 1960 – ILO Convention (No. 12) concerning Workmen's Compensation in Agriculture[386]
  • 1960 – ILO Convention (No. 105) concerning the Abolition of Forced Labour[387]
  • 1960 – Articles of Agreement of the International Development Association[388]
  • 1960 – Agreement between the Governments of Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam and the Government of Australia concerning Tax Exemption of Australian Contribution for the Development of the Water Resources of the Lower Mekong Basin[389]
  • 1960 – Declaration on Relations between Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947 and the Government of the Polish People's Republic[390]
  • 1960 – Amendments to Articles 24 and 25 of the Constitution of the World Health Organization of 22 July 1946[391]
  • 1960 – Declaration on Relations between Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947 and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia[392]
  • 1960 – Declaration on Relations between Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947 and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia[393]
  • 1961 – Convention establishing a Customs Co-operation Council [CCC][394]
  • 1961 – Indus Basin Development Fund Agreement, 1960[395]
  • 1961 – Convention on the Nationality of Married Women[396]
  • 1961 – Convention on the Taxation of Road Vehicles for Private Use in International Traffic, and Protocol of Signature[397]
  • 1961 – Agreement of Nice concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services to which Trade Marks are Applied[398]
  • 1961 – The Antarctic Treaty[399]
  • 1961 – State Treaty for the Re-Establishment of an Independent and Democratic Austria[400]
  • 1961 – Second International Tin Agreement[401]
  • 1961 – Constitution of the Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA), as amended 9 December 1960[402]
  • 1961 – Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Israel to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[403]
  • 1961 – Amendment to [Article III of] the Articles of Agreement of the International Finance Corporation [IFC] of 25 May 1955 (1 September 1961)[404]
  • 1961 – Amendments to the Constitution of the International Rice Commission of 13 March 1948 (23 November 1961)[405]
  • 1961 – Amendments to the Agreement for the Establishment of the Indo-Pacific Fisheries Council of 26 February 1948 (23 November 1961)[406]
  • 1961 – Amendments to Articles III and V of the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations of 16 October 1945 (Rome, 13 November 1961)[407]
  • 1961 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 24 June 1960)[408]
  • 1962 – International Telecommunication Convention, Final Protocol and Additional Protocols I-IV[409]
  • 1962 – Protocol amending Article 50(a) of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 7 December 1944[410]
  • 1962 – International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954[411]
  • 1962 – International Wheat Agreement, 1962[412]
  • 1962 – Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies[413]
  • 1962 – Protocol establishing a Preparatory Group with a View to the Creation of a European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers, and Supplementary Agreement[414]
  • 1962 – Short-Term Arrangements regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles[415]
  • 1962 – Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Tunisia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[416]
  • 1962 – Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Argentina to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[417]
  • 1962 – Loan Agreement (Snowy Mountains Project) between the Commonwealth of Australia and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development[418]
  • 1962 – Amendment to Article V of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of 16 November 1945 (increase in the number of members of the executive board) (Paris, 15 November 1962)[419]
  • 1962 – Amendment to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 6 July 1962)[420]
  • 1963 – Customs Convention concerning Facilities for the Importation of Goods for Display or Use at Exhibitions, Fairs, Meetings or Similar Events[421]
  • 1963 – Protocol for Limiting and Regulating the Cultivation of the Poppy Plant, the Production of, International and Wholesale Trade in, and Use of Opium[422]
  • 1963 – Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone[423]
  • 1963 – Instrument for the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour Organization of 28 June 1919, as amended[424]
  • 1963 – Amendment to Article VI.A.3 of the Statute of the International Atomic Energy Agency of 26 October 1956[425]
  • 1963 – Protocol amending the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air [Warsaw Convention] of 12 October 1929 (include full text of Warsaw Convention)[426]
  • 1963 – Commonwealth Telegraphs Agreement, 1963[427]
  • 1963 – ILO Convention (No. 116) concerning the Partial Revision of the Conventions adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organization at its First Thirty-Two Sessions for the purpose of Standardising the Provisions regarding the preparation of Reports by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the Working of Conventions [Final Articles Revision Convention][428]
  • 1963 – Treaty banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water[429]
  • 1963 – [First] International Coffee Agreement, 1962[430]
  • 1963 – [First] Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Argentina to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 18 November 1960[431]
  • 1963 – Agreement between the Government of Australia and the United Nations relating to a Seminar on the Role of the Police in the Protection of Human Rights[432]
  • 1963 – Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland [and on behalf of the Governments of Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Pakistan and South Africa] and the Government of the Italian Republic exempting from Italian Dues and Taxes, Fuels and Lubricants used by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission acting under the War Graves Agreement of 27 August 1953[433]
  • 1963 – Amendments to Article 13 of the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization of 11 October 1947 (Geneva, 11 April 1963)[434]
  • 1963 – Amendments to Articles VI and X of the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations of 16 October 1945 (Rome, 3 December 1963)[435]
  • 1963 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 5 July 1963)[436]
  • 1964 – Convention Supplementary to the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air of 12 October 1929[437]
  • 1964 – Protocol for the Prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement of 1 December 1958[438]
  • 1964 – Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers, Financial Protocol, and Protocol concerning Certain Responsibilities in connection with the Initial Programme[439]
  • 1964 – Agreement between the Governments of Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Pakistan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, respecting the War Cemeteries, Graves and Memorials of the Commonwealth in Indonesian Territory[440]
  • 1964 – Interim Agreement between the Government of Australia, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers [ELDO] for the Conduct of the Phase I Firings of the Initial Programme of the Organisation[441]
  • 1964 – Indus Basin Development Fund (Supplemental) Agreement, 1964[442]
  • 1964 – Agreement establishing Interim Arrangements for a Global Commercial Communications Satellite System[443]
  • 1964 – Agreement between the Government of Australia and the United Nations Special Fund concerning Assistance from the Special Fund for a Project of Research on the Control of the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle[444]
  • 1964 – Second Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Tunisia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 12 November 1959[445]
  • 1964 – Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the United Arab Republic to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[446]
  • 1964 – Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of Australia [and on behalf of the Governments of New Zealand and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland] and the Government of the United States of America relating to the Settlement for Logistical Support provided by the United States of America to Certain Armed Forces for United Nations Operations in Korea[447]
  • 1964 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (Sandefjord, 26 June 1964)[448]
  • 1965 – Agreement amending the Agreement establishing the South Pacific Commission of 6 February 1947[449]
  • 1965 – Protocol for the Extension of the International Wheat Agreement of 10 March 1962[450]
  • 1965 – Supplementary Agreement to the Interim Agreement between Australia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers [ELDO] for the Conduct of the Phase I Firings of the Initial Programme of the Organisation of 6 May 1964[451]
  • 1965 – Agreement between Australia and the European Organisation for the Construction and Development of Space Vehicle Launchers [ELDO] governing the Conduct in Australia and Territories under the Authority of Australia of the Operations of the Organisation, and Two Exchanges of Notes[452]
  • 1965 – Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of New Zealand and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland relating to the Territory of Nauru[453]
  • 1965 – Second Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Argentina to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 18 November 1960[454]
  • 1965 – GATT: UAR extension – Second Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Argentina to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 18 November 1960[455]
  • 1965 – Amendments to [Articles III and IV of] the Articles of Agreement of the International Finance Corporation [IFC] of 25 May 1955 (25 August 1965)[456]
  • 1965 – Amendments to Preamble and Article V of the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations of 16 October 1945 (Rome, 1 December 1965)[457]
  • 1965 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 2 July 1965)[458]
  • 1966 – Protocol for the Further Prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement of 1 December 1958[459]
  • 1966 – Exchanges of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of Australia and the United Nations concerning the Service with the United Nations Force in Cyprus [UNFICYP] of the National Contingent provided by Australia[460]
  • 1966 – Third International Tin Agreement[461]
  • 1966 – Agreement establishing the Asian Development Bank[462]
  • 1966 – Protocol for the Further Extension of the International Wheat Agreement of 10 March 1962[463]
  • 1966 – Universal Postal Union: Constitution, and Final Protocol; General Regulations, and Final Protocol; Convention, and Final Protocol; Detailed Regulations; Agreement concerning Postal Parcels, and Final Protocol; Detailed Regulations, and Final Protocol[464]
  • 1966 – Nam Ngum Development Fund Agreement, 1966[465]
  • 1966 – Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of the United States of America and the International Atomic Energy Agency for the Application of Safeguards[466]
  • 1966 – Protocol for the Further Prolongation of the International Sugar Agreement of 1 December 1958[467]
  • 1966 – Convention against Discrimination in Education[468]
  • 1966 – Supplementary Agreement on Arbitration to the Special Agreement of 20 August 1964 related to the Agreement establishing Interim Arrangements for a Global Commercial Communications Satellite System of 20 August 1964[469]
  • 1966 – Protocol amending the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947 to Introduce a Part IV on Trade and Development[470]
  • 1966 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 1 July 1966)[471]
  • 1967 – Convention concerning Customs Facilities for Touring, as amended 6 September 1966[472]
  • 1967 – Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Private Road Vehicles[473]
  • 1967 – Customs Convention on Containers, and Protocol of Signature[474]
  • 1967 – Customs Convention concerning Welfare Material for Seafarers[475]
  • 1967 – International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea[476]
  • 1967 – International Telecommunication Convention; Final Protocol; Additional Protocols I-IV and Optional Additional Protocol[477]
  • 1967 – Agreement between the Government of Australia and the United Nations Development Programme concerning Assistance from the Special Fund Sector of the United Nations Development Programme for the Territory of Papua and the Trust Territory of New Guinea[478]
  • 1967 – Memorandum of Agreement on Basic Elements for the Negotiation of a World Grains Arrangement[479]
  • 1967 – Amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil of 12 May 1954[480]
  • 1967 – Protocol for the Further Extension of the International Wheat Agreement of 10 March 1962[481]
  • 1967 – Customs Convention on the A.T.A. Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods[482]
  • 1967 – Protocol extending the Long-Term Arrangement regarding International Trade in Cotton Textiles of 9 February 1962[483]
  • 1967 – Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies[484]
  • 1967 – Agreement between the Governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and Pakistan, and the Imperial Ethiopian Government respecting the War Cemeteries, Graves and Memorials of the British Commonwealth in Ethiopian Territory[485]
  • 1967 – Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the European Launcher Development Organisation, and Protocol of Signature[486]
  • 1967 – Agreement between the Government of Australia and the United Nations Children's Fund concerning Cooperation in relation to Projects to be carried out in the Territory of Papua and the Trust Territory of New Guinea[487]
  • 1967 – Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961[488]
  • 1967 – Third Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Argentina to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 18 November 1960[489]
  • 1967 – Second Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the United Arab Republic to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 13 November 1962[490]
  • 1967 – Second Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the United Arab Republic to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 13 November 1962[491]
  • 1967 – Amendments to Articles 4(b) and 12(c) of the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization of 11 October 1947 (Geneva, 11 April 1967)[492]
  • 1967 – Amendments to Article V of the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations of 16 October 1945 (Rome, November 1967)[493]
  • 1967 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 30 June 1967)[494]
  • 1968 – Geneva (1967) Protocol to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947 [Kennedy Round][495]
  • 1968 – World Health Organization Nomenclature Regulations (including the Compilation and Publication of Statistics) with respect to Diseases and Causes of Death, 1967[496]
  • 1968 – Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations[497]
  • 1968 – Optional Protocol to the Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961 concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes[498]
  • 1968 – Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Professional Equipment[499]
  • 1968 – International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, and Regulations[500]
  • 1968 – Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Organizations participating in the Technical Assistance Sector of the United Nations Development Programme (United Nations; International Labour Organization; Food and Agriculture Organization; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; International Civil Aviation Organization; World Health Organization; International Telecommunication Union; World Meteorological Organization; International Atomic Energy Agency; Universal Postal Union; Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization; United Nations Industrial Development Organization) concerning Technical Assistance for the Territory of Papua and the Trust Territory of New Guinea[501]
  • 1968 – Amendments to Articles 23, 27 and 61 of the Charter of the United Nations of 26 June 1945[502]
  • 1968 – International Grains Arrangement 1967 comprising the Wheat Trade Convention and Food Aid Convention[503]
  • 1968 – Agreement between the Government of the Argentine Republic, the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, the Government of Canada, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Government of the United States of America relating to Cereals[504]
  • 1968 – Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America to amend the Agreement relating to the Establishment of a United States Naval Communications Station in Australia of 9 May 1963[505]
  • 1968 – Agreement establishing a Cultural and Social Centre for the Asian and Pacific Region[506]
  • 1968 – Protocol required by Article 8(1)(e)(ii) of the Convention for the Establishment of a European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers [ELDO] of 29 March 1962 concerning the Use of Technical Information for Purposes not within the Field of Space Technology[507]
  • 1968 – International Coffee Agreement, 1968[508]
  • 1968 – International Convention on Load Lines, 1966[509]
  • 1968 – Agreement between the Governments of Australia, Canada, Federal Republic of Germany, India, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Pakistan, the Philippines, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Royal Government of Cambodia on Administrative Arrangements for the Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power and Irrigation Development Project[510]
  • 1968 – Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the Guarantee by the United Kingdom [on the value of sterling] and the Maintenance of the Minimum Sterling Proportion [of overseas reserves] by Australia [Sterling Area Agreement][511]
  • 1968 – Amendments to the Convention establishing an International Organization of Legal Metrology of 12 October 1955[512]
  • 1968 – Fourth Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Tunisia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 12 November 1959[513]
  • 1968 – Third Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the United Arab Republic to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 13 November 1962[514]
  • 1968 – Amendment to Article 28 of the Convention on the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization of 6 March 1948[515]
  • 1968 – Amendment to Article V of the Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization of 16 November 1945 (Paris, 4 November 1968)[516]
  • 1968 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (Tokyo, 28 June 1968)[517]
  • 1969 – International Sugar Agreement, 1968[518]
  • 1969 – Protocol on the Authentic Trilingual Text of the Convention on International Civil Aviation of 7 December 1944[519]
  • 1969 – Basic Agreement between the Government of Australia and the World Health Organization for the Provision of Technical Advisory Assistance to the Territory of Papua and the Trust Territory of New Guinea, and Exchange of Letters[520]
  • 1969 – Agreement terminating the Commonwealth Telegraphs Agreements of 11 May 1948 and 25 July 1963[521]
  • 1969 – Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation Financial Agreement[522]
  • 1969 – Universal Copyright Convention, and Protocols 1, 2 and 3[523]
  • 1969 – Asian-Oceanic Postal Convention, and Detailed Regulations[524]
  • 1969 – Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of 9 September 1886, as revised 13 November 1908, completed 20 March 1914, revised 2 June 1928 and revised 26 June 1948[525]
  • 1969 – Agreement establishing a Food and Fertiliser Technology Centre for the Asian and Pacific Region[526]
  • 1969 – Agreement between the Royal Hellenic Government of the one part and the Governments of Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the other part concerning the Graves of Members of the Armed Forces of the Commonwealth in Greek Territory[527]
  • 1969 – Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia and the European Organisation for the Development and Construction of Space Vehicle Launchers concerning the Use, Maintenance, Administration and Disposal of Facilities[528]
  • 1969 – Agreement on Fisheries between the Commonwealth of Australia and Japan[529]
  • 1969 – Customs Convention on the Temporary Importation of Scientific Equipment[530]
  • 1969 – Agreement between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America relating to the Establishment of a Joint Defence Space Communications Station in Australia [Nurrungar SA][531]
  • 1969 – European Convention on Customs Treatment of Pallets Used in International Transport[532]
  • 1969 – Amendment to Article I(a) of the Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and Pacific Region of 27 February 1956[533]
  • 1969 – Fifth Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of Tunisia to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 12 November 1959[534]
  • 1969 – Fourth Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the United Arab Republic to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 13 November 1962[535]
  • 1969 – Fourth Procès-Verbal extending the Declaration on the Provisional Accession of the United Arab Republic to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 13 November 1962[536]
  • 1969 – Protocol relating to Negotiations for the Establishment of New Schedule III – Brazil – to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[537]
  • 1969 – Fifth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[538]
  • 1969 – Sixth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[539]
  • 1969 – Seventh Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[540]
  • 1969 – Eighth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[541]
  • 1969 – Ninth Protocol of Rectifications and Modifications to the Texts of the Schedules to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade of 30 October 1947[542]
  • 1969 – Amendment to Article XXII of the Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations of 16 October 1945 (Rome, 24 November 1969)[543]
  • 1969 – Amendments to the Schedule to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling of 2 December 1946 (London, 27 June 1969)[544]

1970–1979 multilateral treaties[]

1980–1989 multilateral treaties[]

1990–1999 multilateral treaties[]

2000–2009 multilateral treaties[]

Telecommunications Union (Geneva, 1992) as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994) and by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998) (Marrakesh, 18 October 2002)[1130]

2010–present multilateral treaties[]


Unless otherwise stated, all references are to the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

  1. ^ "ATS 1901 No. 124"
  2. ^ "ATS 1901 No. 125"
  3. ^ "ATS 1901 No. 1"
  4. ^ "ATS 1901 No. 126"
  5. ^ "ATS 1901 No. 127"
  6. ^ "ATS 1901 No. 129"
  7. ^ "ATS 1901 No. 130"
  8. ^ "ATS 1901 No. 131"
  9. ^ "ATS 1901 No. 132"
  10. ^ "ATS 1902 No. 5"
  11. ^ "ATS 1903 No. 6"
  12. ^ "ATS 1904 No. 7"
  13. ^ "ATS 1907 No. 6"
  14. ^ "ATS 1907 No. 7"
  15. ^ "ATS 1907 No. 8"
  16. ^ "ATS 1907 No. 9"
  17. ^ "ATS 1909 No. 13"
  18. ^ "ATS 1909 No. 14"
  19. ^ "ATS 1909 No. 15"
  20. ^ "ATS 1910 No. 5"
  21. ^ "ATS 1910 No. 6"
  22. ^ "ATS 1910 No. 7"
  23. ^ "ATS 1910 No. 8"
  24. ^ "ATS 1910 No. 9"
  25. ^ "ATS 1910 No. 10"
  26. ^ "ATS 1910 No. 11"
  27. ^ "ATS 1910 No. 12"
  28. ^ "ATS 1910 No. 13"
  29. ^ "ATS 1912 No. 9"
  30. ^ "ATS 1912 No. 10"
  31. ^ "ATS 1913 No. 5"
  32. ^ "ATS 1913 No. 6"
  33. ^ "ATS 1913 No. 7"
  34. ^ "ATS 1914 No. 12"
  35. ^ "ATS 1915 No. 6"
  36. ^ "ATS 1915 No. 7"
  37. ^ "ATS 1919 No. 9"
  38. ^ "ATS 1919 No. 10"
  39. ^ "ATS 1919 No. 11"
  40. ^ "ATS 1919 No. 12"
  41. ^ "ATS 1919 No. 13"
  42. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 1"
  43. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 2"
  44. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 3"
  45. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 4"
  46. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 5"
  47. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 6"
  48. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 8"
  49. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 12"
  50. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 13"
  51. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 14"
  52. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 16"
  53. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 17"
  54. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 18"
  55. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 19"
  56. ^ "ATS 1920 No. 20"
  57. ^ "ATS 1921 No. 4"
  58. ^ "ATS 1921 No. 5"
  59. ^ "ATS 1921 No. 6"
  60. ^ "ATS 1921 No. 8"
  61. ^ "ATS 1922 No. 6"
  62. ^ "ATS 1922 No. 7"
  63. ^ "ATS 1922 No. 8"
  64. ^ "ATS 1922 No. 9"
  65. ^ "ATS 1922 No. 10"
  66. ^ "ATS 1923 No. 5"
  67. ^ "ATS 1923 No. 6"
  68. ^ "ATS 1923 No. 7"
  69. ^ "ATS 1923 No. 8"
  70. ^ "ATS 1923 No. 9"
  71. ^ "ATS 1923 No. 10"
  72. ^ "ATS 1923 No. 11"
  73. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 2"
  74. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 3"
  75. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 8"
  76. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 9"
  77. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 10"
  78. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 11"
  79. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 12"
  80. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 13"
  81. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 14"
  82. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 15"
  83. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 16"
  84. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 17"
  85. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 19"
  86. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 20"
  87. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 21"
  88. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 22"
  89. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 23"
  90. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 24"
  91. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 25"
  92. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 26"
  93. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 27"
  94. ^ "ATS 1924 No. 28"
  95. ^ "ATS 1925 No. 16"
  96. ^ "ATS 1925 No. 10"
  97. ^ "ATS 1925 No. 11"
  98. ^ "ATS 1925 No. 13"
  99. ^ "ATS 1925 No. 12"
  100. ^ "ATS 1925 No. 14"
  101. ^ "ATS 1925 No. 15"
  102. ^ "ATS 1925 No. 17"
  103. ^ "ATS 1926 No. 11"
  104. ^ "ATS 1926 No. 12"
  105. ^ "ATS 1926 No. 13"
  106. ^ "ATS 1926 No. 14"
  107. ^ "ATS 1927 No. 10"
  108. ^ "ATS 1927 No. 11"
  109. ^ "ATS 1927 No. 15"
  110. ^ "ATS 1928 No. 3"
  111. ^ "ATS 1928 No. 4"
  112. ^ "ATS 1928 No. 5"
  113. ^ "ATS 1929 No. 1"
  114. ^ "ATS 1929 No. 11"
  115. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 6"
  116. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 7"
  117. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 8"
  118. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 9"
  119. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 10"
  120. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 11"
  121. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 12"
  122. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 13"
  123. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 14"
  124. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 15"
  125. ^ "ATS 1930 No. 16"
  126. ^ "ATS 1931 No. 5"
  127. ^ "ATS 1931 No. 6"
  128. ^ "ATS 1931 No. 7"
  129. ^ "ATS 1931 No. 8"
  130. ^ "ATS 1931 No. 9"
  131. ^ "ATS 1931 No. 10"
  132. ^ "ATS 1931 No. 11"
  133. ^ "ATS 1931 No. 12"
  134. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 3"
  135. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 4"
  136. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 5"
  137. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 6"
  138. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 7"
  139. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 8"
  140. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 9"
  141. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 10"
  142. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 11"
  143. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 12"
  144. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 13"
  145. ^ "ATS 1932 No. 14"
  146. ^ "ATS 1933 No. 17"
  147. ^ "ATS 1933 No. 18"
  148. ^ "ATS 1933 No. 19"
  149. ^ "ATS 1933 No. 20"
  150. ^ "ATS 1933 No. 21"
  151. ^ "ATS 1934 No. 8"
  152. ^ "ATS 1934 No. 9"
  153. ^ "ATS 1934 No. 10"
  154. ^ "ATS 1934 No. 11"
  155. ^ "ATS 1934 No. 12"
  156. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 14"
  157. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 15"
  158. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 16"
  159. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 17"
  160. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 18"
  161. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 19"
  162. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 20"
  163. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 21"
  164. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 22"
  165. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 23"
  166. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 24"
  167. ^ "ATS 1935 No. 25"
  168. ^ "ATS 1936 No. 9"
  169. ^ "ATS 1936 No. 10"
  170. ^ "ATS 1936 No. 11"
  171. ^ "ATS 1936 No. 12"
  172. ^ "ATS 1936 No. 13"
  173. ^ "ATS 1936 No. 14"
  174. ^ "ATS 1937 No. 12"
  175. ^ "ATS 1937 No. 13"
  176. ^ "ATS 1937 No. 14"
  177. ^ "ATS 1937 No. 15"
  178. ^ "ATS 1937 No. 16"
  179. ^ "ATS 1938 No. 4"
  180. ^ "ATS 1938 No. 5"
  181. ^ "ATS 1938 No. 6"
  182. ^ "ATS 1938 No. 7"
  183. ^ "ATS 1938 No. 8"
  184. ^ "ATS 1938 No. 9"
  185. ^ "ATS 1938 No. 11"
  186. ^ "ATS 1939 No. 3"
  187. ^ "ATS 1939 No. 4"
  188. ^ "ATS 1939 No. 5"
  189. ^ "ATS 1939 No. 7"
  190. ^ "ATS 1939 No. 8"
  191. ^ "ATS 1940 No. 3"
  192. ^ "ATS 1940 No. 4"
  193. ^ "ATS 1940 No. 5"
  194. ^ "ATS 1940 No. 10"
  195. ^ "ATS 1940 No. 11"
  196. ^ "ATS 1940 No. 12"
  197. ^ "ATS 1942 No. 4"
  198. ^ "ATS 1942 No. 5"
  199. ^ "ATS 1942 No. 6"
  200. ^ "ATS 1943 No. 1"
  201. ^ "ATS 1943 No. 2"
  202. ^ "ATS 1944 No. 3"
  203. ^ "ATS 1945 No. 1"
  204. ^ "ATS 1945 No. 2"
  205. ^ "ATS 1945 No. 3"
  206. ^ "ATS 1945 No. 4"
  207. ^ "ATS 1945 No. 5"
  208. ^ "ATS 1945 No. 7"
  209. ^ "ATS 1945 No. 8"
  210. ^ "ATS 1945 No. 9"
  211. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 1"
  212. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 2"
  213. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 3"
  214. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 4"
  215. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 5"
  216. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 6"
  217. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 9"
  218. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 10"
  219. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 11"
  220. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 12"
  221. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 16"
  222. ^ "ATS 1946 No. 17"
  223. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 2"
  224. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 3"
  225. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 5"
  226. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 6"
  227. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 7"
  228. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 8"
  229. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 9"
  230. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 10"
  231. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 11"
  232. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 15"
  233. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 16"
  234. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 17"
  235. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 19"
  236. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 22"
  237. ^ "ATS 1947 No. 25"
  238. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 2"
  239. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 3"
  240. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 4"
  241. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 5"
  242. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 6"
  243. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 7"
  244. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 8"
  245. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 15"
  246. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 16"
  247. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 18"
  248. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 19"
  249. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 21"
  250. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 22"
  251. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 23"
  252. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 24"
  253. ^ "ATS 1948 No. 27"
  254. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 1"
  255. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 3"
  256. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 4"
  257. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 5"
  258. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 6"
  259. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 8"
  260. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 12"
  261. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 13"
  262. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 15"
  263. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 18"
  264. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 19"
  265. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 20"
  266. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 21"
  267. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 25"
  268. ^ "ATS 1949 No. 26"
  269. ^ "ATS 1950 No. 5"
  270. ^ "ATS 1950 No. 6"
  271. ^ "ATS 1950 No. 8"
  272. ^ "ATS 1950 No. 9"
  273. ^ "ATS 1950 No. 10"
  274. ^ "ATS 1950 No. 11"
  275. ^ "ATS 1950 No. 14"
  276. ^ "ATS 1950 No. 15"
  277. ^ "ATS 1951 No. 2"
  278. ^ "ATS 1951 No. 13"
  279. ^ "ATS 1951 No. 14"
  280. ^ "ATS 1951 No. 18"
  281. ^ "ATS 1951 No. 19"
  282. ^ "ATS 1951 No. 25"
  283. ^ "ATS 1951 No. 26"
  284. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 1"
  285. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 2"
  286. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 4"
  287. ^ "Eucalyptus study tour". Unasylva. Food and Agriculture Organisation. 7 (1). March 1953.
  288. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 9"
  289. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 5"
  290. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 10"
  291. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 11"
  292. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 14"
  293. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 16"
  294. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 17"
  295. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 22"
  296. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 23"
  297. ^ "ATS 1952 No. 24"
  298. ^ "ATS 1953 No. 3"
  299. ^ "ATS 1953 No. 5"
  300. ^ "ATS 1953 No. 6"
  301. ^ "ATS 1953 No. 7"
  302. ^ "ATS 1953 No. 8"
  303. ^ "ATS 1953 No. 12"
  304. ^ "ATS 1953 No. 15"
  305. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 3"
  306. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 5"
  307. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 7"
  308. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 8"
  309. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 9"
  310. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 10"
  311. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 11"
  312. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 14"
  313. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 15"
  314. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 17"
  315. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 18"
  316. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 22"
  317. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 24"
  318. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 25"
  319. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 26"
  320. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 27"
  321. ^ "ATS 1954 No. 28"
  322. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 2"
  323. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 3"
  324. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 4"
  325. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 7"
  326. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 9"
  327. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 12"
  328. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 13"
  329. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 15"
  330. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 16"
  331. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 19"
  332. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 20"
  333. ^ "ATS 1955 No. 21"
  334. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 2"
  335. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 3"
  336. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 4"
  337. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 10"
  338. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 11"
  339. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 12"
  340. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 14"
  341. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 15"
  342. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 16"
  343. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 18"
  344. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 19"
  345. ^ "ATS 1956 No. 20"
  346. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 5"
  347. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 7"
  348. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 9"
  349. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 11"
  350. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 13"
  351. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 17"
  352. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 18"
  353. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 19"
  354. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 20"
  355. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 21"
  356. ^ "ATS 1957 No. 22"
  357. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 2"
  358. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 5"
  359. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 10"
  360. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 11"
  361. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 13"
  362. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 14"
  363. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 15"
  364. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 17"
  365. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 18"
  366. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 21"
  367. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 25"
  368. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 26"
  369. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 27"
  370. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 28"
  371. ^ "ATS 1958 No. 29"
  372. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 5"
  373. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 9"
  374. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 10"
  375. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 11"
  376. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 12"
  377. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 20"
  378. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 21"
  379. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 22"
  380. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 24"
  381. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 31"
  382. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 33"
  383. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 34"
  384. ^ "ATS 1959 No. 35"
  385. ^ "ATS 1960 No. 1"
  386. ^ "ATS 1960 No. 8"
  387. ^ "ATS 1960 No. 9"
  388. ^ "ATS 1960 No. 12"
  389. ^ "ATS 1960 No. 15"
  390. ^ "ATS 1960 No. 17"
  391. ^ "ATS 1960 No. 18"
  392. ^ "ATS 1960 No. 19"
  393. ^ "ATS 1960 No. 20"
  394. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 1"
  395. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 2"
  396. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 4"
  397. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 6"
  398. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 11"
  399. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 12"
  400. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 14"
  401. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 20"
  402. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 21"
  403. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 24"
  404. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 26"
  405. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 27"
  406. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 28"
  407. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 29"
  408. ^ "ATS 1961 No. 30"
  409. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 2"
  410. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 6"
  411. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 7"
  412. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 10"
  413. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 13"
  414. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 16"
  415. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 17"
  416. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 19"
  417. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 20"
  418. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 22"
  419. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 23"
  420. ^ "ATS 1962 No. 24"
  421. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 2"
  422. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 5"
  423. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 12"
  424. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 13"
  425. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 17"
  426. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 18"
  427. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 23"
  428. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 25"
  429. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 26"
  430. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 30"
  431. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 31"
  432. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 32"
  433. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 33"
  434. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 34"
  435. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 35"
  436. ^ "ATS 1963 No. 36"
  437. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 4"
  438. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 5"
  439. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 6"
  440. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 12"
  441. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 13"
  442. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 14"
  443. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 17"
  444. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 18"
  445. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 19"
  446. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 20"
  447. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 22"
  448. ^ "ATS 1964 No. 23"
  449. ^ "ATS 1965 No. 11"
  450. ^ "ATS 1965 No. 14"
  451. ^ "ATS 1965 No. 16"
  452. ^ "ATS 1965 No. 17"
  453. ^ "ATS 1965 No. 20"
  454. ^ "ATS 1965 No. 23"
  455. ^ "ATS 1965 No. 24"
  456. ^ "ATS 1965 No. 25"
  457. ^ "ATS 1965 No. 26"
  458. ^ "ATS 1965 No. 27"
  459. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 4"
  460. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 5"
  461. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 10"
  462. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 13"
  463. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 14"
  464. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 2"
  465. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 15"
  466. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 16"
  467. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 18"
  468. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 20"
  469. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 23"
  470. ^ "ATS 1966 No. 24"
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  518. ^ "ATS 1969 No. 1"
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  522. ^ "ATS 1969 No. 7"
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  525. ^ "ATS 1969 No. 13"
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  544. ^ "ATS 1969 No. 38"
  545. ^ "ATS 1970 No. 1"
  546. ^ "ATS 1970 No. 4"
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  548. ^ "ATS 1970 No. 10"
  549. ^ "ATS 1970 No. 12"
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  552. ^ "ATS 1970 No. 17"
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  558. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 2"
  559. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 4"
  560. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 5"
  561. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 10"
  562. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 11"
  563. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 14"
  564. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 15"
  565. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 17"
  566. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 19"
  567. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 20"
  568. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 21"
  569. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 22"
  570. ^ "ATS 1971 No. 24"
  571. ^ "ATS 1972 No. 4"
  572. ^ "ATS 1972 No. 7"
  573. ^ "ATS 1972 No. 12"
  574. ^ "ATS 1972 No. 13"
  575. ^ "ATS 1972 No. 14"
  576. ^ "ATS 1972 No. 15"
  577. ^ "ATS 1972 No. 16"
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  579. ^ "ATS 1972 No. 20"
  580. ^ "ATS 1972 No. 26"
  581. ^ "ATS 1972 No. 27"
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  583. ^ "ATS 1973 No. 2"
  584. ^ "ATS 1973 No. 3"
  585. ^ "ATS 1973 No. 4"
  586. ^ "ATS 1973 No. 6"
  587. ^ "ATS 1973 No. 7"
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  610. ^ "ATS 1974 No. 2"
  611. ^ "ATS 1974 No. 3"
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  617. ^ "ATS 1974 No. 13"
  618. ^ "ATS 1974 No. 14"
  619. ^ "ATS 1974 No. 15"
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  622. ^ "ATS 1974 No. 20"
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  632. ^ "ATS 1975 No. 2"
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  634. ^ "ATS 1975 No. 12"
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  662. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 4"
  663. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 5"
  664. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 9"
  665. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 11"
  666. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 14"
  667. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 15"
  668. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 17"
  669. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 18"
  670. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 20"
  671. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 26"
  672. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 27"
  673. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 29"
  674. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 30"
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  676. ^ "ATS 1976 No. 32"
  677. ^ "ATS 1977 No. 2"
  678. ^ "ATS 1977 No. 5"
  679. ^ "ATS 1977 No. 8"
  680. ^ "ATS 1977 No. 14"
  681. ^ "ATS 1977 No. 16"
  682. ^ "ATS 1977 No. 18"
  683. ^ "ATS 1977 No. 23"
  684. ^ "ATS 1977 No. 27"
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  692. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 2"
  693. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 5"
  694. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 7"
  695. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 9"
  696. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 10"
  697. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 11"
  698. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 13"
  699. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 16"
  700. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 20"
  701. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 23"
  702. ^ "ATS 1978 No. 24"
  703. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 2"
  704. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 4"
  705. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 5"
  706. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 7"
  707. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 10"
  708. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 11"
  709. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 10"
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  712. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 13"
  713. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 14"
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  716. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 22"
  717. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 23"
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  719. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 25"
  720. ^ "ATS 1979 No. 26"
  721. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 3"
  722. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 4"
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  728. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 10"
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  731. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 19"
  732. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 20"
  733. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 23"
  734. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 24"
  735. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 25"
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  738. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 31"
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  740. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 34"
  741. ^ "ATS 1980 No. 35"
  742. ^ "ATS 1981 No. 2"
  743. ^ "ATS 1981 No. 3"
  744. ^ "ATS 1981 No. 24"
  745. ^ "ATS 1981 No. 27"
  746. ^ "ATS 1981 No. 28"
  747. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 2"
  748. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 3"
  749. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 5"
  750. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 8"
  751. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 9"
  752. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 14"
  753. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 15"
  754. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 17"
  755. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 20"
  756. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 23"
  757. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 24"
  758. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 25"
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  762. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 32"
  763. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 33"
  764. ^ "ATS 1982 No. 34"
  765. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 3"
  766. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 5"
  767. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 6"
  768. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 9"
  769. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 10"
  770. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 12"
  771. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 15"
  772. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 17"
  773. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 20"
  774. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 22"
  775. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 27"
  776. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 28"
  777. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 30"
  778. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 31"
  779. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 32"
  780. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 33"
  781. ^ "ATS 1983 No. 34"
  782. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 3"
  783. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 4"
  784. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 5"
  785. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 6"
  786. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 7"
  787. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 8"
  788. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 10"
  789. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 11"
  790. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 12"
  791. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 13"
  792. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 16"
  793. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 18"
  794. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 21"
  795. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 22"
  796. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 24"
  797. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 25"
  798. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 27"
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  800. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 31"
  801. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 35"
  802. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 37"
  803. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 38"
  804. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 39"
  805. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 40"
  806. ^ "ATS 1984 No. 41"
  807. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 2"
  808. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 3"
  809. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 5"
  810. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 10"
  811. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 12"
  812. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 13"
  813. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 16"
  814. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 18"
  815. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 19"
  816. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 25"
  817. ^ "ATS 1985 No. 33"
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  824. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 2"
  825. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 3"
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  829. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 10"
  830. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 11"
  831. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 12"
  832. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 14"
  833. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 19"
  834. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 20"
  835. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 21"
  836. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 22"
  837. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 26"
  838. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 29"
  839. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 32"
  840. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 35"
  841. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 36"
  842. ^ "ATS 1986 No. 37"
  843. ^ "ATS 1987 No. 2"
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  846. ^ "ATS 1987 No. 9"
  847. ^ "ATS 1987 No. 11"
  848. ^ "ATS 1987 No. 14"
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  850. ^ "ATS 1987 No. 16"
  851. ^ "ATS 1987 No. 19"
  852. ^ "ATS 1987 No. 28"
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  855. ^ "ATS 1987 No. 31"
  856. ^ "ATS 1987 No. 32"
  857. ^ "ATS 1987 No. 33"
  858. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 2"
  859. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 5"
  860. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 7"
  861. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 8"
  862. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 10"
  863. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 11"
  864. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 26"
  865. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 29"
  866. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 30"
  867. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 32"
  868. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 33"
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  870. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 35"
  871. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 41"
  872. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 42"
  873. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 43"
  874. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 45"
  875. ^ "ATS 1988 No. 46"
  876. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 2"
  877. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 16"
  878. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 18"
  879. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 21"
  880. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 25"
  881. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 30"
  882. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 35"
  883. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 39"
  884. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 40"
  885. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 41"
  886. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 42"
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  888. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 44"
  889. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 45"
  890. ^ "ATS 1989 No. 46"
  891. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 2"
  892. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 12"
  893. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 14"
  894. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 16"
  895. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 17"
  896. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 31"
  897. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 32"
  898. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 33"
  899. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 34"
  900. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 35"
  901. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 39"
  902. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 41"
  903. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 49"
  904. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 50"
  905. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 51"
  906. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 52"
  907. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 53"
  908. ^ "ATS 1990 No. 54"
  909. ^ "ATS 1991 No. 4"
  910. ^ "ATS 1991 No. 7"
  911. ^ "ATS 1991 No. 8"
  912. ^ "ATS 1991 No. 9"
  913. ^ "ATS 1991 No. 12"
  914. ^ "ATS 1991 No. 15"
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  916. ^ "ATS 1991 No. 18"
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  920. ^ "ATS 1991 No. 24"
  921. ^ "ATS 1991 No. 25"
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  930. ^ "ATS 1991 No. 50"
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  936. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 2"
  937. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 7"
  938. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 12"
  939. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 13"
  940. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 15"
  941. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 22"
  942. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 24"
  943. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 25"
  944. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 28"
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  946. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 30"
  947. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 33"
  948. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 37"
  949. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 45"
  950. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 46"
  951. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 47"
  952. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 48"
  953. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 49"
  954. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 50"
  955. ^ "ATS 1992 No. 51"
  956. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 2"
  957. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 3"
  958. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 4"
  959. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 7"
  960. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 8"
  961. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 10"
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  963. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 13"
  964. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 15"
  965. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 16"
  966. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 21"
  967. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 23"
  968. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 26"
  969. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 27"
  970. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 31"
  971. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 32"
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  974. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 45"
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  978. ^ "ATS 1993 No. 49"
  979. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 2"
  980. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 3"
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  982. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 13"
  983. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 16"
  984. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 19"
  985. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 23"
  986. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 24"
  987. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 26"
  988. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 27"
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  990. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 29"
  991. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 30"
  992. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 31"
  993. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 32"
  994. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 33"
  995. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 36"
  996. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 42"
  997. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 43"
  998. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 44"
  999. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 45"
  1000. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 46"
  1001. ^ "ATS 1994 No. 47"
  1002. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 2"
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  1005. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 5"
  1006. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 11"
  1007. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 12"
  1008. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 13"
  1009. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 21"
  1010. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 22"
  1011. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 24"
  1012. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 27"
  1013. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 36"
  1014. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 37"
  1015. ^ "ATS 1995 No. 40"
  1016. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 2"
  1017. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 3"
  1018. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 4"
  1019. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 5"
  1020. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 6"
  1021. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 10"
  1022. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 14"
  1023. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 18"
  1024. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 19"
  1025. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 20"
  1026. ^ "ATS 1996 No. 24"
  1027. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 2"
  1028. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 3"
  1029. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 5"
  1030. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 6"
  1031. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 9"
  1032. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 16"
  1033. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 21"
  1034. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 22"
  1035. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 28"
  1036. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 31"
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  1038. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 33"
  1039. ^ "ATS 1997 No. 34"
  1040. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 2"
  1041. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 4"
  1042. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 6"
  1043. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 8"
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  1046. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 12"
  1047. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 13"
  1048. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 17"
  1049. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 19"
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  1051. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 24"
  1052. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 25"
  1053. ^ "ATS 1998 No. 26"
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  1060. ^ "ATS 1999 No. 2"
  1061. ^ "ATS 1999 No. 3"
  1062. ^ "ATS 1999 No. 6"
  1063. ^ "ATS 1999 No. 8"
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  1065. ^ "ATS 1999 No. 16"
  1066. ^ "ATS 1999 No. 21"
  1067. ^ "ATS 1999 No. 27"
  1068. ^ "ATS 1999 No. 28"
  1069. ^ "ATS 1999 No. 29"
  1070. ^ "ATS 1999 No. 31"
  1071. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 2"
  1072. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 3"
  1073. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 6"
  1074. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 8"
  1075. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 9"
  1076. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 10"
  1077. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 11"
  1078. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 18"
  1079. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 23"
  1080. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 33"
  1081. ^ "ATS 2000 No. 34"
  1082. ^ "ATS 2001 No. 8"
  1083. ^ "ATS 2001 No. 6"
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  1086. ^ "ATS 2001 No. 17"
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  1088. ^ "ATS 2002 No. 2"
  1089. ^ "ATS 2002 No. 5"
  1090. ^ "ATS 2002 No. 6"
  1091. ^ "ATS 2002 No. 16"
  1092. ^ "ATS 2002 No. 17"
  1093. ^ "ATS 2002 No. 23"
  1094. ^ "ATS 2002 No. 15"
  1095. ^ "ATS 2002 No. 4"
  1096. ^ "ATS 2003 No. 17"
  1097. ^ "ATS 2003 No. 8"
  1098. ^ "ATS 2003 No. 25"
  1099. ^ "ATS 2003 No. 19"
  1100. ^ "ATS 2003 No. 5"
  1101. ^ "ATS 2003 No. 6"
  1102. ^ "ATS 2003 No. 21"
  1103. ^ "ATS 2003 No. 15"
  1104. ^ "ATS 2003 No. 11"
  1105. ^ "ATS 2003 No. 26"
  1106. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 3"
  1107. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 5"
  1108. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 26"
  1109. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 27"
  1110. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 28"
  1111. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 7"
  1112. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 30"
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  1114. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 15"
  1115. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 9"
  1116. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 10"
  1117. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 11"
  1118. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 16"
  1119. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 22"
  1120. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 23"
  1121. ^ "ATS 2004 No. 12"
  1122. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 21"
  1123. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 10"
  1124. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 29"
  1125. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 9"
  1126. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 28"
  1127. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 15"
  1128. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 19"
  1129. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 11"
  1130. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 13"
  1131. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 23"
  1132. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 17"
  1133. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 27"
  1134. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 22"
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  1136. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 30"
  1137. ^ "ATS 2005 No. 7"
  1138. ^ "ATS 2006 No. 11"
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  1141. ^ "ATS 2006 No. 6"
  1142. ^ "ATS 2006 No. 10"
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  1145. ^ "ATS 2006 No. 3"
  1146. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 30"
  1147. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 34"
  1148. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 9"
  1149. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 28"
  1150. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 25"
  1151. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 38"
  1152. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 10"
  1153. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 23"
  1154. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 6"
  1155. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 19"
  1156. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 37"
  1157. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 41"
  1158. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 14"
  1159. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 33"
  1160. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 29"
  1161. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 17"
  1162. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 26"
  1163. ^ "ATS 2007 No. 27"
  1164. ^ "ATS 2008 No. 2"
  1165. ^ "ATS 2008 No. 7"
  1166. ^ "ATS 2008 No. 12"
  1167. ^ "ATS 2008 No. 4"
  1168. ^ "ATS 2008 No. 19"
  1169. ^ "ATS 2008 No. 9"
  1170. ^ "ATS 2008 No. 15"
  1171. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 1"
  1172. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 12"
  1173. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 3"
  1174. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 11"
  1175. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 10"
  1176. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 14"
  1177. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 26"
  1178. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 5"
  1179. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 19"
  1180. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 7"
  1181. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 9"
  1182. ^ "ATS 2009 No. 25"
  1183. ^ "ATS 2010 No. 1"
  1184. ^ "ATS 2010 No. 23"
  1185. ^ "ATS 2010 No. 6"
  1186. ^ "ATS 2011 No. 20"
  1187. ^ "ATS 2011 No. 43"
  1188. ^ "ATS 2011 No. 12"
  1189. ^ "ATS 2011 No. 34"
  1190. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 11"
  1191. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 3"
  1192. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 29"
  1193. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 27"
  1194. ^ "ATS 1981 No. 5"
  1195. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 22"
  1196. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 10"
  1197. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 38"
  1198. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 28"
  1199. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 4"
  1200. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 14"
  1201. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 37"
  1202. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 24"
  1203. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 25"
  1204. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 13"
  1205. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 26"
  1206. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 1"
  1207. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 21"
  1208. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 39"
  1209. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 30"
  1210. ^ "ATS 2012 No. 17"
  1211. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 3"
  1212. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 2"
  1213. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 26"
  1214. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 27"
  1215. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 6"
  1216. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 20"
  1217. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 16"
  1218. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 9"
  1219. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 25"
  1220. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 30"
  1221. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 29"
  1222. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 11"
  1223. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 28"
  1224. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 12"
  1225. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 13"
  1226. ^ "ATS 2013 No. 14"
  1227. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 27"
  1228. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 24"
  1229. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 29"
  1230. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 28"
  1231. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 26"
  1232. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 25"
  1233. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 23"
  1234. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 4"
  1235. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 35"
  1236. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 36"
  1237. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 34"
  1238. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 9"
  1239. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 6"
  1240. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 41"
  1241. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 32"
  1242. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 31"
  1243. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 15"
  1244. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 2"
  1245. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 1"
  1246. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 5"
  1247. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 16"
  1248. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 17"
  1249. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 18"
  1250. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 19"
  1251. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 42"
  1252. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 12"
  1253. ^ "ATS 2014 No. 3"
  1254. ^ "ATS 2015 No. 8"
  1255. ^ "ATS 2015 No. 6"
  1256. ^ "ATS 2015 No. 3"
  1257. ^ "ATS 2015 No. 7"
  1258. ^ "ATS 2015 No. 16"
  1259. ^ "ATS 2015 No. 11"
  1260. ^ "ATS 2015 No. 14"
  1261. ^ "ATS 2015 No. 12"
  1262. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 1"
  1263. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 3"
  1264. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 4"
  1265. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 5"
  1266. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 6"
  1267. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 7"
  1268. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 8"
  1269. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 9"
  1270. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 10"
  1271. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 11"
  1272. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 12"
  1273. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 13"
  1274. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 14"
  1275. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 17"
  1276. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 18"
  1277. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 20"
  1278. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 21"
  1279. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 23"
  1280. ^ "ATS 2016 No. 25"
  1281. ^ "ATS 2017 No. 2"
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