List of members of the Løgting, 1984–1988

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List of the members of the Faroese Løgting in the period 1984–1988. The parliament had 32 members this period.

Elected members of the Løgting[]

Name Party Electoral district Comments
Social Democratic Party Norðurstreymoy
People's Party Suðurstreymoy
Social Democratic Party Suðurstreymoy
Atli Dam Social Democratic Party Suðuroy Prime Minister 1985–1988. took his seat.
Republic Norðurstreymoy Minister 1985–1988
Pauli Ellefsen Union Party Suðurstreymoy Prime Minister 1984–1985
People's Party Vágar
Adolf Hansen Christian People's Party Eysturoy
Republic Norðoyar
Self-Government Party Norðoyar
Union Party Vágar
Social Democratic Party Norðoyar Minister 1985–1988. took his seat.
Anfinn Kallsberg People's Party Norðoyar Minister 1984–1985
Self-Government Party Suðurstreymoy
Karin Kjølbro Republic Suðurstreymoy
Social Democratic Party Suðurstreymoy Speaker of the Løgting 1984–1987.
Poul Michelsen People's Party Suðurstreymoy
Union Party Suðuroy
Christian People's Party Suðurstreymoy
Union Party Norðurstreymoy
Republic Suðuroy Speaker of the Løgting 1987–1988.
Henrik Old Social Democratic Party Suðuroy
Union Party Eysturoy
Union Party Eysturoy
People's Party Eysturoy
Social Democratic Party Sandoy
Erlendur Patursson Republic Suðurstreymoy Died in 1986. took his seat 1986–1988.
Eilif Samuelsen Union Party Suðurstreymoy Minister 1984–1985.
Jógvan Sundstein People's Party Suðurstreymoy
Social Democratic Party Eysturoy
People's Party Sandoy


  • «Løgtingið 150 – Hátíðarrit», vol. 2 (2002). (PDF)
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