List of members of the Løgting, 2004–2008

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A list of members of the Løgting from 2004 to 2008. The Løgting had 32 members this period. After 2008 the number of members was 33. The election for the Løgting was held on 20 January 2004. Tjóðveldi (Republic) got 8 members elected, Union Party, Social Democratic Party and People's Party got 7 members elected, Centre Party got 2 members and Self-Government Party got one member elected for the Løgting.[1]

Name Party Area Year of birth Remarks
Union Party Eysturoy 1947
Social Democratic Party Eysturoy 1947
Anfinn Kallsberg People's Party Norðoyar 1947
Annita á Fríðriksmørk Republic Suðurstreymoy 1968
Bárður á Steig Nielsen Union Party Norðurstreymoy 1972 Minister 2004–2007, leave from 2007. took his place in the Løgting.
Bill Justinussen Centre Party Eysturoy 1963
People's Party Suðurstreymoy 1957 Minister 2004–2008. took his place in the Løgting.
Edmund Joensen Union Party Eysturoy 1944
Republic Suðurstreymoy 1952
Social Democratic Party Sandoy 1950
People's Party Norðurstreymoy 1959 Minister 2007–2008. took his place in the Løgting.
Republic Norðurstreymoy 1959
Republic Suðuroy 1949
Høgni Hoydal Republic Suðurstreymoy 1966
Jenis av Rana Centre Party Suðurstreymoy 1953
Jóannes Eidesgaard Social Democratic Party Suðuroy 1951 Prime Minister (Løgmaður) 2004–2008. Henrik Old took his place in the Løgting.
Union Party Suðuroy 1959
Social Democratic Party Suðurstreymoy 1977
People's Party Norðoyar 1944 Minister 2004–2005. took his place in the Løgting.
Jørgen Niclasen People's Party Vágar 1969
Kaj Leo Johannesen Union Party Suðurstreymoy 1964
Karsten Hansen Republic Norðoyar 1944
Jógvan á Lakjuni People's Party Eysturoy 1952 Minister 2004–2008. took his place in the Løgting.
Kári P. Højgaard Self-Government Party Eysturoy 1951
Social Democratic Party Suðurstreymoy 1956
Lisbeth L. Petersen Union Party Suðurstreymoy 1939
Union Party Vágar 1955
Páll á Reynatúgvu Republic Sandoy 1967
Poul Michelsen People's Party Suðurstreymoy 1944
Social Democratic Party Suðuroy 1933
Republic Eysturoy 1955
Social Democratic Party Norðoyar 1942


External links[]

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