List of members of the Løgting, 1994–1998

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A list of members of the Løgting from 1994 to 1998. The Løgting had 32 members this period.

Members of the Løgting[]

Name Party Area Remarks
Álvur Zachariasen Self-Government Party Norðoyar
Anfinn Kallsberg People's Party Norðoyar Minister 1996–1998. took his seat.
People's Party Suðurstreymoy
Union Party Suðurstreymoy
Edmund Joensen Union Party Eysturoy Prime Minister 1994–1998. took his seat.
Union Party Suðurstreymoy and became member of People's Party in 1995.
Finnbogi Ísakson Republican Party Suðurstreymoy
Republican Party Norðoyar
Self-Government Party Suðurstreymoy
Henrik Old Social Democratic Party Suðuroy
Ingeborg Vinther Workers' Union Suðuroy
Union Party Vágar Minister 1994–1998. took his seat.
Union Party Suðuroy
Christian People's Party Suðuroy
Jenis av Rana Centre Party Suðurstreymoy
Jóannes Eidesgaard Social Democratic Party Suðuroy Minister 1994–1996.
Social Democratic Party Sandoy
Republican Party Norðurstreymoy
Union Party Eysturoy Speaker of the Løgting in 1994 and 1995–1998.
People's Party Sandoy Minister 1996–1998. took his seat.
Jørgen Niclasen People's Party Vágar
People's Party Eysturoy
Workers' Union Suðurstreymoy Minister 1996–1998.
Christian People's Party Eysturoy
Lisbeth L. Petersen Union Party Suðurstreymoy
Union Party Norðurstreymoy
Marita Petersen Social Democratic Party Suðurstreymoy Speaker of the Løgting 1994–1995.
People's Party Suðurstreymoy
Workers' Union Eysturoy Minister 1994–1995 and in 1998. took his seat.
Republican Party Eysturoy
Centre Party Eysturoy
Social Democratic Party Norðoyar


  • Løgtingið 150 – Hátíðarrit, vol. 2 (2002). (PDF)
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